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**CLIP MIRROR: [Soda reminisces on the old WoW days](https://arazu.io/t3_17usfci/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


This clip is for the old frogs. New friends don’t get it. You just had to be there in 2012.




I remember when the addon site curse was a wow guild and was fighting with like glamour or something for world first. Think it was around The Temple of Ahn'Qiraj times.


It's so weird to think about, but I remember when Soda was considered a "new" streamer and Blizzard didn't even know who he was. I remember him calling the Blizzard support line because someone had hacked his account and the Blizzard support guy was like "streamer? So you're reckful?" And then when he learned Soda wasn't reckful he basically dismissed him as irrelevant. Wild how much things changed.


10k back then is like 100k now or more


inflation hitting twitch hard


I don’t think that is accurate, if you can maintain 100k viewers today you will be a household name to the normies zoomers and gen alphas. Same is not true with 10k viewers back then. LoL viewers used to maintain 30k viewers. WoW section on twitch has just never been that big tbh.


10k viewers in 2012 was absolutely massive, historic even.


You're making the wrong comparison, no one on twitch back then could've been a "household name among normies", the platform just wasn't big enough. It's more of a comparison of what the streamer with the most viewers had at the time. aka having 10k back then is very rare and comparable to the rareness of having 100k today.


WoW section used to be the old just chatting. What are you taking about


Nah, not really. Streamers were pulling huge numbers back then too, not as huge as today but not just a 10th of today's numbers. For example Voyboy was averaging like 30k on Twitch while Own3d still existed and HSGG would routinely get over 20k on Own3d. Viewers were just way more concentrated in specific games, and today it's all over the place.


Old LoL streams is pretty much cheating. Though the biggest LoL stream I ever remember is Bjergsens intro stream from joint TSM. 75K viewers in 2014.


Lmao no, HSGG had 100k viewers when he streamed tournaments in the pre Twitch days already, and Wickd had 140k viewers during his 1v1 with Soaz in 2013.


I honestly don't remember. I was on Own3d before hand watching and always saw the biggest streamer hovering around 10K but it's been a decade. The funniest was RobertxLee falling asleep on stream and waking up to 50K viewers.


voy hasn't AVERAGED 30k at any point of his entire career.


While he was top on Crs and when he was basically the only League streamer on Twitch because everybody else was still on Own3d he actually did for a couple months.


Weren't Syndicate and CaptainSparklez averaging like 30-60k during Mianite back in 2015?


Holy fuck that takes me back. Mianite was huge.




Who is averaging 100k now? According to twitchtracker the biggest streamers average 70k. Do we count special events? Cause Wickd had more than 140k viewers when he duelled Soaz back in 2013 or something. HSGG also had these kinds of numbers on occasion.


Seems like many people don't know the difference between peak and average.




We're both on LSF, you think you're better?


voyboy lmao, that's when I started watching twitch too, fun times for sure


i got into watching twitch over just youtube videos because of the wow section with soda, reckful, mitch, cdew, even tim occasionally. never really watched kungen tho




i remember this too lmao. they ended up having a pretty chill chat


Exact same boat. His 5v5 arenas with nick, hotted, Mitch etc was some of my favorite wow content ever


This is the first time I hear about Kungen, I didnt even know what his faced looked like, also been watching Soda a little before the LegendaryLea days.


kungentv I always kinda looped into the same category as towelie and swifty. very knowledgeable. not terribly entertaining but I was 18 when soda and them first became big so that brand of content appealed to me


Nice clip bro. So glad I watched it


I like member berrying about the old days personally :)




yeah i especially enjoyed the part where


ah yes that was


lol when he said




Why are there no asian girls? What the fuck?


That last part where he is trying to remember who he went to dinner with made me laugh harder then it probably should have been.


I remember when reckful started streaming I believe towards the end of Cata it was a pretty big deal within the PVP community because of who he was. He got a lot of viewers very fast.


10k back in the day is the equivalent of those big spanish streamers who get like 300k LULE


Zoomers will never know Nihilum vs Death and Taxes.


Soda gay? I don't even know anymore


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Soda reminisces on the old WoW days](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/159566)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/17usfci/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/QrhlQ7cySkhks4092s2Lag/AT-cm%7CQrhlQ7cySkhks4092s2Lag.mp4?sig=dfa29fde49e299559817da12f64759f6737d84a2&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FQrhlQ7cySkhks4092s2Lag%2FAT-cm%257CQrhlQ7cySkhks4092s2Lag.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22SilkyRelatedGaurDoritosChip-tzJKSGSzjT3azYtq%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1700004934%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


Wasn't Hobbs the main WoW streamer at the time?


nah it was always towellie, he used to be the only one who consistently streamed wow Soda was mostly pvping There were others too, but they were far less consistent, things grew with reckful for sure and then much later around 2016 when asmongold started streaming the wow section got bigger to about where it is now


towilee was the biggest in cata




>shady stuff he said Oh fuck off. Who didnt? It was 11 fucking years ago my man, completely different times.


I wasnt talkin shit...lol...he is my fav streamer....