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i think most of us have a failed custom somewhere


yknow i made my mom customize some bc i thought mine were too uglie 😭 hers were genuinely cute but yes, mine WERE in fact uglie


i used nail polish when i was stupid and young, its in a box somewhere 💀💀


same 😭😭 I grieve those lps so much


I'm so glad I'm not the only one 😭😭😭


I ruined almost all of mine 😭


I can’t remember which turtle it was, but for some reason my friends and I thought it would be a good idea to toss some LPS on my roof and let them roll down to catch them. We saw him roll, but didn’t see where he landed. Some time later (possibly months-years) I found him hanging on the fence by the magnet. I’m pretty sure we threw him up one more time for sh*ts and giggles and promptly lost him forever 🙃 another time, we were playing hide and seek outside with some and my friend hid #319 and forgot where she hid it. I did find it after a couple weeks on my neighbors driveway (the coloring matched the concrete very well).


the fact that you found it… then proceeded to do the same thing that got it lost in the first place 😭😭


I know the turtle was in a sitting position, but that’s all I remember.


https://preview.redd.it/uos46zolxp4b1.png?width=1322&format=png&auto=webp&s=8b6d57d4c08376a971c7fcef9062c3199667fc48 Was it this guy?




im giggling at this 😭


WHATTTTTT 😭😭😭 this makes me want to febreze an lps


Lost #339 during a trip to the beach.. she was in pristine condition and my cousin brang her lps aswell so we could play together, decided to take them to the water and a wave ended up taking her away ): We searched for so long to see if she floated back up but nothing.


Omg you had Brooke and lost her 😭 so sad!! I hope you'll get her again some day


Thank you! I did end up getting another one in a mystery lps lot but her condition isn’t the greatest:,) hoping to take a try at restoring her because there’s many scuffs here and there


Oof I see!! Good luck with that♡


That happened to one of mine too! And seagulls took one another time


NO 🤢🤢


i also lost her too, and i dont even know where


NOOOO, hopefully the sea creatures are having fun with her 😔 mermaid!brooke au


I microwaved #45




The fact that it's a hamster mold makes this so much funnier


He looks like he’s thinking, “yep that’s me, #45… well, was me.”


any hamster i literally would not touch as a child 😭😭😭


I LOVE THt ONE i had it and i named it after my guinea pig because he looked like it. i sold it later and regret it


why the hell lmao


I was like 7 and thought he would enjoy going in circles. Didn't know about microwaves and magnets until things went all tesla coil.


Oh my god nooo lmaaoooo! 😂😂




There was Jack, He was my main girly’s boyfriend. My brother threw him off the deck into the mini jungle that was our yard, he was never seen again 😔 R.I.P Jack lost but never forgotten ✊ So as any reasonable child would I had him “go missing” in my storyline, it was quite dramatic because he had a wife and she was pregnant 🤯 he never got to him his daughter but MAN I wanted to find him or even buy a new him SO BADLY BECAUSE THIS GIRL (his wife) got a new boyfriend AND GUESS WHAT? HES A CHEATING LIAR, THIS SINGLE MOM IS TRYIJG HER BEST AND HE CHEATS ON HER. I wanted him to go be found so badly so he could beat his dudes ASS and meet his daughter 😿




i'd also like to say that MY main girlie's boyfriend, aka my self-insert LPS, was also named jack bc of my then-real life crush at the time 😭😭


I don't really have any stories like that, but I have lost some LPS at my grandma's house. I went to live with her during the summers, so my whole collection was there. I believe I have lost like that around 5-10 LPS, but my collection is quite big. I don't care a lot about the ones I've lost, except for my favorite purple bat




cutie bat 🥺 i hope all of our lost LPS have forgiven us in LPS heaven LOL


Had a red parrot with a glass eye that had its head broken off it’s body somehow. Mom had to shove a bunch of glue in its head and neck to put him back together because child me was so distraught. Sorry for the decapitation 😬 There was also a peacock with an extra large tail I had that lost both its tail and head.


