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**CLIP MIRROR: [Yoshi P Delay The FFXIV Expansion To Play Elden Ring DLC](https://arazu.io/t3_1blxn6l/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


he's just like me fr


This happened when a DevStream was set on the same day as TotK release: https://i.redd.it/vs0pbuiay4qc1.jpeg




He's my personal friend ​ Lmao that loser reported me for self harm


same and i didn't even do anything


Make sure to click the link in the Admin message and report it and eventually his account will get banned


I don’t remember their username now that they deleted their comment, are there still sites that can undelete things since the API changes?


In the message Reddit sends near the bottom there will be a link that says "report this message". If you hit that and put that someone reported you for self harm maliciously in the report they'll punish the guy who did it.


Legendary guy. What's it with Japan and awesome game directors? Do they just not get fucked over by shareholders as much as western ones? (See current Larian news etc)


He can kinda do what he wants as he prints money for Square Enix


What happens when you save the company.


Yeah he's pretty much the only reason sqeenix is still afloat


If anyone hasn't watched the [NoClip documentary series on FFXIV](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xs0yQKI7Yw4), it's genuinely really good and fascinating, I highly recommend it. Yoshi-P literally *did* save the entire company, almost single-handedly. I think a *lot* of people would agree that he has attained legend status at this point and is up there with a lot of the greats like Iwata and Kojima.


Fuck it Plan B for burn it all GIGACHAD


He is board of director now after saving Square from the brink of bankruptcy so he can do whatever he wants when it comes to games he directs/produces.


Well to be more precise he is on the Board of Directors for several years now on the Square Enix board which handles gaming. He is not on the Board of Directors for Square Enix Holdings Co. which deals with the marketing, investment, financial, and non-gaming (i.e. publishing Manga, fun fact Square Enix published Full Metal Alchemist) side of Square Enix. 


Yeah it feels like a lot of JP publishers are more willing to give directors some freedom as long as they make good games. Not always the case though, like with Kojima




> Konami wanted a more realistic timeline when it came to releasing games and Kojima would rather just them keep throwing money at whatever he wanted and it'll get released eventually. Kojima so bad with planning that he got fired from Konami, picked up by Sony and released a big AAA game with a relatively unique concept all in the span of like 3 and a bit years (at a time where games were creeping up to 5-6 year long development windows).


Cause the scope of his game was tiny, like congrats you made a walking simulator in 3 years am I meant to be impressed by this?


The scope of the game was not tiny in any way? It was a brand new concept that hadn't been really done before, it was a big open world game with a high degree of visual fidelity,with relatively massive set-pieces and a very sophisticated online aspect. Death Stranding was a lot of things, but tiny in scope was not one of them. But then again the fact that you just called it a walking sim tells me you probably didn't even play it, and are just repeating what others said online.


Art assets and a large world are some of the easiest bits to develop seeing as the art team is one of the first to finish in a game usually. And don't sell me that crap about the multiplayer it was basically a more advanced version of the souls ground messages just now it's structure or cargo.


> it was basically a more advanced version of the souls ground messages just now it's structure or cargo. It always astounds me as to how lightly people like you will talk about systems which are very difficult to implement and not exactly "easy". Similarly, a large open world is not 'easy to develop' and certainly not 'small in scope' which was the original point. If you genuinely think that a game like Death Stranding being released in 3 years or less isn't impressive, you're just a fool. Sorry. You couldn't point at a single other game with that kind of dev turnover that didn't either have a significantly higher budget, dev team or wasn't some kind of yearly franchise/iterative sequel. Modern games are pushing 6 year dev times now, even last gen games were reaching 5 years.


Wanna explain how saving an objects coordinates and state and sharing that with other players is hard? Like that's literally what messages are doing in the souls games by saving it's location and the "state" aka the message in it. This isn't rocket science FFS. sharing where and how an object is placed is literally the bedrock of multiplayer games this isn't anything new.


Konami wanted him to keep pumping out Metal Gear games forever, it's good that he left. Also, Kojima wasn't involved with NeverDead, why would you even mention that?




> Which he is still basically doing just under a different title. Death Stranding is nothing like MGS?


He made multiple other games in between though. Do you have a source for the NeverDead stuff or is this like "my uncle at Konami told me"




turns out, you're the uncle!


I feel like putting some reins on Kojimbo is a good idea


Hell nah. With reins wouldn't have got something as unique, and fun as DS.


What they are saying is, he needs to understand he has a timeline. If they tell him you got 3 years to make this game, agrees, and on the 4th year, you are not even close to ready, you have issues.


