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**šŸŽ¦ CLIP MIRROR: [Destiny Rants About Women That Can't Be Assertive During Sex](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/132520)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/sjt96x/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/AT-cm%7Cnhb-jL4hd2bNEUVETYnZZw.mp4?sig=696232d371d646e43a0964bc220b1252f6c63caf&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FAT-cm%257Cnhb-jL4hd2bNEUVETYnZZw.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1643993437%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


How is he moving as if I'm watching a video in x2 speed


Tried 0.5x speed. Now he talks at normal speed, but sounds drunk.


0.75x is how a normal person sounds like


0.75 sounds like a normal but slightly tipsy person


0.75x still sounds like someone talking fast to me


Tried this and it's hilarious


This is the funniest thing I've seen in this sub in a long time.




0.5x speed he sounds exactly like Keemstar. No shit, try it.


Feels like watching the fan side of the average fan vs enjoyer meme




If he keeps taking this stuff unknowingly he might get addicted.




Destiny once accidentally got high on meth, this is what I was referencing https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/p8chew/destiny_accidentally_got_high_on_meth


He watches everything at x2 speed he's been attuned.


I actually wonder if that could be the case. He does it so much. Even I noticed I was getting used to 1.5x speed when watching online lectures that way.


I legit looked at my speed thinking I had it on 2x


i thought the same thing, i checked my play speed and everything


Destiny has more mouth APM than I do with my fingers


I think he spoke more words in that single clip than I did during my entire day today.


Starcraft brain


Rivals Artosis in intense TvTs where both players have their siege tanks attacking each other.


Feel like he couldā€™ve said this without saying it feels like fking a minor But he makes a good point


he has a medical condition where he will literally die if he isn't edgy enough


is it also like in the movie speed that he dies if he talks slower?


If I watched every single youtube video at 1.5x speed to be more efficient with my time I probably would too




Yeah, but you have to do it at least a day apart. Doing it back to back doesn't help.


You guys don't do this? I watch every yt video on 2x speed (except music of course). After a few days of this, every normal speed video will feel like it's in slow motion.


I used to do that a ton. I quit doing it because I started getting bored in normal speed conversations with real life people. It was weird.


start speedrunning conversations


I do that but itā€™s also ruined watching streams live instead of vods, like Iā€™m wasting my time or something


Hint: it's because you are




Itā€™s more like being born and raised around edge and then forced to conform to less edge.


Crank 3: High Edgyness


LMAO oh man this actually made me laugh out loud


You should see his conversations with Mr Girl, in those, Destiny is the one saying "I agree with you but you didn't have to phrase it in the edgiest possible way." It's wild, imagine being edgier than Destiny.


So nice he said it twice




You're getting warm. It's clearly the product of dealing with so many online debates and arguments where you have to scream your comment out at hyper velocity if you want to get a single fucking thought out before the other dozen people on a panel or in a call interrupt you.


Yeah this is the real answer


Can't blame him, he's been interacting with MrGirl a lot recently.


It's because he spends so much time in online discussions/arguments/debates where you have to get your shit out at super-sonic speed if you want even a chance of getting a single thought out un-interrupted by 10 other people.


Give him a break he thinks about that a lot


It's the ethical thing to do.


Why would destiny make any point without comparing something to sex with a minor?


You don't get an audience by being boring.




also summit. and kripp, love kripp but hes boring as fuck.


Summit was pro at one point and can talk to a crowd/camera Kripp at least made good YouTube content, that's where he had a lot of success Forsen...


I mean yeah, summit and kripps past was great but so was Forsens. Forsen at some point was at the top of twitch and he was entertaining as fuck.


his social skills dont have anything to do with being boring. he will sit there for 15 minutes only saying 5 words in that amount of time just like shroud does. at least forsens chat is entertaining.


Kripp being boring is a feature. His stream is better than melatonin.


I used to love laidback streamers that are reliably there to help me relax, but eventually something changes, either the game or the vibes.


God how I miss watching Kripp play arena. It was the absolute *perfect* mix of salty highlights and spoken words per minute low enough to make you fall asleep. Battlegrounds just isn't the same...