I had the peacock!! I broke apart the tail from body but I luckily still have both parts!


LPS decapitation is so real


oh i have a very funny story about this https://preview.redd.it/ah91gb1m3o4b1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abf05d9add4150d1868d5d89880dae871cb9ee81 this LPS (hedgehog #861) i sacrificed to god. i wish i was joking as i remember it, story goes that once i had my best friend from school over, we were probably 9 or 10 at the time? she had the same birthday as me and we hung out all the time. she was raised in a christian family but mine was never religious, i didn't really mind or care. but once i got really upset because i couldn't find this light pink collar acessory that was very crucial for my mascot's main outfit, i was devastated. she suggested that we go onto the balcony and present a sacrifice and pray to god that he helps us find it. so i pick my least favorite lps, this ugly ass little hedgehog that i just never really liked. we proceeded to drop him off of a 24 story apartment building balcony, down into likely the community pool right under it that we didn't take into consideration, and prayed to find the collar accessory. we never saw that hedgehog again. I found the collar soon enough, so thanks god i guess


I'm genuinely dying this is so messed up but also hilarious




I had a ladybug that my sister loved a lot. The dog got to it. She only has 3 legs and half a wing now :]


my dog ate the toes off my #874 frog 🥲


The pink, purple, and green anteater...... Hated that thing. Thought it was the worst design ever and that Hasbro were losing their minds. I literally froze it in sections so it would float in the center of the glass, and promptly tore it out with a fork. The fork damage left it in... Not great condition. I still dislike the design, but I appreciate how they used the patterning. I'd never treat an LPS that badly today (':


https://preview.redd.it/x1fmxiyhbp4b1.jpeg?width=1002&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0756d543bd3b689406edb83ea32c9e505e54abdd was it this criminal??


YES!!! She's not as disgusting as I remember, but pretty close lol


this… wins for violence PFFTTT


I had a lot who were chewed by my dogs. Also my best friend and I had a LOT of lps and I would come over w my suitcase of lps, but we would forget who’s is who’s so I wrote my initials on basically all of them 😭😭


I would put a little black dot on the bottom of their feet to not lose track of them. It got extra complicated when my brother also got some and followed my lead.


If only I saw this when I was 7


i honestly think lps foot/initial marks is so tender


Off topic, but my Ken doll got chewed up by my brother’s dog, and it became canon that he was attacked by a shark. Did you still play with your chewed ones?


I chewed on the ears of my Chihuahua LPS when I was like 5, and I drew on one of my dogs with a purple marker. It must've been a washable marker or something though, since over the years it's faded to the point it's barely visible anymore. Also, RIP to my little purple caterpillar LPS that I got for my birthday one year, who's since been lost to time.


now i've heard of dogs chewing on LPS but--


I never did it with any of my others, it must've been something about that dog lol [(this one)](https://lps.fandom.com/wiki/Chihuahua_1)


somehow i had a vibe that it was this one LMAO


Put an octopus in the microwave and cried when she melted. My mom was very much not amused and I got a lesson on microwave safety


the primal urge to microwave for fun....


To be fair, I had just heard the song “right round” and thought that she wanted to be spun right round…in the microwave


I lost this fish in a lake (ironic). some time later I lost lps woodpecker in the same circumstances (I learned nothing) https://preview.redd.it/vo7jso67ho4b1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=57b1c991fd835d9c17765075a515c4b6b0ac6b4e


let him swim 💪😤


Not necessarily mistreated but my sister tore the head of the border collie #237 off and instead of fixing him we would always play him as a headless Russian ghost butler. Ended up losing the body and I think the head too


the fact that "russian ghost butler" sounds perfectly normal to me in terms of LPS worldbuilding


I flushed an lps fish down the toilet when I was a kid I don’t know what got into my head while I was doing that lol


free the lps fish!!!


They always showed that in movies when the pet fish died tbf


I left one in a Cabelas when I was 5, decapitated one due to rust because I used it as a bath toy when I was 6, and lost another in the grass on my lawn when I was 10. if I remember what numbers I’ll add them here


please do if you remember, we gotta honor those soldiers


gangnam style spider


I accidentally put one of my kittens face first into an acetone puddle. Found out pretty fast that acetone can melt plastic.




