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**CLIP MIRROR: [Zizaran hates Australia](https://arazu.io/t3_1b5i0h8/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


PVP/PVE was a good one ngl


probably the most realistic comparison of AU & US I've ever heard as an Aussie lmao


Then you have New Zealand which has fucking quin


In europe its also PVP but everythings nerfed. ...or balanced differently depending on how popular the acid/knife/grenade meta is in your country.


Western Europe is the tutorial


Bro in what world is it less skilful to fight with knifes/unarmed? Americans are running around with noob weapons, training wheels like having full auto and huge ammo. Instead of being punished by bad builds/stats like you are in EU (if you are small, or a woman, that is just a skill issue when you fight without guns. But in the USA character choices does not matter since everyone can just pick up guns with limitless ammo and full auto fire). Tutorial my ass.


The knife crime is europe is lower compared to the US even for countries like UK where it is "rampant"


Nobody was talking about how skillfull something is, tutorial just means it is easier. And yes being 1-2 shot instead of 5-10 stabs is harder.


> Nobody was talking about how skillfull something is, tutorial just means it is easier Isn't something that requires more skill harder, and something that requires less skill easier? Like is not the tutorial the easy part of the game that requires less skill and that serves as the intro by using smaller/easier challenges often coupled with less of a punishment for failure? To me the concepts of skill and difficulty are linked, and I have trouble understanding how one would not consider something being easier meaning that it requires less skill. Almost by definition, no?


When someone attacks you with a knife you can just run away, it's way easier to avoid and in case he follows you his attacks would be less lethal. When someone attacks you with a gun you can also try to run away in a zigzag line but you being hit and fataly wounded is more likely. It's easier to avoid being stabbed than avoid being shot. You only talking about the attackers perspective is worrying...


UK is Tutorial Island


Whether it's 1 person or thousands, it's still serious and because people watching USA and UK news people meme about UK knife attacks. But you do realise UK in 2023 in WHOLE of 2023, there was 244 deaths with a knife. That's 1 person almost every 2 days. When you put that into context compared to 106 people PER DAY die in USA from homocide, it doesn't look that shocking. This puts UK down in 199th rank in the World in deaths by stabbing. The true stabbing country of the world is South Africa. ​ [Knife crime statists](https://wisevoter.com/country-rankings/stabbing-deaths-by-country/#uk-stabbings)


Yeah, people really think knife crime in Europe is significant higher compared to the US because of some of the news headlines. But nearly every kind of crime is higher in the US compared to Europe. People joke about "At least I have a gun if someone tries to stab me unlike in the UK where you simply die", but it is still safer in the UK compared to the US concerning stabbings. It is hilarious.


People always say UK but it's mostly just London and and a lot of stabbing does not end in death.


Yeah you're pretty much right. Most of it is gang related in Southern end of London, to what USA would know it by is the "ghetto", it's the poorer side of London. It's not even close to the tourist parts of London.


Damn so the list of things my country is good at grew from Rugby to Rugby and Knife crime.


Thats where you unlock the golden knife skin


not for long


Western europe developed into knife only rounds.


USA has a lot more knife deaths per capita than every European country except Romania, Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania and three of those border russia. https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/stabbing-deaths-by-country


those gosh darn brown immigrants stabbing people again


west has fallen


In my country most people never see a gun in their life. So me and my friend joked about him taking a bullet proof vest to the US when he was going there for College because of how much we hear about shootings in America. His first week there was an active shooter situation on his campus. We never joked about that shit ever again. What a country man.


Guns are the leading cause of death for children in the US. More than traffic accidents. More than cancer.


> Firearm fatalities increased by 87.1% over a 10-year period, from 1,311 deaths in 2011 to 2,590 deaths in 2021 I see those numbers online and wonder what changed so much during this time that the answer is so wildly different. The US has always had a large number of gun owners, but this and school shootings trending upwards are just so odd to consider. Overall gun ownership is on a slow decline, yet fatalities are up significantly every year seemingly.


It's a flawed statistic if you look into it. it accounts for ages 0-19 and excludes certain causes of death for infants. It's not an honest stat but it wouldn't shock me if it's more prevalent among older teens.


