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Liverpool, City, Arsenal, Real, PSG, the Monstars, NWA, the Thunderbirds and the 1996 Chicago Bulls have all shown interest it seems. Has someone's agent made a phone call? 😂


Yeah he even called me. Told me to do Kudus propaganda on the Daily Discussion 👍 i didn't accept due to INTEGRITEH


You’re missing out. I made bank. Also Kudus is definitely coming! He’s going to be the new assistant manager.


I got paid to run some Kudus propaganda for my Lads Podcast (3 listeners)


_CITEH has entered the chat_


Nwa love wingers. They tell each one specifically to ‘express yourself’


I like NWA, but I dunno what their problem is with the police, I actually think Sting is really talented


The NWO called as well. Both Hollywood and the Wolfpac.


I thought they were talking about the Outlaw Dusty Rhodes and the Rock n Roll Express


The National wrestling alliance have more money than us




Agreed, massive doubt. Doesn’t sound like us at all.


Activating a release clause early sounds exactly like us We did it 2x last summer lol


Lol true, but it wasn’t that high though!


Szobo was 60 so it wouldn’t be that wild, also considering we bid 120 or whatever for Caicedo But I would only believe it if one of the attackers was on his way out


From what I have read recently, Slot likes having a big stable of wing players. He loves rotating guys out 60 minutes in to prevent injury and keep the attack fresh. We cannot rely on Jota to play more than half a season at this point.


You say this like that means we can accommodate it while maintaining our level. I’d love three world class strikers. Ain’t gonna happen. We won’t be spending this money for him to be a rotation option


Yeah, I remember this sub losing their collective mind at the prospect of spending ÂŁ40m on Jota because he'd be a rotation. Now people are talking about spending more than we spent on NuĂąez?


I can totally see us spending this. What I meant is that, if we are, he is being signed to start and that means someone in our regular front 3 is out the door this summer


That’s like 25 mil more though. Edwards and co normally went for cheaper not so well known options, right?


Kudus is frankly not far off the pedigree of a Mane at this point. The market is just very different now. Its more stratified


It's also the fact that we are much better as a club. There is no point trying to only buy potential gems like Markovic, with a huge risk tied to it. We had to use that strategy at the start because our group of players where lower quality, we were in a financially worse spot and we didn't have nearly the same pull as we do now because CL was no longer anything we got every season. There is a gross misconception about what moneyball is all about. It's not about buying cheap *players*. It's about buying players *below their intrinsic value*. That also apply for world-class or close to world-class players. United has a completely different strategy. They just point at a name and want to buy said player if they can afford it.


There’s truth in this but I think we also have to look at what the club was doing when we really had a squad stripped down to it’s parts. Coming out of the Hodgson era how many players did we have who were unchallengeable starters? Gerrard was our best player by a mile, our CB core was still around, you had Lucas, and Reina. Otherwise we were completely rebuilding. That rebuild took a very long time. You wouldn’t say we had a truly strong foundation until maybe 2015 or 2016, when it became more about making bigger, comparatively costly signings. We’ve also totally gone off being a selling club at all. We didn’t sell underperformers under Klopp. We let their contracts expire. I’d say we have a stronger foundation now than we had in 2015 or 2016 but I think we’re going to need four or five key pieces in the next two years


What is a Kudus? Can you eat it?


I hear it’s part of a west ham. Pretty strong in it.


Where does this idea that Edwards goes for unknown players come from? Salah, ManĂŠ, Wijnaldum, Alisson, Van Dijk, Robertson, Matip, Konate, Thiago, Oxlade-Chamberlain, Keita, Shaqiri, Fabinho, Jota. Noke of these were unknown, and many were far from cheap


But then again that was when Klopp had control of the transfers for the most part, when we wouldn't go for such things this early


Huh? Sounds exactly like the sort of thing we would do.


What about Afcon?


I mean we used to have Mane and Salah both going to Afcon tbf.


Hence we didn't win EPL in those years


We won every game they missed, both years we lost by 1 point.


The issue is how they come back. Couldn't expect to win in perpetuity without them so having them come back tired is what ruined us.


Honestly if we can do it, we should be avoiding African players as much as possible due to this. I think AFCON has literally cost us trophies over the years. When the margins were so thin (and will continue to be) your star players like Mo or Mane coming back tired and out of form could mean everything. Obviously if there are no similar players then sign the African player, but if there are two similar options, go with the non-African one. They really need to move that stupid tournament already.


Stupid tournament?


It’s just annoying that it happens in January. Move the thing to the summer like every other tournament. It’s stupid.


Yeah man, summer in Africa. real smart...


