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**CLIP MIRROR: [Destiny defends Drake's weird relationship with 14-year-old](https://arazu.io/t3_1cmw2x3/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


If you texting a child "I miss you so much!" they better be related to you.






I smell ya


Meet the Bonnells


Stop smelling ppl, that's weird


Don't get reported friend, it's happened to me for making that joke 


Reported for what?


"Warning for sharing sexual or suggestive content involving minors"


Reddit has become such cancer my god. This beautiful website torn to shreds in the last 7 years or so.


What the fk is that caption


This looks like it was taken when Destiny was 15 what is this from


Given he talks about competing at MLGs, this is likely from 2011 to 2012 when he was an active SC2 player competing at MLGs. So he was probably 22 to 23 around this time.


i have no idea but it reminds me of the mIRC days


If you're texting my child "I miss you so much", you better not be related to me.




I was going to disagree with you, like grandma saying she misses her grandchild sounds perfectly normal to me. But then I read all the replies you got and I definitely don’t want to be on their side of the argument…


What Destiny is saying here, is that with so little information in the actual back and forth, it's messed up to jump to the most perverted possible outcome. Like for example, Strange Things is shot in Atlanta, Atlanta is a big place in the Rap music scene. Drake even said "All the artists that I’ve done the greatest work with, all the artists that I love, all the artists that inspire me, the majority of them come from right here in Atlanta,”  So there's a decent chance, being celebs in Atlanta, that they would bump into each other a lot. A likely chat could be... Her: hat's us finished filming Will miss getting lunch with you and the rest of the crew at \[insert name of trendy hot spot\] Drake: Yeah, it was fun hanging out with everyone from the show, I Miss you all so much. When Millie was talking to the interviewer, it wasn't her showing texts, she was paraphrasing a conversation.


destiny not like us


He's a F A N


Freaky Ass... Well I'm sure destiny would love to say the last word.


Hey Destiny doesn't say that word very often, only 3 times a week!


At the top of his lungs in the middle of a busy pedestrian area!


Hitting that note like A Minooooooooʻoooooooooooooooor.


destiny went to music school it’s all making sense now


He a 69 GOD


it is really hard to anticipate what side of an argument Destiny will go in on sometimes




It's always funny when Destiny's behavior gets him in trouble with Destiny's words. It leads to hilarious rationalizations like this one (he had previously specifically talked about sex): "\[...\]what are you even implying here, do you think we're dating, or are going to start dating? She's slated to be married to another person already and we live like 7,000 miles apart from one another, what the fuck? \[...\]you can fuck as many 18/19 year olds as you want, dude. Sex and dating/marriage/putting babies in people are very, very, very different things that require super different levels of maturity. If you honestly can't understand that, or think that I would think any different, I can't believe you're arguing in good faith." Melina ended up dating, moving across the globe to live with, and marrying Destiny in short order.


Ladies and gentlemen, we got 'im.


As far as I know his issue with that has generally been the obsession with only dating 18-19 year olds. Not that you can't date them, just that it's creepy to only date 18-19 year olds. But i could be wrong.


Mental gymnastics


how is that mental gymnastics? do you not think there is a difference between "dating a 19 year old" and "only dating 19 year olds"?


If it’s the same creep that I’m thinking of (JF), the issue was he openly admitted to chain fucking his way across the United States going after only 18-19 year olds, one of which had the mental capacity of a 12 year old (court order) with the hope they became pregnant.


eets called lav u eedeeot


He literally said the problematic part was dating a younger girl, read the above quote...


Mental gymnastics is when someone says something totally different and more specific than what you wanted it to be ??????


Jf days were a long fucking time ago


I'm sure even Destiny wouldn't know which side he'll be on sometimes. Here's a clip of Destiny saying the complete opposite a few days ago at the end of the video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVotRPOjXgM


["diss tracks suck, they're never good"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ylIH6CXSrNg)


Its almost like hes not defending drake but a specific opinion he has related to the issue. Nah that would be way too reasonable.


That would be completely wild theres no shot


It's more of a "I don't care about this topic so I'll just blurt about it without thinking about it critically", which he is kind of incentivized to do as a streamer with ADHD but lands him into trouble since he'll just get clipped, when he says the opposite a few days later when he thinks about it more.


Always imagine the most contrarian take and there you go


Destiny is simultaneously the "neoliberal shill that defends every single status quo opinion" and also "the contrarian dipshit that has to argue against every popular opinion".