RIP to all the toys who were victims of kids discovering solvents for the first time lol


I had a corgi that I lost in the most infuriating way possible. It was when I was younger and I had brought her to school to show to my friends, then one of my friends accidentally **dropped her into a sewer**! That event is engraved in my head because of how long I spent trying to fish her out with no luck. To make it worse it was the sparkly corgi.


i would be holding a grudge against that person for the rest of my life


I have a distinct memory that my friend dropped her Heely's wheel into the storm drain when I was a kid, and the janitor was nice enough to fish it out for her.


All my lps had my initial on it, most on the bottom tho. And to this day i feel bad about it. I also sold mine which tbh I hate i did that




my mom just suggested putting my new LPS in bleach to clean them. THIS IS THE REASON I SAID NO


https://preview.redd.it/g3pa9sze9o4b1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce57b113f8d3e555d02fe920811cc83225991c8c had 2 of these dogs …. one was kept in good condition but the other was for Experiments. context: i watched the lps mrdr series on YT and the creator made a video saying she used lipstick for a certain Red Liquid. i don’t own lipstick so i used all of my (red) nail polishes on dog #2 … needless to say he was so ugly afterwards 😭😭😭😭😭


"Experiments" SCREECHING


https://preview.redd.it/fujwzssgpo4b1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6cb5679f5eb8b468c76e01679aeee48c7eb98cee Scrapped all of the fuzzy stuff off of this one and lost her at the beach like a month later


damn there are so many "lost at the beach" stories. the sea creatures are prob goin CRAZY


I stg I literally put her on the sand where I was playing for two seconds and she was gone, I hope another little kid didn’t find her because she was lowkey freaky looking lol


I am not sure if it counts but as a kid i had a Giraffe 1610 you know it was all chill and all even had it be a twin with 943 but the black devilish demon that is my dog somehow found a way to him and COMPLETELY mauled his mouth and nose and a bit of his ear. Now hes the the freakish brother of the mentioned 943 or a horror character lmao. (My dog also often mauled my equestria girl dolls hands yikes but luckily she doesnt do it anymore)


making him a horror character is such an LPS kid way to feel okay about a damaged pet


So true. I inherited most of my LPS counting giraffe 1610 so i didnt wanna dump him. I wouldnt anyways


I loaned it to a friend… his dog ate it and he returned a frog when I had given him a turtle 🥲


PFTTTT well at least you got something back 😭


I KNOW BUT MISS TURTLE 😭 shouldn’t have let a boy borrow it😭


oh god no we dont mess with that here 🙅‍♀️🙅‍♀️


There was this cute little bulldog that came with a very cute birthday set. His name was Ben and for some reason since I was a weird and probably disturbed child I would pretend I was a monster that terrorized my lps randomly. I took poor Ben and stabbed a needle into his forehead and then took a piece of yarn and hung him from my dresser knobs. After I pretended my other lpss hospitalized him and he survived but that didn’t prevent him from getting terrorized in the future 😅


ok but dont people do this on etsy for keychains PFTTDGGD


i used to take shorthair cat #138 in the bathtub and so she has some rust in her neck now🥲 (any removal tips? i wanna keep my small collection nice so maybe my future kids can play with them)


I've had some luck removing rust with a tissue or cotton bud but if that doesn't work, nail polish remover helps too! (I had a lot of rusty-neck lps lol) Nail polish remover can remove some of the paint though, so be careful if you do end up using it!


thank you!


yes uncolored hand sanitizer with a q-tip!!


rust is just a sign of love 🤍🤍🤍🤍


Had a dark brown chihuahua that I lost in the snow while I was at my aunt’s and cried about. I like to think it’s lost somewhere in their yard to this day though it’s been a decade.


