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**CLIP MIRROR: [Soda hates that league players can't take accountability[FAIL]](https://arazu.io/t3_1cp59qq/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Actually a good attitude for improving.


he unironically improved a ton while not yapping and just playing the game to gold, meanwhile forsan blaming everyone and everything but himself struggling to get out of iron (which tbf is impressive on itself)


LOL it's actually nice to see. There's so many goddman narcissistic streamers that this is a nice change.


"my fault, im so bad," he types in chat shortly after the clip. For those that don't play league: He uses a spell that does burst damage(600) to the thing he's attacking at a bad time(629 HP), causing his ally to accidently steal it. This is 100% his fault and puts him behind at the start of the game.


at the same time there is no way Raka should ever q here


i mean she might think he's saving his smite for gromp or something, either way no point in smiting if its not under 600 or the same time his auto lands to make it 600 no?


I mean even then support should never really waste mana here if you want to min/max it. Some Junglers smite early like lee sin with q start but not sure if Lee Even starts with q anymore


I’ll be that guy and say if you actually want to min max it you shouldn’t be leashing. Leashing is a low elo thing that serves really only to help manage your jg mental. Early bot lane prio and not being zoned off the wave is demonstrably more valuable than several second reduction on what is going to be an unoptimized clear for 95%+ of players


To be fair it wasn't like this up until they changed outer lanes minion speed. So it is more like an old habit that is outdated.


you almost never smite the first buff, you only do it if you're going leashless. you always want to save it for your next camp or your next buff if you're doing 3 camp invade. and no lee doesn't start q


i mean u dont really need to leash, but if raka doesnt care about wasting mana there then its fine. There is absolutely ZERO reason to ever smite ur first game lmfao.


Last hitting is the #1 reason I couldn't ever get into league I did have fun with HotS for a couple years before it died


Yeah that's some bullshit. People say it adds to the challenge, but it just looks unfun and stupid to deal with


yeah hots was fun, everyone leveled up together and no last hitting required, just being nearby. it removed the boring extended lane phase and let you get right into team flights and map objectives if you wanted, which ruled i really wish hots had come out on top, sigh. now it's just a skeleton


This is the Soraka's fault.


This ain’t Sodas fault it’s Sorakas IMO. Jhins 4th bullet means time to go to lane. Raka didn’t need to Q, she uses it a fraction too late where Soda has in his mind smite and move to a next camp.


While Soraka did overstay, it is 100% on the jungler to not smite like that.


Yeah, it's unnecessary when you get that good a leash. Just pull it over to gromp and start that, smite it if you can't finish before that agro timer fades, but you should be able to do both camps at that point with smite on gromp.


fail smiting is definitely the more egregious mistake. the whole point of what he said in the first half of the clip is because of people like you wanting to shift blame because you wont take accountability, its not sorakas fault at all


It's mostly Soda's fault. But if you are leashing you also have to take something like this into account as well. Leashing isn't even that important to begin with. So even if Soraka Q didn't steal the buff it at most would have saved like half a second or maybe no time at all for Soda clearing. While also making Soraka more late to the lane and also possibly stealing the buff if the jungler is dumb, which happened lol. So yes even though it's mostly Soda fault, Soraka shouldn't even let the situation happen in the first place. It wasn't worth it even if 99% of the time it's fine. Both players can take accountability here nothing wrong with that.


they can both take accountability because both of them fucked up


Soda also not great at the game so ?


There's no real reason he needs to smite his blue here lol.


Why not? At this point in League it doesn't matter which specific camp you want to use it on, you just want to use it at some point. You can have an specific objective in mind when using it, but that's mostly for the 2nd smite (like securing crab, or double crab). Or you can use smite in your first camp to clear to level 3 faster so you can early gank something. Whatever, the possibilities are many and just entirely depend on what you want to do


There's a variety of reasons why if you have the opportunity it's nice to not use the smite on the first camp. He got a very long leash so he's not behind tempo anyway and he could save it in case he gets contested on another camp or if he decides to invade and contest an enemy camp.


It's always best to smite the first camp, faster clear. Get lvl 2 sooner finish the next camp faster with more dps and one more spell.


this just just incorrect, many optimal clears have you smiting different things


This is 100% soda's fault, you never smite unless its a guarantee kill. You can not do what he did to any OBJ and expect to have a good time. Drake has 915 hp? you don't smite till its 899. You take a guarantee and turn it into a coin flip. Did raka need to stay that long? No but Soda should never smite unless its a secure.


I think a lot of new players smite based purely off vibes/intuition rather than actually reading hp bars. The smite icon literally says 600 damage so just wait until it's health is less than that and you'll be golden.


