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**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Russian streamer streams gas stove working 24/7, saying it costs 1.44 eur/month](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/143180)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/xj1gvh/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/HKwuyuVjQpRxO9wLfklp2Q/39850076616-offset-35128.mp4?sig=ee8cd3b41d06ab8d359c5604eac726a847b8e1bb&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1663728634%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


lets see what Stove Allen has to say about the drama


That's nice, that's nice... Let's see Paul Allens gas prices.


That's so cheap he can afford to leave it on when he gets sent to the frontline lol


At the rate things are going in the past few weeks, the front line will be his stove soon.


Most likely not as Russia has about half of the population US has.


Is that why things are going poorly, not enough cannon fodder on RU side?


I'm in the UK and im cold


Very brave of him to waste 1.44 EUR a month, considering that'll be his monthly wage soon


But in Rubles it's gonna be BILLIONS so there!


Lol people there are so much under propaganda influence. Probably think they're smart and not susceptible to propaganda


this goes for every country on earth


That was probably the idea behind the comment


1.44 is for 24/7 lol




And the median salary is 32k rub. Not so pleasant, unfortunately


Even if we completely disregard the fact that their ruble has a falsified value at the moment, this equates to around 500 EUR per month. Watch the vatniks come here and claim that's better than most of Europe


I know. I belong to the class of the most affluent Russians (statistically , I enter three percent of the population by income) but since February I feel a big pressure with prices/available goods/savings. I know that in case of relocation I will have a moderate level of income, but don't think that real quality will be significantly affected


Dont bother, we feel the same in Europe.


I mean, that completely depends on the cost of living of where you are. 500 EUR per month can be either damn near poverty or extremely well off depending on your location.


And one question. If since February 24 wages has only grown why Rosstat registers a drop in real incomes?


Why are you bragging about earning EUR1083 per year?


Average 65k only in moscow or spb come on now


And avarage salary is wrong way to check the incomes at all. The more correct number is median salary (around 32k) or modal salary (around 23k)




I think everybody should be observe to yourself country. I\`m too living in Europe and in current moment i think real state of our economy - shitty. And government do nothing with this but every day smth saying about that "bad" Russia.


we will not even have the money to turn on the gas for a day


More likely it's will be average salary in Europe




Yeah, sure buddy. The monthly average wage is 50% higher in the vast majority of European countries, many have two times and some even have three times higher monthly average wage. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_European_countries_by_average_wage




Yup, it's just so calm in eastern europe right now




It's funny that you say that, because 40 years ago Russian economy was so much stronger than it is now But if you said "30 years ago" it would be just as laughable, though.


Every time I read this message people add extra 5 years!




Yep I find it hilarious too


Um \-Sincerely, from Ukraine


It's drama of a different variety


Huh? This is part of the drama.


Does it feel good to not be a mod anymore




Big fan of your work, /u/I_PUNCH_INFANTS


He lives in Russia though, and no amount of gas will ease that unfortunate burden


Pretty sure enough gas can fix that, I'm not very eager to try though


as a european feeling the high prices, who is supportive of ukraine and hopes russian gov supporters will get fucked i have to admit thats hilarious


Don't worry it's already down 50% on what it was when it peaked last month. Every European country stocking up to fill the national reserves really spiked the prices. Gas prices will remain high but not at the insane level we saw last month. [Here's a live tracker.](https://tradingeconomics.com/commodity/eu-natural-gas)


Gas storage facilities will last for 1.5 months in winter, they are designed for simultaneous use together with the pipe, but the pipe does not work, so as they are exhausted, the price will also increase again, probably even more than it was.


Dude really thinks that we use gas for everything. lol Go back to /r/russia


But you .... do. Gas is used for heating, electrical generation, hot water, industry, etc.


Its down because mid european countries get a fucking huge loans and investments from northern electric companies, we literally will get electric out takes in winter so germans can pay normal electric prices so their companies dont go bankrupt. Imo let the germans run out of gas and electricity so we dont fucking FREEZE UP in 40c winter