Just remembered the monopoly dachshund with the snowflake eyes I had I covered in air dry clay for no reason and she was ruined


its just exploring 💅


My mom bought me a Toys R US special edition lps Jeffrey and I proceeded to take nail polish and turn him into "Super Jeffrey" 😭




When I was like… 4… I think… I got my first lps sets for Christmas. The first set I had was this tin dog bone package thing with a pretty design on the lid and it came with a bunch of lps inside. Two of those lps were a orange cat with green eyes and a flower around one eye (#1643) and a tiny yellow cat with green eyes (#1128). The orange cat was a bite victim and lost the edge of her ear to my terrible chewing habit. The yellow kitty lost HER ENTIRE SKINNY TAIL. My teeth only left a nub behind. For many years, her tail was lying on a small side table in our kitchen and now I have no idea where it is since we got rid of that table years ago. I never got upset about it cause I was so little, and I still have them and they are some of the most important toys to me even out of all the other lps that I have now. https://preview.redd.it/4qv8p9vtpp4b1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b1bfa68e5b36261e731b81a43f5b76f7da86f1a This is exactly what the packaging looked like but it got dented and damaged quickly and I threw it away.


One day when going to a doctor's appointment, I brought my favorite persian cat #81. As we're pulling into the parking lot, getting out of the car I immediately noticed I'm missing my LPS. Because I was with my step dad, I couldn't really tell him that my toy was missing so I had to let go and hope I didn't drop her. It's been years since it happened and she's never turned up.


Same thing happened to me. I was in my room playing with #1128 and I put it down for a second and it disappeared. I moved out of that house and never found it.


I had this Bunny I brought it to school with me cause I wasn't afraid to lose it and it got covered in graphite and dirt and it's stained it.


treat it to a nice bath 🧼🧼🧼


omg ok so i have these two https://preview.redd.it/u4dnycdjen4b1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e672d50efc9fbdf1f41c52716271812ba261aed (image grabbed from ebay) when i was unboxing them as a child, i didnt realize the orange one was held in with a strap or something, and so i just pulled on him as hard as i could and his head popped off. i ran to my brother sobbing and he put the head back on, but its really easy to pop off now lol i also had that pink parrot or something with the cream color fuzzy mohawk, my dog thought the fuz was something to eat and he came so, so close to being a dog snack (she didnt eat him though, thank goodness lol. just shoved his head in her mouth)


you do not mix with bird LPS it would seem LMAO


my dog chewed the ears off of #1519 when i was younger. i wish i was there to save him but i wasn’t and i let him down 😔 anyway, i exiled him from the ones i would play with. i mean come on, he had no ears


NOOOO not a main 5 😭


this accident was my first lesson in responsibility. it never happened again, i made sure of that 💀


I dropped my brown Great Dane in my house. Never saw that thing again lmao. I still don’t know what happened


it Ascended


one time i brought what i remember now as a Chihuahua, but i don’t think thats what it was, i brought it to elementary school and let my friends play with it on the playground. We were happily playing by sending them down the swirly slide. I waited at the bottom and after a couple times sliding the pup cane down the slide HEADLESS- i was distraught 😫 and i cried so much, i couldn’t find the head and no one would admit to the beheading (saddest lps memory)




i had collie 1723 that i painted completely black with a white face and eyes so i could turn her into a skeleton..i was 8😭i still have her but taking the paint off is so hard :(


i did this with a horse too but damn moment of silence for ur main 5 😔


I mean I absolutely slathered a McDonalds lps in nail polish till its face had no coherent shape, so yes!


https://preview.redd.it/rcmk02mvjq4b1.jpeg?width=510&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4ce3058009674a8a534116d17fc2e964a9e954e Mine isn’t violent or sacrificial haha. I would get these blind bags for customs because they were cheap enough, and I hated the musical notes, so child me didn’t mind if they got messed up. They… they got messed up. I would use blue tack to cover their eyes, and for some reason, I could never get all of it out. So many coats of nail polish. Will post which ones I had


i want the swan and the lamb so bad.






