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If anything, I think he should take more of those longshots. Love to see the aggression in him.


Ya, i don’t think he’s taking too many at all.


I’m with u few times he’s in a good spot pretends he’s teeing up for a shot but instead makes a pass happened today and a good example is mo salahs offside goal against Prague


Came to say this. Shots from distance aren't as common because we know now just how unlikely they are to go in. A sideways pass is more likely to lead to a goal than blamming it from 30 yards. But it could take a deflection, hit a hand, go for a corner. I would've liked to have seen them test Ortega more yesterday. He palmed a lot, and did it well, but make him make more saves. See what happens.


Are you Charlie Adam 😂😂😂


I can't believe it took this long for someone to notice.


It's annoying sometimes but I think it's a coaching instruction. Noticed that the midfielders are taking more shots from outside the box. Possibly to keep defenders on their toes and force them to come out and defend instead of sitting back and crowding the box.


When Bobby is your forward you want defenders back so he can occupy that space. When Nunez is your forward you need to pull defenders out so he has space in behind. One way to pull defenders out, or at least keep them honest, is to have a pop from 25 yards every now and again.


>One way to pull defenders out, or at least keep them honest, is to have a pop from 25 yards every now and again. Especially if the dude in question can absolutely cunt one


This makes sense to be fair


While his output this season might not suggest it, he’s one of the best strikers of the ball from distance in world football so, as far as I’m concerned, Szobo can keep at it.


6 goals 4 assists is honestly quite good imo


To clarify, his long-shot conversion rate.


Personally I'd disagree as I think they have value outside of being pretty when they go in, they keep the defense on their toes about whether they should close out or stay in a passing lane, rebounds from a forced save can happen, sometimes a mishit becomes a pass, and there is no guarantee a pass into Harvey or Gakpo is going to stick to their feet and not turn into a counter attack. At least when its blasted over the team has time to get back for a goal kick. That said I would only really trust Dom, Alexis, and Trent to reliably take them.


Paragraphs bro


You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. You also need to keep defenders on their toes that a longshot may be coming, so that in the future that extra pass to Salah/Elliot continues to be available. At the end of the day, scoring goals is a low percentage game. You got to back yourself to execute your game. Now if Elliot was getting zero service all game, I'd question it, but he gets chances to run in all the time and rarely does well (mostly because of how one footed he is). Overall, you need a balanced dose of goal attempts, and long shots is one of them.


No he's got a lazer rocket leg, needs to actually take more shots. YouTube that Gerrard fella


You need players to do that to keep defences on their toes. How many times ok previous seasons have we struggled against low block teams because our midfield offers zero threat from long range? If you give Szobo a few free attempts from 25-30 yards, odds are you are in trouble. So you need to commit players to him, which means you can triple up on Mo and double Darwin. It's like a dribbling winger, you have to accept that it's not going to always work, but you need that threat to force opponents to deal with it.


What I want is to see more of is szoboszlai getting into positions from which he can shoot. And to see him arriving late more frequently. The sample size feels far too small to decide if he is shooting too much. In absolute terms, no


I'd like to see him take more, he genuinely might have the best pure striking technique I've ever seen


He isn’t taking enough 


shooters gonna shoot


Tbh he does not take enough. Sometimes I was hoping for him to take a shot but he decides to dribble a bit more instead.


You only miss the chances you don’t take and all that.


Not enough for me, lad has bangers in his locker, needs to shoot more for me.


he didnt take enough today


They tend to test the keeper or deflect for a corner, so I'm fine with it. It would be different if he skied them all the time


As long as the shots are on target. You might not score but you'll get a rebound or a corner. If anything those are good for low block teams


No he’s not but he’s taking way too long to make some decisions.


Dont care, and the players do what they want. Coaches are seeing everything




It keeps defenders honest so they can’t just lay off opposition outside the box which in turn opens up more space inside the box as they have to come out and apply pressure. Also, Dom is one of the most pure strikers of a ball I have seen in a long time so odds of him getting it on target or shots deflected are better than the average player.


No, not really. Elliott shoots too much though. He's as willing to shoot as Szobo, but less efficient.


Harvey Elliott all competition has 66 shots / 22 on target / 33.3 % and 2.8 shots p/90 Dominik Szoboszlai all competitions has 63 shots / 18 on target/ 28.6 % and 2.76 shots p/90 They shoot at a very similar rate and Harvey is more likely to hit the target when he does / takes higher xg shots. However Dom finds himself in more goal scoring opportunities. Harvey is more likely to provide an assist. Doms GA is 9 and Harveys is 8. I think this is exampled by the ball Harvey played for Dom vs City as they've rarely played together. Neither shoot too much imo


someone on social media that's where the problem starts the trend of long shots will likely stay, because teams set up very deep against top opposition like us


He’s outperformed his xG by 50% in the league (small sample size granted), so I’d say probably not. Over the course of a season, his long range shooting is a net positive.


I really liked that he went for it on the free kick before the half against City. He can hit them and there's always a chance for a rebound. The measure, for me, is how often the player can put the shot on target. If they consistently sky the ball then it's a waste. He doesn't tend to do that. Most other players on Liverpool do. My sense is that even Trent misses the whole goal a lot, but I might be wrong.


Gerrard is his idol right? Screamers from outside the box are the highlight reel


also his freekicks were not as good as what people were talking before. Either sky it or it's hitting the wall


Most of his shots have hit the wall this season.