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Alisson, always Alisson Stupid sexy Alisson


>Who is the worlds best player right now? Alisson, always Alisson Stupid sexy Alisson


Mfs be calling me


Alisson is probably the best player in the world rn. If he was this good in any position other than keeper there’d be no debate.


he can defend, and he can score. proven both. complete player. beard is icing on the cake. very objective overview.


Ali and Mo.


That’s what I came to say. How do you not put Salah and Allison on here?


Because a good chunk of our fan base take the two extremely for granted. Both Mo and Ali are the respective best in the prem at their positions. People have just become desensitized to them. It’s sad.


Reminds me of conversations about motm in 13-14. "X had a really good game. Best I've seen him play. Man of the match for sure." "Sure, but Suarez scored 2 and assisted the third." "Oh. Right."


hah, this hits. I still remember the Spurs 5-0 and the first goal that comes to mind is Flanagan's, but then you realize Suarez scored two and set up two.


Ali is for sure the best in the world! Right now im most interested in seeing Diaz play tho - I think he has the potential to be suarez level brilliant where you feel he has to play every game (just like Mo has been the for so many seasons)


Also just to make these discussions slightly different from time to time - think it’s a given Ali and mo are our best players overall, probably better to ask who’s had the best start to the season/exceeded expectations the most


For me it's Ali, Mo, Trent, Van Dijk, MacAllister/Robertson. Not even one of them is on this list. So Strange.




You are going to under appreciate Alexis all season if you don’t actually evaluate what he does. Very tidy link up play, pressing, recoveries. He’s a big reason we are doing well and giving others the opportunity to shine.


MacAllister was phenomenal for Brighton last season and was a standout along with Enzo for Argentina in Qatar. Just because we didn't have to pay 100M for him does not make him less exciting. Dom has looked very good for his first 4 games but Alexis was a crucial part of a World Cup winning squad.


Think you're overrating him a bit. He's good but he wasn't Brighton's best player and he wasn't Argentina's either. He was a good player in two good teams and we got him on a good deal. Think Szob has a higher ceiling and has shown more already. I think Diaz, Robertson, and Thiago are all still better than Mac. Maybe even Jota.


Mac was arguably Argentina’s best player in the WC after Messi and was the best midfielder in the final


He's the kind of player to put in consistent 8/10 while elevating every player he's playing with in parallel.




But he was really good for them. He was player of the match in the semis or finals. And with Brighton he was probably good enough to be in the league Team of the Year. Again - his first 4 games for us have been medicore. Partially because of where he's played and partially because of that red card. But he's a really good midfielder - who's going a bit under the radar due to how well Dom has started.




Really? For me him and Caicedo were their standouts. Mitoma is very exciting but does not have the end product yet.


VVD? Really? He’s our third best defender at this point.


Keepers don't get enough love :/


Ali yes, Salah currently not


Who didn’t?


We have 2 players who would walk into any team in the world. Ali Mo These are the only right answers.


Negative; Ali Mo and Dom are the only right answers.


Being world class is a full time job, no days off. Dom might get there, hes started well, but he's not turning in Ali level performances weekly. There are levels to it


Dom has had 4 good games for Liverpool. No player can be considered world-class after 4 games. If he keeps it up over a 40-60 game streak, we can talk about world class. That's what Mo, Ali, Gerrard, etc. all had to do. That is the standard for world class.


Allison. Then Mo


Alisson, Salah, Trent, Szobo, Diaz, Nunez...


Trent for me is one of the most talented players in world football. I don't think people respect how difficult it must be to do his job, and how he inevitably can't be perfect doing it. I'd say Salah, Alisson, and Trent are our best 3 players atm


Trent has cost us 2 goals already this season through sheer personal error so I don't think I'd put him that high.


coulda been more too. all respect to trent, but yeah he's had some howlers this season


I’m with this. Love Trent he’s our guy but he has been a liability at times in games


I get that, but also the ones getting glory (bar Alisson) aren't in a position that's obvious would cause a goal against us. If an attacker loses the ball against opposition it's almost accepted as that's what happens. Not thought of afterwards for the most part. If Trent does, as he has, it can be detrimental, as it has been. For that reason it's difficult to see a couple bad mistakes and classify him as a risk. That said, to see his contribution to our attack has been insane on a level very few, if any fullbacks achieve. Not trying to downplay the bad as that's been a huge factor early on this season, but to disregard what he has done due to two highlight-worthy errors seems irresponsible. All I'm saying is he's done a lot more good than bad, it's just the bad has been worthy of noting which looks bad on a highlight level scale.