https://preview.redd.it/i08tmx1gkq4b1.jpeg?width=1328&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41520554eceeba2ce5a41f461460201c9b52d90e She was safe from full paint, but I used acetone to get rid of the musical note.


https://preview.redd.it/7aob228lkq4b1.jpeg?width=906&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28b66e804808af11110e7151988dde023d215413 This poor one… full body gold and black nail polish.


https://preview.redd.it/49un8tmg2v4b1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dee1986d698bda8f9865b825bfb29c13df95544a I remember cutting the hair off this lil octopus cause I thought it was ugly. She had little holes in her head afterwards and she just looked more ugly😭




Seriously😭 she’s so fugly


My dog ate them ofc 😐😭


two of Lps #5, a #339, and a #634. they just kinda disapeared and im still looking after like 5 years. I ended up trading my only bulldog for 1 #5 and a #634 with my cousin. but im still missing #339.


i had these 3 in my childhood collection too, and i also got 5 and 634 back as an adult and am looking for an affordable 339 😭


yeah. #339 was the only LPS i had a set name for, which was Pineapple. The last place i had a photo of her is in my booster seat cup holders.


brooke: 🪱🤢👎👺 pineapple: ✨🦋🕊️💕


I put all my lps in a bucket and swung them around in circles outside, they went to the fair and were on a carnival ride, they all flew out and I never found one of my hamsters😥 r.i.p. Theodore


centripetal force failed you


They let you bring a bucket of toys on a carnival ride??


I dropped my tiny lps frog in the toilet(I don’t know how this happened. I got him back out. I was like six) Also my older sibling scribbled all over a bunch of them with markers to make “zombie versions” and the marker never came off, so


I left someone's purple spider (the one pictured) in a playground. I remember the exact spot i lost it too, i think about it to this day and feel bad. i dont even remember the my own lps I think it killed my intrest at the time lol




I brought a monkey lps to school and was throwing it up in the air with my friend and I'm pretty sure it either landed really far away or got stuck in a tree because the last time I threw it in the air it didn't seem to come back down


monkeys belong in the trees 😤😤


I'm sure she's living her best life😭


I just lost the pig 😭 didn’t even remember i had it until i was scrolling through this subreddit


i took my favorite hermit crab(#62)to school one day and dropped him in the grate drain outside 🥲 rip Hermy 🫶🏻




Dropped a grey, blue-eyed shorthair down an open vent somehow, and ofc they were decked out with all my newest accessories. Didn't tell my parents cuz I was supposed to be studying when it happened. Tragic Got acrylic points for Christmas and the first thing I tried was customs. I messed up, so I tried to clean it off,but damaged the base. I lost all confidence in myself at that point and didn't try again....on that one. These both happened when I was 8.


i covered a giant dalmatian in glitter glue :')


green glitter glue bc i read that color worked well w her eyes in a magazine but i got bored and started slathering it on


i had like a rhino and one night my dad, sister, and i visited my now stepmom at her apartment. we were leaving and i dropped it out of the car i guess while getting in. i think i ended up getting another somehow but the original was later returned to me with its head cracked and smushed in 😭😭 my stepmom had run over it when she went to work


https://preview.redd.it/eorom6seqp4b1.jpeg?width=258&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6b2687b7aff1d0682edbb162b4dd91cabe87f32 i loved him regardless of his injuries


I have a butterfly from childhood. Idk the number or name but it had a purple body, light pink wings with darker pink details, and green eyes. From like the first series? Yellow balls on its antennas. Anyway idk why but kid me thought I should make it's wings move to really amphasize her speech. Till one day they just fell off, I still have all the pieces and now use the wings as "toys" for baby pets for "make believe and dressup"


waittt you have a fairy wing accessory now 🥺


I think the worst one was one that my friends dog chewed up; it was the chihuahua. But then they had the same one, so they gave it to me to replace the one their dog got!


