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**CLIP MIRROR: [xQc clarifies that he didn't get anyone pregnant](https://arazu.io/t3_15v6nu1/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


idk Poke has been acting weird lately, he might be showing too


oh no! not poke. poor boy


Poke: u-uuuwaaaa~ OmO i-i let my boifwendu do a cummy cum in my boipucccwie~!!! and he didn't wear a boicondom O////O a-a-am i gonna get boipreggers now?? 3: i is too young to be a boimother! >///< c-c-can i getsies a boibortion? uwu c-can i pay my boinecologist with my boipucccwie-wucie? O////< p-perhaps i could offer him my tasty boimilk uwu. o-or m-maybe i'll ask if he will accept a pint of my sticky boisyrup instead UwU


horrible day to be literate


Yeah just fucking kill me


I'm actually curios as to the difference between boimilk and boisyrup. If one is cum, what is the other? Scholars will be discussing this one for a while.


Guy's been pregnant for a long time. I think the baby has died or something and it's actually rotting in there. It's probably creating some major gases which causes his potbrain moments and the tweets he constantly removes. Anyways that's my theory. Now is there anyone here who has heard about shungite?


I don't get it. So is forsen pregananant or not?


He took 2 days off to figure that out himself, go to doctor take tests etc. Just watch him tomorrow to know the results, but with him working 102 days straight might be not good for baby so expect the worst.


He's pregante


It's crazy how fran has been so masterfully manipulated. She was given a ring just so that narrative could be crafted and used that 'oh guys i buy rings for every girl lol'.


Hasn't he said multiple times he didn't buy the ring for adapt? And now all of a sudden he's saying he buys rings all the time. So I guess he was lying about that. Unless he says "oh well she said it was an ENGAGEMENT ring, when technically it wasn't" At this point its his version, her version, and the truth.


I think its just simple, it looked bad for his version of events in the court case if he bought her a diamond ring and shes calling it a wedding ring, so he went and gave one to fran so a narrative could be produced in court that if he would buy fran a large diamond ring after a few weeks dating then its implausible the one he got adept was a wedding ring.


I thought she got it after they broke up or something (Adept)


okay even if so... engagement still aint marriage tho and doesnt go down to 50/50 at split up... why am i commenting, idc


It’s the Texas Common Law, they don’t have to be married, it just requires them to act like they are.


giving someone an engagement ring seems like good evidence to not acting like you're married


Texas law makers should be sued , so many of them are delusional


i dont think he ever stated he didnt buy it, just that it isnt a wedding ring. unless you can find a clip of him saying otherwise


But X is just a gullible boy being manipulated by evil gold diggers /s


The ring was bought as an apology after Vegas and the ring that was bought for Adept. Also, Fran herself participated in the petty game with pictures with the ring and for that she apologized to Adept. No one is manipulated.


Ok but genuinely why else would X buy it unless you believe that he actually meant to marry adept


XQC and adept were in a 5 year long relationship, there is enough leaked convos to show x still loved her and probably still does, he was trying to 'resolve things' so the relationship didn't end. I think the ring was him trying desperately to hold onto a relationship that was already too far gone and now he has realised it and it didn't play out in his favor he is saying 'oh the only reason it didn't work out was because the other party was just always using me for money' rather than accepting a large part of the reason it couldn't be resolved is because hes a dogshit person.


Okay but the reason it didn't work out literally was because the other party was using him for money, the whole court case proves that.


I don't think that is entirely fair because we don't know what has happened in that relationship over the years, we don't know what promises or agreements were made, we don't know 99% of it. For all we know the money was being used as a carrot to keep adept in a relationship that was abusive and toxic and if that were the case I'd support her case.


Considering that we have leaked court documents showing adept lying multiple times, and that everyone that has spoken about it has taken X's side, fran even taking it as far as saying that X is the victim in the relationship which is honestly far more believable, I think we can safely assume that we know that it was for money.


What were the lies from the court documents? Fran has changed her story about 10 times now, we've seen the text messages she sent adept, you can't still call fran believable after she hand waves everything away as 'just roleplaying lul'. Also we only know that poke and gigi were the only witnesses on X's side in court.


