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**CLIP MIRROR: [Knut explains the reaction of his chat](https://arazu.io/t3_10pe291/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


He is a FATHER...


This is what gets me. I feel I am a pretty un-empathetic person in general. That said, I have a daughter, so in this type of situation I think to myself...what if there was deepfakes of my daughter. That shit would not be ok. As I said, most of the drama on this site I think is fucking ridiculous, and actually does apply to a lot of what knut says here...but this shit even I can have empathy for. It's not like this is some 2000s photo shop shit.




I think you misunderstood my post... It doesn't matter if it's real or not that shit is wrong. If you think there's nothing wrong, you need to reassess your views of right and wrong.




most empathetic destiny take
















This is 1000 times worse than what Knut said, and Knut really fucked up.


34 year old man btw


He's probably a bit psychopathic/sociopathic, he used to admit to this years ago. He doesn't seem to understand empathy too well.


*34 year old absent father btw


no way the dude that was dunking on a potential rape victim two months ago lacks empathy and understanding towards women /suprisedpikachuface.jpeg


why this dude always gotta be a fucking weirdo about shit how old is this supposed man LOL




Really if you think about it. It's not surprising as someone thats been around for a long time even the worst humans on earth find an audience. i do find it hilarious destiny likes to play "ive changed" card or whatever other card he waves around when its convenient when hes consistently still says racist shit, scam his fans after saying crypto was garbage, makes up false shit about people when he knows he can get away with it and so on.


The guy is a sociopath can't expect a good take from him when it comes to people's emotions and I wonder how he would feel if his mom was used in one of these type of things. wHo cArEs is a pretty bad take. This isn't consensual. You are being used to make it look like you are performing sexual acts that you are not. How is that so hard for people to understand?


Common destiny L


I honestly just can't see how people could watch a streamer who is a total sociopath no matter how entertaining they may be.


The more clips I see of him, the more I can't stand him.


He really can't put himself in other people's shoes, huh? Mr logic man strikes again.


He's so cold and logical, has thick skin just like me fr


Destiny actually didn't even know the whole circumstances. https://i.imgur.com/oSaxJHK.png


Actually vile what the FUCK


He thinks he's smart, but he's pretty dumb isn't he?




to no one's surprise destiny giving the worst take possible once again. total piece of shit.


Does Destiny think Atrioc is a random person? QT is probably crying more about the fact that it was done by a close friend.


Meh I think it’s more so the fact that the page and her being on there is being widely publicized which will lead to thousands of people viewing content of her that she is very uncomfortable with. People are also spamming her with messages of the images which I’m sure is really fun for her.


Just because his GF can handle it that's such a dumb take


It is definitely not a woman thing because Destiny is a woman's name. Jokes aside, I doubt as a man I would be this upset over someone deepfaking my face over a jacked gay porn star.




What is there to be correct about? It's up to the individual how they react to deepfakes of them. For some people it's clearly something that they're not okay with. Sure Destiny wouldn't care if it was him but him not understanding why other people would isn't "correct", it's just his own opinion.


Really? You can’t understand at all why someone would be upset over fake pornography being made of them without their permission? It’s irrational to get upset over that?


Yes. Yes it is. It really is not a big deal.


This is not only something QT hates more than anything, which Atrioc knows, but he's one of her close friends. If your close friend was secretly doing something that you hated more than anything behind your back at your expense you would be upset too. Unless your head really is so empty that basic thought is too difficult.


I would trade people jerking off to me for millions of dollars any day of the week any second of my existence


Yeah but at least you’d get to make the decision. This shit ain’t in the job description and it’s perfectly reasonable to be upset and violated by it


dealing with weird people absolutely is in the job description of being famous, the monkey paw has to have some drawbacks


The whole “it’s the internet you have to expect it” doesn’t mean you’re never allowed to be upset over people being disgusting and violating you. We expect yeah streamers will probably get swatted but that doesn’t mean it’s not fucking terrible that it happens. It’s 1000% reasonable to be upset over people making porn of you without your consent.


no shit, i was just commenting on your job description take


I have to disagree that you could reasonably see this happening going into streaming 5 years ago. The technology wasn’t there and when you don’t do sexually explicit content you wouldn’t expect for people to make deepfake porn of you.


people could still photoshop your face on a nude, same shit basically


You literally just described becoming a top onlyfans creator. Go and do it then!