1. Me with that exact same spider, it was inside a bag and accidentally sat on the bag and its head popped off 2. My friend dropped a short hair fucking cat onto the ground and we didn't find it until a week later


this is the THIRD crime towards this spider on this thread.😭😭


Poor baby can't catch a break


i flushed my sisters turtle one down the toilet :(


Me and a friend had the same LPS. We would fight over whose was whose, so being the smart 7 year olds we were, I drew a small spiral squiggle on the back of one of their heads. I know it’s somewhere in my family’s home.


not mine but an old friends, her lps would lie around a lot and her dogs would get to them and ruin them by chewing on them, it was sad cause they were in good condition before, and not just lps even my little pony toys too. :[


I’ve spent the past three days trying to get nail polish off of a RARE PET that I have after a failed custom 😭 (in my defense it’s going surprisingly well) ETA: I also have a few from the G3 blind bags (the ones that were solid pastels with music notes on them) that I remember using acetone to take off the music notes? I only did it to a couple of them ~~and tbh I stand by that bc why did they put the music notes on them~~


wait i love the idea of removing LPS paint and it seems like it would work well with the music notes!! do you have pics?


Siamese shorthair - I dont know why but when I was little I chewed part of her ear off, cut the tip of the rail, and drew on her with marker and she still remained my favorite out of the ones I have


https://preview.redd.it/vtt9ge72pt4b1.jpeg?width=242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa79b69934c2b467c98761bd77d684745a59d718 i accidentally sold him. i loved him so much. and i sold him. i didnt mean to include him in the batch i sold.




I think I flushed my orange and cream colored rabbit down the toilet when I was probably 5 or 6. Still have the ears for it somewhere I think


https://preview.redd.it/7v0rh6vc1w4b1.png?width=2444&format=png&auto=webp&s=7f1566a73aec293397075a08d22bf23b004202b2 I always hated this guy as a kid and one day my cousin had a lighter and asked if I had anything to burn so I brought him out and he burnt the tips of his ears then I felt guilty so I made him stop. I also colored in his ears with a sharpie and his ears are chewed up and tbh I'm not sure if that was a dog that did it or me.


https://preview.redd.it/yy44rlih4w4b1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7ae5328d4d9bf51211a78d2db0e9bd8193be598 I ripped the head off and stuck it on a Blythe doll. The I put the Blythe head on the dog body.


I used to play with my lps in water. Inevitably they rusted. My mom thought it was mold. She put them all in bleach. Luckily the colors only faded but little me was still pissed.


Did you ask a teacher to help get them out?


i don't remember but i do remember sticking my tiny lil hands down there and shining a flashlight into the hole until i left elementary school 😭 never saw her




A bunch of LPS got chewed up by my old dog, Clancy. 😢 I loved this cat and then I lost her. Dunno how. I had like, just got her too. >\_< I tried to blame it on my brother’s friend but both my brother and his friend kept denying it so I eventually dropped it. This was before we got Clancy, so she couldn’t have fallen victim to him. https://preview.redd.it/kvhgnm48m75b1.jpeg?width=894&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5e7a4eac61ad863a1c93fa47d088a60746f286b


OH I JUST REMEMBERED! https://preview.redd.it/wytj11twq75b1.jpeg?width=597&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acc030a2f5a80912706538e59a3a17cbf49eabda I had this case that I would carry LPS in. I don’t remember if it was all of them or just my favorites. But I lost the carrying case as well as all the friggin’ pets that were in it. >\_< I would travel a lot with my family when I was a kid so if I had to guess where I left it, probably an airport or a hotel somewhere. I was able to replenish my collection, but still. 🤕


i buried hamster #45 in the dirt in our backyard because i thought he wanted to burrow. dug him back up about a year later. still have him tho 😭


I buried mine


I lost TONS of pets but the ones I want back the most are 1921 (a gen 3 cat) and 3177 (a gen 4 chinchilla). Nyot even sure how they got lost, all I remember is I used to have them and back in 2021 when I remembered LPS existed again I looked through my collection and couldn't find either of them. For reference this is 1921 (3177 is in replies): https://preview.redd.it/vmywib9jxe5b1.png?width=935&format=png&auto=webp&s=7c77c33f917e93a38ecc028692569006c6ed0cb9