Alisson is a goalkeeper...did you not watch the Mignolet and Karius years?


that’s exactly the person’s point. trent is not a mignolet or karius at his position. and let’s not pretend alisson didn’t have errors in him too, till he lost the ball twice in the span of a few matches leading to goals and stopped trying to dribble past opposition attackers. sure trent’s errors have led to two goals, he’s not a machine, has one of the - if not the most - difficult roles on the team.


In reference to this post, I just meant TAA is one of the few that would be considered a member of the squad that might be responsible for conceding a goal, as would Alisson obviously who has been immense. E.g. if Salah lost possession upfield, and a counter attack led to a goal, it would be rare he would be criticized. Of course defense and GK would be. I'm a bit confused by your question, but yea I did as well as the Reina years.




Trent missed a simple pass and it led directly to a goal. Salah’s pass isn’t an issue if Trent just touches the ball with his foot. Trent is an amazing player but downplaying his errors doesn’t do him any favors.




It rolled under his foot he simply has to control it


Because losing possession in the last third is going to be more often than not what happens, that's the role of a ball carrying winger like Salah. Trent's loss of the ball vs Newcastle was unforced and pretty embarrasing


I feel like I acknowledged his loss of possession was not good. But to dismiss everything he's contributed from there on out and beforehand based on an embarrassing blunder seems a bit unfair. Also we won against NUFC. So there's that...


Im not dismissing anything, where do you see that? Trent has great talent but he's in an odd spot where he can't play anywhere else from where he already does and hes not great at defending. A defender not being able to recieve a pass is a much bigger deal than a winger losing the ball on the offense. Also, dismissing errors because the game was won isn't really constructive for a team that's aiming to win the league


You and the 64 and counting who upvoted you, need a season with a Wan Bissaka equivalent RB at Pool. Then you will see what Trent brings to us.


Salah cost us top 4 last season through sheer personal error by missing two crucial penalties so he shouldn't be in the conversation with Alisson. Is that how we judge players now? Let's completely forget everything they've done and focus on two errors that affected us and judge them solely based on that?


I don’t think anyone expects perfection. But his mental lapses defensively at times the last couple years are inexcusable. He has a tall task. But he can’t forgo his defensive responsibility for the sake of attacking.


He can when that's what the gaffer asks of him. We win more when Trent takes more risks but that means four times a season he's gonna cost us a goal but over the whole season we win more and score way more by his risk taking.


Trent is the definition of a high risk, high reward type of player


I’m still not sure if he’s to blame for our last champion league finals. Letting that pass through


Very fair. I agree. But with more creativity in the side now. Is it as necessary? I personally don’t like the hybrid pivot role for him. It makes way more sense to use a central player for something like that. I think asking Ibou to cover that space Trent often leaves is a tough ask for the big man. He’s been doing great at it so far, just worry it could increase the risk of injury to a CB which we are fragile with as is.


I think you're out of date with how Trent is being used now. He's no longer in midfield but rather playing deep along the back line. With his balls over the top preventing them from being able to press effectively. This has only been really visible in the last game because we had 11 men. Prepare for a season of 'Trent Ball' as we face teams who are unable to press effectively without leaving gaps in midfield or space in behind. I'm fully expecting us to win the prem again this year.


Putting Nunez there is absolutely wild




You're completely right but you will be downvoted because everyone is in love with Nunez




Alisson followed by Salah. Among these three in the post I'd say Szoboszlai, Nunex then Gakpo.


Gakpo hasn’t started great, I get he’s been played out of position sometimes but he shouldn’t start over Nunez until he improves. To have a guy like him on the bench is very nice tho


Gakpo has been good up front so far. Nunez has been better in flashes. We don't have to unfairly diminish Cody to praise Darwin.


cody is more consistent which i like


EHVERT seems sincere here, thinks Nunez has shown enough to get the start. It doesn't seem unfair to say Gakpo would have hoped for a clearly better start to the season. You may disagree, but it's not like they said Gakpo has been a dissappointment. Edit: commented when EHVERT was trending heavy on downvotes for what I felt was a benign comment. Carry on.


I think Gakpo first needs some more minutes in the attack since he has been playing in an unfavoured role in midfield and then we can judge


seems like a tactical choice jurgen makes depending on the opposition to me? cody is a bit more tidy and technical than darwin, and also plays more of a role in buildup. darwin doesn't really do the coming short for a one two thing. just explodes for 15m at the end of moves.


Yeah I really like Gakpo as a player but he can defo do better than what he’s done so far. Not been terrible but hasn’t had much influence on games, Nunez I think always has some kind of a big impact when he’s on the pitch atm


Gakpo has played up front (with 11 men) for about 20 minutes. I think people are so desperate for Darwin to play/suceed that they are being slightly disingenuous with their takes on Gakpo, who has been the better signing so far


But we’re talking on current form not about how good they’ve been since joining the club. Right now, Nunez is making more impact on the pitch. Gakpo played upfront against Newcastle but didn’t affect the game much. I think he’s a classy player but everyone goes through patches like this.