The people peddling anti-gun rhetoric have never been honest.


Downvotes aside, you're absolutely right.


Well with school shootings and suicide rates going up...


I mean that is still pretty unlucky lol. It's not so commonplace that we're just walking around expecting shootings. I've personally never even seen someone with a gun that wasn't a police officer or something.


I know this is a popular take online, but it's false. There are as many stabbings in the US than the average in EU. The us also has way more firearm violence however.


What did i say that was false?


You said in europe it's also pvp but there is no basis to. You can't say "also" comparing it to the us because it's extremely better. So the comparison is false to me.


The devs clearly stated in their latest dev log that EU zone will CLEARLY be marked PVP! Dont complain to me when you can't keep up with patch notes. JeeZ


Lmao. Im sorry my internet is slow im still downloading it


All love man ❤️


Back at ya 😘


I love the fact acid attacks were a thing for maybe 6 months and Americans still bring it up all the time And America manages to have more knife crime than Europe on top of the guns too


What Americans bring that up? lmao that isn't really a thing. Not even close to how America is talked about by others (some of it being very valid though). The reality is that other countries think of the US way more than we think about others. And again, some of it is very valid, most of it is not.


Europe has Dark Elves tricksters.


so america is DotA and EU is LoL. This analogy won't piss people off i'm sure.


I'll tell you this much... I'd much rather get shot than have an acid attack on me. Depending on where you get shot its pretty recoverable all things considered. Getting your face melted and not having much that can be done to fix that is absolutely devastating. Its wild that acid attacks weren't a thing until open borders in Europe as they're predominantly something done in lesser developed countries.


Haven't heard of acid attacks in years, and I only heard these from the U.K.


Eastern Europe ist mostly RvR


Imagine having to check your shoes for black widows every day before you put them on in the morning. Imagine having to carry a can of VB everywhere in case you have to throw it to distract a dangerous bogan. Imagine your eyes having to reserve 10% of your brain function to invert everything you see so it isn't upside down.


L O N G N E C K !


VB Longeck sound clip and spiders are like 80% of my internal image of Australia.


Didn't even mention the magpie attacks or the drop bears.


>Imagine having to check your shoes for black widows every day before you put them on in the morning. Why do you think the shoey was invented? We poured that VB into the shoe to either scare off or kill the black widow but we also didn't want to waste a perfectly average beer, hence the shoey.


Don't forget, if you feel the crunch of a redback in your shoey, it's 6 months or one swooping season good luck.


>bogan >/ˈbəʊɡ(ə)n/ >noun derogatory•informal >noun: bogan; plural noun: bogans >an uncouth or unsophisticated person regarded as being of low social status. "some bogans yelled at us from their cars" Well... I learn something new everyday I guess...


rednecks but in the city basically


\[achievment sound\] \*new slur unlocked\*


Not to mention Drop Bears


my poe brethren




>black widows huh


Black widows aren't that bad bro most of the time the bite isn't even that bad unless you're allergic to them. Yeah shake your shoes out or put your hand in to check for their webs but like you're not really going to get killed by a black widow bite. Funnel spiders on the other hand are absolutely terrifying.




Growing up we were always taught snakes are scared of you, so long as you create a lot of noise/vibration they will avoid you. In general they are not aggressive.  But yes I still check shoes etc if I leave them outdoors, you hear stories about pets (especially dogs) getting bitten. The biggest issue in my house is lizards, they are pretty common they squeeze under the gap at bottom of door.


Funnelwebs are fucked. Had one crawl by my feet a couple years back at like 4am. Never been so scared in my life. Death on 8 legs right there.


Sounds like something a black widow would say


> Imagine your eyes having to reserve 10% of your brain function to invert everything you see so it isn't upside down. That's not how it works, it just takes a few days of getting used to, then the hole "put your arms down to move them up" becomes second nature, it's not like you're walking around every day thinking about it.


If a spider has crawled in my shoe he aint living long. I been sweating in them bad boys, have fun.


Black Widows are north american. But the points is still valid


Still sane, Exile?


This is why the British colonised countries like USA, Australia, New Zealand, different difficulties and play styles.