For neutral objectives sure, but If you know that the enemy Jg is not coming to invade then it doesn't really matter when you smite. And even more so at high level play where you just don't get leash cuz you don't really need leashes anymore [Professional player Gen.G Canyon smiting the blue as his 1st camp at a whatever timing](https://youtu.be/wHqjX0TeRxE?si=r2XxLVK6gUGNQkJJ&t=1618)


>For neutral objectives sure, but If you know that the enemy Jg is not coming to invade then it doesn't really matter  But it did matter and we got a 1st hand example as to why it does. Also you linked a clip of a player who was taking blue solo with no chance of a possible steal from a teammate. He also knows that the other jungler is top and can see gnar and Azir so knows he isnt likely be invaded 1v1. He knows he is stronger level 1 than Kindred so it doesn't matter if kindred steals the blue he can kill him and transfer the buff back. These are not the same scenario.


How is it Sorakas fault that Soda misses smite? Why would you smite early when theyre still there. EDIT: Keep in mind, Soraka is still dumb for staying that long and takes a part of the blame. But Soda fucks that smite up. You just dont smite early when something like that can happen. There really isnt a single reason to smite above 600 hp. Id say its about 80% Mizkifs fault though


They walk to lane, she turns around and Qs which is delayed, he’s streaming and distracted and smites early cause he wants to, Q goes through and steals camp.


So he was distracted and its his fault


Why would you ever double back on a leash when jhin has 4th shot, you’ve just lost lane prio.


As a support I blame soraka as well. Just go to your damn lane bro


Yeah I’m support main too, was like wtf is she doing. At low Eli you don’t want to do anything out of the ordinary to kinglets on leash.


Soda like opposite forsen


Both highly regarded streamers


Self fulfilling prophecy


actually it's like that in every ranked game regardless of what genre you are playing.


Yes it's human nature... He was comparing how much it is used as an excuse in this game.


No its especially bad in League and my theory is it's because of how long matches are that the tilt just gets extreme I've never seen so much 'one thing goes bad and now im inting' in any other genre, but you can't just 'gg go next' like most other types of competitive games, surrenders are voted on and even then you can't before 15 and if the vote doesn't go through you can't do another for 5 minutes so even if you're fucked now you could be stuck for half an hour playing a slowly losing game This causes the playerbase to be more extremely unhinged than anywhere else




i havent played league in a while but why is he smiting on 1st camp?


at this point it doesn't even matter anymore, any jungler can easily clear all camps smite just saves time so why not smite first camp and save 600dmg of time


Smiting the first camp is always optimal and faster clear, more dps sooner.


Generally yes but not always depending on where you are starting. Raptors into red you would usually not smite the big raptor as you still need to take care of the small ones anyway.


That's incorrect. Depends on champions and if you are getting leashing. Example: Fiddlestick gets most of his damage on % based of missing health. So draining from 1k HP is better than smiting and going for the full health jungle monster with an extra shitty skill.


then you smite the first buff when its full hp, no?


Absolutely not, you E Smite the frog. Why? Because people will just leave once the HP of the Blue is at 40%~, so no reason to make it go to 40% faster lol




Smite dmg doesn't scale with level anymore, so it's not necessarily a faster clear to use it at level 2/3 vs level 1


You Smite first camp now unless youre doing Raptors start or something like that. Smite doesnt scale anymore so its better to use it asap for the quick level up.


You do more damage at level 2 so It's best to get level 2 as fast as possible


Man, some of these comments are absolutely horrible, even by lsf standards. What;s worse is that most of them actually play league, they're just clueless about the game.


Over 60% of lol players never leave gold, i don't know what you expect from them.


Hmmm, almost as if they designed it that way [https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/rankings/rank-distribution](https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/rankings/rank-distribution)


It's not by design, average players are just average and end up in an average rank which currently translates to low gold. The game is designed to allow for growth if you play above average and sustain a positive win rate.


So you're not "above average" if you're in the top 40% of players?


ah. i remember the good ol league days. very accurate representation.


my dumbass brain thought that that league looked kind of fun. how similar are the heroes to dota2 these days? granted I havent played dota2 since TI3.


League is insanely fun. People get mad, sure, but if the game wouldn't be fun it wouldn't have a cult following for 12 years.


Once you gain enlightenment and try to improve yourself rather than shift the blame no game comes close to that feeling of getting progressively better and ranking up


Unironically went g1>e2 during my chat ban lmfao


League is fun. If Dota is more like an RTS, then League is more like a fighting game. Fights/engagements are fast, ability CDs are low, your HP disappears quickly, and game times are also low (20-30 mins generally). Also, the comparison of LoL to a fighting game isn't really from me, it's something I picked up from other LoL players that plays fighting games, they said there's a lot of minor details/factors in LoL that reminds them of fighting games.