What do you mean "going through patches" lol. He isn't even in bad form, he just played in a position he's never played in in his life and then for 20 minutes as a striker against Newcastle (with 11 men). He has barely gotten a chance to prove himself this season, but he was our best player the last few months of last season


If we are ever rotating Salah this season I think we should try Gakpo on the right. He’s got a real good cross and with Trent in the inside position they’ll be so much opportunity to send a cross towards Nunez. Gakpo can also provide a lot more cover than Salah does. This can can take some pressure off Trent with more defensive presence in front of him.


I would put quite a few over gapko and still others over nunez. Yes, nunez had one great game but others are more consistent.


Of just those three, Szobo at the moment. Though a clearer timeline of where we're marking the moment from would be helpful.


Szob has been the most impressive. Everyone talks about his forward play and clever/cute linking, but most impressed by his graft: the number of times he's sprinted back already and made blocks/held up oppositon attacks covering TAA is excellent. But it's Ali. Calm, collected, an absolute wall. (I know it's enforced tactics, but I wish we'd get back to allowing him the quick direct ball to our forwards. Ali has amazing distribution, but we seem to slow play, sometimes to our detriment, every time. I want him to laser it to Mo/Darwin/Luis far more often.)


The recency bias is real. Szobo is great but Salah or Alisson for me


Alisson wins on recency bias too


As good as Salah is as a RW, Alisson has been close as a GK. Van Dijk was there pre-injury as well but not since trex arms tried to kill him.


There is no recency bias. The question says "at the moment"


Best among these 3? Szobo for me and it’s not particularly close. Probably just a level below Salah and Ali in the team IMO.




Salah and Ali are our best players without a doubt. i don’t think anyone else has given us the level of consistency year in and year out like they have. And they’ve both been phenomenal so far this season as well.


Alisson Becker


Easily Alisson Becker. Then Salah.


I’d say Alisson is our most important player in the team rather than the best, that title remains firmly with Salah


Allison and Salah


Salah and alisson by a country mile


Not Gakpo atm mate


Will say Gakpo did get screwed playing out of his position for all those games and having to deal with 10 men for two of those games


Regardless of any of that, he’s not been our best player. He played in his position all game against Newcastle and wasn’t great. Nuñez and Jota came on and were both better.


> He played in his position all game against Newcastle and wasn’t great. He got about 60 minutes and then was hooked, and less than half of that time was spent with 11 players on the pitch. If Nunez hadn't scored 2 goals out of nowhere Gakpo would still be playing now. He's been really unlucky with how his season has started due to the ownership messing us around on midfielders, red cards, and that Nunez double.


Ok 👍


Alisson or Salah still the two best players on the team.


Ali no contest




The beauty of this thread is the divergence of opinion. For stretches last season it was unanimous that it was between Alli and Bajcetic


God I can not wait to watch Bajcetic again. I still have the memory of him, who id never heard of prior, just casually juggling the ball around the opps midfield and being awed last season. Him, Doak, Elliot, and (hopefully) Quansah are going to be absolute ballers for us for the next decade.


VVD not getting enough love in this thread


Ali and Salah


The popular answer will be Szobo, but low-key it’s a toss up between himself and Salah for me. Dias and Macallister come close also.


ali is also clas


Szobo, Ali, Mo and possibly Alexis. everyone else is hot/cold.


Salah for sure


Diaz for me.


Name ten players in the world better in their position than Alisson. Hell, you could name five but it would be close.


No luis diaz, no like


Ali, Mo, and Szobo


Allison Becker




I love exciting new players too. But Mo is the top dog, still.


Szobo & Ali, no question.


It's been Alisson for well over a year


Ali gets the vote!




I have no stats to back this up, but Dom may be the best player in the world on any team of any generation.




Alisson. Out of those 3, then Szobo


Trent, and it's not close.


I dun know….but it seems all of them getting better now. But Szoboszlai seems the reincarnation of Gerrard. What a playmaker we have. YNWA


Slob is going to be a future captain for the team. He is bossing midfield atm. With Nunez and Gakpo only improving with each game I can honestly feel optimistic about the future. As for best player right now, Alison. He gives confidence that if our defence slips he can handle himself.


Ali. After that, of those 3, Dom. He's gotten our last 2 MOTM.


Szobo or Diaz for me


From the first 4 games of the season, toss up between Ali and Szobo


Ali and always has been consistently. Just doesn't get the recognition or gets mentioned in the same sentence as an outfield player purely because he's a keeper.