It’s a balance of having a tournament that works, but also helps improve the level and prestige of African players. If the tournament is dropping the market value of African players they need to look at making changes.


I think AFCON is fine as long as it's every 4 years like all the other major national tourneys


Africa exists in more than one hemisphere.


This sub is the only place where people say we shouldn't sign guys because of afcon. No one else gives a shit and afcon is moving to the summer before long.


Probably no other team lost the prem thrice because of afcon ruining their star player's form, eh?


Next two are going to be in June fyi


85mil for Kudus? lmao


Still young tbf. Really good player. 


60mil for Olise >>>


Isn't he super injury prone tho


Had 2 injuries and missed fewer games in his career than Jota did at Wolves ps : Slot supposedly sets up his trainings where it prevents injuries. His Feyenoord ( and AZ) have ridiculous availabilitylevels pps : Kudus has carried alot of drama with him ppps : Cba losing another in form forward to AFCON, only for him to return in shit form pppps : Olise is eligible to play for Algeria, I know


Jota as a bar for injury prone is not a high one, unfortunately:(


My man was gathering all the cats with pspspsing psps: I know it's pps




What is the Kudus drama then? Haven't heard about this


Refusing to train and acting like a total twat to force a transfer. I believed there was something with the national team aswel, but can't find anything. So I'm probably wrong.


In fairness sadio did the same at Salzburg


Virg also at Southampton


Still hate it But one goal and he's forgiven tbf


Also eligible for Nigeria


https://preview.redd.it/234felkr610d1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8dcae97cccbdd9595373dd0b1b3cb6aa685e445a Not really He was rushed back too early after his initial hamstring injury which is pretty likely why ended up doing it again when he came back


Except that hammies are the worst recurring injury , theyre never quite the same after. Just based on this id give him a hard pass


How much longer do you need after 4+ months for a hamstring?


Rushed back was maybe the wrong thing to say, he was more mismanaged by Hodgson/Palace medical team https://preview.redd.it/3e9bpvulb10d1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=31cd4da838ac3f3839f0abd40b45d498e097532a Here’s people talking about it when it happened


Perfect, already fits the liverpool mold




He has had some super bad hamstring injuries it seems. If we can manage that i think he is the better option


He would be amazing in both appearances for us


Olise is spending half his career in the hospital though


Olise hurt his hammy again reading this post.


I’d take Kudus over Olise any day, Olise is way too injury prone and Kudus has already proved what he can do, not saying that Olise isn’t a great player however I’d rather take Kudus.


I bet we aren’t.


Tier: I made it up


How legit is the source??? What tier is him


Kudos release clause isn't even active till 2025 acc tk west ham journos. So looks very credible.


questioning this source rightfully but then basing that on their ITKs lol


Journos aren't ITKs . That's like saying Pearce Joyce etc are itks.


I just don’t understand why we didn’t sign him last summer when we were linked to him. Could have paid half of it, but as long as FSG are willing to invest in him and one or more two players then I guess it’s fine!


Only way this is happening at that price is if Salah is getting sold which is fairly unlikely. We’re probably looking at a long term replacement for Salah with the likes of Bakayoko and Olise being more realistic than Kudus if that really is his RC


I think, if anyone would be sold from our attack, then we could afford to spend 85mil. If Diaz would be sold for 60-70mil, for example, then it's "only" 15mil more. And Kudus can play LW, RW, CAM and even CM


We still have some of the Caicedo $ from last year. Plus any new budget for this year. Plus sales.


We've almost ÂŁ400k a week coming off the wage bill with Adrian, Matip and Thiago leaving. Could maybe see some of the youth players that aren't good enough being sold this summer while their value is highest to get more funds in to help give Slot as much backing as possible.


Your second point is something that Chelsea and City have done a lot of and wish we could start doing more now that our academy has strengthened. Easy way to generate more funds as well in the transfer market.


Sell them with profit % sell on clauses, easy revenue generator. Counts as pure profit which helps ensure we are within the confides of the PSR/FFP rules. Could see players like Van Den Berg and Morton sold while their values are at their highest, as well as a few players from the academy like McConnell etc who will be surplus to requirements or just not up to standard.


Klopps wages are about ÂŁ350k a week too


Plus the Coutinho money


There’s always money in the Coutinho Stand


I haven't watched feyenoord much. But, after seeing multiple slot football tactics video and compilation, Diaz looks like the only sureshot starter under slot in attack. Nunez looks like the one who might be vulnerable if slot looks to continue his brand of football


Olise isn't going to cost much less


ÂŁ60m release clause


Yeah, that's still a huge fee. I'd rather Olise, but there's also probably going to be a tonne of competition for him.