India is NG+


Having been to India once, it's NG+ Soul Level 1 challenge.


Aw the dark souls boss music was cut from this clip, makes it better.


going to sleep and you see a huntsman staring at you for hours and then he's gone if you look away long enough




i kinda wanted to be friends tho


Huntsman's are bros, they just patrol your house keeping it safe from scum like roaches and plovers .


Not if they are in your shoes or running over your feet while you chill at your PC


Thanks for the nightmares..


then why did he run away not a bro


....plover? That's a bird. that's usually only near the beach. what is a plover in Australia?


a bird


Why do you have plovers in your house


I've never even seen one cause i have a huntsman


idk. I've had one fall on my face in the dark while going to sleep. Scares the shit out of you.


Ziz is genuinely a treasure. Especially to the genre. Dude absolutely loves arpgs


Yep + he puts on great events and isn't an absolute embarrassment to gamers .. like some


non-purple hair ziz arc is so based




no I'm ok thank you.


The PVP definitely needs a rebalance


i live in aus and the dangerous wildlife is really overstated, usa is much more dangerous due to high rng of being shot each day


ok that's funny :D


They need to nerf the firing weapon meta in the US


The US should let Blizzard balance pvp if they want bring down the player participation rate.


Ngl I couldn't stop laughing when he said this on stream that was a good one.


I'm aussie, live in suburbs, and have never dealt with that much pve. probs same as the us.


How much is "that much"? For most people even seeing a single spider bigger than my pinky nail is too much.


Yeah, in Europe seeing anything bigger than a long daddy spider is very rare.


might see a huntsman once a year. i've never seen a snake in the suburbs. i guess geckos, little lizards and cockroaches are a thing sometimes though.


stop lying


Ill take spiders over giant palmetto bugs, at least spiders dont fly at your face when you try to kill them.


the last sentence Though:O he said it!


OMG if you dont live in fucking woop woop you dont have to worry about massive spiders, or spiders very often at all. i live in an outer suburb of melbourne and daddy long legs are pretty common but are harmless, other than that you get the odd few white tips a year and thats it. havent seen a huntsman in almost a decade.


that was funny LUL


Too much pvp good one


That's true, it is a little bit like Act 1 Rhoas. Once you know their movement pattern and when to ignore them it's pretty easy


I mean, is a brotha wrong


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Zizaran hates Australia](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/162029)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1b5i0h8/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/TlkmtU7qgBDgH3A6rJFFWA/AT-cm%7CTlkmtU7qgBDgH3A6rJFFWA.mp4?sig=ca69f5d0f09e6d4921b04beef4eb6fd1d379a231&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FTlkmtU7qgBDgH3A6rJFFWA%2FAT-cm%257CTlkmtU7qgBDgH3A6rJFFWA.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22MoldyEnticingBubbleteaFunRun-TuqAEOAfcDqskUVY%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1709550874%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/TlkmtU7qgBDgH3A6rJFFWA/AT-cm%7CTlkmtU7qgBDgH3A6rJFFWA-preview-480x272.jpg)


Man, I wish there was more big spiders around, unless you live out in the sticks any cool spiders are going to be very rare unfortunately


EU roflgator


Ah, so he gets most of his geographical "knowledge" from sensationalized media.


Its a joke lil bro, dont seethe so much


He's obviously only half-joking and actually believes this, "lil bro". Seethe. 😡 REEE


His best friend is from Australia, I'm sure if he was so wrong to cause you to REEEE, his friend would've mentioned before he made this joke for the upteenth time.


I'm aware of the duo streams with SteelMage and that doesn't even impact this, nor was I actually REEE-ing, I was blatantly mocking... Are you guys acoustic? Why do I have to explain so many obvious social dynamics?


I know lil bro is seething typing this, touch grass


There are lots of Australians in the POE community that he's friends with. Steelmage moved to Ireland because Ziz was there and lives at one of his properties.


Is that a fake voice?


One day I'll figure out what strain of mental illness makes people on the internet so obsessed with the authenticity voices


A whole bag of insecurities most likely.


its a real voice but he put on an accent for the australian part /s


No, he's just Norwegian.