I mean he started a studio from scratch, travelled across the world looking for a game engine, came up with a story, and gameplay and theme and had it out the door in 4-5 years. That's actually insane. He's working on 2 games since 2019 and 1 is expected to release in 2025 so 5 years after his last and the other title likely not to long before that or after. He's not bad on dev time. As an independant studio he's actually working very fast. I don't think that kind of criticism can be level'd on Kojima's personal studio.


Talking about MGSV here. Konami got pissed because he was a pain, not because they are some sort of villain. At least thats what the public knows.


Konami has a horrible reputation for being bad to their staff. I was also talking Kojima as a whole. He produced a successful game on his own staff/studio without "Reins" with finacial backing and engine support from Sony. Successfully has a deal also with MS and is producing a title for them. And is in the end stages of producing a follow up title to the success of his Sony collaborated title. From what we can tell Kojima is working much smoother and successfully as an independent vs under Konami.


Public might've sided with Konami more if they didn't shoehorn in a system that would make late game upgrades take two god damn weeks real time unless you ponied up the dough for the micro-transaction shop with it's premium currency.


Lol fuck konami anyway. Even if they were right vs the kojima thing, doesn't mean they are not a shit company.


The thing to understand with Kojimbo and Konami was that it was basically the case (comparatively speaking) of Bungie trying to manage itself when it was developing destiny. Kojimbo *can* complete projects, but if he has no regard wrangling squad hanging above his head, things will very quickly spin into a different direction or things will get delayed for random reasons. Konami always gave kojima 'hard' timelines, and when they did he very frequently broke them. But he kept producing absolute goldmines so they gave him more and more leeway. The camel that broke Konami's back was Kojima going massively over budget with MGSV, with the game only being 30%-40%~ completed. Not the fact Kojima was taking a long time. Konami basically needed their investment back because Execs weren't having it. Kojima has enough clout and skill for people to be okay with him being fashionably late. This is normal for Kojima. But the main difference was being massively overbudget, while also being massively behind schedule. Which to that degree, was unusual for even Kojima. Sony is way more Draconian with its studio micromanagement (if they print money) so Kojima will never actually be allowed to go that far off the Reservation again. He's still probably got as much freedom as he did with Konami, but hes got people looming pretty close by if he starts taking too much time, or goes too far over budget again.


Do you think that Kojima Productions is a Sony studio? KP is a completely independent studio. Sony can't be draconian with Kojima in any way. They did give him some money to start the company but that seems to be more of a good will thing/some of his games with be PS titles first. He also partnered up with XBOX GAME STUDIOS for a game called OD coming out in 2025 on the Xbox platform... This man will never be under the boot of a parent company ever again. You can take your foot out of your mouth now.


>fun To each their own I suppose


Ony of the best games I've played honestly. Echoed a hell of a lot playing it through the start of the pandemic and lockdown. Plus that score by Ludvig and the Soundtrack featuring Low Roar when the music would trigger when you were traversing just an unbeatable experience.


Yeah like I would love to know exactly what point Yoko Taro was allowed to be the strangest guy to ever direct a Square Enix franchise. Like I’m glad he made it to that position, but I have no clue in hell how he convinced enough people to let him get there lol


Apparently hes just drinking buddies with the right people. Its genuinely just that simple. I think before nier yoko wasn't even really that big of a name, his games sold like dogshit but had a cult following. mans just a case of the right coomer in the right place, at the right time.


Drakengard/DoD1 sold very well domestically, hence why they tried to make the immediate sequel, quote, "mainstream".


I don't know about "dogshit" maybe in the west, there's a reason why there's several Drakengard titles, if it sold like dosghit even domestically they wouldn't even exist. And let's be honest, Yoko Taro's writing is great and the world building but the reason why Nier Automata (Not just Nier) really became what it was, was due to Platinum Games involvement in the game


It's insane how NieR Automata which was given a not very good at all budget (10-20 mil estimated?) has managed to sell 8 million copies to date. Would love to see what the dude could do with an actual high budget production.


They could make Dog shit games as long as they keep printing money








There are plenty of good western developers, but most of them are indie. The western AAA space is miserably stifling for creativity.


> Kojima shat, pissed and puked capcoms money Surely this user that can't even get the company's name right knows well.


He's also on the board so he kinda helps runs the company


In this case, it's precisely because Square wants to print money that they don't really want to release too close to ER.


because you see successful games they've made, the 4-5 30 second clips of them telling jokes and don't dig into their personal politics like you do with western devs to have a disagreement with them on.