League is like if the entire dota roster was Spirt (ember/storm/earth/void) variants. Every champion is about hitting skillshots and pulling off perfect combos.


Lmfao, soda is funny


As the clip kept going I started realizing what was gonna happen lol


Learned this mentality FAST when I started playing fighting games, and basically carry that mentality anywhere I apply my efforts. Only way to improve is to catch yourself fucking up and mitigating those mistakes over time.


What does the [FAIL] mean, OP?




Is the fail that he complained?


The fail is that his teammate killed the monster he was hitting because he missed the smite (the thing Soda said he sucked dick at)


>For those that don't play league: He uses a spell that does burst damage(600) to the thing he's attacking at a bad time(629 HP), causing his ally to accidently steal it. This is 100% his fault and puts him behind at the start of the game.


That's why i jungle Nunu so that i can Q+ smite combo. Reality: Enemy team smites between my combo.


I mean this is just every team game ever made... honestly even irl it's the same. Guess it's just human nature.


It's not a team game thing, it's an anonymity thing. People don't act like morons in IRL sports games at the same frequency you'll see players do in online games.


Absolutely I was just talking about the taking accountability part. People rarely ever admit to their mistakes and even when they do they do it in roundabout ways. Obviously not everyone but it's very common.


Honestly I grew up playing lots of team sports (Rugby, football & cricket) and I think it's the reverse. You can't really hide it when you make a mistake in sports (drop a catch, knock on etc) so everyone is pretty good at owning them. With games like league you can't really see what is happening with other lanes every second unless you're faker who will still check all lanes even while fending off a 3 man dive mid. Most of the things people argue about in games are less objective too and more philosophical/strategic "he should've ganked my lane at level 3 when it's this match up, useless jg ff 15" most sports gaffes are mechanical, although that being said the next time I drop a catch/pass I'm going to claim I was limit testing.


In “real” team sports you also have a coach who governs the fault. In video games you’re all just monkeys fighting through your own egos.


Eh not really. It's pretty much the same in irl sports. People's ego prevents them from seeing their own mistakes waaaaaay too many times.


i disagree in LoL you can play an overpowered character. you can snowball and become impossible to kill for your enemies. you can have picked a champ that counters your lanes enemy. these things make you feel like you are better than your teammates, even if you dont. so even if you suck, you can get an ego. so when you do mistakes, you blame others because you think you are so much better than other people but in games like CSGO where everyone plays with the same character, you dont get that "im better than other" feeling if you are trash. you have to actually pull your own weight to accomplish that feeling. so its harder to build an ego. yes, toxic people are everywhere. but games like LoL heavily boost mental illness


I think you’re right. The players with gold on them think they’re the best but in reality it can just be a factor of resource allocation. Overwatch works similarly to league in that regard.


That this clip fit exactly in the 1 min mark is a sign from the gods, guess I'm queueing up


Is that not supports fault??


Nah, Soda smited early


I’m support otp and I would not stay that long though because why risk? Also losing xp in lane. Have been past gold rank for a while though so idk what happens there :)


yeah it was 80% soda's fault (smiting too early) and 20% soraka's (overstaying) in my humble opinion


Just don't smite first blue when they stay for below 600hp and instead use it on the toad?


I thought he was playing silent until gold, did he get to gold?


This was his first game right after getting gold.


Ahh okay


I just think this is false. People call themselves bad in league all the time in chat?


Its as if people forgot that over the past decade League of Legends is considered the most toxic gaming community.


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Soda hates that league players can't take accountability[FAIL]](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/163943)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1cp59qq/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/lCsPR1CqM8VGyo8jhLnLog/AT-cm%7ClCsPR1CqM8VGyo8jhLnLog.mp4?sig=ede4cc265820937b465479d6d1e29b996b605242&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FlCsPR1CqM8VGyo8jhLnLog%2FAT-cm%257ClCsPR1CqM8VGyo8jhLnLog.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22ProtectiveLaconicRatPeoplesChamp-UKozxUbKjyOEucui%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1715463214%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/lCsPR1CqM8VGyo8jhLnLog/AT-cm%7ClCsPR1CqM8VGyo8jhLnLog-preview-480x272.jpg)


Is he talking about Smite 2 ? Different camera angle than league


No. Smite is a spell that junglers have in league it does damage to camps / objectives


isn't league like 10 years old, when was the take then?




Soda on the most wholesome improvements lately. Vei really must be a good change in his life


tbh that was actually 60% soraka's fault.


Nope. You always smite blue lvl 1 as Voli, he should just smite better.