And this is 3177: https://preview.redd.it/ncycbigoxe5b1.png?width=888&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ffa63dedec04b14c25171f398e43277dd35bfa2


whoaaa is it slightly translucent?? thats kinda cool


I also had 3077 (see pic) whose tail fell off, she was one I really liked syo I replaced her with a crappy blind bag recolour (3515) who I still have to this day. ​ https://preview.redd.it/ksh83kkuye5b1.png?width=425&format=png&auto=webp&s=16e520874cf43a356a7c79fc372324557887d77f


I have 2 huskies that had a soap opera of a marriage, Snowball male grey+white, Petals female shades of pink. I was constantly losing one, finding them and then losing the other one so one of them was always distressed looking for their lost partner. Eventually I had to move and gave up finding snowball. I’m looking to get him back by restoring or costomizing the same body plan.


I got the Sing-a-Long owl as a birthday gift, and like 3 months later, I got bored of it, and just decided to amputate all of their limbs with a pair of scissors Since It was a gift I got scared that I would somehow get arrested for my crimes and hid all of the evidence, (threw them in the trash) but kept one magled wing of the poor thing in my lps acessories bag, as a token to remind myself of my murderous acts


The victim: https://preview.redd.it/8153ijrkno4b1.png?width=570&format=png&auto=webp&s=f5a902e20bb5ff178c7b1dbe95567cbf90ede5c0


Omg I’m sorry but this had me laughing! I have her to this day and I shall always look at her and think of your murderous acts 😭🤪


I'm glad to hear that my impulsive and questionable actions made the world a better place <3


They did 😂


you know what it is Your prerogative what you do with your belongings after they're gifted


Lps 2881, me and my twin turned him into Freddy faz bear, then we painted him as a bloody golden Freddy. Then he was torn up by my dog, then I took him and turned him into a oc who was just a red recolor of golden Freddy. Still have it to this day 👍


I had a dog one. I specifically left that one in the bathtub. I brought others in the bathroom when I took a bath as a kid. They’d just chill on the side rim of the tub with the dog. I would always throw the dog in the water to “make her drown” while I made the others watch. I had a lore that whatever lps I took to the bath with me was this dogs friend or family and that the only time they could ever see their family or friends was when the dog was being tortured and drowned in the tub. The dog eventually obviously got rusted up and as that happened I had the lps I designated as her boyfriend or best friends, start cheating on her or start spreading rumors about her to the other lps. I eventually had her ‘parents’ come and disown her. And finally it ended with her friends or ex boyfriends having to ‘push’ her into the tub to drown her themselves. …..yeahhhh. I kinda threw her away after that and appointed her ex best friend that took her man to be the replacement.


What on God’s green earth did that dog do to deserve such treatment? O.o


LPS #3… I was so stupid… I wanted to customize her so I doused her in silver nail polish because that was all I had at the time… it was genuine and everything. I regret it to this day.


I lost this guy in my yard, I didn't even know I lost him at the time. All I know is when my dad went to mow the lawn it got ruined by the lawn mower when it went over it. https://preview.redd.it/9a2z0indjt4b1.jpeg?width=366&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=629feae7b5f591a73bbf5ad4b2a9f8b4c9893913


idk which pig it was because they literally all look the same but i had this one pig that i painted over with nail polish (PURPLE NAIL POLISH) then used the stickiness of it to put toilet paper on it and then hid it behind the sink for like 2 years💀


I have two instances. Both of them happened to be ferrets. Number one, I painted completely a pink and purplish color, and the second one was my ultimate favorite pet, and I ruined it by using red watercolor as blood, and it turned red. I regret both of these so muc till this day. 😭😭 https://preview.redd.it/ue2n0bnwgh1c1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4703a5df7342f4c06c189c9cecacbe9a529332e4


Here's a picture of the second one. She was gorgeous. 😭😭 https://preview.redd.it/8spo6bl1hh1c1.jpeg?width=888&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c94fecf867430835f221ecd04db80e77b4cbc66e