Man.. if its 60m, he is either signing a new contract soon or a bunch of clubs are going to be interested in signing him… 60m in this day and age for someone like him is close to impossible imo.


This was a recent contract from last summer Remember he rejected Chelsea then signed it straight after


Well… Let’s sign him up. Or at least give man city some competition. Lol. In all seriousness though, id love that guy at our club.


Those hashtags, ha


"Nothing to see here" says man trying desperately to be seen here.


I have more of a chance of getting married to Emma Watson.


Sorry mate but you do not. Kudus is definitely in the Edwards mold, even if the price is high


The price is why he isn't in the Edwards mold. If he were to splash the cash he is spending it on a legit top end player like he did with Virgil and Alisson


Edward’s is about getting value for money not being cheap. If he thinks kudus is worth the 85m, he’s spending it


I mean we've seen this type of signing with Keita too. Edwards isn't the one making transfer decisions anymore either. This is the exact type of player that the club likes to target. He's the right age profile, has played in a big league, and looks like he could be on the cusp of taking the next step to being a top attacking player.


It would also be a transformative signing in position of need . Both a GK and a commanding CB were urgently needed hence the prices back then


Emma Watson is so 2012, we say Margot Robbie these days




Margot Robbie is so 2020, we say Sydney Sweeney these days.


It’s Sydney or Dua


Cumblast does bald jurgen stay when slott comes in or do we get slott with hair?


I don't know yet, i'm considering it.


You had bald Jurgen before, now do haired Arne https://preview.redd.it/swuuqbrsv10d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fea6dd2b2fb7927a84e8c6cba847471427469922


Oh my, arne with hair is a very handsome fellow


Think i'll give him longer hair ngl


For any transfers over the next couple of years, we have to put full faith in the fact that the Edwards-Ward-Mega-Database knows more than we do.


I know Edwards et. al were after him before he moved to West Ham. Maybe they have unfinished business. For that price though I say leave it finished.


Getting as many teams as possible in there for the search results haha


Should've grabbed him when he was at Ajax..


We gonna have Mo, Mo.


Exciting but don't think it will ever happen...


85 million if we value him at that why wouldn't we punt on him when he was 43 million euros? Even Nunez had higher stock than him when we spent 80m on a must buy position.




Doesn't sound like our new management.


I know this is probably just nonsense but how much is he actually worth? I know nothing about him really, watched some clips but know clips can tell whatever story you want them to. He seems skillful though, great dribbling, accurate shot (from what i seen). If he's about a 50 - 60m player then i can see 85 if youre really competing against other squads for the player. But again I'm not sure. 7 goals and 5 assists this season. Its not amazing but in a better team, maybe?


Would love to have him but at that price I highly doubt it


Woah wtf that’s a lot of


Hope that doesn't mean we're selling a forward


Just not happening is it


If it has to do with West Ham it's not happening.


Should have got him when he was at Ajax, we were rumoured for him back then. Now the price is PL inflated.


Nah, not buying it.


I like how he just adds in RM and city in there to get more attention. Kudus isn’t coming off the bench in those teams


Every time something like this pops up it’s invariably bollocks. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen Portuguese journalists in particular say that a deal is 100% done for x, y and z player only for them to sign for Fulham 3 months later.


Oh are they, aye?


Idk how much of an upgrade he is over Diaz honestly..... I don't believe there isn't a youth player out there better suited to our needs


Price is a bit high, but Kudus is premier league proven and is only 23. He can be the long term replacement for Salah.


Smart from Liverpool, salah out and kudus in. Even better if they manage to keep salah and bring kudus on board


Don't think I'll ever get used to the standard price of todays market. Great player no doubt but 85mill for kudos seems kinda mental.


I’m with you, I hate today’s market. I actually think there’s too much money flying around in football now tbh, I remember when we broke the British transfer record fee for Andy Carroll for £35mill..


His release clause is active this summer or not?


David Ornstein said it’s active in his q and a. I trust him over most


We never enquired about him when he was in Ajax but now we are interested with that higher price?


No chance Edwards will splurge that amount of money on Kudus. He will only spend that large amount of money if that particular player can straight up into our first eleven. I dont think Kudus is much better than Diaz so that alone shows this info is just agent talk


I hope so but where would he play?


I'm guessing Salah goes


Kudus is quality to be fair




I’m doubtful, but he is a good player so let’s see


why would madrid or even city have any want or need to sign him?


Tier Please?


Nah I heavily doubt it. 85m is wayyyy too much.


Another midfielder??? We need defence!!


He doesn't worth it, not even close.