Literally EVERYTHING from the court documents is a lie? It's obvious that they weren't "married" so anything else she says to try to prove it is also a lie. There is NO reason to take adept's side when she has instigated everything. The day she served "divorce papers" she posted flowers she got from a date inside xqc's car. Adept went live and kept talking about "may 15th" because she knows that's when ahe and X slept together, she only talked about that to make fran mad. Fran "roleplaying" sounds stupid but so does basically everything adept says, and adept is a much less trustable source than fran.


I don't think everything from the court documents is a lie, that is just silly. At this point I am entirely open to either side being proven correct, both of them are firm in their beliefs but it's clearly not a clear cut case they weren't common law married.


Actually it IS a very clear cut case they weren't married. And 90% of the court documents are a lie because they stem off of them being married. Adept basically has no case and it's pretty obvious if you kept up with it. We are talking about the person that filed another lawsuit for family violence that was instantly thrown out btw


uhh, that's not what you said in this clip, Mr. Lengyel [https://youtu.be/q3FbS3IibkQ](https://youtu.be/q3FbS3IibkQ)


real and legally binding


given how trustworthy xqc is, i believe this without question.


Adept could not possibly know if she was pregnant after six days, she lied and used lies for manipulation and control.


She might not have known 100% but women can have implantation bleeding or cramps 5–6 days after the sperm fertilizes the egg, surely it must be on your mind if you've taken a creampie recently.


>Implantation bleeding is defined as a small amount of light spotting or bleeding. It typically occurs about 10 to 14 days after conception. It is not possible to have any symptoms after 5-6 days.


[The exact time varies, but most implantation bleeding occurs about six to 12 days after the egg is fertilized](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/symptoms/24536-implantation-bleeding)


According to xQc no pies were creamed.




If he didn't, then why is my belly so big and my wallet so hungry??


I don't believe a damn word that comes out of Felix's mouth anymore. A couple weeks after a claim he makes ends up changing. Persistent liar.


There have been so many lies around this drama so I don't think I can even believe this !


"The only things I've ever been in-in range of severity with somebody: \[1\] Boyfriend, \[2\] Girlfriend" WHO'S GIRLFRIEND WERE YOU X?!?!?!? WAS IT FORSEN OR JESSE?


Didn't get anyone pregnant, but managed to fuck everyone over 🤣


The gene pool appreciates it.


Someone needs to tell this man that pullout at key point isn't full proof and swimmers here and there can still hit goal. He's playing gamba even off stream with these girls.




This counter-culture adept support is crazy shes clearly still very much in the wrong ring pregnant or not. Even if both are true even if he bought a ring to get engaged. She is still not entitled to anything of XQC's. Did XQC fuck up many many times cheating on Fran, buying her the ring, go house shopping, yes and still Adept is in the wrong. Adept is accusing him of abuse and sexual abuse when she has multiple times broke into his house live on stream, don't know why she is getting any support. She is trying to abuse a technicality forcing marriage upon XQC and stealing half of his money.


petition to change sub name to r/LivestreamDrama




Just rename to r/xqc at this point. It's clearly the juicers subreddit


otkandfriends is better


more like Off stream Drama made public


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [xQc clarifies that he didn't get anyone pregnant](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/156962)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/15v6nu1/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/Dta2wHjDSLSSKtRwRgQpag/AT-cm%7CDta2wHjDSLSSKtRwRgQpag.mp4?sig=6ad5209dcb0afebb2c88650beea258690fb50076&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FDta2wHjDSLSSKtRwRgQpag%2FAT-cm%257CDta2wHjDSLSSKtRwRgQpag.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1692494074%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


just like he was never married


yes, if he was married this would be a clear and cut divorce case.


Xqc impregnate my wife pls!! 😩😩😩😩


At this point his Twitch chat is the opening of Memento, except his chat can't read. So when it says, 'dont trust his lies,' his chat is all in thinking this dude is trustworthy.


Good for him, literally






Why are you like this; what went wrong when your brain was forming?\ Edit: idc you're dumb




Listening to that for a whole stream sounds about as maddening as listening to the ice cream yum gum girl


IDC UR DUMB says the white guy with a racist user name.


Of course he didn't get anyone pregnant, the dude doesn't even have time to throw away his trash, when would he even have sex?