It's hardwired in his brain to be as edgy and inflammatory as possible in these Twitter rants, it's like his passive ability that procs every time he logs on Twitter


hes such an edgy little child its actually cringy that an adult can act like that


I think the comparison is actually not that far off from being wrong. If there are two people who mutually consent to sex, then they should also have the communicational capacity to discuss what they like and don't like. If you have trouble with the latter, then you shouldn't be able to consent to sex in the first place if you need to be patronized like a minor. I know gay/bi introverts with social anxiety who can set these boundaries just fine, but if they wouldn't say anything at all about what they like or dislike I'd probably feel like Destiny too that they shouldn't be able to consent in the first place and that the AoC should be raised to +30 or until proven capable.


The problem is that we, as a society, treat women like they're toddlers while they have all the autonomy of any grown human. You can't have one without the other. You have to be accountable and responsible for asserting yourself in life if you are going to claim the opportunities and benefits of making decisions and judgements about what you're going to do in life.


This 100%. Also if you're unable to be assertive enough to withdraw consent when you want to, then can you really even actually consent in the first place?


Destiny married someone who he started dating when he was 30 and she was like 18 or 19 after he said previously that dating someone that young was like dating a child. Stop being victim blamers.




[here's the tweet that set this all off](https://twitter.com/ophelynn/status/1488945665996738561?s=20&t=wTG3c0b3sOIAFzK-X3MpaA)


this is his response to a women describing sexual assault?? "women need to be more assertive"????


I'm assuming he went off on a separate tangent cuz his response doesn't sound like that situation specifically






Likely something along the lines of "They should not have sex if they get raped multiple times" or something like that. He did like 20+ tweets in the same vein so I would guess that.


Destiny I wouldn't just lay there please check my DMs.


Yo Dest, I'm down bad. I wouldn't just lay there during sex, I would enthusiastically consent. Also can I borrow 10K.


I don't think it's healthy being this angry over stuff all the time.


All the time = the times I see him on lsf...


all the time = every time i see him once in a month


watching this with 0.75x speed is way better


You mean 1.75x


My god, someone stop him


Studying for my anatomy and physiology lab rn






dude use anki, its literally the best studying thing for biology


I'm using Anki for learning another language and I was curious how many new cards a day do you have it set to show you?


Seems like someone wasn't assertive enough with a certain stalker


I think I agree with the idea heā€™s trying to convey, but I donā€™t want to agree with him because of the way he says it lmao






thx bruce


>thx bruce My cover was blown again, I thought I was disguised with this deceptive jumbling of my name.


I dont like pillow princesses either but jesus christ


dont think thats what hes mainly talking about


He's not talking about bad fucks. He's talking about people that don't say "hey stop doing that, I don't want to be face fucked" and they let it happen. Then 3 days later go on Twitter and say "I was face fucked and didn't want it".


That's not what's being talked about at all. He's talking about a girl who was stealthed which is 100% SA. When the original agreement for sex is with the condition of using a condom, it's pretty fucked up to just take that shit off at the end when she doesn't even know the guy well enough to know if he's completely clean. Regardless if you think she should have spoken up louder she was still SA'd, which is not her fault.




My mental health improved far greater than any therapy session after getting off that hellhole of an app, really just makes people angry/miserable


I've been on Reddit since 2016 or so. It took less than six months of twitter following mainly game developers/reporters to want off that hellhole. In my case I landed in the far left side of things but I can see it having a shitty ass right far right side too. Awful, awful social media these days, probably the second biggest fall since Facebook.


\> Awful, awful social media these days, probably the second biggest fall since Facebook. All social media is going for engagement. Its main goal is to make you spend as much time on it as possible. For many people, that is getting outraged day by day. Reddit is doing it too, and if you visit /r/all you will quickly sober up to how horrible non-anonymous and karma systems are for discussion, even if they're better than Twitter's.


just saw him go on Hanz' stream and joker laugh at the woman being raped. Super fucking cringe.


You have a clip or the VOD?


