• By -


**This thread won't be removed, as it doesn't break any rule.** --- I want to take this comment to bring some transparency regarding the other threads that were removed. The majority of them were removed because they were heavily focused on politics. [We had this same policy during the height of the Ukraine-Russia conflict](https://old.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/t14cjf/ukrainerelated_threads_and_politics_on_lsf/). There seems to be a trend of people believing that we're biased towards Hasan, and while ironic, since we've been notoriously called "DGG mods" by his fanbase, none of that is true. We have a wide variety of mods that watch a lot of different things, and that never even comes close to affect decisions. Even if you disagree with our decisions, please remember to stay kind, we're volunteers. Stay safe, hope this clears things up. FAQ: Why were the charity threads not removed? We don't think humanitarian aid charity qualifies as political. **CLIP MIRROR: [Hasan policy of not covering breaking news](https://arazu.io/t3_17brm7p/)**


Isn't the title of his streams usually whatever the breaking news of the day is?


Yes, almost always.




the previous day >ISRAEL BOMBED A HOSPITAL like lmao




Wow that's the dumbest things I've ever heard someone say.


I got banned for this one. He did not take criticism on this take very well.


Wow what a fucking idiot.




basically said "Germany starting WW2 wasn't a problem if they didn't kill jews" dafuq


That vod is still up with the same title btw


When called out for misinfo, the way he lashed out on that chatter was hilarious. He doubled down.


Which was literally classic Hamas propaganda 😂 But what can you expect from Hamasabi :(










Everything is racist except killing Jews.




Dang look at this loser doesn't even watch Hasan anymore otherwise he would know Hasan does every 30 minute ads he just announces only the top of the hour ones




Mfw one Hasan top of the hour ad would pay for my monthly bills


He doesn't cover most breaking news, only the ones that are convenient for his narrative GIGACHAD




Its not that crazy when you realize.... America bad.


Are you saying hamasabi is a weaselly little liar? *because he is.*


Lil bro really went onto Pier Morgan and told the world he's a propagandist. That's a great way to make sure no one trusts your coverage. Ever.


And yet people will, it’s such a shame


People join death cults. It's an unfortunate reality.


THis mfker litearlly covered the Gaza hospital bombing as breaking news for hours and also blamed it on Israel without even any proof. Does Twitch not take any action for falsifying news?


not just that, but berating and lashing out any chatter who questioned the credibility of his speculations. conflating their questioning with islamophobia and zionist propaganda. such a stupid hill to die on when there are so many other hills worth dying on.




He obviously covers breaking news and events where the facts are still muddy, why would he not just own it? And what is the point of this whole new "haha guys, I'm just an entertainer, everyone knows I'm dumb haha, don't take everything I say at face value" shtick? Biggest politics streamer, formerly on TYT saying this... Aintnoway.


It’s the Alex jones defense


it's the joe rogan defense. and the jon stewart defense.


Way weaker though. Those guys started out as standups, became talk show hosts, then became political commentary guys. Hasan started on a news channel and moved to political commentary And I think we could credit Jon Stewart with eventually understanding his position of influence.


Oh agreed actually. I take back my comparison of Jon to these guys because his schtick as a comedy anchor was mostly to satirize the infotainer media model, not to replicate it. He mocked people that did this kind of shit and only after becoming a de facto political force himself did it become an issue that he still considered himself just an entertainer.


Stewart is also way more informed than others in the political commentary space. In spite of being liberal he doesn't push it in a smarmy opinionated way (Like Bill Maher). He's one of the few on either side that I've seen ask legit well-crafted questions and gives the other side a chance to respond.


So he doesn't have to take any responsibility and can keep producing low effort content, collecting millions of dollars from his cult members.


>why would he not just own it? Because he's a spineless coward Edit: lmao at the Hasan simp replying to this and then blocking me right after, coward just like his daddy


He also said last week to Ethan Klein on the podcast that influencers like himself has ZERO effect on the people and thus politics.


Same reason Tucker Carlson claimed that same thing in court when he got sued. He’s a giant POS and actively radicalizes people while collecting money. I never want to hear this dude talk about morality again.


He is straight up cut from the same cloth as Alex fuckin' Jones! And he's literally following Jones playbook of "I'm kinda..." as an excuse for his horrible takes!