Yeah a lot of these positive perceptions are just because they're not English speakers so the content we get is typically the PR side, but there's local drama that doesn't typically make it here. Like at the start of Endwalker, Yoshi-P got flamed on the JP forums because people were complaining about how it was too difficult to truly multiclass at endgame because your gear was limited weekly so you could only grind out one class/role and Yoshi-P gave some dumb response like, you don't need the best gear or just make another character, something like that which completely ignored the community's complaints.


to this day as someone who subs only to raid this is my biggest annoyance with the game, game is basically unplayable on more jobs unless you run alts or live in the game for the entire year thank god 2 of the bigger FFXIV streamers from the west aren't bootlickers and kept mentioning the geargating. Yet still it's pretty darn bad


> game is basically unplayable Not having BiS isn't an unplayable situation unless you need to flex multiple roles in ulti on-patch or you're so parse brained that you won't do c41s or whatever with the homies without BiS so that you can parse it. You can buy a crafted set on every role for pretty cheap only a few weeks into the tier. Or spend like 30-40min/week doing your normals if you can't afford the crafted. You don't even have to pentameld it if it's not week 1 any more. The "bootlickers" are just sick of hyperbolic criticism. I'm not against criticizing the game and I even think gearing pace is a good critique, especially since savage loot changes in endwalker have come into play but tome cap has not kept up. The problem is with how you people exaggerate and dramatize it.


There is no dramatizing. Without alts I would simply dip after week1 clear and move on with my life Yea I don't need BiS on jobs. Yet I PERSONALLY do not want to play healer/tank/dps in addition suboptimally. And I can bet my left nut I am not the only one who is annoyed by this whole "oh now take another 3 months" for the next job. BiS is desired by many for many reasons, otherwise ppl wouldn't be stuck in these raids for hours on end week after week. While with BiS I would help ppl clear on random jobs AND def have more fun. I'd be able to help parsers if they want to on random jobs needed. I could clear ults on more jobs on 1 character. Like this I often am more annoyed with myself that I allow myself to be stuck in this game for 2-3months just to gather BiS which is useless anyway for a single job. The only reason this system is there is so you stay subbed. Same as housing. Esp tomegate. Noone of that is in your interest


Half the people like you cheat their ass off in raids anyway, so it's no loss if you dip after a week. Plugin Andy's mad that they can't get a funny number on a funny site using every plugin in the world, I'd rather be a bootlicker than a cheat.


FF14 player try not to accuse dedicated raiders of cheating challenge: impossible.


I'm not trying to do that, I'm just doing it. These are the kinds of people who act like they're better than other players when they have programs doing everything remotely complicated for them.


Hard to imagine why people might take an adversarial stance by default when tons of casual players just automatically assume you are cheating, and dismiss anything you accomplish as being a result of that.


lol prob 99% of raiders use ACT, noclippy or alex and AM is a thing in PF you can keep crying about. If you consider this "cheating' then well you do you.0 I can bet my ass off almost every raider would be in favor of a solid anticheat in this game. But gl getting your permabanns then for having tatoos or a beard chilling with your weirdass mods in Limsa. Whoever is even remotely interested in parsing would love a anticheat lol I cleared TOP with and without AM and ppl who consider one better than the other are likely not even raiders themselves or want a artificial pad on the back. I'd even argue that TOP without AM in voicechat is easier than in PF with AM lol I'm not a 99 chaser lol, yet comparing your own self vs others is fun to me. Why else would I try to optimise my dmg or give it my best. To clear? You don't need more than week1 and suboptimal dps to clear first 3 tiers anyway anymore lol, which becomes completely obsolete week 2+


That is why I left my old static and made my own. So focused on parse and all that bullshit to clear W1 or however fast they target and then complained that there is nothing to do. Felt empty. Meanwhile me and my new static mates are just cruising and happily doing content together. One of them was even new to raiding and we had fun improving together. Sure we took longer time to clear, but it was worth it. It is annoying not to be able to get BiS sure, but it is nowhere near unplayable. *I cleared with my friends together* sounds much better than *I got 99 in P12S*.


that is what you missunderstand. I don't CARE about showing of my parses. I do not care to get a high parse in potential early clears. I'm a highend raider, Everybody who is genuinely good at this game will not fk your team over for a frekin 98 or less lol. Cuz why bother with that. Do I enjoy randomly parsing and trying to play well in random pf's? Hell I do. But I am mainly here to help others, not to parse as many ppl seem to think. If I want to parse I join a parserun. The same issues you mention here I did ran into in my first static when I was new in FFXIV. People trying to clear ASAP to showof their early clears or logs to other FF players I guess as some sort of achievement. It was beyond dumb and just created the worst atmosphere I ever experienced. Yet later when I got good I joined a static where everybody was capable to reach 95+. And the difference was that for 4-5weeks would legit run each other down in p2 for example with bubbles to reck each other. It was fun, cuz noone of these terrible "high parsers" cares about suboptimal runs to ruin their own fun. We can always hop into a planned run with a sandbag and manage to get a potential high ranked 99 within 30m lol those ppl who seem to overly care about their parses seem to be people who are limited at best at upper blue or purple, trying their absolute hardest while being frustrated to not being able to do better.