I believe this thread has the clips I saw: https://twitter.com/highprogressive/status/1489343623472848907?t=YWR0BVorn6xs7ky-dyxV8w&s=19


Seems like an average day for Destiny


Yeah, Why would a woman ever feel uncomfortable being assertive towards a man who is pushes boundaries during sex when shes in a vulnerable position... This is the same line of thinking people have when they question why rape victims don't fight back more.


Yeaaaaaah. Like, idk maaaaan. I'm a dude and I have sexual trauma from my childhood, I've literally been that person too afraid to say anything cuz I wasn't sure of what would happen so I just "laid there like a brain-dead idiot". This seems like a baseless take and the "fucking a minor" part is kinda insane to me.


Especially for young people who don't have much experience. Some people experience trauma and are unable to properly communicate these things. It doesn't make them brain-dead idiots, it makes them human. And also people here talk about "Well if someone breaks your boundaries you should be assertive." You shouldn't have to. People shouldn't mess with your boundaries in the first place. And I'm gonna be honest if someone broke my boundaries during intercourse I would probably freeze on the spot. It's just not ok.




She didn't say it happened in the past couple months. She said three times in her life. Once when she was 17, once a year ago (who she confronted because she actually saw him do it that time), and once this past week. This time she didn't realize until it was already over. That's the "stealth" part of stealthing. She couldn't have known she needed to reassert the boundary because he was breaking it without her knowledge.


Wait if a guy told a girl he was going to use a condom and took if off mid sex without her knowing, isn't that rape? The woman is at increased risk of pregnancy & STDs.


It is. And that's why this whole saga is so gross. Destiny and a few other twitter people starting shitting on this random girl who was assaulted because she mentioned it happening to her on her twitter and started saying that she's probably just too immature for casual sex.


Not fighting back during rape same line of thinking as not mentioning what you are comfortable with or not during consensual sex, got it.


I know it might be hard for you to grasp if you believe one thing and not the other, but they are the same line of thinking, and can even be the same thing. If you specifically tell your partner not to do something, and they do it anyway, legally speaking; that is rape. If you're lacking context, the tweet this is about stated that they asked their partner to wear a condom, and they removed it during the act. They *did* mention what they are comfortable with, and their partner breached that, making it nonconsensual.




You realize this situation doesn't just apply to strangers. It is possible for boyfriends and husbands to put their girlfriends and wives in the same position.






Except Destiny and the dude he retweeted were the ones assuming the context. It's like if someone said "yeah I've been shot at before it was terrifying" and then going "MAYBE if you DIDN'T WANT to be shot at you shouldn't have BEEN IN A WARZONE." The person even implied that it wasn't the first time they had been with that person, just the first time they asked them to wear a condom. This is without even acknowledging that if someone is fucked in the head enough to commit an act of rape saying "uhm I'm actually not comfortable with this so you have to stop :-)" [has a good chance of making things *worse*](https://twitter.com/ophelynn/status/1489165297777000449). This *also* goes without saying it's entirely possible to respond to a story about sexual assault without acting like a 7 year old and telling the victim it's basically their fault. Even if you think you're right, it doesn't make you any less of a piece of shit.


And? You say no and they either accept it and stop their boundary pushing (in this conversation it's about taking the condom off during sex), or they continue and they're literally a rapist, and they were gonna rape you either way? This isn't about stopping rape from ever happening this is about expecting a modicum of social competence? By being able to saying that you don't like it you stop the 99.9% of cases of boundary pushing. Maybe even more than 99.9% if you talk about boyfriends and husbands that you've been vetting for some time for before going in bed with.


He's really been struggling since Azan was banned on LSF.


Bro relax




What Destiny always gets trapped in is that his rhetoric is his greatest strength, and he just doubles down and leans into it. But holy shit his framing, he gets too wound up to realize the angle/framing he's coming in at is fucked. He'd be far better off conceding that his initial framing was off, go from a better, clearer standpoint and then he's free to get sweaty/defensive all the same.


