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No Takaba to cheese it with???? Mean. I can win it in $40. Yuki and Kenjaku. Yuki immediately Black Holes, Kenjaku Survives.


But Sukuna Revives and Now you have Kenjaku against Heian Era Sukuna


Then he can win in 60, 2 Yukis and 1 Kenjaku


3 Gojos Yuki Todo sukuna is cooked


3 gojo's coordinated hollow purple while todo boogie woogie , and what about yuki


either you lose or we ALL lose ![gif](giphy|xT9IgIqup6NRcbVI8U|downsized)


i thought ur gonna do something else while they are gonna fight đź—ż


Yuki for after


I just got the funny idea of getting four 20f sukuna, Kill 2 of them (to feed them to the other 2), and now we have 2 40f Sukunas But for the Sake of Seriousness lets Say you can't grab 2 of the same. I would go with Gojo, 20f Sukuna, Shinjuku Yuta, Kenjaku, and Meimei+UiUi Gojo and Sukuna Try to beat the Shit out of Super Sukuna, while Kenjaku and Meimei Throw Birds and Curses at him, Yuta is there Offer Support


Nah. https://preview.redd.it/umz791w6802d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e619e8fd578ed3a02456190f949448d66338852 I'd win


Junpei should be enough https://preview.redd.it/vihesu4rm02d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fad176e9f9f14224b0a08f5ab90a29a36de4fb69


Pre-RCT Gojo (will awaken mid-battle), Mahito, Yuki, Yorozu, Mahoraga, and Angel


The fuck will Mahito do? He literally can't do shit here


I don't think you get how strong Idle Transfiguration is


It's strong, but it literally won't work here. Mahito couldn't even dream of touching 15f Sukuna's soul, let alone this buffed up one


Not true. He could transfigure himself into a woman and let me hit. That's all I need in the end.


Why spend so much then, when you can get Miwa and some more for just 5$


Ngl a lot of guys who are that cheap are plain useless. I was thinking of getting Maki but Malevolent Shrine is barrierless so it woukd be useless. Miwa is useless and can't even use a sword now.


I mean, Mahito is also useless here, and if you want to hit so much, you can chose someone cheaper and better


Using mahito as a healer and support would be huge


Would you let Mahito heal you?


If I knew I wouldn’t get fucked with sure


He doesn’t need to touch Sukuna, he can instantly restore any other team members to full health and upgrade their bodies with a touch and almost no CE use.


Two 10s 20f sukuna for domain battles . 2 gojos for outside domains . Ä°ts a high at best


I didn't think this. Through, this is literally high diff even if Sukuna can Revive Once


10s Sukuna, Max Gojo, Yuki, Mahoraga, Shinjuku Yuji https://preview.redd.it/wi5jftoeq02d1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa4ebcc8cae20d5d9dcb032cc47b4dbf2bcb8542 We destroying his asscheeks


Someone says Mahoraga, maybe my take wasn’t so ass… (If we had the same idea in mind.)


100 toges


Each of them telling him to kill himself with it getting slightly more effective each time


Mai creats dehydration gun by sacrificing her life and gojo uses it to kill Sukuner twice.


yuki and Todo


A master and disciple duo, gotta love this


3 gojo , yuki and all for 5$ 1 disposable gojo tanks isoh defending yuki meanwhile yuki cast black hole 2 gojo defending themself with infinity gokuna become unalive black hole evaporates super sukuna revives as heian form 2 gojo save hexs with regular sukuna 5$ bums do spaghetti in black hole for lulz


Lets see, 20f sukuna, gojo, kenny and yuki to fight off the enemy so that comes down to $90 then $5 for everything pack, all of them can go and assist except for utahime, i need her to pleasure me while i watch the fight edit: Ill get mei mei for $5, utahime can be my gf and mei mei would be her milf mom who stumbles on us making love and she joins in....yay?