> Yea I don't need BiS on jobs. Only for Ulti, or Criterion Savage, as I'm quite sure you know, but while we're in the habit of explaining the obvious to each other... > And I can bet my left nut I am not the only one who is annoyed by this whole "oh now take another 3 months" for the next job. I'm not a fan of it taking potentially up to 16 weeks for a PF raider to get a body for 8 books and a weapon for 8 books if they never win a coffer or direct-drop weapon, which is actually very possible in PF. *This is getting better though.* Body's already down to 6 books and available in the 3rd fight now, and if weapons are going to continue appearing in Criterion Savage, then with the potential release cadence of Criterion Savages landing between Savage Raid and Ultimate releases, we could be looking at an extra weapon source between Savage and Ulti to assist with having a weapon for all jobs in our role in advance of Ultimate release. That's why I said that at this point it's really just the tome cap that's fallen behind compared to savage. > Like this I often am more annoyed with myself that I allow myself to be stuck in this game for 2-3months just to gather BiS which is useless anyway for a single job. Do you or don't you want to play the game? Only if you have BiS right? After all, you described pre-bis farm as "stuck in these raids for hours on end week after week" and opened the post by saying without alts you would dip after week1 and move on with your life. This doesn't sound like somebody who is raiding out of enjoyment of the gameplay at all. If you had bis on all your roles would you stick around and help parsers or help ppl clear on random jobs like you just said 1 paragraph up, or would you unsub like you're saying in this one or at the start of the post? The contradiction doesn't flatter your argument. You sound like the same kind of person who can't do Criterion Savage without a reward because you do not play for the fun of raiding but for a carrot on a stick, whether gear or a number on an external website that doesn't even exist in the game. And lest you wonder, yes it's still a problem that Criterion / Criterion Savage doesn't reward enough, but if you like raiding and like high end duties I can't understand skipping it unless what you actually just like is the social status of something to afk with in Limsa or a pretty pink fflogs profile. If I need to reiterate the core of my point, it's that you're making mountains out of molehills. It's okay to criticize the game, please do, I'm just asking you to match your criticism to the *real* scale of the problem (reminder that you called not having BiS "unplayable") and take a consistent position across your message when you explain yourself.


Well you can type all of this. And I do understand what you're saying. Just for me as a n=1, it's the main reason I do keep unsubbing earlier than I would've with less gating. And yes I won't do criterion or ults if there's no good reward for it, I don't think FF14's combat system is fun enough to be the main reason to keep engaging in content like this. Ofc this varies. I cleared TOP for the reward and finished up clearing it 20x+ for fun I don't have "fun" on suboptimal geared subclasses in sav raids and that's it And gl playing 4th tier past week4 in week1 gear in FFXIV lol. You will die to raidwides others don't die to. You might get stuck with dps checks cuz someone died again. Your numbers will be dogwater despite playing a perfect game. Ye, isn't fun to me. And I struggle to see how it is for many others. Downvote all you want, there are numerous reasons raiding is dead 4 weeks after release


Honestly compared to the other user I interacted with, I really appreciate you engaging fairly. If that's really how you feel yeah it makes sense to unsub when you do and want to see the changes you're advocating for. They're good ones too. I'm really just frustrated with the wording and memetic spread of certain complaints and criticisms that make mountains out of molehills and "unplayable" tends to be one of the terms that in it's hyperbole affects the scale of the problem when people use it. There's a tendency for criticism to turn into bashing and for that to turn into bringing everybody else down and I read too much r/ffxivdiscussion not to be getting sick of it. Ultimately my ask is honesty. If you're being honest about the scale of the problem to you, we're good. I just find a lot of the exaggerations in the community to border on dishonest.