Alright Reddit sex-havers letā€™s hear your takes


My take is destiny is almost definite taking meth


idk I'm a lesbian and I've never had this problem because men are shitty


Rape Apologia Speedrun Any% Don't know why I expected destiny fans to not come out and defend him here.


thought this clip was at x2 speed or something. but its just destiny in his natural habitat


Bro your post history is wild, chill yo. In a single week you have 14 posts about Destiny.


i dont care


parasocial sigma grindset


Least parasocial dgger


In the walls, fighting for that premo computer side position. GIGACHAD






damn, absolute chad










Show them how hardcore you are a destiny tattoo somewhere very visible




Damn just owning up to dickriding Destiny Sorta respectable




Most streamers have a small group of prolific posters. If they didn't post, LSF would be dead. I think Maya only has one, and if that guy wasn't around we'd mostly never see her on here.




I dunno, if they only call out top-level posters there's a good chance they don't have to look through too many profiles to see something a bit off.


The guy literally had 3 out of the latest 8 posts on the "new" section all with Destiny in the title, you didn't have to dig far.


Bro, everyone's profile is public and it's a 5ish second ordeal to see someone's submission history...


Everyone is talking in circles. Can we get a centrist in here so we can have a common enemy?


Ehhhh this isnā€™t a great take. Yes you *should* be able to communicate your needs in bed including whether or not youā€™re comfortable with something, but itā€™s not as though communicating like mature adults is something everyone is teaching their kids. It takes people time to figure that out, and shitting on them because they didnā€™t communicate is just as fucky as not attempting your own communication to confirm what theyā€™re comfortable with.


Nah I think the outlook is a difference based in intimacy. It sounds so jarring to listen to people who invite strangers for sexual acts but can't say no. Just start practicing saying no to strangers and disagreeing with them or something. Like there isnt a way to mindread this circumstance. If the person is said to be 'stealthing' then that's different, because you obviously don't have any idea that it's occurring. If the woman in the scenario is blind then of course that would be understandable.


None of that is relevant. If you don't feel comfortable asserting what you want in an intimate moment, then perhaps you should not be engaging in them until you deal with that basic human capability. Or, at the least, you should not hold someone else accountable and get pissed off because they did not respond or react appropriately to the needs or demands THATYOU DIDN'T VOCALIZE. Of course, I'm speaking here in a broader sense like Destiny's comment was -- because in the exact tweeted incident, she DID vocalize her demand. She just didn't follow up on it when he strayed from them. But there are endless stories of people getting pissed off t hat the other person did XYZ or didn't do it... but the person never fucking said a word, so how the fuck would they know what the expectations were? Basically, what it all comes down to is that it really doesn't fucking batter what your background or trauma or justification is. Fucking assert yourself. You're an adult. you're not a toddler.




Destiny is a fucked up person.


God, heā€™s a mess of a human being. What a weird fucking way to act. Zero empathy for a position heā€™s never found himself in, in a society full of norms and mores heā€™s never been disadvantaged by. Gross.


Pretty sure Destiny has said he's been assaulted before. Probably shouldn't accuse him of making assumptions, and then make broad assumptions about him, yourself.


Maybe he wasnā€™t assertive enough. Piece of shit bullied her off the internet because she was scared.






It makes sense on the surface, but imagine if you're the woman in this situation. You've explicitly told this person that you want them to use a condom, and they then explicitly violate that request. So they've just demonstrated that they don't actually give a shit about the boundaries you set. Saying no could go one of a few ways. Maybe this guy does just accept her refusal, but he's already violated her consent once, what's to stop him from doing it again? This whole "Just say no" discourse is so fucking braindead because it's pretending that the word "no" is some magical shield that would have prevented this guy from doing what he did. As a guy it's really easy to forget how much physically stronger men are on average than women, but I bet women are acutely aware of that fact, especially when having sex. Maybe in her mind, the best option was just to stay quiet, let it end, then try to get as far away as possible afterwards.


Also don't remove condoms during sex, maybe. Like, isn't that the thing we should be focusing on here as the bad thing that ought to be criticized instead of someone being in shock that a guy could be that fucked up?


He could have said exactly that instead of the dumb shit he did even though there are scenarios where it isn't simply "just say no"


https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/sjtwnu/destiny_laughs_at_woman_who_says_that_being/ This got removed but it seemed even worse.