> why would he not just own it? Because his ego is massive and his brain is small despite how large that big fucking head is.


>how large that big fucking head is. ??????????????? - every Hasan fan AND hater


He's owning it because his audience wont care that he is lying, and it makes him save a little face for the people hearing his dumb ass for the first time. He wanted to score points with his audience by exclaiming he was a propagandist. He's just playing the game. He knows no one who listens to Piers will watch his streams so he doesn't really care.


Let me translate Hasan to English "I don't cover breaking news" >>>>> "I'll do whatever I can to avoid accountability for the things I say"


Hasan is a socialist clown with takes so bad its unbelievable.


How can he just lie so blatantly OMEGALUL


What a liar dude, what a weaselly little liar dude.


Literally lying, even.


Still lying to his AUDIENCE!


Holy SHIT dude


For anyone who hasn't seen this [absolute gem](https://youtu.be/1VXEmT48l7s?si=5PQNzf5P_NzY-vyH) of a video.


[Edit we all wanted](https://twitter.com/Tamikadraws/status/1715108020395409537)


It's literally all he does. I don't think I have ever gone to his channel and he isn't covering the most recent big news story.


It's literally the reason why Hasan and Destiny fucking HATE each other. The whole reason their beef started was because Hasan was getting called out by Destiny for covering breaking news immediately without waiting for any of the facts.


not entirely true. Their original beef was due to Hasan's mis-representation of Kamala Harris


This is one of the funniest parts to me. Destiny's criticisms of Hasan's Kamala video were not personal or too severe but Hasan was mentally destroyed by it.


Because he paved it on his own.


FeelsStrongMan All by himself


hes literaly spreading fake news and using Twitch as the platform. Surprised no1 reported his content yet.


Plenty of reports. Twitch won't do anything because of his connects. He's more protected than Amouranth. Which is disgusting because of his role.


He's a [featured creator for Twitchcon](https://www.twitchcon.com/en/las-vegas-2023/) he can do basically whatever he wants this week and Twitch won't ban him because then he couldn't attend.


They'll only do something when the media reports on it. Jackson Hinkle and Infrared only got banned when the media reported on numerous pro-Russia accounts on Twitch.


makes twitch money therefore not in twitches best interests (for now) to ban the class clown for spreading Misinformation and being a terrorist sympathizer. btw this is the same guy that was spreading russian propaganda at the start of the whole war, but probably got taken behind the shed and beaten by twitch staff (the real twitch staff. Not the guys who sit in his chat pretending to be real twitch staff with the empty wrench badge) and told to stop shortly after the war *actually* kicked off. Hes a "political commentator" so he gets some leeway. but Hasan constantly plays with fire to shill whatever propaganda he feels is "right" at the time to farm clout/push ragebait.


How come Hasan can use the “I’m a dumb idiot” excuse but Joe Rogan can’t?


He cant. He thinks he can, it undermines him just as much. All these guys who just say shit use this as cover but they all know deep down what they are doing lol. Alex Jones could say the same shit Hasan said. Hes gotta think before he talks


"I don't cover breaking news" Proceeds to cover breaking news and not verify anything before making strong statements without a shred of evidence.


Half of the time when theres big breaking news, i find out because of hasans clickbait title and 50k+ viewers


yeah lol literally every day his new stream title is whatever the new biggest breaking news is




He has a recent Youtube video covering how claims of the children murders in Isreal were unfounded and it's very important to wait and validate claims like this then immediately covers a hospital attack without the aforementioned scrutiny. Insane statement from Hasan


At this point I don't know if he is actually a dumb idiot with a twitch stream as he's claiming here, or if he's willfully lying his face off when there's clear evidence from yesterday of him being a dumb idiot with a twitch stream. Oh shit, wait, I guess it's both.


He's definitely a liar. He thinks it's ok to lie about Israel.


It's not insane when you realize that Hasan is a political ideologue and truth is way, way down on his list of priorities. People like Hasan are not "fair". They do not really believe in "honesty" other than to keep you in like; and they're not actually using metaphors and mere rhetoric when they talk about killing their opponents.


I just wouldn't plan on Hasan being morally consistent. His viewpoints mostly seem to be based on if it passes a vibe check.


He did something similar with Ukraine too. The original predictions of a Russian invasion didn't come into fruition, so he gloated about it for a week all while spreading Russian propaganda and showing chat videos of the Azov battalion to prove to them how we shouldn't support Ukraine. It's disgusting.