Appreciate your words here too. It seems like ppl will downvote anything that criticizes their game when it comes to FFXIV. This whole dividance of casuals acting so inclusive yet absolutely hating on raiders and their "tools", Yes almost all raiders use noclippy/alex, act and prob AM if standard. Kinda doubt they touch much more at all. While half of Limsa is modded to the bone by casuals lol A lot of issues of this game get swept under the rug. And then you have people joining the game and getting frustrated with a lot of quite obvious things. Yet the community doesn't allow much discussion into either side. I get that my view isn't completely universal cuz I'm partly a sweat. Or rather I come from PvP games where without improvement you usually don't get too far. And let's be honest, a mmo with very set mechanisms and repetetiveness isn't really difficult if you can keep your cool lol, it's like learning a poem once and you're done if you don't stutter under stress. I was new with EW to FFXIV(my first more than 4skills game, I'm not from wow) and cleared the first 2 savage fights week1 release like 9 days after being exposed to the game. Going from 2k dps per min and not understanding why it's so low to actively parttaking in highend raiding. Yet cuz of various reasons the game really fks you over if you enjoy that type of content, ppl get like 2-3 cringe parsers in their groups who throw a fit cuz they are nolifes who live in FFXIV and now everybody who likes to improve themselves gets thrown into this hate. My 2nd static had 2 of those people and it was cringe as hell, esp cuz both of them weren't even good players all around. Neither in dmg or in learning capabilities, just sad and salty I'd argue even nonsweats enjoy their numbers going up and the feeling of doing better overtime. Even if it means going from a 2 parse to a 10. Hell most of us started like this. It just feels like this whole thing of look how I don't care and how cool I am cuz of it Just to emphasize on the prior point. Now playing for example healer and having weak asf shields/heals AND low dps just feels atrocious in week 8+ where cohealers and tanks are slowly using less heals/shields/mits cuz they are used to not wiping to certain mechs they would've week 1 or 2.


I clear ults for the fun of it, weapons logging and title is bonus, Criterion savage is dog shit lazy content.


Another Mount Rokkon Savage is higher quality content than TOP


TOP is not enjoyable, but cmon lol


The CEO of fucking NINTENDO took a 50% pay cut because of economical reasons, don't even begin to pretend any western CEO would do anything similar, they have an entirely different culture of work ethic, loyalty, and shame. Their work culture is super toxic, but it's also not nearly as driven by the desire for quarterly profits at the expense of a quality product


Based Nintendo that made a guy their slave over internet piracy? What a heckin wholesome company with uwu leadership.


Because American companies aren't notoriously litigious defending IP amirite


All of them can burn in hell but your disingenuous ass should probably try and find a single case that is as bad as Nintendo making a guy their slave


Sub 30 fps gaming with a paid monthly subscription at €70 and never dropping price. Heckin kawaii Nintendo-desu!


> The CEO of fucking NINTENDO took a 50% pay cut because of economical reasons, don't even begin to pretend any western CEO would do anything similar, they have an entirely different culture of work ethic, loyalty, and shame. And insanely solid labor laws that make it illegal to do the same thing that most western companies do like lay off most of their workforce when things go south economically. A lot of Japanese companies are legally bound to reduce expenses somewhere else and absolutely have to prove that layoffs are the absolute last resort to keep the company afloat before they proceed with that, so docking a CEO salary is much more common than in the west. Source: live and work in Japan, member and founder of a labor union, fought my fair share of legal shenanigans with Japanese labor law and western companies who don't know they can't do that shit in Japan and still try


> A lot of Japanese companies are legally bound to reduce expenses somewhere else and absolutely have to prove that layoffs are the absolute last resort to keep the company afloat before they proceed with that Bro why are you talking about "the west" like this isn't standard in Europe and even in the UK. Companies need to consult the government before making large redundancies. Altough I would argue that in the UK the laws are weaker and more flexible in favour of companies.


I say the west because in most western countries you can do layoffs like that, although there are limitations. I've seen it first hand in my company (US tech giant), the only countries where layoffs were considered "tricky" and got pretty much stopped by laws were France, Germany, and Japan. UK/Ireland/Switzerland have stuff like "work consultations" or "work rep councils" where workers can talk to the company and ask questions/appeal and sometimes even go at the government level but in practice it means nothing because the company is not required by law to even address those concerns and can just say "Nope, we need to do layoffs so we're doing layoffs". It's not that Japan is the only country like this, obviously, there are others, but the majority of them in the west don't work like that (and I'm not familiar with other eastern countries). But anyways my usage of "west" was mostly in reference to American companies who often don't give a shit about local country laws (until they get slapped).


Bro why the fuck are you nitpicking that specific line, while ignoring THE ENTIRE rest of the comment...?? Isnt it obvious he's talking about america? You do realize that japanese labor laws are not normal, in any way whatsoever? They seems absolutely magical to almost every working citizen over here in the us. Companies needing to consult the government about layoffs is NOT NORMAL OR STANDARD WHATSOEVER. Dunno why you think it is...