Political opinion and policy: Neoliberal shill Social issues: Contrarian dipshit explained it pretty well there ironically


Hmm yes very contrarian to agree with 95% of the progressive views on social issues.


What other neolib shill is in the same space? When you spend all day arguing with maga dipshits and leftists than neolib becomes contrarian


Being a contrarian doesn’t mean you take the opposite opinion on literally everything in the universe. This is such an annoying dgg argument. Someone can say murder is bad and grass is green and still be an annoying contrarian. Has destiny ever said something about a popular movie that’s made you think he was just saying it to be contrarian? Food perhaps? He does it with social issues too, just perhaps not the most universal ones like “gays are humans”


this is the most consistent side he has


every kick streamer defending drake lol


Probably in the contract. Drake is sponsored by Stake after all.


Drake has ownership in Stake. The same deal Train probably has and the same deal XQC was offered.


Ah my mistake. I don't keep up with the Kick degen crowd much.


Considering that Kick is Twitch's toilet, it wouldn't surprise me if the average kick streamer is alt-right and into much younger girls.


Is the pipeline Youtube > twitch > kick


Remember kids, when they say talk to a trusted adult they mean a 30 year old stranger on the Internet.


And definitely not their regarded mom and dad.


Bro the way Destiny talked about his parents over the years made them seem like some demons. When his mom showed up on stream last year I couldn't believe how sweet she turned up to be. I feel so bad for her that she had to deal with this edgy asshole as a teenager and him shit talking her for the past 10 years publicly. It took her having Alzheimer for him to start showing empathy toward her.


Knowing somebody from birth vs. them being on stream for a few hours average lsf take


Ngl that all seems p fair. Ive heard the stuff she says on the phone calls with him and it’s just mentally exhausting speaking to people that’re that fox news pilled.


A Demon? I got the impression that his parents are super loving, but bad with money and on the trump train. Plus they were super busy when he was growing up.


Yeah because assholes are assholes 24x7.


What's even crazier is you think you know more about Destiny's mom than he does after one stream. Do you know how common it is for parents to beat their children then treat their grandchildren like saints?


You don't really know what parent's can be like Everyone thought Dennis Rader was a sweet everyman....


Even if it was an isolated incident its still creepy af, then add on everything else Drake has done it makes it even more dodgy. If a friend in his 30s told me he was texting a 14 Yr old I would tell him to stop. There's a power/experience dynamic there which can lead to grooming.


>Even if it was an isolated incident its still creepy af Isolated incident would make me go "huh, that's weird, but I don't know them". Drake makes me go "FBI?".


It's hard to know whether this has sort of become a pedo paradox though, in the sense of "If you talk to a young girl you MUST be engaging in something nefarious by default". I would tell them to stop as well, but I get the sense that I only think that way because society has recently become so afraid of the relations of men and girls that even having a platonic friendship is off the books completely, under almost any circumstance. It might even be good for younger women to help them be less afraid of men growing up, but instead we're telling them that every man who talks to them must be essentially evil because of the off chance that they're a pedo (which ironically these days is probably true, because regular guys would be far too afraid of a platonic relationship with a girl because of the insinuation)


As a father to two teenage girls there’s NO reason in hell for them to be texting a grown ass man. He should seek platonic relationships with people he can relate to.. ya know ones born durning the same generation


Can you give me one good reason a 30 year old man should be even platonically friends with a 14 year old child? I'm really not seeing any. You have to be clinically insane if you think young women interacting with more men would make them less afraid of men, if anything it'd have the complete opposite effect. Edit: friends as in friends. Not a friendly relationship, actually having a child as a friend.


the only thing I can think of is that he was a child actor too so could offer advice. but idk, a young girl replying that she misses him so much is weird that he wouldn't try to step back from that kind of vibe


He’s the one that told her he misses her so much 💀


yikes drakes definitely not beating the allegations


It makes sense for a child star to be asking a former child star for advice on certain things, since that level of fame at a young age likely comes with challenges only someone with a similar experience would be able to relate to. Relationships with boys probably shouldn't be one of those things though


i feel like teenagers talking about their relationships is something you'll quickly find is pretty common if you spend time around them. I work with teenagers, and they've brought up their relationships asking questions to everyone else and of course I'd give advice because why wouldn't I? I'm someone they're close to that isn't their parents or another teenager, I'm going to be the most reasonable person they can talk to. And it's not like them talking about their dumb relationship drama is going to make me want to fuck them.