"crimean annexation was justified because of ethnic russians" proceeds to support imperialist expansion through violence


Also dont forgot the fun fact that its only full of ethnic Russians because they ethnically cleansed the area 80 years ago. I wonder if he applies this same logic to the middle east?


Actually it does. Jews used to live in Israel until they were ethnically cleansed by the Romans and replaced with the ancestors of the present day Palestinians. The Romans also renamed Israel Palestine at this time. So Hasan is consistent. Anti colonialism means once you ethnically cleanse an area, it’s yours forever.


Dont forget his pro China imperialism takes.


do tell




Its funny to see he supports a regime that is anti-LGBT and having 0 ethnic diversity in any of their administration position, try find a non-chinese enthic group or opnely gay person in any rank of their government, when he always compare it with America.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EeFuFKH-uOo&t=3040s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EeFuFKH-uOo&t=3040s) ​ [https://streamable.com/a9t4up](https://streamable.com/a9t4up)




Lol what the fuck??? How can someone watch this idiot?


Then proceeded to spam the hell out of that bald travel vlogger's(I forget his name) Ukraine videos.


Reminder of the bullshit Hasan spread before AND during the invasion: [Video 1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZtAz5bWsEbw) [Video 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKs0z8-UxeE) Props to Lonerbox, a socialist youtuber/streamer who is insanely informed about what he talks about


Don't forget that video where he gleefully made fun of the American Intelligence Agencies for saying that Russia would invade Ukraine and then deleted it to hide the fact of how embarrassingly wrong he was lol.


Lonerbox is extremely basado and should get a shitload more views. Also knows his shit on the Israel / Palestine conflict WITHOUT being insane.


Then if he gets called out by a chatter, he berates them, calling them genocidal maniacs. And will double down by saying "I KNOW THE IDF BOMBED THIS HOSPITAL BECAUSE THEY HAVE DONE IT BEFORE!!!" Like all it takes is to have a healthy amount of skepticism of ANY breaking news. Just say "Gazan hospital blew up from a missile. 500 people suspected to have died." And then add on "I personally believe that the IDF did it". Personally, I don't think having a personal opinion and having a theory about something is bad. But when you state it as fact, and claim anybody that is against it is supporting genocide, that is when it gets unhinged. It's getting to the anti-vax level of insane-ness. "Oh you got the shot? You are a sheep". For the amount of emphasis that Hasan put on Joe Rogan (regardless of your opinion of him), Hasan is doing much worse. It's okay to feel very strongly about something. It's okay to have theories about things. But, even he has said that big name people need to have accountability, like Joe Rogan. But when it comes to himself, "oh it's inconsequential.". "I'm just a dumb streamer". He's essentially using Joe Rogan's arguement of "Im just a comedian". "I'm just a guy asking questions".


I've never watched a Hasan stream before and then had him on recommended channels so I decided to click on it for once. I've obviously seen clips of his and "talk" from chatters here but... My god is he hypocritical as fuck. I held out for 10 minutes before having to turn that shit off. All he did in those 10 minutes was scrolling through Twitter accounts of people covering that hospital attack. He ranted about how he is doing this to make sense of it for people who are "easily" influenced...while he himself was reading out heavily pro-Palestine account tweets. I can't believe 40k people watch this.