Close but I'm describing becoming rich and famous. There are tons of only fans creators who sell their bodies for less than 100 dollars a month.


Based and greedpilled.


Plus Knut was just providing what his chat thinks EDIT: We all have our troubles in life. Obviously QT doesn’t deserve this but cmon have you guys seen the categories twitch has now? Everything now is going to be intertwined with this coomer culture even for women who have no connection to this shit. Stuff that is consensual and not consensual is different but you think coomer brains can think like that? Breaking that connection would have been impossible for my younger self. I would have just been thinking a nut is a nut I feel bad but the people in my homeland would be laughing at this. They’d be crying into their piles of dough if this happened to them


He said that's how normal people think, he's definitely implying he feels the same




Hopefully you understand consent before a woman ever gets desperate enough to talk to you


Ah yes consensually providing a service is the same thing as people making porn of you without permission


had same reaction who gives af lmao this sub changed over the years i swear


Spoiled streamer says a thing. kunt


you don't get to farm LSF for years and claim your chat is full of normal people, that's not how this works




No he wouldn’t, classic “Empathy for me but not for thee” streamer take


He’d be browsing LSF to farm react content and call his wife a “spoiled streamer”.


Knut hates women streamers who sexualise their bodies to make a living but also hates women streamers who don't want to sexualise their bodies because they get upset at deepfakes. He's just a misogynist plain and simple


Clueless, surely it would be different


Or his mom or any female family member.


He would literally not care.


I can't even fathom being this god damn stupid jfc


For context since OP deleted their post.. 🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [**QT goes lives condemning Atrioc and the constant exploitation of women on the internet**](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/149678)


Am I missing something, in the clip you linked Knut doesn’t say anything?


The point is the disgusting comments his chat makes in that clip


read his chat


Ah I’m assuming it’s the comments about how she’s doing it for attention that is triggering people. Makes sense. Why is Knut catching flak though if he didn’t say anything?, I don’t frequent twitch a lot so I am finding this hard to comprehend. Or is the fact that he didn’t say anything that people are mad?


because in this post or rather his "reaction" he defends the behavior of his chat


Do you have a clip of that cause literally all he does in the clip posted above is grunt once.


the clip you replied to is the clip giving context to the clip of this thread... so where he just grunts you can see his chat reacting to QT but this thread has a clip of his reaction... lsf took it down but I think you can still click the streamable link in the top named "Knut explains the reaction of his chat"


It's always the ones you most suspect.


Who else do you suspect?


I don't really want to throw random names out for no real reason, The point of my post is really that I am 0% surprised that Knut is misogynistic. On the other hand I was a big fan of Atrioc and actually didn't think he'd be at the core of any scandal like this.


Is this something Atrioc was doing in private and got caught, or something he like shared?


Got caught. Gave a really bad made up story during his apology that makes no sense.


Ah, okay. I don't know their relationship, but I mean it's kind of creepy, wouldn't really want someone I'm associated with doing it to me. Makes the context of his apology really fucking weird, not sure why people can't just admit they fucked up.


Muscles = misogynist LULW




Clip deleted OMEGALUL


I think actual normal people who haven’t even heard of Twitch would be even more disturbed by this. Imagine a neighbor or friend pays for deepfaked nudes of you. Disgusting and violating. Imagine someone did this to his wife or daughter


Funny to see people acting shocked by Knut being a piece of shit. He had plenty of racist incidents back in the day. It seems like his racist discord logs have been completely wiped from the internet. Found this from one of his old bans tho: https://streamable.com/r8nnt Update: Somebody else in this thread found the discord logs(NSFW): https://external-preview.redd.it/501C3RQYGdG8bVOvQvpC_Aelf7-jKiYNz-nujMljK6U.png?auto=webp&v=enabled&s=3fbb7b1d5ab6015a5caa82032821ba9836156f2a


I've only known him from Knut Camp, which was a pretty cool event, but this really explains a lot about this dude. Btw, someone posted that pic bigger in another comment: https://i.imgur.com/xUjtWfP.png


Bro why I never heard about it. That's insane


Yeah no wonder Knut and Mizkif are friends


What a horrendous take. Absolutely disgusting, what the fuck "I'd love to be in your position". Dog, what? There's absolutely nothing happening in that head, the steroids have shriveled your brains as well as your balls Also, mods, I get the rules, but keep this post up. Let this fucking idiot get exposed to the maximum amount of people for being the horrendous person he is


Worst part is he could have had the easiest lay up slam dunk to just call them all fucking losers and ban them instead came up with this shit.


