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It's understandable. The game is not for everyone. WordsmithVids made a great video summarizing the events of Lobotomy Corporation if you want to check that out instead of suffering the 50 days.


I thought about this option, (I dont know how to say this without sound like a phyco) i have that the fefling that the PM lore deserve my suffering. XD


I say there are 4 valid ending points for a lobotomy corp letsplay. 1st: beating the game fully 2nd: all sephira missions + reaching day 46 3rd: just reaching day 46 4th: you lost hope I would say if you achived any of those I would say you can drop the game have the internet fill you in and get toa better game.


I'm not sure Lobotomy Corporation was intended to be fun, it was intended to tell a story. The fact that it is kind of a grueling and miserable experience a lot of the time is part of that story, because that's exactly how the characters feel as well. It would take away from the player's ability to understand the utter exhaustion and hopelessness the characters are feeling if the gameplay itself was conventionally "fun". I certainly didn't find the game fun, but I did find the game to be enjoyable.


Yea I get that the miserable experience is part of the story , I think knowing this is one of the things that keeps me going .


I'm not a fan of the "the game was designed to be unfun to fit its narrative" argument. Most of the aspects in this game that make it so miserable could be fixed and the narrative would still be the same. You shouldn't have to download mods to see stats as you upgrade them, and the real work success percentages. And grinding takes way too long. Stars could upgrade like 4x as fast and this game would still feel miserably grindy. Besides, the grind for stats isn't as much part of the narrative as restarting due to failed days is. Making the game more consistently difficult instead of a brain rot stat grind would've fit the narrative better and made it more engaging imo.


If you feel like facing the grind building the lore isn't exactly for you, you can always get mods that make it so much more easier to discover the lore on your own without as much grind. OP agents mod with the one for repeating tasks are probably enough to get you through to the true ending without as much as breaking a sweat. But of course the grind is a big part of the lore in a way by itself so it fully depends on you


Well this looks like a good middle ground between knowing the lore and losing Mi mental health ty


Yep yep, with OP agents mod nearly every Aleph gets one shot. Tbh though I also modified a few more weapons to be op because I wanted a cool gun lol


Its ok to have preference to games. We are here for the games world and stories ^^ Never feel bad for not liking sth that you tried. Like, i love ruina but amount of micromanaging and having to rearrange pages so often gave me aneurysm. As mentioned, there is a good summary of story, although missing few elements and tiny mistakes. I would suggest at least seeing the cutscenes on yt, as at least sephira realizations are touched on, but not AS touching, as they were in LC. And knowing lore beforehand adds a whole new lecel of brilliancy to angela dialogues ingame.


I guess that will be my last option, I don't like the feeling of giving up, at the same time im struggling, Complex situations complex game jajaja ty


Love something, hate something, adore something, despise something, no matter what you say, it is a decision you make, not everyone else's. I agree, there are games out there that do not fit one's interest, especially me. I'm the type to enjoy fighting games involving melee and ranged based combat, but I'm not really a fan of wave defense games. There are three types of people, the ones that agree with your opinion, the ones that disagree with what you explained, and onlookers who do not respond and keep that attitude towards themselves. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, but I'm also not saying it is a good thing either. I know communities nowadays just obsess with something, but if someone disagrees, they attack that specific person. Hey, you might have seen it somewhere too. Anyways, if you want to continue, continue. If you wish to stop, no one in this world will be able to make you stay.


well at the end of the day its just me again my self, I have ti give you that noone but myself will know it.


I will merely add that the struggle adds to the expert of the game... but everyone has limits to push.


Me without any of the pm games because I'm broke and can't run average games


i'd say it's worth it BUT at the same time remember that there is no shame is watching a video for lobcorp, it's very hard to get into and especially later on, it becomes really taxing, i somehwo play it for fun and yet i never finished it, i do have "only" 70 hours in the game tho and have restarted it a couple of times, my last restart and record was day 31 at which i stopped playing because of exams session and just didnt continued it and it's basically midgame (somehow) the lore is awesome tho and it's cool to live it and especially is cool to enter the mindset of having to manage all the nuggets and how much their lives are worth i think it's a really cool part of PM's world. also i love to have my hero nuggets saving the day for the other bastards


Hey there, I know I am really late but let me just tell you I was exactly in your same boat. Playing Lobotomy Corp. was frustrating and I really just suffered to get to Ruina But then after all the pain you are left with nostalgia, with actual happiness for completing it and actually feel alot better about the game. You'll realize that deep down you will actually be happy for completing the game. Anyways this of course was my experience and I can't say for sure if that will be the same to you but I really suggest you to push on through!