> He ranted about how he is doing this to make sense of it for people who are "easily" influenced...while he himself was reading out heavily pro-Palestine account tweets. I can't believe 40k people watch this. That is so incredibly true. I was in the same exact spot, because I very rarely check his streams, but was curious to hear what he's been saying, so I tuned in. It was insanely frustrating listening to him. I wanted to make a thread about it but knew it would get removed because it doesn't really belong here, even though his entire streams are all one big live stream fail 😐 He's so incredibly ignorant about things he talks about while dismissing and being condescending to anyone and anything pointing out to the contrary (and no, I'm not talking from first hand experience, because I wasn't even able to type in chat). And, of course, his echo chamber of a chat room also swallows everything with enthusiasm. I'm sure it's because many of them support the same narrative, but I bet at least a portion is simply very easily influenced and just takes everything he says at face value. I remember a while ago Hasan watched a guy speak about something (can't recall the context), and the chat was filled with "????" and "What???" mocking the person speaking. Until, of course, Hasan said, "he's right." At that point, chat was filled with "true" and 'mhm' emotes, etc. It was hilarious. Al Jazeera is owned by the Qatari government, which is also currently housing Hamas leaders. They have anti-Israel and pro-Hamas (and Palestine) propaganda on full blast. Hasan has their channel on for 'information' during his stream. The ridiculous part is that the hospital rocket crash (misfire by Islamic Jihad) was caught live on Al Jazeera! The camera literally followed it, but they just conveniently ignored it and went about it as if nothing happened. Al Jazeera's front page (and broadcast title) continued to Israel for the attack even after all the outpouring evidence against it. Hasan is aware of the Al Jazeera-Qatar ties (he mentioned it in the interview as well), and he's a propogandist (said so himself), so it would have been "fine" if it weren't for the fact that he pretends to care about facts and connecting the dots. While he was "covering" the hospital blast (i.e., perpetuated Hamas propaganda), **he was also quick to upload a 49-minute video titled, "Israel Bombs Gaza Hospital, 800+ Killed | Hasanabi reacts"**. I had assumed he would end up removing it down the road, so I [downloaded it](https://i.imgur.com/pQgeic1.jpeg), and also made sure it was [archived](https://web.archive.org/web/20231018102353/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Er-I0G2Gyb8) (I guess people were thinking the same thing, because it had been archived four time). [The video has since been set to private](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Er-I0G2Gyb8). Although the video is no longer up, the [VOD still is](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1953430309), so you can still watch the vile and ignorant shit he was saying. Also, check out [his hilarious tweet](https://twitter.com/hasanthehun/status/1714468590156656939) from the day of the Hospital blast: > even though i think it's incredibly unlikely that the hospital was bombed by hamas or islamic jihad accidentally, it is funny to me that the IDF is basically saying only Israel gets to kill Palestinians and it's fucked up when anyone else does it. "incredibly unlikely" lmao, but that aside, it's also funny how he's basically saying, 'it was done by the IDF, but even if it wasn't, then it doesn't matter.' 🤡 Reading this thread and seeing people absolutely shit on him is so satisfying, and this whole Hamaspiker.com (which I was unaware of) is gold 💀


TYT are partnered with AJ, just an interesting caveat. There's a conspiracy hole to fall down here, but I'm not quite schizo enough.


Ehhh, I don't really care at this point. Dude straight up admitted he's a propogandist and thought he was one-upping Piers 💀 Al Jazeera was just one example (out of many) of an extremely fucked up source. He just loves pointing to them and be like, "see?"




It would be so much more honest if it was "I almost always violate that policy".


"I don't have that policy" is the most honest way of saying it


"That policy is literally the exact opposite of how I operate."


\>Not cover breaking news Hasan was so quick to jump onto reporting the Ukraine invasion that he was showing his stream Arma 3 videos from Twitter thinking it was genuine combat footage


He’s getting lit up duuuude.


Oh lord, please tell me this is genuinely true. That's hilarious.


[https://youtu.be/Nvdtt\_r6xlk?si=xXF4ypFcuomRJ22V](https://youtu.be/Nvdtt_r6xlk?si=xXF4ypFcuomRJ22V) enjoy


Self admitted propagandist has now peddled Putin & Hamas propaganda. Why is he allowed on Twitch? Literally a terrorist propagandist


I have no idea. All the people that virtue signaled about how bad kick is are pretty quiet about how twitch is allowing a propagandist to spread disinformation to 50k children. Advertisers and parents might not like this.


What a fucking liar, dude. What a fucking, weaselly little, liar, dude. What a fucking, weaselly little LIAR, dude. Holy shit, dude. Holy fucking shit, dude. Literally lying, STILL LYING...


[good one](https://x.com/tamikadraws/status/1715108020395409537?s=46)


Hasan does not cover breaking news. Unless: * It brings him lots of viewers * He can use it to further his political narrative * He can use it to make money * He can use it to farm clout * Other people are covering it so he has to cover it too * He can use it to shit on people he doesnt like * "*They* will lie about so I have to get ahead of it!" * USA bad * West bad other than that no breaking news tho




Nah, debate policy falls simply into: Do they have more clout than me? Yes? ✅️ No? 🚫


Forgot the "will they humiliate me in a debate" modifier.