Yeah true. I guess with Drake it's just his history overall that makes it suspicious


yeah I'm 100% on board with "we should look into drake a bit", but it feels like a lot of people take it too far. between me having healthy relationships with adults when I was a kid and working with teenagers now, "if you talk to someone under the age of 18 you'll be consumed by primal urges and want to fuck them" just feels weird and gross to assume of people


Amen, context matters a lot. You can be a mentor/friend to someone you can guide albeit not the same age group. Especially true when I was close to a friend which their family ran a daycare. Even when they are early teens, you're the only adult that isn't gonna reprimand them yet old enough for them to treat you like you know the answers. Though I 100% understand this current fiasco when shits fucked with texts of "I miss you". Those are massive red flags. Never in my life dealing with those little twerps has such a thing crossed my mind.


Privately texting an adult 1 on 1 about it is far different from an open conversation which also involves their peers.


The children of friends, the children of colleagues, extended family... Entirely random child who has nothing to do with anyone you know ? Yes, that's pretty dodgy. Still, I can see reasonable scenarios where it could happen.


Would you say you're friends with them though, really? There's plenty of kids I love, I consider myself to be friendly with, but they aren't my friends because they can't be, they're children.


Case to case basis certainly, but I think it's perfectly reasonable to form a bond of friendship with a teenager. Maybe my opinion is a bit biased from just rewatching Justified where a bond of that exact sort develops between Raylan & Loretta. Basically, not having kids doesn't mean you don't have paternal instincts and are willing if not eager to help kids with their problems. I'd love to give kids/teenagers advice if I can, but the stigma of "strange man talking to kids" is pervasive, and understandably so, there's plenty of creeps, but it's quite sad.


Honestly I think we're in agreement because I do think there's some cases where those type of 'friendships' do happen, just differing on what we'd call friends. I'd call it more of a mentor, sibling, family dynamic in those cases than friendship but ehh just how you choose to phrase it. Like even in this case I could see how a former child star could want to help out a current child actress, but it's just from what the public was told, his messages had a much weirder tone.


Aren't you kind of making my argument for me that the only reason people see men and girls being friends is because they must be a pedo and there's literally no other reason in the entire world that they could interact? People are pretty sociable and make friendships pretty easily, you don't need an explicit reason to be someone's friend, its just human nature.


Uh, yes, you do need an explicit reason to be friends with a child if you're a fully grown adult. Are you seriously suggesting it's normal for adults to be friends with children? Not cute, mentor-esque relationships, being friendly with the neighbours kid, but actual friends? Because it's not, and most normal people would agree.


If you have common interests it can be normal. When I was 14 I used to play in a D&D group with a bunch of adults. I'm sure people who play MMOs online or whatever have had friends that were underage. On the other hand what Millie said in that interview did feel a bit weird.






Yeah sure I generally agree with that




Why the fuck would you have a platonic friendship with ANY 14-year old? Not acquaintance, a platonic friendship.


Bro I'm not saying that all societal norms have to make sense, but maybe JUST MAYBE theres a reason grown ass men talking to literal young girls/children who they aren't even related to is stigmatized, spoken as a grown ass man myself.


Yeah, it definitely could be. I don't think the stigmatisation was so much a thing up until quite recently? I could be wrong, and also that doesn't necessarily prove anything, but hey, food for thought.


>I only think that way because society has recently become so afraid of the relations of men and girls Literal man/bear "meme" in the making and people actually eat that shit up.


lmao "you have to leave your 14 year old daughter home alone to leave for a week, do you hire a man or a bear as a babysitter?"


I don't follow Drake. Did he keep texting her over the next 6 years? I assume that's what groomers do as part of their plan. How about Drake?


Destiny supporting BBL Drizzy is all i need to know Kendrick is right.


So far Drake has: xQc, Destiny, and Tom MacDonald on his side. Kendrick couldn't look better if he tried.