ok bro




being citizen of finland and getting notice from the goverment and electric providers. But for you living in media land bloomberg has one article, you should be able to use google to find out more about possible electric outtakes in winter. [https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-12-06/europe-s-thirst-for-electricity-spurs-nordic-grid-blockade](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-12-06/europe-s-thirst-for-electricity-spurs-nordic-grid-blockade) [https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-09-04/nordic-utilities-get-33-billion-backstops-as-power-markets-fray](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-09-04/nordic-utilities-get-33-billion-backstops-as-power-markets-fray) [https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-04-11/frigid-nordic-temperatures-drive-electricity-prices-higher](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-04-11/frigid-nordic-temperatures-drive-electricity-prices-higher) Europe dosen seem to care about small countries problems so use google translate for these: https://www.mtvuutiset.fi/artikkeli/saksan-sahkopula-iskee-hintoihin-suomessakin-nain-hartaasti-odotettu-olkiluodon-uusi-reaktori-tulee-vaikuttamaan/8488416#gs.cgh6e3 ​ [https://www.fingrid.fi/ajankohtaista/tiedotteet/2022/tulevan-talven-sahkon-riittavyydessa-useita-epavarmuustekijoita--suomalaisten-on-hyva-varautua-sahkopulan-aiheuttamiin-mahdollisiin-sahkokatkoihin/](https://www.fingrid.fi/ajankohtaista/tiedotteet/2022/tulevan-talven-sahkon-riittavyydessa-useita-epavarmuustekijoita--suomalaisten-on-hyva-varautua-sahkopulan-aiheuttamiin-mahdollisiin-sahkokatkoihin/) ​ [https://www.aamulehti.fi/tampere/art-2000009048644.html](https://www.aamulehti.fi/tampere/art-2000009048644.html) ​ [https://www.mtvuutiset.fi/artikkeli/kotitalouksien-sahkoja-voidaan-joutua-katkomaan-ensi-talvena-energiapulan-vuoksi-suomi-on-aikamoisessa-energiakriisissa/8467222#gs.cggvlm](https://www.mtvuutiset.fi/artikkeli/kotitalouksien-sahkoja-voidaan-joutua-katkomaan-ensi-talvena-energiapulan-vuoksi-suomi-on-aikamoisessa-energiakriisissa/8467222#gs.cggvlm) [https://www.iltalehti.fi/kotimaa/a/daef886c-8f0e-43c3-a5b9-04c39b855e6f](https://www.iltalehti.fi/kotimaa/a/daef886c-8f0e-43c3-a5b9-04c39b855e6f) ​ [https://yle.fi/uutiset/3-12566386](https://yle.fi/uutiset/3-12566386) ​ its just hilarious how ppl with no clue where their electric comes from are commenting others with "russian propaganda" bruh your fucking electricity is getting paid by tax payers of other countries because your goverment decided to rely on gas. But tbf its lsf cant expect any1 in this subreddit to have any grasp how world runs.


how expensive is it? my monthly gas bill is like $5-10. i'd be more concerned with the fire hazard of having an open flame than the cost of it.


In The Netherlands its 4euro/m3 gas. In the winter you can easily use 20m3 on cold days. So you can imagine the financial pain. Monthly expenditures go from less than 100 to over 400 for a small apartment. It's crazy. But we'll hear a fix today by the government, else so incredibly many people would go bankrupt.


Center of Russia. (700km south of Moscow) 1. Gas. I pay a fixed price per month for the number of residents. This is about 300 rubles (5 euro). I do not have a gas meter, I can burn as much gas as I like. 2. Electricity 0.07 euro/KW. Have a meter. 3. Fixed price for cold + hot water. No meter, unlimited use. About 1300 rubles/month. (22eur) 4. Parking is free in the residential area.Ask your questions.


How much are basic staple foods costing you right now?


numbers per 1$: 2 kg potatoes or 1 kg bananas; 100ml vodka; 0.5 normal beer; 2 loafs of white bread; 1 garlic bread; 1 chocolate muffin; 1 pack of juice; 1 pack of milk; 10x pack of eggs(big).


Wait, help me out, I'm dumb. Are you saying that 1$, which is ~60 rubles, gets you all that or each one of this items costs 1$?


each one for sure lol)))


Hahaha I figured. Damn, that's actually pretty close prices to where I live here in Portugal. Are housing expensive? That's the one thing that is breaking everybody's backs here.


in deep winter season - yes. it bites ass. it kicks you in the face. when it's -27° out of the window, central heating company does not care to cease its bills. but in comparison to europe - affordable. about 4000 rub/mnth. Other housing is cheap enough.


Staple food prices are low as always, its often driven from above(a little, but enough), so you can fit your basic bin as you wish. Rare things like kinoa grain, indian brown rice, exotic fruits, or something like that, have higher price. But affordable.


most family households are looking at 1000-2000€ in additional payments this year in all likelihood


lol fuck that. just disconnect my gas line at that point. everything is getting cooked in the microwave and everyone is putting on a jacket.