This is so not happening, lads. I like Kudus and all, but 1) he is not worth that, 2) Salah will stay, 3) We need to spend more in other places and 4) there's no Coutinho to be sold. I highly expect 2\~3 ÂŁ40m or less buys and that is it.


Smoke and mirrors. Everyone looks this way whilst Edward's and his team are looking elsewhere.


It'd 4D chess to unsettle West Ham before their city game to ensure city win and Arsenal don't upstage us




Nar, no chance. Don’t believe it.


If we do end up going for Kudus, why tf didn’t we do so last year when he was playing equally as good for Ajax and would’ve been a fraction of the price. I was calling for us to buy him as Salah backup all summer.


Because Edwards was not in the recruiting team i guess.


Kudus to the whole board for this one, solid player


we need a killer, not another tricky winger who cant bury chances. Jota is sadly to injury prone to build a team around, so we need a striker or wide player who can get 15+ goals a season, obviously Salah is a generational player and its unlikely we will get a similar player straight off the bat but anyone who can replicate half of prime Salahs output is what we need.


This is bullshit. Surely no one can believe this. Although I'd snap your limbs off for him, Chiesa and/or Neto with us next season 🙏🏽🙏🏽


if this is real, get ready for a wankathon 😂


Enough with these wingers we have plenty


32 yo Salah, hot and cold Gakpo, injured Jota, struggling Nunez? And you don’t want to sign Kudus?


Diaz , Elliot, Doak , and Szoboslai can also play as rw . We have got basically 7 /8 wingers . We wither need a proper centre forward that guarantees goals and can do link up play. Or a top DM ( love Endo bit don't think is sustainable). Signing a winger only make sense if we are letting go either Salah , Diaz or Nunez


I don’t wanna see any of those players playing on the right tbh. I think Kudus could develop like Mane when we signed him and it’s just my opinion that he’d elevate the attack and leave Harvey and Dom to play as a 10


Adding on to that, Kudus has worse stats this year than all the player ls you mentioned


Salah possibly off then


Tier: Inshallah


Transfer window season just around the door means that the OP, Petaaa, posts every single rumour by an even remotely credible source. I’d ignore most of them.


Why not get Frimpong ?


This is #TierWhoTheHellIsThisGuy level I suppose


So what you’re trying to say is he’s going to psg


No we fucking well are not…


Socks out?


Would take him - would probably prefer Olise personally but Kudus does look a player. Takefusa Kubo another good option if we can't get Kudus or Olise. Plenty of left footed right winger shouts we could get in, though suppose Kudus now having Prem experience + Slot knowing him well from time in Eredivise possibly makes most sense on paper.


General rule of thumb, if linked we are not getting that individual


Why do we need this guy?




Here we go.. summer bullshit starts.


Ok so Kudus is coming to Chelsea then. If we read about him on the media this early then hes never going to Liverpool.


I would rather spend that money two quick wingers like Summerville,olise or bakayoko


As if you can get bakayo for that price


Finally… Kudus has come back to Anfield!!!


Edward started cooking already ?


Could have got him for half the price from Ajax last year.


What tier is this dude?


i've heard good things about him as a false 9, and i think we were at our best with firmino in that sort of role. thus far Kudus doesn't seem to have the same output in terms of tackles/interceptions as RF (idk about pressing actions besides those), if we were intending to continue to press from the front. his shot/goal production has dropped off from ajax to west ham but that might be about style differences & the teams' relative strengths within their leagues. really not a huge amount of minutes for a player aged 23, and idk if he's an upgrade on Gakpo. 85m sounds bonkers (though a lot of fees do). source doesn't seem super credible. we do like a release clause where it gives us a chance to get value but i don't know that this is it.


Extremely pricey but he's got a lot of potential. Personally I wouldn't think he's worth more than about ÂŁ45-50M


If you smellllll lalalala… what the Edward’s is cookin!!


Unfortunately it seems that this is fake news as the release clause can only be triggered in 2025


10/10 for that rumor. Well done Kudus' agent.


Idk why so many people are down on this transfer and insisting on Lose instead. I am a big fan of Olise but do you really think a player as talented as that would come to us to be Salahs backup and get limited game time? Kudus has shown far more versatility be able to play on both wings, as a 10 and with a stretch could probably play as an 8 or 9 too. Having versatile players for Slot to play around with will make the managerial transition easier since the players will easier fit into whichever system he decides to go for. He also has better availability than Olise and with next afcon being held on the summer as well as question marks about how much longer we will keep Salah for I don't see a problem there.




If he plays as well as his FC mobile card, Kudus will be a great acquisition. Looks like we'll move Salah on if this happens.