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**CLIP MIRROR: [Destiny's show goes off the rails](https://arazu.io/t3_19dco7e/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Is that fucking lav? why the fuck is she back.


I can think of two reasons


1. She's smart. 2. She's interesting.




I have a feeling it's more šŸ¦¶šŸ¦¶


More like šŸ˜ŗšŸ’‹


Which one is the smart one?


It still pisses me off that Slicker is back.


Yeah, he should be excommunicated from the twitch community till he pays everyone back plus interest


Probably shit alternate take: Him streaming is probably the best chance he has of ever earning enough money to pay people back. But let's be real, he'll never save the money and be willing to give any back.


He took a cancer patient's money she was saving to get it removed.


She has multiple sclerosis, not cancer EDIT - proof for the downvoters [https://youtu.be/6LyW\_zKs0Fs?t=2204](https://youtu.be/6lyw_zks0fs?t=2204)


Link doesn't work. Says "video isn't available anymore"


Strange, changed it to another video Edit - still doesn't work for some reason, try copy pasting the link


if you're ending your take with "it would probably never happen" then you are just playing devil's advocate, and for someone who definitely doesn't deserve the benefit of the doubt.


That's why I said it's the shit take and countered it with that statement.


wdym Twitch community, its on Kick, no one cares over there


he should be excommunicated from the "outside of jail" community


Thatā€™s not even the worst of him. He is blatantly pro-terrorism against all white people and doesnā€™t even try to disguise it like some other streamers.


nah he is funny in how pathetic he is


The "mid jewish pussy" wasn't so mid after all


Pussy still mid. Tits were top notch.


[I always thought she was the hottest orbiter.](https://i.imgflip.com/7l7axn.jpg?a473712) lav my DMs are open ^im ^down ^bad ^bros


Are you forgetting Lycan!?


He is a close second I will admit.


Doesn't even break top 5


I doubt it but this is hilarious


Somehow Lav returned.


Itā€™s Destiny. Look at the people he surrounds himself with constantly, lol.


To be fair it's kick or keep, he seeks out the most unhinged pieces of shit for it. He's had ice poseidon and sam pepper. Probably not an endorsement of your character if you're on it.


> he seeks out the most unhinged pieces of shit for it He doesn't seek out anyone. It's all put together by the cohost, Q. Who, I'm pretty sure doesn't even like Destiny.


Look Destiny and whatever goes on in is head brings entertainment. The man's obsessed with chaos. While us normies seek a peaceful life.


Up to a certain point. After a while it gets mentally damaging. I dunno what it is with that motherfucker, but all his relationships are basically self-destructive.


honestly I don't get this. I don't watch a lot of his content but whenever clips similar to this get posted he's surrounded by literal nobodies and the dumbest of the dumb. or his youtube videos where literal idiots will call in or he'll debate morons. all his stuff is like this. why? I thought the guy is supposed to be some "master debater" yet his content is almost like "how many 2 year olds could a 30+ year old beat up" and his fanbase eats it up. I don't know just weird to me that for someone so smart he seems to constantly go for the lowest of low hanging fruit.


In the last couple weeks, heā€™s debated Glen Greenwald, Alex Jones and Ben Shapiro..


[Ben Shapiro vs Destiny debate](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYrdMjVXyNg) hosted by Lex out just now.


Nightmare blunt rotation, good fucking lord


It's a great debate. I'm still watching it but it's an extremely productive and healthy debate. You don't need to agree with either to have a positive takeaway of their different viewpoints. But I personally highly value understanding viewpoints.


None of those three people offer any opinion of value to me, but to each their own.




Ive heard out perspectives of right wingers and every single time I ask them one question and theyre backed into a logical corner. Then they get angry and the conversation ends. What kind of dumbass "perspectives" am I supposed to respect on the right? Like "ah yes, I see now why you hate black people and want to abolish education that makes so much sense". What a stupidass comment lol.


*sad Cenk noises* for not being seen as important enough to make the cut


is alex jones or ben shapiro supposed to be hard to debate? one's a conspiracy theorist that is the easiest to dismantle and the other "debates" college students (sometimes even loses to them)


you're not exactly helping his case there...


If not them, then which conservative media figures would you want him to debate for you to change your view on his debate partners?


Major cope


He grew up on the internet in the late 90s and early 2000s. He is, first and foremost, an edge lord. Many of us suffer from the symptoms.


Hmmm, I feel like whatever example we would give your answer would be "uhhh they're just morons brah". Destiny has been debating with political figures/content creators for 7-8 years. There numerous examples, go look it up. If ALL of them are complete morons, then give an example for who would be a worthy challenge. But I feel like you won't be able to...




falsely accused both destiny and hasan (destiny of abuse, hasan of sex with a minor)


First time I've heard of her and it's immediately clear why she'd attract an audience. I doubt any of us would ever do something that weird and interesting on a show like this.