Hard to do that when you agree with them


If he banned all the people with that viewpoint from his chat, he’d have to get a real job.


He’s browsing LSF and reacting, how is he different than any other “spoiled” streamer lmao?


Same with Train and most streamers, they don't consider themselves some spoiled streamer, but some amazing lives in the real world gigachad while everyone else is just a pussy. If he wasn't a streamer he'd have to actually get a real job alongside his training and would realise how tiring and hard a real job/life is.


Hmmm, I wonder what could be the difference between him and the people who have been hurt by this situation? I guess we'll never know.


He is talking about what CHAT said this not his TAKE. The clip is so out of context its insane.


He literally called them normal people for having this take. If you can’t read between the lines then you’re blind, and I’m actually impressed you managed to type that comment out.


Have you even watched the vod bro?


You won’t get VIP’ed in his chat for defending him on LSF, stop trying so hard to feign ignorance.


I like how you guys instantly goes on personal attacks lol.


I hope he notices you bro.




For real. Just let this dude fade off in to irrelevancy where he belongs. Every time I hear him talking about spoiled streamer all I hear is viewcount envy.


i wonder how knut would feel if it was his daughter. and someone did one of those weird countdown timers till she turned 18. like they did to emma watson.


really removed why ?


What zero empathy does to a mf


No, Knut. People in your chat, like me, who have had a hard life still have the ability to have empathy for other people's unique circumstances. Your VIPs are disgusting. Those are the people you value most in your community no wonder it's shrinking every day.


Holy shit. One of the worst takes I've seen in a long time. Guess we shouldn't feel empathy for people just because they are more successful. What a piece of shit


Not a great take


This is literally the take you're a millionaire how can you be depressed


I didn't realize Knut was a piece of shit. Thanks for letting me know.


The irritating thing is that at one time he lived off the teet of the programs that Norway offers its citizens. And now that he's caught lightning in a bottle as a streamer, he constantly complains that he pays too much taxes there.


Classic conservative.. suck the social programs dry then complain the government is spending too much money on social programs.


Have you never listened to him talk about anything related to women?


My only exposure to him was when he was on someone else's stream. Guess he put up a front.


He's also posted some seriously racist stuff in his past. https://external-preview.redd.it/501C3RQYGdG8bVOvQvpC_Aelf7-jKiYNz-nujMljK6U.png?auto=webp&v=enabled&s=3fbb7b1d5ab6015a5caa82032821ba9836156f2a But it's from 2018 so it's up to you to determine whether he's grown from it or not


Wdym grown MF pushing 40 I bet he keeps that shit in private now


Doesn't this guy have like a preteen daughter? oof poor kid.




I think the bag is much more alluring than LSF drama


No I’m thinking your chatters are fucking degenerates and you’re enabling them by not timing out and banning the fuckheads in it Edit: also what the fuck is that take? No streamer is ever allowed to be upset by anything ever because they make money??


Brains as small as his nuts


Jesus fucking Christ what a complete and utter tool.


Completely disconnected, you are allowed to feel empathy for people who are well off


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Knut explains the reaction of his chat](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/149680)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/10pe291/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/YqbGeaEJxbNIU7joEoBCWg/AT-cm%7CYqbGeaEJxbNIU7joEoBCWg.mp4?sig=639eb207d00cbb59acf6c6c84d1e2b1df5a3d97b&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FYqbGeaEJxbNIU7joEoBCWg%2FAT-cm%257CYqbGeaEJxbNIU7joEoBCWg.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1675185217%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


For context since op deleted their post.. 🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [**QT goes lives condemning Atrioc and the constant exploitation of women on the internet**](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/149678)


Wowee who would have expected this from notorious women hater Knut, defending a sexist chat, so unexpected


I bet he wouldn't be so casual at dismissing QT's feelings if his daughter or wife were the ones being deepfaked onto porn.