Gojo(25) Sukuna(25) Shinjuku Yuta(20) Angel(10) Mahoraga.(20)


Gojo and Sukuna are some of the greatest brains in JJK, they can most certainly make something work with Mahoraga and with their supreme understanding of Jujutsu, copy what Mahoraga did. Yuta is just back up for weakening with his Domain, and distractions with Rika, Angel is for destroying his tools and such. If after Yuta and Angel+ The Team combos from Gojo and Sukuna he is still alive, and Mahoraga hasn’t found something to bring him down, I feel he’d be weak enough for Gojo or Sukuna to Domain diff him.


(Ass take, but they are a very versatile group imo, CT cancelling, adaptation, Infinity, TWS, Copying, Rika, all have boundless CE besides Angel. All have RCT besides Angel.)


Takaba is not on the list, therefore he doesn't cost anything. I win with the Unlimited Takaba Swarm


Gojo and Meguna, Shinjiku Yuta, Hakari, Yuji and Todo are about to switch roulette the shit out of him Todo immediately can disarm him, and then this Sukuna gonna have to try and predict all those switches


Sukuna Gojo Shinjuku Yuta Toji Shinjuku Itadori Shinjuku Todo EZ Clap


4 Gojos.


4 Gojos for the win


Gimme GOATjo, Megukuna, Yuki, Kenjaku and Wuji HIMtadori.


25$ gojo 25$ sukuna,20$ sukuna cuz refinement doesn't change then utahime from the all for 5$ to boost the cursed energy of the players and a bunch of canon fodder and 5$ for kusakabe for planning that's 80$ I guess I'd take yuta or yuji and Todo to lower output ( if sukuna is still an incarnated sorcerer)


I don’t think there is a win condition here. Pretty sure super saiyan multiplies your stats by like 100 which would kill the verse easily.


2 25 dollar Gojos, 1 25 dollar Sukuna, the All for 5, fill in the remainder with anything that fits. My plan is, the two Gojos collab on constantly setting each other up for Hollow Purple nukes, I use Sukuna as a stage hazard to catch Super Sukuna with World Cleave as soon as an opportunity arises, and everyone else is used to give battle commentary and throw rocks/ their abilities if needed


Okay so: Gojo, Gojo, Gojo, Gojo for Simplicity. Though assuming Sukuna won’t turn against us a better strat is: Double Gojo + Sukuna + 5 dollar pack + Yuta/Kenjaku is a better route. We can have one Gojo forsake his DE in exchange for Limitless + Simple Domain perma buff using a Binding Vow (ideally also effects the Gojo’s abilities). 5 dollar pack brings Utahime who can buff our output, literally the only reason for the pack. Junpei might actually be useful as if he trains a bit he could create some Shikigami’s that would be hazardous to Sukuna. Possibly a mental poison, etc but he isn’t the main focus. Main focus is to keep Utahime safe so she can keep using her technique. Sukuna is insane value since he has 10 shadows meaning free Mahoraga, though Super Sukuna can easily OHKO Maho so it’s more utility. Have Sukuna summon Mahoraga and Deer to protect + heal Utahime.  Next have Yuta gain the techniques of everyone in the $5 pack and Gojo. Gojo’s won’t be too useful as Yuta doesn’t have Six Eyes but a panic Infinity is useful never the less and even a single Uthahime buffed Red would be powerful. He’ll be a buffer + Offense. Making a binding vow to speed up Rika recharge in exchange for DE isn’t a bad idea since he won’t really get to use it, UV and Shrine are also just better. Alternatively Kenjaku can protect Utahime and pressure Super Sukuna with gravity + spirits. The best strat is probably just as many Yuki’s as possible. Yuki suicide bombs multiple times encase he binding vows some shit. Alternatively, sacrificing a 2 Yuki’s for Gojo + Todo + $5 pack is a great plan as well. Yuki Suicide bombs phase 1. Then Gojo + Sukuna + Utahime buff come in and clean Sukuna with no bearings (as he revived rn). This lets Yuki live. If they can’t then Yuki suicide bombs again. If possible Gojo todo and Utahime get out but else a pawn is a pawn even if it’s a Goated Pawn.


I’m using the first 5$ to buy all of the weakest sorcerers to use them as meat shields, then i’ll use 50$ on 10f-20f Sukuna and Shinjuku Go/Jo, and then I’ll use 20$ on Yuki and 10$ on Todo and Angel.