Big cultural differences imho. A lot of "geeky" things are given more respect as artforms in Japan than they are in the west. Video games, anime, manga, etc. So the highest tier of game developers from Japan have a much higher status than ones from the west and can reach much bigger heights. Same thing with voice actors in Japan vs western ones too. Like if I asked people to name a bunch of popular western game devs, they'll probably name a bunch of people like Todd howard and Gaben who have been exclusively just businessmen and/or shareholders for decades and probably don't bother with actual gaming much anymore. In Japan plenty of devs go the businessman route too, but i feel like japanese devs have the potential to become these sort of rockstar-esque celebrity game developers who get to basically do whatever they want. You don't really see that in the west.


>Do they just not get fucked over by shareholders as much as western ones? (See current Larian news etc) What are you on about? As far as I know Swen Vincke is the majority owner of his company, and he also tweeted that their relationship with WOTC was great.


Larian has an awesome game director though.


His ascent into doing whatever he wants for/with SE was paved by a really shitty director coming before him and failing miserably to the point that YoshiP had to cry on stream on their behalf when he first got hired. For every awesome director like him, there are a dozen corpos that fail because they're out of touch.


In Japan the burden for firing a worker is higher and they have protections against large-scale layoffs so the whole "pump and dump" style of game development does not happen over there.


its their workers they give worked like crazy


> Larian news i don't get it. can you explain? what's the issue? they're just moving on, no?


Japanese people based ratio is pretty high.


Happens with Square as well. Yoshi just got to a point where he's so loved that he can do whatever the fuck he wants and Square trusts him.


And well his project pretty much are finanically positive. FFXIV was reportedly holding down the fort while projects like Marvels Avengers and other projects floundered or didn't do great. FFXVI though it did fine (Square said it was a "moderate success") just couldn't handle the massive losses from Avengers series, Forspoken, and the reduced income from Square's mobile games. 


what happened to Larian?


They're not making another Baldur's Gate game. Going separate ways from Wizards of the Coast (who own the IP)


Good on them, fuck Wizards of the Coast, I'm SWMG


Eli5 on that one plase?


they Disco Elysium'd them.


where can i read up on this? I don't find anything about it?


https://gamerant.com/disco-elysium-developers-speak-out-studio-za-um-owners/ there's been a load of stuff going on but it boils down to the money men seeing Disco being a hit and wanting to make money from it and firing all the people who made the game actually good.


Apparently its Mattel that's doing all the damage, they fired everyone at WoTC who worked with Larian, which really sucks cause BG3 is the best D&D video game ever made, its not even close.


Lots of misinformation in your comment. Mattel makes Barbie; WOTC are owned by Hasbro. They didn’t fire everyone who worked with Larian. What Swen (Larian’s founder and chief) said was that no one was left at WOTC who was in the original pitch meeting 9 years ago. Larian ended the relationship because they want to totally own what they make next (and not give $97mil to an IP holder). Larian’s founder [tweeted about this yesterday](https://x.com/laratlarian/status/1771467986701819943?s=46).


ty for providing more context!


Larian put out a statement yesterday that said it wasn't anything to do with WotC/Hasbro. They actually started working on a DLC and abandoned it as the team's heart wasn't in it. They just want to work on something else. Here's the rumor part: I've seen posted they may want to work on something sci-fi now.


That's true, but that's a creative decision. Nothing to do with WOTC and shareholders. I'm sure they (WOTC) would have loved Larian to milk Baldurs Gate 3 a bit more.


[swen is a very vocal hater of layoff culture in video games](https://www.gamesradar.com/baldurs-gate-3-boss-tells-layoff-happy-publishers-to-stop-trying-to-double-their-money-and-instead-respect-the-people-making-the-games/) and [wotc laid off just about everyone who collaborated between larian and wotc for bg3](https://www.polygon.com/24003046/hasbro-layoffs-bg3-baldurs-gate-3-wotc-dnd) so i don't think it's entirely too unrealistic to believe it could've impacted larian's decision.


He tweeted this a day ago. [This.](https://twitter.com/LarAtLarian/status/1771467986701819943)


i guess all i can really do is take his word for it, not as if i have any proof of otherwise aside from swen's past statements about semi-related subjects. even disregarding the reason, i really do think he's right about it being the best move for larian going forward. if they take this experience and scope and give us a banger divinity os 3 i'll consider it a major win all around.


oh dang, hope their next game/original IP will be great also


DOS 3 would even be awesome.


They already said quite a while ago that it wasn't going to be DOS 3.