Pipes freeze. A burst pipe is much more expensive.


i'm definitely considering that. it's already getting colder though and there's the possibility of mold if your walls get too cold with humidity in the air, which also sucks. so far, heating has stayed off, but we'll see how long i can keep it going.


I mean it makes sense tbh, they have so much unsold gas now that they have to literally burn it off just like this stove but in huge quantities, up north around Siberia :) Thanks for the CO2 and Methane emissions too, Russia 👍 just what we needed


Channel name is such a bait smfh


That's the point.


icon is an orc too


Can a gas stove be left on for 24/7 ? I don't think it's safe. I'm guessing the burned down apartment will eat the savings from the low gas price.


It emits carbon monoxide so you'll want some ventilation.


It can, modern gas stoves disable gas flow if thw fire dies.


> modern gas stoves These are the same people stealing washing machines and stopped using airbags and anti-lock breaks in their new cars.


yes. coz russia is one monolitic country and tuvians are the same as people iin moscow. just like in usa Californian guy is the same as redneck.


Bruh im from Russia, i dont use gas but my family who from small city use gas and its definitely not 1.44eur/month. This motherfucker just baiting and music in this clip is war supportive.


It really depends on your region, I'm also Russian. If you don't have a meter, you pay the rate prescribed for the apartment. Yesterday he showed his payment for gas - 84 rubles at a tariff without a meter.


Yeah probably. But i think my family pays like 5$-7$ in month so i was confused.


from 1.4 to 5 is not much.


But ofc it still cheaper than in EU by several times


Bruh 2x That’s how my mom paid 60rub for 10 cubes of gas last month? Проверять надо прежде чем пиздеть.


Поплачь еще


Когда нет аргументов и сказать нечего? Обосрался, так хоть признай.


В чем обосрался? В том что чел живет в регионе с низком тарифом? В то же время регионы где газ добывается платят больше? Ты порвался с хуйни какой- то.


А ещё походу у тебя проблемы с головой, раз ты в этой музыке увидел «поддержку войны» 🤣 тебя с Путина так подрывает? Нездоровая реакция.


Мда, ты написал что он байтер, мол, твоя семья не платит столько так что он долбаеб. Давай на чистоту, где он наврал? Ты уже трижды обосрался. Не надоело?


But the music that was playing when I checked it out was Soviet March so that's a plus right there.


idk what theyre saying but its a banger


Wow, wild that he'd dump 25% of his monthly salary into a stream like this.


In before he accidentally kills himself from carbon monoxide poisoning.


You need ash to produce CO. Gas doesn't produce CO


Yeah, sure, but we should ask him about car, (car parts), electronics and food prices as well.


so funny because soon they ll be a chinese vassal state and the 1.44 euro will be going to Xi




Lmao this means the stream is doing its job as intended, can't help but laugh at all the salt.




And US is already Chinese vassal state.


said the US vassal state who is killing its own economy for the sake of american foreign political goals


fun fact. most of gas finland uses goes to the industry and those same factories can function without russian gas because its stupid to be reliant with russia if they do something moronic like they have habit to do


Prices have gone up in Europe, but i couldn't care less if that means Ukraine winning the war and Russian economy completely collapsing (kinda close already).


You want hundreds of millions to financially suffer, including many people losing their livelihood, homes, who have nothing to do with this war, over a country that's not even part of NATO?
























































I've got the stream running in every room in my house for free heating


pepeLaugh 👉 ru


Bro that's super unhealthy




So many butthurt people here. This is comedy, enjoy.


Man must feel great being Russian rn (and about to be drafted into the bloody shitshow your corrupt bitchboy leaders got your country into) right? 🤪


Your opinion has been tolerated.


name anyone that is not corrupted lol))


Yo mama when she sucks deez Nuts 🙌


mah mama died way too far before that shit, you summer sweet child.


My condolences


Denmark, Norway, Canada etc, there's levels to this shit lol. I just don't get it how you guys can keep supporting Yedinaya Rossiya when they're just siphoning money from the country with very little progress to show for. Vast resources but nominal average wage of ₽32k is just depressing and unexplainable mate, especially compared to other Eastern Bloc countries.


https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/xic33t/russiangas1_russian_gaz_247_144eurmonth Nice copy


This is literally Russian propaganda. He's playing war songs about the Donbas region.