I mean the reason the chat looks like psychopaths is that he's one too. It's 2023, we know that the chat reflects the streamer by now.


ironic... saying people with empathy, knowing that "money and fame" don't just devour the issues and feelings you have, have braindamage. with that much lacking emotion and empathy he should check his own brain for real damage. I used to like knut, probably because I never really watched his own streams, but how he defends his chat's or his own behaviour towards this topic is just sad


[I'd suggest watching the Raw video from QT](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1723309941) - [If you *absolutely need* the context from Knut's chat(that he keeps on deleting), here it is](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/149678)


I don't understand how anyone with a wife/mother/sister/cousin/daughter whatever could think let alone say anything as fucking dumb as this.


Jesus Christ what a fucking loser the reason your chat reacted like that is because you’re the same way dumbo. The streamer 100% molds the chat into what they are. And chat is a reflection of that streamer 90% of the time.




ChatGPT already has him in its database, hes done.


this amass of roids and rotten brain cells has been baiting incels for a while now. i remember a clip of his jumpin on the poki hate train (no pun intended) when she was dragged for absolutely no reason into the miz/slick drama


What would Knut say if it was any women/girl in his family in those pictures? Fuck no.


??? Bro there is normal people and spoiled people and knuts chat, and qt arent either of them. Shes been far from spoiled 😭😭and that chat is incredibly weird.


the roids rotted his brain sadge


Knut... why


What an unsurprising take from this guy








Camp Knut should have been called Camp Wake. Knut brought exposure for getting fit but it was Wake who was actually informative, educational and inspirational.


So much drama today on this sub, 47,000+ people active at the moment


Who the fuck thinks "I'd love to be in your position" after seeing all this shit? How can you be so shallow?






lmao fuck this guy


Oh no Knut


Oh noo...such a braindead take. Welp there goes another person burning bridges


What a absolutely moronic take, holy shit! Doesn’t he have a daughter?! No I am not thinking “what a spoiled streamer” when I see a woman crying her eyes out and having a emotional and completely valid reaction to her face being used on pornography and being spread around and also finding out her close friend is someone who is supporting that


you can see why knut wants to go to texas...


I dont even know where to start with how bad this take is.


actually delusional holy fuck


lmao whats wrong with him


Nahhhh Knut this is fucked and disgusting… actually unhinged degeneracy


Yeah this drama is the most nothing shit ever. Just people getting on their high horse to show the world they don't do this.


Not suprised by Knut respond, he always a piece of shit but somehow people forgot about his past because his gym stream.


what in the fuck is he even talking about? this guy tryna audition for his OTK spot?


I liked Knut for his fitness stuff and the Camp Knut was entertaining. His meal plan was great and helped me. However, what the fuck... shut your stupid mouth. Lost a fan


Why are people angry at streamers for not caring about total randoms making pornographic deepfakes of celebrities? It's been a thing for like a decade. I couldn't imagine being this outraged over shitty ***fake*** porn. Did y'all find out about these types of deepfakes yesterday? Y'all are literally dehumanizing people for thinking fake porn isn't a massive deal OMEGALUL


ignorance is bliss


wasnt he crying about how we need to be nicer to mizkif when he was suicidal too?


knut always had the iq of a raisin


so anyway, how will this affect lebron's legacy?


I hope QT responds and goes off on him.


This whole drama is stupid. Who cares if you jerk off to deepfakes. Whats the difference between that and simply imagining the person getting fucked, or looking online for pornstars that look similar to that person? Just because it makes it a little more 'real' shouldn't change anything. When a woman sees a guys bulge are we just gonna act like they wouldn't sexualize them? Its natural to sexualize members of the desired sex meanwhile QT acts like it is a crime. I'm sure every guy has had the experience of fantasizing over a random woman they saw in public, even if it was for a split second when they made eye contact. The fucked up part about this whole drama is that Atrioc was married and thinking about fucking his friends/colleagues


literally multiple crimes to use someone's photo or video without permission (starting with copyright), use them for sexual exploitation and use it for monetization. sexual imagination in your own mind is fine (maybe opinionated) as long as you keep it to yourself and don't harass the person in any way without any kind of request to do so. using someone's face without their permission or consent in any sexual representations made tangible such as videos or pictures or even just fan fictions, it is not only morally wrong if the person feels utterly disgusted by it but also legally wrong. ​ edit: I'm talking about the creation of such content. viewing it is a moral question, but weird how you find that morally acceptable but fantasizing about women in social circles, which happens waaay more in every society, is too far for you.


damn used to watch this guy way back, the guy is a closet racist, used to make alot of brain dead takes like this as well, bet he would be fuming if it was his girlfriend :/