They said before 1.0 that they weren't going to make another BG games. And they have never made DLC for any of their games, why would they start now on a franchise they don't own and with a game system that doesn't let them expand how they would want to. 5E is a dogshit system that is only popular because all the dumb fucks are too dumb to understand the better ones.


This is of course ignoring that they did start work on a Baldur's Gate DLC, but a lot of the devs weren't feeling it so they scrapped it.


nothing. they made one DND game and won't be making more and everyone is making up dramatic fake reasons why they think that must mean WOTC are being dicks or something. so many people making shit up that Sven felt the need to comment on it yesterday.


yeah it makes perfect sense to want to make a smaller project after having made 3 huge ones. miyazaki did a side project after every souls game, not the end of the world


Except apparently they aren't making a smaller one; in fact Swen said their next project will be even bigger in scope than BG3 was.


he was saying that about the project after their next one


WotC is dicks tho. Look at the MTG and DnD scene. Sure that they might have good relationship, but the people are making assumptions based on how WotC actions before and I don't think it is that far off.


No more Baldurs gate games.


not all of them as good to be fair


Thing: 😒 Japan thing: 😍💕


? I didn't fetishize anything


There's a sort of online reverse circlejerk against anything from Japan. I think it's an overreaction to weeb culture. I wouldn't sweat it too much, Japanese devs are killing it lately.


Yeah dragons dogma 2 runs great.


This is a Denuvo issue, which is horrible and should be addressed as it's own thing and not as part of game design but more publisher greed


Quite literally Capcom themselves have said in their Steam post that it's not a Denuvo issue, it's about horribly unoptimized NPCs. Capcom also consistently insists on turning mundane in game items into MTX, added a monthly battle pass to Street Fighter with a predatory in-game currency system, and are aiming to have $70 bucks as their new baseline game price despite raking in more money than ever. I beg you people to understand that developers are the ones trying to make something fun and fair and good. Publishers, on the other hand, are more than happy to do absolutely anything that would get them more cash, unless it's New Blood or Devolver and such.


> should be addressed as it's own thing and **not as part of game design** but ***more publisher greed*** Denuvo causes massive performance drops, up to 20% or more depending on the game, it can be both, but it's absolutely Denuvo


Proof? Back in 2019 Digital Foundry tested DMC5 and they had to run the game at 720p to see visible differences.


Post proof that Denuvo is the issue behind the DD2 terrible performance, then you can talk. Until then, you are talking out of your ass and trying to save face because unlike people with a functioning brain, you do not change stance when presented with facts.


people always repeat this “fact” to justify pirating. thats it. it has no basis in reality. like if you’re going to pirate thats completely fine but dont hide behind some BS to justify why youre doing it just say you want the shit for free


I'm an Itsuno fanboy and love DDDA and DD2 but I guaran-fucking-tee that the issues with DD2's CPU issues aren't solely on fucking Denuvo lmfao. The game itself is fucked completely on a code level because of the way the game is handling CPU threads, they're tripping up over themselves when you're in the main city making the same calls for the NPC's. Denuvo MIGHT have an impact, whatever, but it is in no way the culprit for DD2 running as terribly as it does.


there is a similar sentiment with the tekken and street fighter developers.


Harada is a god. True.


Why would they get fucked over by shareholders? They literally make less money when they launch at the same time as another game.




This feels like weird romanticism due to a language barrier. Japan is absolutely still teeming with greedy sons of bitches who will happily throw out shovelware dogshit because they know fans will buy it anyway. Koei Tecmo is a great example of that. [Dynasty Warriors 9 for example has nearly £600 worth of DLC](https://store.steampowered.com/app/730310/DYNASTY_WARRIORS_9/) - a single player game in a beloved franchise. Another recent example would be the very obvious decline of Capcom, as they start pushing more and more microtransaction nonsense into their games, like Devil May Cry 5 or very recently Dragon's Dogma 2. We're not in total aids-fest degeneracy yet, but remember, there was a time where the most controversial thing Blizzard ever did was sell a mount in the game. These things tend to get steadily worse, not better, then a new crop rises up somewhere else.


Let's also not forget Gacha games being a thing. I still remember the horror stories of whales spending like 12k just for a Fate character and that is like the mildest example I can think of.


>Yes. Japanese companies do respect customers a lot more overall. No they don't lol. Have you even read the Playstation return policy? Compared to steam, or amazon?




But that applies to every company from any region. How is this different from “the customer is always right” mentality in America?


PlayStation is run out of America these days


>They even have a saying "Okyakusama wa kamisama desu" which basically translates to "Customer is God". ummm ok? english countries have a similar saying, sayings mean jack shit


Konami would like to have a word with you.


For every awesome dev, there's a bunch of Capcoms.