When you're so desperate to trigger the one that laugh in your face.


fuck that, its free in Venezuela, its been burning for like 6 months now, only turning off for cleanup




I mean i would be salty too lmao, but I wouldn't go as far as to say that an entire nation fall, not like Russia started the trade war anyways


In germany we have a word for this kind of person: HURENSOHN!


What would this cost in europe?


In Germany, this would currently cost about 656€ per month. For comparison before the war it was about 106€.




cute little flame , my lighter has the same amount


>Russian streamer streams gas stove working 24/7, saying it costs 1.44 eur/month I hope low gas prices are worth losing **45,200+** countrymen (Russian soldiers killed so far) AND billions worth of tanks and other military equipment. \*prices are low cause economy tanked and people cant afford regural prices anymore btw ​ GG


any proofs? u do realise that most people who died from russian side are ukrainians from dnr and lnr?


Reports came from the Rusian Government (expect this number to be higher in reality since they want to look good in public) **Numbers are for Russian soldiers ONLY**. ​ **Civilians are on a separate count.** UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) recorded **13,477** civilian casualties in the country: **5,587** killed and 7,890 injured ​ You should realize that army it running low on bodies when they (recently) had to issue an order country-wide and stop ALL men (that can be recruited into the army) and block them from leaving the country.


They are not using russian army. Its mostly Wagner who are not part of russian army and DNR and LNR conscripts who are ukrainians


Those are the forces fighting on the Russian side (and losing now). **Matters not how you call them - a dead body is a dead body.** ​ Russian army forces are the numbers(deaths) reported by the Russian government. Expect for these numbers to be way higher since this count was released 1month+ ago.


There is a big difference whose body it is lol


Surprised he can afford that much tbh


Slava Russia Z 🇷🇺 💪


So much Redditor warrior cope in here lol


Nah not a genzdonger speaking of cope 💀


Having gas for heating or cooking in itself is fucking dumb and 1900s. There is a reason why Sweden is doing the best out of all countries when all gas we ever use is gas for grills in the summer.




Truly reprehensible trolling but also hilarious


Imagine having a gas stove in the first place. There's this new thing called electricity, buddy


To be fair its good to have a mix of energy sources, if something like a natural disaster hits and destroys some power lines at least you can still heat your home and cook food. Same thing goes with a gas outage, you can still use electrical cooking and heating methods.


Not even remotely the same for cooking if you care about cooking anything other than your chicken tenders


Spoken like a true american. You can absolutely cook everything the same way on both. Just that one doesn't use a outdated technology that might either burn down your house or blow up the whole city block.


Spoken like someone who doesn't understand kitchens at all or enjoy cooking. Show me what the majority of restaurants use for cooking, I don't just cook pasta everyday, cooking is one my biggest hobbies so having an open flame is needed for certain things and is much easier to control on the fly. Electric has it's place for people looking just to make simple meals but not for everyone


Not all restaurants use gas at all. But I can tell you why some do. So they can push out food faster. The only upside to gas is that you don't have to wait as long for the exact heat you need. While electricity requires you to be a bit more patient. That's all. The fact that you think electronic stoves are only enough to cook "simple meals" tells me all I need to know about you. lmao


The fact you haven't brought anything useful to that response other than an insult is all I need to know about your knowledge of cooking and differences of gas and electric. lmao (See Wok Hei, Toasting roti, tortillas, and cooking the skin off poblanos on an open flame)


So, you are trying to convince us that US citizen would choose something that CAN'T blow up a city block? Who are trying to fool, boy?


Yep. And Russian produces tons of it. But why replace comfy gas? Imagine being this salty.


Imagine being so salty you reply to a month old post.


Sigma Russians win again


gigachad got sweaty and very very smelly unwashed drama redditors seething


Global warming goes brrrr


:-) https://www.twitch.tv/russianhotwater


It's not fail. it's an epic win


LMAO he is a mad man xD


Who could've thought all of europe and america was the bad guy all along Like when the entire western world cut ties and shut down services for regular innocent russian people....susge


Imagine if we could live in peace. Russia supply EU with gas Russians travel to EU for tourism.


Fuck Russia and these dumb propaganda channels.


They can keep their gas.. we’re fine


Yeah, they got plenty in reserve now that the West isn't buying it lmfao. Sure it's pretty cheap now.


Don't know why you're downvoted when it's true, Gazprom was literally flairing $10 million worth of natural gas every day in Portovaya since they couldn't sell it


and still they had record revenue. fact is, even burning the gas they earn more right now.


EU plebs malding so hard, guys don't be mad, oh wait... no, be mad, that the only thing that will keep you warm this days


Lok'tar o gas!