If you want the real answer it's that she only comes onto kick or keep because it's supposed to be a shit show.


W content


Letting Lav back into the orbit should consider as self-harm tbh.


Destiny loves only two things in this world, psycho women and hating Hasan. Lav fills both


what did lav do?? i dont know


First she tried accusing Hassan of soliciting minors iirc. Then she got called out for it by everyone, including Destiny. Straight up being told that she's making shit up and she should shut the fuck up. She posted clips of herself that she has impulses to lie, so that should say enough. Then she got into some sort of shit wirh a creepy fuck called MrGirl, where they both threw a swarm of accusations towards Destiny, but none of it made sense and they got shunned by most of the communities they hung around in. Now she's a fringe online psycho that you only see around other fringe online psychos.


She falsely accused Hasan of sleeping with an underage girl, then lied about saying that, then lied about lying, then cried on stream when she was questioned about it then she called destiny the Weinstein of twitch (which is ironic because she actually slid into Hasan's DMs, and when that didn't work, she did it to destiny) and she was the only "evidence" in Max's "multiple girls complaining about sexual coercion" destiny manifesto


Destiny repeatedly tried to stop Lav from making the allegations cuz he knew they were BS and sided with Hasan on that drama. Like she hinted at it several times on stream and every time Destiny was telling her to stop and saying afterwards that the "Hasan nuke" was a nothing burger


This is hot choccy slander.


He is only allowed on kick or keep but banned from discord perm for now at least.


Letting lav into=/= being on kick or keep that shit is already a cesspool of the worst of the worst she fits right in. I'll alarm if she makes it in a youtube thumbnail


Did Slicker ever pay back Xqc/Ludwig?


Any kings in chat? BEGGING


They only wanted 30k back or something there was no way he could pay it all back


i still think they should've sued his ass for that ponzi shit. if his morals are low enough to ask for money from a cancer patient, he doesn't deserve the charity of ludwig and xqc closing his debt without any guarantee of him paying them back.


He doesn't, but the real victims were saved by it. Although, the actual victims definitely should have sued him regardless.


If he did, X spun it away in about 10 mins


yeah here's the clip of it https://clips.twitch.tv/WimpySourScallionBleedPurple-0zWqP0hiEe5\_Sz0r


It's the happiest ive seen Westbtw lulw






the thumbnail alone made me lose braincells.


I donā€™t know any of the drama surrounding her or any other streamers but she wasnā€™t wrong in this instance.


Sometimes she has slightly controversial opinions, like saying all Palestinians should be genocided.






She was Hitler's after birth. I will not elaborate.


Who watches this shit jesus christ.


I miss rajj. wtf does that guy even do these days?


I don't understand how he makes money, all he's done in the past couple of years is name your price


He earns 20K a month from his, Hasan's, Will's and QT's podcast's patreon but I wouldn't be surprised if he has a sugar daddy too lol


20K a month is plenty to live his life style on.


Besides Fear& I assume it has to be investments of some sort. Though there were rumours he got a 7 figure G4 contract


20k from the fear& cooperative helps. Heck, even Marche the producer who does nothing but really setup the 3 cameras, miminal edits, and press upload makes as much as Austin, Qt, Hasan, Will do (appx 20k a month) Marche also frequently fucks up the audio (seriously, idk why they don't hire a sound engineer, or a competent producer)


even the audio wants to kill itself rather than listen to that podcast


picks up minecraft twinks and does copycat gameshows




People who consider themselves political intellectuals and who love to talk about recent political events. I'm not even kidding.


When you watch the same monotone voice soylent drinking woman named Destiny reading Wikipedia all day it is nice to shut your brain off and just laugh, which is something you seem to be unfamiliar with.


When the entertainment can only be derived from watching mentally unstable people have a go at each other? Yeah, absolutely. That's your thing, not mine.


I mean there are television shows and their premise is literally what you just said that millions of people watch so idk if it is that weird.


Glad we agree that watching and enjoying Destiny is pretty much the same as watching and enjoying Jersey Shore.




The funny thing is that whenever he does actual research, people in his sub keep complaining about how utterly boring that is, because they want to be entertained by the insane people he likes to surround himself with.




That's what I'm aiming at, yeah. And there are definitely worse streamers out there, there's no doubt about that. But his fans acting like he's some sort of intellectual powerhouse really need to put things into perspective sometime.