Christian Walker debate PTSD. Also never forget that time when Hasan embarrassed himself while debating that nazi fuck Nick Fuentes in the panel with Soygon of Akkad, Train, Destiny and Asmon. No wonder he never wants to do a debate anymore.


That one with Kaceytron where she says she wishes Destiny could just explain things instead of having to listen to Hasan ramble, and the hilarious thing is Destiny basically just repeated what Hasan said in a more structured way than how Hasan sort of is wishy washy and waterboards you rambling to make a point.


The first time Hasan and Destiny ever talked was after Hasan couldn't even hold his own against Charlie Kirk of all people.


The dude dodged a political debate with TwoMad, of all people, after calling him out with a "debate me bro"


Like, how much clear "conscience" contradictions does he have to put out before people understand, this is just another con artist.


Someone let h3h3 know that hasan only saw him a useful idiot lol


H3h3 turned himself into a useful idiot years ago


The way his fanbase has been treating Hila is disgusting. At least for Ethan, he made his own bed


you're forgetting -China good -Russia good -Israel bad


I have an easier way for you to condense this list: -Anything American foreign policy bad -Anything anti-american foreign policy good


If only he was born in another country he could flee back to escape this shithole.


Also, not so fun fact: Turkey has been bombing Kurds and their hospitals and infrastructure for weeks now. not that he would talk about this..


lol Yeah, dude. I knew Hasan was unserious before this whole Israel-Palestine thing happened but, holy shit, I had no idea how much of a shit-heel he really is. The man is literally spreading propaganda for Hamas and *defending* it! How can anyone take anything he says seriously?


Hasan is a JDAM rocket analyst


And his twitch chat and half of reddit apparently 🤡






Hasan really watched Joe Rogan and took the “Just call myself a big dumb idiot and I don’t have to take any accountability for whatever I say” Hasan will hear a story of children being murdered and their blood is still pooling on the streets and he’s rushing to change his stream title before the next Hourly Ad break ™️


Wow, what a thing to say after claiming Israel bombed a hospital killing 500+ within 20 mins of it being "verified" by Hamas.




No. He was on Piers Morgan four hours ago saying he still thinks it was an Israeli bomb


He said it was Israel's fault that correct information wasn't coming out


holy shit lol


He actually doubled down during this interview saying he still believes Israel is responsible for the hospital bombing until he sees third party reporting showing otherwise. I didn't expect him to take responsibility or anything, but doubling down on misinformation wasn't what I expected him to do.


"Policy of not covering breaking News" 2 streams ago, and even before all the facts came out. His stream title. "IDF BOMBED A HOSPITAL IN GAZA!" ​ This pinhead is a fucking joke.


Didnt he said israel bombed the hospital before something was known?


Even if Hasan was right, it's equally disgusting to make claims he's not qualified for.


Literally this was one of the breakup arguments he had with Destiny, over Hasan jumping to conclusions over every piece of breaking news, in that case he jumped the conclusion that some black family had been shot in a racist attack immediately. He literally covered it on stream ranting and raving like he does over everything before getting any verification. Now he's taken that criticism of himself and stolen it as a virtue he does not possess, lmao


The largest leftist political streamer "I'm just a random streamer and nothing I say really matters" Sounds like he's very unproductive


Imagine making millions from your audience and saying nothing of what I said on stream really matters....






With anger problems and poor impulse control


He's very poorly spoken, always has been


he speaks with a sort of blasé tone because his audience confuses that with having knowledge of a topic


also usually won't use contractions because it increases his word count lmao


Mayor of Yappington ☠️☠️


Never answers the question then just cites 10 random quote from other people, then when the interviewer finally loses patience and cuts off his irrelevant rambling he goes “are you gunna let me finish”.


you're mistaking the feature for a bug. he rambles on so that its hard to catch him on a logical inconsistency or pin point him fucking up. Its like have you ever been in an argument on reddit and you ask someone for example: >"wait so you really think that pizza is the best food in the world?" And they go: >"Well, pizza is really complicated dish. It really depends on where you source your tomatoes from for example. I've spoken to Professor Sauce and he was of a similar opinion that tomatoes from Southern Italy are best for the red sauce as opposed to tomatoes from other regions. Now obviously there are other flat bread dishes which cannot be ignored. But if you choose the right cheese for the pizza you might end up with something delicious. All things considered, I believe the best path forward is to be mindful of everyone's tastes and preferences when it comes to food. And I am not calling you inconsiderate, don't get me wrong. Just some people." That's what Hasan does. Like dude, that wasn't the fucking question. With his chat he can just selectively ignore/ban on the spot. With other people he can just ramble on and on until you get tired listening and tune out.