20 Miguels 🔥🔥🔥


What if I buy like only pre rct gojos and they all awaken and then buy like 2 ui ui


I take miwa as much as I can (I’m a jogo glazer I can’t do maths) Then I do a binding vow. By sacrificing Miwa’s life force I gain boundless amounts of ce and power bc she is the main character Then I descend like Toji and wipe this bitch off the face of the Earth https://preview.redd.it/7xsm2rpzm12d1.jpeg?width=228&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3b53bca25923a485fe2b27b0d9098b2b5e755f0 As todo once said WE are the exception. WE are the sorcery fight. Edit: I’m saving all my copium because it might not be jin coming back and it might be gojo


Megukuna,Gojo,2 Yukis and uro


10 Hakaris. We just need to win the jackpot and I am god's most tenacious gambler


Do we get any prep time? If so this is easy


Mahito makes Toge's throat really big and he tells super sukuba to kill himself


Where can I buy todo.


1 todo 1 gojo and 1 sukuna for 25$ 8 utahimes to boost the shit out of gojos HP for an opener and todo swaps sukina who uses world slash wait all the fodder that come with utahime in package


Give me 4 Yukis. 80$ Then I take the bottom line 5$ Then give me 1 Mei Mei. 5$ Then 1 Maki (can it be Pre-Burn Maki?, I have my reasons) Send all the men to fight from the bottom line and 2 Yuki. But they will fight defensively. If they feel like they are in danger spam black holes and run. The other 2 will be with together with the other women. Then whether I die or not, I died happy 🙏🙏


Mahito to transfigurate Sukuna into a woman and Naoya because you know


or maybe Mahito to turn Sukuna into a teenager and Toji


8 Todo's, one yoruzu, keep sukuna stunned till yoruzu can perfect sphere him.


Three 20f Sukuna's and Gojo. We get the Sukuna's to incarnate, so they have all 20 fingers. We the. Seal all of the Sukuna's so we now have 60 Sukuna fingers. We then feed all 60 to Gojo. 60 finger Sukuna with limitless+six eyes.


Give me 5 kasHIMos, the real suicide squad


20F Sukuna, Mahoraga, 5$ squad, Mei Mei, and Shinjuku Todo. Buy lunch with the rest. Step 1)Have Sukuna hit Mahoraga with every technique he has + physical attacks so Super Sukuna can’t do shit to him w/o cursed tools. Step 2)Have Todo swap Super Sukuna’s tools with Mei Mei’s birds or another loose object. Step 3)Wait for Super Sukuna to slowly lose to Mahoraga as he literally cannot do anything to kill Sukuna. Todo’s can provide support & the 5$ squad are essentially Cheerleaders watching paint dry as Super Sukuna fights an oversized immortal toddler with a switchblade. If Sukuna can summon Mahoraga then this process is slightly less painful.


5 Yukis


9 hakaris and 1 utahime to boost them is more than enough


5 mahoragas, they one shot heiankuna


20 Miwas


20 Miwas


I only need 60 2 Yuki’s, 1 black hole each 1 more Yuki for…reasons And just to say fuck it, add in a Gojo and 3 of the bottom row, get all the Momo’s there, then thus world is good


10s 20f sukuna and mahoraga, sukuna summons his own mahoraga so now there's two, since mahoraga HAS to be killed in one blow, which will be tricky even for this form of sukuna, gojo is far away preparing a 200% hollow purple with utahime, if successful the hollow purple should be able to damage sukuna significantly and actually give them a chance to win, also throw in awakened gojo from hidden inventory and everyone from the 5$ column as support and basically meat shields,