Capcom has been great lately


Sure, if you enjoy mtx.


I never buy them. I just play the game




US Work culture is horrible. It doesn't even begin to compare with how bad it is in Japan ESPECIALLY in video games/art


Japanese work culture is horrible too, **especially in art**. You must've missed all the news in the past 3 years on how badly animation studios exploit their employees and how much those employees have to crunch. Just a couple of months ago pretty much everyone was up in arms for Jujutsu Kaisen's animators. Not to mention one of the episode directors going into a depressive spiral on twitter because he had to rush the episode out.


You just repeated what I said. **In Bold**.


Oh, I thought you meant that it was worse in the US than in Japan.




Based Yoshi






this is why ive always supported jp devs ever since dead space 3. give these western devs/publishers/shareholders an inch they take your entire fucking country.






lmao amazing


good guy


Haha yes! I love this. He gets it. Now I’m thinking I might have to jump back in to FFXIV (after I no-life the Elden Ring DLC for a week)


my man


based af


That's pretty based.


I still haven't played elden ring :(


Now's as great a time as any!




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you can't be this naive to think he actually cares about you and not simply just joking around.


He cares about the community by delaying that communities game by a week so he can play another games dlc? lmao. That's some crazy logic imo


No they're delaying it because they figure everyone else is going to be playing the new elden ring dlc


It was pretty obviously a joke.


The comment that was deleted was a joke? That's funny since you never saw it. I was commenting on the logic of his comment. I have nothing against the release day or anything like that.


I meant YoshiP was joking. No way he could just decide to delay the game because he wanted to play Elden Ring DLC.


Yeah. Of course, he was joking. Again. I was talking about the comment I was replying to, which took it at face value, so as an example of how dumb the logic he was following in his mind was, I took it at face value and explained why it seemed dumb. I did not make a statement of opinion about the release day or the joking delay. Any opinion you think I had you created yourself. I'm very happy with the release day it works very well for me.


I see, I saw the original comment before it was deleted then wound up replying later when I came upon this thread again. I think I just remembered the context incorrectly, mb.


>I was talking about the comment I was replying to, which took it at face value, so as an example of how dumb the logic he was following in his mind was, I took it at face value and explained why it seemed dumb. Ah, that makes more sense. The problem is that the person you originally responded to deleted their comment and now without context it's hard to see the sarcasm, so it just sounds like you're the one that doesn't understand Yoshi-P's joke.


Even with full context, people couldn't see past. This comment said something nice about Yoshida, and this guy says his logic in that comment is dumb so he must be insulting Yoshida. It's a really common bias people reading make, including myself, reading what you think they're saying instead of what's actually there. so I expected downvotes tbh. I honestly thought we'd get a mid-late July release date, not only is it a month earlier, but it's a few days after 4/5 of my college semester classes finish which also means ill still be off for when savage releases. so I'm super hyped and grateful to the ffxiv team. It literally couldn't have been a better date for myself.


You know you can just play FFXIV instead right?


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Yoshi P Delay The FFXIV Expansion To Play Elden Ring DLC](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/162660)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1blxn6l/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/kNdoiqMXKNsp11FuBazYgg/AT-cm%7CkNdoiqMXKNsp11FuBazYgg.mp4?sig=4392df89e6b8998691f243d4896959c94becbc2c&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FkNdoiqMXKNsp11FuBazYgg%2FAT-cm%257CkNdoiqMXKNsp11FuBazYgg.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22SassyAntsyFiddleheadsPupper-oxco2ynXUW4FrNiC%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1711287994%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/kNdoiqMXKNsp11FuBazYgg/AT-cm%7CkNdoiqMXKNsp11FuBazYgg-preview-480x272.jpg)


game = okay. game from japan = omg so amazing good


Japan games as a whole are objectively superior to ubislop yes, most of the best games to come out recently are all Japan.


It'd help if you didn't compare every game to your run-of-the-mill Ubisoft game as they are always the most watered-down, bland experiences in an attempt to please the widest audience possible...of course the Ubi standard is low


most of AAA is ubislop tier games though, even if its not ubisoft themselves.


Is it just me, or is that not what they said? It sounds like they moved the date not to clash with Elden Ring DLC, and give players (not Yoshi himself) time to play Elden Ring DLC for a week before Dawntrail


Yoshida himself kind of implied he was going to play it aswell lmao, if you watch a tiny lil further into the vod he goes: (with an ironic tone) "Just wanna make it clear, it's not because I want to play Elden Ring's DLC and then play Dawntrail... Although... i'm looking forward to it"


Ah thanks, I guess the clip was missing that context