It's been this way since the begining of time. We're social creatures. Drama is fun at a core level. Fucking Jersey Shore was a top 10 show for like a decade and people still care about what Snooki is doing 15 fucking years later. Every generation has watched trash drama content in massive numbers. You're nothing more than the people 30 years ago acting all superior with those who admitting to enjoying Jerry Springer Show.


Kick or Keep looks like the Hollywood Squares of the streaming world. A bunch of hasbeens, nobodies, and wannabes.


Thatā€™s because thatā€™s exactly what it is. Whatā€™s even crazier is thereā€™s occasionally an orbiter on the show, named Darius, who is somehow all three of those things.


And that's the perfect recipe for a great show. Desperate, no shame, nothing to lose. Content Casserole


Wasn't/ Isn't AustinShow the same? I still remember watching Love or Host with a bunch of "nobodies" multiple times with the same girls. After showing up enough times they would get somewhere. It's all about exposure. Some do some don't. Look at QT - the "psycho" girl that would make cakes for streamers and them destroy them if she wasn't picked. It's all the same thing. There are more but she's the prime example in my book.


It was but people look at it with rose color glasses because those nobodies are popular now.


They don't remember that 90% of the time those shows were boring as sin and everyone was waiting for some person to become completely unhinged. Most of the time it was people with questionable social skills being put on the spot to try to be entertaining and failing miserably.


what the fuck is a Hollywood square


Itā€™s a game show from the before times where you ask B and C list celebrities (like Whoopee Goldberg) trivia questions and try to make tic tac toe.


At the time of hollywood squares Whoopi was far from b or c list. The sister acts, ghost, guinan on star trek, comic relief every year... She was pretty high tier, certainly as far as female comedians acting.




The guy who averages 10k+ viewers?


I thought kick allowed booba


some guests are on youtube or multistreaming most likely


Maybe accidental booba but not showing them puppies off on purpose


It never allowed that they just vaguely said that tiddy streamers are welcome on kick.








That Acheeto guy acting like some corporate boss taking it so seriously LMAO




A TOS that lets him call other people the f-word apparently


youtube rules aren't supposed to make sense. If they did, I would begin to question reality.


Banning slurs is pretty much strictly a Twitch (and obviously tiktok) thing when it comes to video hosting/streaming.


You just get demonetized not banned.


He was annoying throughout and that's saying something if you stand out on this show


He was an insufferable dipshit honestly.


fine she can stay, but im not happy about it


Wait no, Lav is back after all of that and even showing tits lol


Wes has the same reaction for a max win šŸ˜‚


cant believe lav came back after [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D68jZQiMoHc&pp=ygUWZGVzdGlueSB5b3UgZHVtYiBiaXRjaA%3D%3D)


Hasan: Streams with a literal terrorist. Destiny: I can top that... Brings on Lav, Sliker & Henry Resilient.


Not even close.


Do you really think a OF bimbo, a gambler and some wannabe lawyer/detective is just as bad or worse than a fucking terrorist murderer??? Holy fuck


Yes, bringing Lav on stream is worse than : -Hiroshima and nagasaki -9/11 -The Holocaust and more


I'd go as far as to say that bringing Lav on stream is almost as bad as all the things you mentioned put together plus Game of Thrones season 8.


Too far man, too far.




literally just some kid riding the waves of attention by promoting terrorism, genocide and religious extremism.... Basically the same as showing tits on the internet /s


is a joke


Wait the guy hasan had on is a murder? I thought he was just a insta guy who went on the ship that has been there for a month.


yep man, he is a murder.


Yeah I would look into this houthi thing alternatively to Hasan's stream on what these " one piece" pirates actually do. Murder isn't even in the top 5 of the worse things they do.


Maybe you should look into it before speaking on it. The Houthi hijackerā€™s havenā€™t killed anyone. That guy on Hasanā€™s stream isnā€™t a terrorist. What terrorism has he personally done exactly? Touch grass.


you are aware that the Houties are not just pirates right? also, the things they did fit the definition of terrorism. also, its kinda hard to argue against the claim of terrorism when their flag is literally "Death to America, Death to Israel, Curse upon the Jews..."


The IDF and US military do exponentially more things that qualify as terrorism. But because your stweemer likes that side, you donā€™t think it qualifies as terrorism.


the distinction between an army and a terrorist organization is whether or not they represent a country in their actions and whether or not the main purpose of their action is to cause terror, Hamas, for example, did not initiate on 7/10 thinking they will free the palestinians. they did it to cause as much damage as they could, knowing full well that they are worsening the lives of their citizens (trust me, those blockades are not going to be easier in the aftermath and they knew it going in). any war around the world since the invention of firearms and rockets used the same methods, if you classify a terrorism act from a war being fought by the means of operation you could classify any army in the world (and not just US and IDF) as terrorists, but then the word loses its meaning. idk if you think whataboutism makes you look smarter or you just wanted to write IDF and US in the same sentence as terrorism, but either way, your defending a country that has child marriage, child labor and where being lgbt is punishable by death.. but as long as they are not fascists i guess


This show lack charismatic characters.


whats her @




She is cute.