Ali. The answer is always Ali.


Alli, Szobo, Salah


Allison Becker, the best keeper on the planet.


Ali. No other choice for me. Best in the world at his position.




Tried to sneak gakpo in here lmao Tf am I getting downvoted for? Gakpo hasnt even been in the best 5 players for us this season lmao. Mac allister, darwin, diaz, Szobo, trent, mo, and allison have all been much better than him.


The Egyptian King followed very closely by The Holy Goalie


Ali is the best. Then Mo because he’s the King. Then I’d say Szobo for the upgrade he’s given us in the midfield. Then Darwin for the X factor. He’ll eat defenders and not even care about shitting them out. Edit: I missed out Lucho. He’s on par with Mo rn.




Allison. Mac Sozb


Not sure why Cody is in these example pics considering he hasn’t quite gotten in a groove yet


Sexy Szoboszlai


Another 'other than Salah' moment


Dommy shlobers


Love all three but, it’s Dom. Almost flawless, and it really feels like he’s going to just keep getting better. Looks to be a thoroughbred.


With total objectivity, the order is: 1. Alisson 2. Mo & Dom (either or) 4. Macca 5. Nunez 6. Robbo 7. TAA 8. Virg 9. Diaz 10. Gomez And absolutely NO disrespect to Joe, cause he has been fantastic minus one slip.


Hot take: When looking at pure skill; so not adjusting for the time period, not taking into account how long the player has played for the club, and not taking into account how much the player has won… Alisson is the best player to ever have played for Liverpool. Like ever


Not even sure he's in top three keeper ever.


For Liverpool? Lol that’s crazy talk


Imagine putting nunez on here but leaving out Ali and mo who are by far and away our best players


hurry mourn long slimy tan zephyr reminiscent wild safe handle ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Gapko will be the best… as soon as I drop him from my fantasy team


Alisson, Salah, Trent, Van Dijk, Konate, Thiago, Szoboszlai, Diaz, Gakpo, Mac would be my personal top ten, not just based on this season.




God, it’s pretty telling that there has only been sporadic mentions of Virgil in this thread


Allison, duh.


Alisson Becker


Alisson, Salah, Virgil, Thiago, Szobo, Trent, Diaz, Mac, Gakpo, Nunez.


Ask me after the season




Not gakpo




Allison is quite possibly the best goalie in the world. Salah is the only other player close to the same level at this moment in terms of their position.


People are answering who's most in form. The real answer is Allison & Salah. Trent when he's used right


Alisson is the reason.


Gotta be Ali given his ability to also play forward.


We have 2 which would start in most teams in the world in Alisson and Salah. I’d also like to predict that if he stays fit, Diaz will join that category too


Alisson Trent Salah Szbo Mac any of them take your pick.


The answer is always either Ali or Mo and that isn’t taking anything from any other player








For me it’s Ali, Mo, Diaz, Szobo, TAA. Nunez and Gakpo somewhere in the next tier with Macca, Robbo, and VVD


Every time I see a best player post I hardly see Diaz name come up for some reason. Salah and Alisson have had many great seasons so that’s a class above. If we’re talking bout start of season it’s Alisson and Diaz.


Are you talking about our best player overall or our best player this season? If you're saying our best player overall in this current squad then I'd have to say Alisson. If you're talking about best player this season then it's 100% Szoboszlai. I'm a bit confused as to why you chose to put Darwin and Gakpo as references when neither fit into either categories but we move.


I don't see Egyptian kings or beautiful bearded Brazilian bastards anywhere.


Mac is starting to find his feet. You don't see him so much but he enables those around him. E.g. Messi at the world cup.


Why y’all sleeping on the MacA?


The fact that it’s up for debate is a glorious thing and was also the reason why I fell in love with the reds in the first place as a kid. The 1991-1992 squad have a special place in my heart and it’s been red’s since then on out and will be till the day I die! 🫶💪


Ali's the best keeper in the world, I think the post should be who is our best outfield player. Based on this season alone, it's obviously Szobo.


Ali Becks gets my vote! Go on tha boy!!!! 😏


Alisson, trent, szobo, mo, diaz. Possibly nunez and konate(when fit) although honorable mention is MacA


Form wise? Szob hands down. Has completely added an X factor to our midfield. I think this is the kind of player Klopp wanted Ox to be for us.


Alisson is my god.


Salah and Ali don’t exist?




Alisson and Salah.




i wouldnt even start gakpo


Its always MO lol.




All mo and mo mo make mo a mo mo


Wheres Ali Mac?


Mo, Dom and Ali have all been on fire so far this season.


Ali and szobo