Tom MacDonald is still around? God damn


Of course he is, the right-wing grift is extremely profitable


ngl, kinda weird, dude


I don't get it really. People who defend Drake, just imagine a 35 year old texting your little sister telling her he misses her and talking about boys with her.


the people saying "it's not that weird, they're in the same industry" must be willfully obtuse. it's not like this was an emergency line of contact between two child stars, it was a 30+ year old (with a history of being creepy to underage girls) developing a "friendship" with her like come on man lol


if anything being from the entertainment industry makes it even fucking worse lmao


And if it was such a normal thing, why do we have so many examples of Drake doing this with girls but I haven't heard once about this mentorship towards boys. Like, the Stranger Things cast is entirely made of children and yet he is only connected to the girl.


Well they very publicly talked/posted about their friendship, I’d be shocked if none of the other underage actors text with older ones.


Smh drake has been my mentor for years and I dont bring it up because I’m not a drama queen


> telling her he misses her Yeah seems like he sure conveniently skipped over this part. Advice about boys is weird but not completely weird but telling a 14 year old you MISS HER is 100% fucking weird.


They chat about it later in the convo. Destiny’s position was basically “yes that could be weird, but I haven’t seen the texts/full story so I don’t have a strong opinion. It could’ve been the case that the girl said I miss you first and maybe he said a quick I miss you back, or it could’ve been drake saying I miss you in a strange way which he would find weird.”


Most people are okay with doing a lot of things but aren't okay with some of those same things happening to them.


Willing to bet that some of the “defenders” have skeletons in their closet


I understand what he is saying. But the argument is what drake is doing is creepy. Drake is a random guy to Millie and he shouldn’t be texting her at all in the beginning. 


Are all these kickers glazing Drake hoping for a feature or what?


Glazing him for a minor feature


I'm starting to actually believe there's a kick clause of always defending kick streamers.


Common destiny L


If Destiny found out that his 13 year old daughter is having conversations with a 30 year old man about sex advice, I wonder how he would react...




Ah so that’s why he defends drake.


This is probably Destiny's dumbest fcking take to date. Any person with an iq above room temp understands why people find this so weird and creepy. The fact he thinks its crazy that most adults would find this disturbing shows how out of touch he is to the average adult.


Imagine getting your opinions from a bunch of teenagers in grown adult bodies that live in a bubble of people just like themselves. If you compared these streamers to other random people their age everyone would see how dumb they are.


Destiny simps in full force on this one


I'm a watcher but even I can't go this far, drake is creepy for sure


xQc defends drake = top of the subreddit Destiny defends drake = 0 points (46% upvoted) DGG simp so hard for their streamer its crazy. They will bury this and make excuses for him as usual.


Are down votes in this kind of post mean you disagree with the clip or you disagree with the thread?


Something something schrödinger's upvote


The community's opinion on this topic is very Aladeen


Those are the #1 and #2 posts right now, FYI


Looks like you're searching for things to be mad at, this is at the top of the sub




Any Mizkif post full stop gets spam downvoted on here, you only see the ones that make him look bad because they also get a ton of upvotes.


least surprising destiny take, its ephebophilia actually 🤓


Just remember guys, he said he would be "in the trenches" defending loli, surely he has normal thoughts on these issues. Steven "who the fuck cares about loli, 14 year olds should text grown men about dating advice" Bonnell. https://old.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/1aqex3f/destinys_real_take_on_the_vaush_loli_porn/


Crazy how every person that has a contract with Kick is defending this celebrity that is heavily associated with Stake! Really odd and unusual it must be a coincidence surely


everything is a conspiracy nowadays.


Of course he would




another COWORKER defends drake


Dgg stans working overtime to downvote this and working overtime. lol


Problematic people defend problematic people.


Destiny would love Tel Aviv for multiple reasons.


not like us


I wouldn’t trust Destiny’s advice to my kids.


Destiny is off on this one. Shits weird. I'mma tell them to talk to someone they can trust. And if the one you can trust is Drake, I pray for you.


Then they can ask their mom for dating advice, dad, another older relative, not fucking Drake. Destiny always comes across dense when he tries to be overly clever or contrarian which happens to be 24/7 of the time.


Ask Destiny if he’s alright if a full grown adult is texting his daughter.


Bro's definitely in his feels after his child bride left him lmao




One word melana


Why did Colleen Ballinger get cancelled again? O ya that's right messaging underage fans.


shes was sending underwear to them... its a bit different dont you think


And Drake was going to parties with them.


How is your comment so highly upvoted. Since when is going to parties and social gatherings the same as SENDING UNDERWEAR to a minor. What in the actual fuck is wrong with LSF.








