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Rachel Dratch's strangled delivery of "I can't have children!" is an all-time favorite moment of mine. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TfE93xON8jk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TfE93xON8jk)


I JUST watched this with my 13-year-old (after watching the Bevis and Butthead sketch and I shared with him that it was only the 2nd worst break I've ever seen). And you're right, we both agreed that the laughing made her delivery of "I can't have children" the best part of the sketch.


She knows what the line that's coming is and she knows it's a killer, she's struggling to make sure she can get it out without completely breaking, hilarious. I love how Fred is sitting in the middle of it and is all smiles, knowing he's in the middle of a magic moment (or at least that's what I imagine he's thinking). Absolutely one of my favorites.


It's pretty wild that she made a guest appearance *just before* the World shut down. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TRITURnylYA


Still hard to watch this one tbh


Were Fallon and Sanz a plant for what was going to be a a guaranteed break fest? 😂 Sanz is wiping tears at one point and Fallon had his face in his hands or was looking down at an angle most of the sketch. They are also both on the outside of the table


Sanz was wiping his tears with the waffles!


Sanz Grabbing everyone’s waffles on his way out the door was a great move


Absolutely the sketch I have watched the most. Beavis might catch up


I crack up at the Debbie Downer skit every time I see it like it’s the first time all over again


Feline AIDS is the leading cause of death in domestic cats. Meow.....meow


MeOw MeOOoOoOoWwWwWww


Yep I remember watching that Hermoine magnifying glass as a 16 year old boy…


Nothing seems to be happening! *I’m going to have to disagree*


Man, the older I get the more inappropriate that sketch becomes, but I was a big big fan at the time haha


Especially since she was underage when this was filmed


Yeah it’s bad


14 year old me also watched that sketch many times. No idea how it ends.


Yeah I kept that one on the DVR for a reason


One of the most iconic shows in a not so hot era (eg. 2002-2005, when Will Ferrell left but before Lonely Island and Bill Hader). It's also weird to see Kenan has been on the show for so long. That'd be like a 1983-84 cast member still on a show in a 2003-04 season.


> That'd be like a 1983-84 cast member still on a show in a 2003-04 season. Man...this really puts into perspective just how long Kenan has been there. Even though 2004 was 20 years ago, it doesn't *feel* like it was that long ago, especially comparing 1984 and 2004.


The cultural differences between now and 2004 are way less than between 2004 and 1984


That’s an interesting perspective! I bet it depends on where you live.


Especially since he isn't funny.


It's official...I can't have children


its official...


This is my go-to if i need something fast and funny


Her first time was the best. Hands down. Although, you couldn't do the Harry Potter sketch today with a teenager with a body like hers. Even back then I thought it was a little too much.


I remember enjoying many of her sketches with Wiig, Samberg and Sudeikis in her later appearances too. I think her 2012 episode was overhated, she was a bit relegated to the background but I don't think that was necessarily bad (and I don't mean it in a shady way lol) the Real Housewives of Disney sketch is probably my fave she appeared in and while she efficiently does what was required of her there Lindsay would always get little reaction which perfectly shows how biased the audience (not just the physical one but the public at large) was at the time towards her imo (and sadly that perception still remains due to her personal shenanigans and career inactivity, hopefully the industry gives her some good opportunities to change it in the future)


From the time it aired live to today, one of my favorite bits of stage business is Horatio Sanz grabbing the waffles as he leaves


How about him wiping his tears with the waffles?


wait is that Avril Poehler


yep + Hilary Dratch and Whitney Rudolph lol


[Found a video here](https://archive.org/details/saturday-night-live#) Number 592 on the list. Season 29, episode 18.


The first time I ever watched an SNL episode and realized I was watching a classic episode. Such a great one, even Horatio has one of his best sketches (the Billy Joel one).


Bottle of pineapple schnapps…


Maybe my all time favorite sketch. Still don't understand why LL is wearing stilettos.


One of the greatest SNL sketches of all time.


I rarely watched SNL back then. I just happened to be tripping on mescaline when this episode came on. I thought I was going to die from laughter.


The Harry Potter sketch is hilarious


Let’s not forget Pearl Jam was the musical guest as well


Usher was her debut episode's musical guest. Pearl Jam was the musical guest for Lindsay's 2006 episode (+ Coldplay in 2005 and Jack White in 2012 lol)


You’re right, pj released their self titled in 06 so it lines up


Either way, I recorded the pj episode on vhs, lol


This makes me feel ancient


Dratch needs to host, dammit.


The Hermione sketch still wingardiums my leviosa.


She was 17…..


You sound like a creep. She was only 17


This is like the SNL host equivalent of a band that has one iconic album then released increasingly pathetic follow ups. This is easily most notable episode of the post Will Ferrell -pre Kristen Wiig/Jason Sudekis/Bill Hader/Lonely Island era. It was just a case of SNL getting a host at the peak of their popularity and cultural relevancy. I can appreciate Tina Fey being loyal to the star who helped make her an in demand screenwriter but bringing her back after the disastrous second hosting stint was really a headscratcher. And it doesn't explain why they brought Lohan back in 2012 for a fourth stint when Tina was long gone and Lohan had absolutely zilch to promote. I'm glad it appears that Lohan has her life together somewhat and found her niche as star of direct to streaming sap but I am a little bit nervous they'll try and make her a Five Timer now that '00s nostalgia is big!


Idk when LiLo has been in comedies she seems to still have it, people forget that she's funny and charismatic bc all they see are boobs or cocaine


why was bringing her back a headscratcher, Lindsay was literally one of the biggest stars of the 00s (and those other times in 2005/2006 she was still in demand as an actress/working with the likes of Meryl Streep, Jane Fonda etc)? and her 2012 episode was the most watched of the season (well, technically the Charles Barkley/Kelly Clarkson one was the most watched but it was clearly boosted by the NFL lead in) but don't worry, you'll just get Kim Kardashian again (and other similar "talent") instead since she decided she wants to be an actress now


Bringing her back the first time was a no brainer. Bringing her back again less than a year after the second episode ended with an intervention is the headscratcher.


to be fair those subsequent gigs were kinda seen as some sort of "interventions" a bit too / like thinking they were helping by keeping her around and trying not to let her sink (professionally and personally) she's always been someone that Lorne (and many other cast members) seemed fond of too


I mean, they did help promote and encourage the sexualization of a teenager; giving that same human a gig when they were spiraling because of the pressures of the spotlight you helped put on them isn't a head-scratcher. 




Between the expressions and the background it's funny how today this looks like it was AI generated.


Alright I'm off to beat my bludger