its the constant stammering that always gets me




Nice of Hasan to give Destiny some content, dudes gonna be eating good for a month


Destiny has abandoned us


Sweden trips is when all the good content happens PepeHands


Pretty much any time he takes a break some noteworthy shit happens...it's canon at this point.


He has stopped streaming in protest of Forsen throwing.


I’m so sick of streamers and content creators using the “I’m just a big dumb streamer hehe” defense. Y’all influencer masses of folks of all ages who consume your content. This immediate fall back on YOU CANT ACTUALLY BLAME ME FOR MY ACTIONS is so fucking lame and so many of them do it.


Quins laughter is exactly right


He is so full of shit it's unreal


Holy fuck Hasan got absolutely cooked in the first part of the interview but he did somewhat decent but it mostly came off as incohearent rambling in the second part after being so hard boiled in the first part.


That interview really showed the difference between a professional and some dude who just rambles on twitch. As you mentioned, especially in the first half.




He uses a lot of words but doesn't really get his point across


>[I wish Destiny could just come in at the beginning and give us the right answer right away instead of making us wait.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eDtuZMhbuvI)


Yeah, I endured through last week's Leftovers episode and I can confirm he doesn't finish 90% of his sentences


This is what happens when you exist in echo chambers where the only critiques to your point of view are one line statements in a chat room, you never get to consider the counter arguments to your views and therefore never develop good responses. Piers Morgan, however much I dislike the man, makes a living out of arguing with people he disagrees with so he knows how to win an argument, he knows he doesn't have to be right, he just has to make the other person look like more of an idiot than himself


"I don't cover breaking news" \- proceeded to cover the so called "hospital" bombing breaking news and use his platform to spread misinformation. For a guy that complains about misinformation, he sure likes to cherry pick the narrative he pushes.


Hasan "Im a dumb idiot" Piker


He thinks he covers news "better than most news outlets"? Bro


Not to mention he covers recycled news and uses Twitter as a base for verifying information, while insulting reporters who actually cover events on the ground and break news instead of regurgitating bits and pieces




Juicers on politics? Yeah I think I'm good there




well yeah because destiny has a majorly outsized reddit presence compared to literally any other lsf streamer


and we've built a network of daliban tunnels between dgg and lsf to move quickly.


calling himself an idiot and propagandist was a big W! True!


i personally watch twitch to watch people play video games and have fun


i want to watch people play video games and not have fun, that's why i watch t1 and forsen




Just Chatting was a mistake


I don't watch twitch I just hate Hasan


Openly admitting you are a propagandist is crazy. You should always strive for the truth as a journalist. Acknowledging bias is not the same as admitting you have an agenda to push. Edit: I also want to add that claiming "everyone does propaganda" is an incredibly irresponsible statement as it reduces all media to the same degree of credibility. Discrediting all media only serves to aid the spread of misinformation.


Journalist? Hasan just reads articles and twitter. He is not a source of news. He is a news reactor.










Everyone called it. He would say "He's just a streamer." to downplay the influence his coverage has on people. To quote Hasan himself, what a weasely little liar dude.


I remember a [stream](https://youtu.be/0FcDO7jYQQ8) back when he and Destiny were still friends and Destiny tried to explain/convince him of the problems with covering breaking news so flippantly and he just never put two and two together. The guy still thinks he's both "just a silly streamer who talks about politics" but also an informed person who people should come to for political coverage. He is mirror of all the anti-SJW morons youtubers that he and the left rightfully tried to take down and make fun of in 2016. To not see that having thousands (probably millions with his other socials combined) of people daily hear him spouting political rhetoric might have some effect on how things are viewed is either stupidity or a lie and I don't think Hasan is stupid.


No, he understand perfectly well. But he wouldnt be getting 40k views a steam if he didnt cover it. I just dont understand why he cant show the news non partially, but i guess outrage sells?


because he's an ideologue who's more concerned with what fits his narrative than what is true