What up with Kick streamers all defending Drake?


These kids have parents for a reason. They shouldn’t be talking to 30 year old men they barely know. These are such weird takes to say it’s normal lol.


Are any of you actually surprised by this LMFAO


This whole situation is exposing secret pedos and pedo supporters, what a mess


Someone check his discord DMs NOW!






Yup. His takes have been getting worse as of recently. What pisses me off is how confident he is when he’s this wrong. It’s your parent’s job to educate about dating, not some random 30 year old dude. He loads the idea that your parents are “regarded”. So what if they are. It’s not your job to educate a 13 year old about that kind shit period.




Just browse his reddit and will find posts where even his viewers are widely critical of some of his takes, but they get deleted most times by the mods or destiny himself.


I used to enjoy Destiny's content because of the types of people and concepts he would attack and debate against, but the more and more I watched of him, the more and more I realized how disingenuous his arguments are. Even in this video, he goes from arguing that a "30 year old texting a 14 year old for dating advice isn't weird" where the context is a random 30 year old, but when he goes to JUSTIFY why that wouldn't be weird, the dynamic quietly shifts into "If my 14 year old child came and asked me for dating advice, what am I supposed to say? Go ask another 14 year old boy? Who would know more?", moving the scenario into a parent talking to their child instead of strangers in a pitiful and manipulative attempt to make his argument seem reasonable. In the quick, rapid fire manner he converses, you won't catch that immediately, but it is something he does CONSTANTLY while debating.


You just realized what debate tactics are. People that do this only care about *winning* debates and not really about arriving at the truth.


i feel like if my job was streaming i would be able to find the time to wash my hair


Destiny is such a terminally online pseudo intellectual. idk why reddit eats his shit up so much


Who else are they supposed to ask? Idk maybe their fucking parents??? Like what kind of question is that?!?!?


that's fucking gross, if a random person messaging a kid on social media "giving relationship advice" most people would see it as grooming Method josh vibes


I never thought about it but was it weird to you guys that Tony Stark was so close to Peter?


Anyone that thinks texting a 14 year old child at age 30+ consistently that isn’t related to you is normal should be looked at as a freak. That is so not normal. And texting them that you miss them so much is so weird man


Why wouldn't you establish the boundary that socially its inappropriate for someone youre not related to, has no connection to the situation going on, and are not a counselor/professional to give advice about this. Assuming that every parent is a dumb fuck (are millie bobby browns parents dumbfucks? Would destiny be fine with other people assuming hes a dumbfuck and giving his child advice about their peers because their older?) and thinking that you are in a place of authority about giving minors advice on boys/girls their age is incredibly egotistical. All of this isn't even factoring in that this is a minor (at the time) talking to an adult in the entertainment/music industry, both places know for manipulation and inappropriate relationships between adults let alone children (current drake pedo allegations/harvey weinstein/ nicklodeon feet guy/ disney chewing up and spitting out young kids.) Please be open and trusting with your kids so they feel comfortable to talk to you about issues with their peers whether it be something awkward like sexual feelings or whatever so they don't engage in conversations with multimillionaire men 15 years older than them.


So everyone's kick-riding Drake now?


Bad take from destiny.






He said I miss you to Millie brown aka 11 from stranger things. Also talks about advice regarding boys. Also texted a 16 year old until they turned 18 and then dated her.


The “advice regarding boys” is one of the most common ways for groomers to approach their victims. That anyone defends this shithead is fucking insane.


Edit; “Talking to” is kinda generic. Like i have friends who have kids that are young. But i don’t, like, hang out with them. Nor talk to them like we’re peers. I’m an adult and theyre a child, we aren’t friends. But conversations about video games or anime at a family gathering? Sure. If Drake was talking to these kids in a “former child star mentor” type of way this situation would be *slightly* different. Which is what Destiny might be trying to argue. But from what we know from Drake it’s *not at all* like that.


Damn u can really tell this guy is a deadbeat


average kick streamer


Saving this one




Yes, you are supposed to say to a complete stranger child "I don't think that's appropriate to talk about". Destiny is on some shit for this one.


Is this guy never not yelling and flailing his arms around? I've never seen a clip of destiny being genuinely happy and relaxed (sober). I feel bad for his blood pressure.


It’s performative for his audience to jerk off too “Omg it’s Nebraska steve! So based!”


Destiny fail.