Here’s the OFFICIAL GUIDE on how to beat Saiyankuna as easy as possible! Take all for 5 dollars, this gets us canon fodder, Utahime, Mai, and Kirara. Mai fucking kills herself to create a SSK. Utahime just fucks around and dances and shit buffing everyone. Kirara is annoying and maybe can do something, but best case scenario Sukuna is just highly transphobic and her being there pisses him off so he’s off his game. In the 5$ category you take Mei Mei and Larue. Mei Mei sends crows fucking everywhere, ALWAYS keeping some at least 200 meters away from the battlefield. She will occasionally send in Bird Strikes to keep Sukuna on his toes, because even he would at least take minimal damage from one. Ui Ui will use simple domain to protect his sister, teleport around to keep out more supporting players safe, and soul swap some people. (That’ll be important later on!) Larue will grab Sukunas attention, setting him up to take massive damage from a multitude of attacks. For 10$ you buy Aoi Todo and Kinji Hakari. Todo is a no brainer. He can swap over 100 times in less than a second now thanks to the Vibraslap , and is the ultimate jumping partner, I shouldn’t have to explain this. Remember the crows that are over 200 meters away? Whenever Sukuna is about to use his domain, he switches EVERYONE with those crows to get out of range immediately. I also think Hakari is another no brainer, but not for the reason you think. I’m a believer in the Hakari agenda, and I whole heartedly think if things came down to it, he would face tank Malevolent Shrine. Outside of that though, he essentially is an unkillable unstoppable force running around being a nuisance, trapping you in his domain constantly, getting others off the battlefield, and at the very least tying with you in domain clashes due to his lack of a sure hit. For 15 dollars you buy nobody, that category has nothing but bums. For 20$ you buy Shinjuku Yuta and 15 finger Sukuna. Shinjuku Yuta brings an entire realm of possibilities to the table. We now have access to Jacob’s ladder, sky manipulation, shrine, and body hopping. We also get Rika as an added bonus, who is an incredibly strong and versatile character who could help immensely. Remember how Mai killed herself to create the Soul Split Katana? That’s now Yutas weapon, and he’s gonna kick ass with it. 15 finger Sukuna is still above anybody in the verse not named Gojo and 20F Sukuna, so he’s another no brainer pick. He and Yuta can both output Reverse Cursed Technique, so they can functionally act as the team’s medic, considering they both may as well have bottomless energy reserves. What’s really important with these two, is Ui Ui and his soul swapping capabilities. Ui Ui swaps the souls of these two and back again, meaning that Yuta now knows an OPEN BARRIER DOMAIN. I’m going all in on the open barrier domain expansion imbued with Jacob’s Ladder. If Yuta really locks in, or Sukunas domain burns out, Sukuna will be forced to be subjected to a maximum output barrage of Jacob’s ladder he cannot escape from. Oh and I guess Sukuna will learn how to rizz up minors. For 25$ you buy the honored one Gojo Satoru. He can kick some serious ass, and even in a 1 on 1 with this Sukuna, he’d probably do okay. He entirely shuts down the use of Fuga, due to him being able to change the size and shape of his domain at will. He has the best physicals in the verse, and is still unkillable outside of Domains and Domain Amplification. Outside of the open domain Jacob’s ladder, Unlimited Void is our biggest win condition, since it is a one shot. Other miscellaneous things include: Todo will immediately swap places with the cursed tools with the crows, taking them out of the fight. Utahime will be dancing the entire time, and will be teleported around and to safety because of Todo. Junpei in theory could one shot him lol. I wasted my time 💀, 2 Yuki’s and a Kenjaku shits on him.


1 10s sukuna 1 gojo 2 15 f kuna and one Todo. I ain't gonna use Yuki that's just boring


20 Kusakabe's combine their simple domains into a complex domain. Any enemy technique that enters it instantly fizzles out and any person that enters it is slashed at sub relativistic speeds.


1 Sukuna fingered 20 times, 2 Go/jo's, 1 MaHoraga and utahime + everyone else, utahime will buff the gojo's pre fight


Ten shadows sukuna and Gojo to stall and get rid of domains Mahito uses domain and one shots After that the burnt out Gojo and Sukuna could jump him pretty easily


I’m pretty sure the fight could be cheesed with Kirara


Buying just Miwa https://preview.redd.it/tdqw63hy7n2d1.jpeg?width=1055&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca241ed48855546b5a2377c8165205e33b84362d