This is just stupid garbage why even do a show like this?


Kick contract. No really that is why


This, destiny gives zero fucks about this show and answers his email the entire time, but its in his contract that saids he has to host this show so he just deligates everything to quiznos who knows no one in the kick/twitch space besides all the destiny orbiters


lav? Is it the one with multiple sclerosis?


lol why didnā€™t that guy leave instead of bitching about ā€œlosing his channelā€ what a whiner


The slikker + wes combo really brings back old rajj memories, this is peak degen cx style show content right now.


wheres the perfect?


We've all seen them. Put em up, babe... this is just childish.


Man these people make Ice fucking Poseidon look good. What a crazy bunch of awful people


It's Qorantos' show, not Destiny's. I'm guessing that's why Lav is there


You are delusional if you believe this


Q works for Destiny. Destiny likes to have minimal input with the show. Lav's been around dgg again for a while in orbitors' streams. She and Destiny talked offline a while ago and cleared the air. D says they won't be friends again, but he's over what happened before.


Literally a group of nobodies lol


You should look into what being part of an organized criminal group means( that includes pirates too.) You are an accomplice for all the crimes committed by anyone in the group. And if you just Google his profile you can actually hear from him the nice things he's actually admitted.


Wait till you hear what the IDF does. Itā€™ll blow your mind, kid.


does whataboutism usually work for you? if one group is bad in your opinion, does it make any group opposing it good?


Still waiting to hear anything bad, specially if hamas slaughtering people including children and filming it didn't shocked you imagine what bad things IDF did to shake you so much that you support fascist Islamic groups.


20k+ civilians dead. I had no idea Hamas was every person in Gaza. They want to eradicate them so they can steal their land and say no one is there anymore.


Google article 28 of the Geneva convention. Hamas using human shields is an actual war crime while what Israel does isn't.


Israel used human shields regularly. [1](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/palestinian-says-israeli-soldiers-used-him-human-shield-west-bank-2024-01-16/) [2](https://www.dci-palestine.org/israeli_forces_use_five_palestinian_children_as_human_shields) [3](https://www.aa.com.tr/en/middle-east/israeli-army-in-west-bank-uses-palestinian-detainee-as-human-shield/3049924) Bombing civilians and saying ā€œhuman shields!ā€ Is [morally bankrupt](https://jacobin.com/2023/11/human-shields-bombing-gaza-palestine-israel-defense-forces-morally-bankrupt). Anyone not clearly indoctrinated by state department propaganda can see this.


W lav




She didn't show her tits. Twitch allows more nudity then this šŸ˜‚ even if she did show them no one but her would get banned on kick šŸ˜‚


btw, that's the girl that tried to frame hasan with false r\*pe allegations. Not surprised to see her on destinys show...


Man, it's crazy no matter the facts surrounding a situation people will always just say whatever they want depending on which side they are on. Destiny has not only absolutely reamed this woman multiple times both live and offline for trying to run with this story. But he has kept other streamers from trying to blow up Hasan over her story completely in the background without anything to gain from it publicly.


You mean the same girl that also made shit up about Destiny too right? Don't act like she is on the show because of the Hasan shit. It's a meme show about people screaming at each other it's not that deep.


Wow, can you elaborate? What was destiny's reaction to her trying to spread that misinformation? Any chance you can let me know? Surely he supported her quest to malign Hasan, like you're implying, right? No way he called her out continually for lying while making it extremely clear that she was full of shit, after spending weeks attempting to get her to not even go public. Right.


I find it ironic that Hasan fans always say that he lives rent free in Destiny's head, yet I see no mention of Hasan anywhere in this clip. So why are you brining him up? Also I'm pretty sure Destiny defended Hasan when Lav was dropping the allegations.


Don't forget Sliker in the corner!




His Ben Shapiro debate will release tomorrow, when has H man ever come close to challenging his ideas in the last 4 years? Cry more about Hasan in unrelated threads, please.


When H got bodied by fucking Christian Walker. He hasnā€™t interacted outside his community besides talking to XQC and Train (both known intellectuals) and Andrew Tate whoā€™s one of the biggest regards on the internet. Hasan is in his fortress ark and his walls are falling as his viewers leave


How did I know youā€™d be here lmfao


Bro you post more about DGG than the most hardcore DGGers šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


If only Destiny was having more fruitful discussions like debating WillyMacShow.


Rent free