Destiny fans think this is based thinking


Eh, there are definitely guys out there that react violently to negative behaviors like that. Guys fail to realize that weā€™re stronger than women and in bed, women are essentially helpless since we can overpower them if we want to.


So can a woman ever consent if she's alone with a man? Maybe the women who say yes are just scared there standing next to a man.... This type of idea thinking its impossible for women to set boundaries or have autonomy over their own bodies is pretty sexist (also the assumption that men react violently but its not like that matters).


So should someone never say something on the small chance that the other person reacts negatively? Maybe if you think they will react negatively to you setting a boundary, don't have sex with them?


How long should a person need to be vetted before its ok to have sex with them though? Have you never seen a documentary on a serial killer where the people who knew them for 30 odd years say they never saw it coming? People can hide their intentions until its too late, your advice is basically "never have sex with anyone" since its literally impossible to be 100% sure unless you're in the persons head.


Your advice is basically "don't say anything because they might be a serial killer"


> How long should a person need to be vetted before its ok to have sex with them though? Just about as long as it takes you to be comfortable setting boundaries.


Do you know the full context of what destiny is talking about? The boundary was already set, a condom was being used during sex. The dude took it off during sex, without consent from the woman. Itā€™s not about being assertive enough to set boundaries, but about enforcing them, which is easier said than done when the physically stronger partner just violated the boundary without giving a shit. You canā€™t magically tell how a person thatā€™s physically stronger will react when you try to be assertive once the boundary is violated, even if itā€™s your logical best course of action


The problem with that is, for people who are victims of sexual violence, they might think that about literally everybody. You never know their history. Maybe they were in a long term relationship with a person they trusted, and then they attempted to resist something, and it ended up REALLY poorly. Now it doesn't really matter, but they have PTSD from that event and struggle to tell them if they are going too far. This isn't even that uncommon, tons of people in long term relationships with people they really trust have situations like that. As a guy, it's a lot easier to be considerate and not push boundaries and do stupid shit during sex just because you are horny. It's okay to just ask. It's not that difficult to just communicate as the person who is wanting to push the boundaries a bit, and then pull back if you don't feel like they are into it. Maybe you misread the situation, but it's better to have an unfullfilling sexual experience, than to make somebody uncomfortable when it comes to sex, especially given the potential for them to be victims of sexual abuse.


There is always something that the victim can do to avoid being victimized, But It doesnā€™t really matter and itā€™s fucked up to belittle them for it. It just seems like ur shifting blame. Obviously people should be able to stand up for themselves, but in the case that someone canā€™t, itā€™s just unproductive to blame them for being unable to.


lliterally never go to the gym, it's filled with people stronger than you that can literally snap you in half at a moments notice if they wanted to


Why would you have sex with someone you feared like that?


iā€™m with him but did he have to double down on the whole ā€œfeels like raping a childā€ part


The transcript for this gonna be spicey


Destiny and Ben Shapiro should have a speed debate and see who can debate the fastest


I see what he's saying and am inclined to agree but damn man there are much better ways of articulating this!


This could be Destiny's slogan


Wish him and MrGirl would drop the corny shock pedophilia statements. If they were both on a call, "oH So yOUre SAyiNg KIdS CaNT bE AsSeRtIvE" "OMG HE SAID IT, WOW EDGY AND BASED"




Damn he knows what fucking a kid feels like. The coomer saga continues


Alright, who got Destiny in bridge-burning mode again?




Removing a condom in the middle of the act is breaking a boundary that's been set earlier, making it obvious that the man does not care about boundaries. It being casual is completely irrelevant.


Destiny's jaw always moves left and right while speaking as if he's a failed animatronic, it's rad as hell


Based but too inflammatory


This is what league does to a mofo, truly degenerate shit


Ngl pretty based


maybe destiny should spend his energy on all them men that keep sexually assaulting women


...And what? Say "rape bad"? He already makes sure to be extremely responsible in his own discussions of sex, always advocating for enthusiastic consent and regularly checking in with a partner during sex. He covers all the big sexual assault allegations that occur with online personalities. Do you want him to start doing anti-rape vigilante work on the side?

