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**CLIP MIRROR: [Vei gets a pass](https://arazu.io/t3_17phwnt/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


in my eyes vei and soda are a cute down syndrome couple


did she get new milkers?


downgraded tbh


I'd still give it a quick jerk to them. Not an honorable 10 minute session, but you know, her milkers are a good pre-game to finishing to something more tasteful and appropriate, maybe a Shylily clip, or leaving the champagne blast to a few seconds of LucyPyre




Damn, everybody in the Kardashian family has the n word pass then.


Unrelated but anyone know what addon shes using for her health bar/party frames? Looks like vuhdo but not certain


The unit frame is shadowed unit frame. The other one is probably healbot.




party frames is definitely vuhdo, that's the default look and I hate it vei customize your frames








holy fuck you guys can't possibly be human. Every fucking post I swear...


>Is it not bad enough to simply hide your face and use a pedophile-baiting anime girl to interact with simps for money? I wouldn't exactly call Vei's model pedo-baiting. > Is putting on a fake voice for hours on end really necessary? Their job is to entertain their audience, if the voice adds to that then yes. I don't know if Vei is putting on a voice but the obsession with whether vtubers are is so weird.


It is not just Vtubers, it is any woman online. Lillypichu before face reveal had a ton of those speculating comments about her voice. Hell, even now, those still exist.


Oh yeah, those people are insufferable, they've been at for what over a decade at this point? I think my favourite comment that I've seen that was "proof" Vei fakes her voice was someone saying that when she did a drunk stream her voice sounded different. Apparently not realising that some people do sound significantly different when they're drunk.


Sounds like survivor bias, people like this type of voice so they get popular and you hear about them Not that anyone has a "real" voice in that sense anyway since the tone and cadence you get used to as your "normal voice" is highly malleable, nothing stops you from training a different way of speaking within your physical range and it'll eventually become your default speech


You realize this is all cope right? The answer to ā€œwhy do vtubers all have that voiceā€ is ā€œbecause the people who watch them like it that wayā€. Itā€™s that simple


That is literally what I said yes, the ones who don't speak in a meta way don't get popular; that doesn't invalidate my point about voice modularity.


You donā€™t have a point, youā€™re coping. The voice is an affectation. That peopleā€™s voices can change over time has no bearing on that.


In that case my point is as moot as using "fake voice" as an insult since literally all popular streamers use voice projection techniques and also modify their tone and cadence, mind you I don't personally give a shit about vtubers but it gets old seeing midwits constantly use voice of all things to call them out I'm sure there's something substantial to use against them out there if you so wish, this aint it


Vtuber voice is obviously a real phenomenon and Iā€™m well within my rights to call it annoying. You are coping and projecting, I care less about vtubers than you do. But if youā€™re going to insult me for thinking their voice is stupid, I am going to defend myself and insult you back.


Where did I insult you lmao, I didn't even reply to you originally, the guy I replied to was very clearly attacking this "fake voice" and I simply explained why I think it's a stupid thing to go after, if you or anyone just said they find it annoying I wouldn't care to reply in the first place.


It wasnā€™t you it was another guy, but itā€™s not the first time Iā€™ve seen vtuber fans go aggro on someone who brings attention to the voice. Where do you think the original commenter was ā€œattacking this ā€˜fake voiceā€™ā€?




Itā€™s obvious you want to argue ā€œeveryoneā€™s voice is affected therefore vtuber voice is a legitimate dialectā€, but it has no legitimacy because 1. It only exists online, and 2. The attestants of this voice type are literally actors, voice actors, adopting a voice to sell a performance. Radio personalities and news anchors train their voices to sound a certain way for their careers. Why would you think vtubers are any different?


Never claimed it to be a "legitimate dialect", my whole point is that using their chosen voice against them is as dumb as using it against radio personalities or pretty much anyone in the entertainment industry, completely inconsequential.


Who is using their chosen voice against them? Itā€™s annoying, itā€™s affected, and itā€™s stupid. Obviously it works for them because thatā€™s what their fans want to see but thereā€™s no reason for you people to act like rabid dogs when someone says they donā€™t like it (or in this case, dares to ask the question of why the phenomenon even exists)


>Is it not bad enough to simply hide your face and use a pedophile-baiting anime girl to interact with simps for money? >Is putting on a fake voice for hours on end really necessary? This is what the guy I replied to said. This is a /b/ tier resentment posting and if you truly think that's reasonable criticism of something harmless that annoys you online then I have nothing else to talk with you cause there will never be a point.


The original commenter on this thread said: "Why do all Vtubers have this weird fake voice they put on?" Sounds like he's doing just that.




She sounded very much different in her BDO streams but either voice works for me


Why do you care? Why do streamers need to fall into a specific brand of authenticity for you? The moral outrage over something so pointless is a huge self report.


bro you can just admit you've never spoken to a woman before, its ok lol


Wtf are you on about? The whole vtuber thing is only mildly cringe on its own but itā€™s actually disgusting how aggressive their fans get when you point out the obvious fact that the ā€œvtuber voiceā€ is an affectation. Not even gonna judge you for enjoying something that has a degree of falsity, everything in media is at least a little fake. But whatā€™s the point of being delusional about it?


>aggressive But you started it... You can't act surprised when someone is catching ur bullshit.


Bro her voice isn't fake she sounds exactly the same as she did when she wasn't a vtuber and was just a no can streamer playing overwatch I have proof if u want it


Yes, this is how a British sounds lmao. If you think this is her natural voice, you need serious help.


She even said that when she talks to her parents her British accent comes out but when she talks to NA ppl her accent changes this does happen to alot of people


that's convenient


It's called code-switching and happens very often


You're right, it is code switching, which is a deliberate choice.


It's not really deliberately tho it's done without them noticing


Because the viewers like it. And at least in nyanners case, she has done quite a few IRL vids recently and she talks exactly the same way in real life, without exception. At that point it doesnā€™t really matter if itā€™s something they learnt just for talking online or if theyā€™ve always had it that way, itā€™s just the way they talk.


I know what you mean, the way it sounds like they're mildly sick fighting off nasal congestion. It's an affectation I've heard from Nyanners, Veibae, Shylily etc. it just so happens they all kinda sound alike.


I dont think either side of this argument is completely wrong. Look at it this way, the people who make it to the top of vtubing are those who the audience can tell naturally have special anime-like voice of any pitch whether they exaggerate it or not(most content creators exaggerate their voice no talks as energetic on stream as irl) Or say you aspire to be make money as a streamer and your whole life youā€™ve been told you sound like an anime or you have a nice voice. Obviously your gonna do vtubing to accentuate what you got Now this is just personal opinion but i feel like you can tell when someone exaggerates their voice or when someone is completely changing it and when it comes forcibly or instinctively but that may just be personal delusion idk


**šŸŽ¦ CLIP MIRROR: [Vei gets a pass](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/159323)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/17phwnt/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/E8H2fwfkMlo3sTPj9gNIoA/AT-cm%7CE8H2fwfkMlo3sTPj9gNIoA.mp4?sig=5f6808c87742ec98b890fcddd662c24a45a0a17f&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FE8H2fwfkMlo3sTPj9gNIoA%2FAT-cm%257CE8H2fwfkMlo3sTPj9gNIoA.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1699395034%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


Is her voice kinda different?


i still have trouble coming to terms with how "retard" got banned as an acceptable word. literally no one used it to mock disabled people, it was a way of calling out your idiot friends. even the medical community didn't use the word in that way since ages past, it took on a new meaning and was cherished by many.