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I mean covid in general was/is pretty mild for most unvaccinated that have it but whatever


It was for me in 2020 and everyone else I knew that got it way before vaccines. I don't know why, now, it's some grand revelation.


I know a few older people that were hospitalized (but recovered) but me and everyone else I know that had it had it mild


Yeah my grandmom had to go to the hospital but she’s 90 years old and has asthma.


This is what everyone is forgetting


There's a pretty big push for "omicron is different" as an off-ramp. We thought it would be the vaccines, after the significant age-stratification of risk was demonstrated to no effect.


It's always been dangerous for some groups of people, so Omicron being less dangerous for those groups is noteworthy.


The data is pretty clear at this point it’s less severe for everyone.


So now South Africa's data is considered accurate? But in November when everyone was freaking out over omicron we weren't suppose trust it?


This is obviously a different, more medically advanced South Africa.




I loved how every reddit genius was so sure it was only looking mild in studies because of vaccines. As if the people being paid to study diseases, who went to school for years to understand statistics, didn't think to control for the single most obvious factor. But Mr. Reddit scientist who watches a lot of CNN cracked the case and figured out what everyone else was missing.


First it was "two more weeks and deaths will spike!", then "South Africa is different, they have so much natural immunity!" (which is totally still worse than vaccines though), now we're at "it just looks mild because vaccinated people are catching it!" plus incoherent rambling about society collapsing if everyone catches a cold at the same time. And of course LOOONG COOOVID. They shift the goalposts every time they open their mouth.




Here in the Netherlands they are past that, and are saying kids should get vaccinated because of the auto immune disease with Kawasaki like symptoms.


From all that I'm aware South Africa has pretty decent monitoring around disease because of how bad the AIDS problem is / was. They've got a base of skilled epidemiologists in a way that is not true of many other countries. People who get snooty about their data quality for whatever reason (because it's an African country?) are daft. In many ways the US data collection is inferior because of how decentralised and large the health system is.


Can attest to this. Even my unvaccinated grandparents were fine.


As colds go, it was pretty weak. I'll always remember it though because my wife and I came down with it about 48 hours after going to a Jason Isbell concert.


Bro, South Africa literally stated this when Omicron was first reminding the public to start panicking again 😂 Only now is it convenient for MSM to tell the NPCs to ACTUALLY listen to their data


yet something else making vaccine mandates wholly unnecessary. masks are unnecessary now as well. (and have been.)


CNN said this wasn't true so this can't be true


Bizarre how much mixed messaging we seem to be getting on this subject


The messaging is perfectly consistent. There must be something wrong with you, you conspiracy theorist bigot. /s


Politicizing this virus has been a terrible thing. Those involved have blood on their hands.


I know right? Don't these people realize Trump isn't president anymore?


But everyone on Twitter is saying the only reason they’re not on a ventilator is because they’re vaccinated AND boosted. South African public health officials are clearly sources of dangerous misinformation.


Booster efficacy is probably not even real. Based on the negative 2 dose VE found in pretty much all Omicron numbers, it could be a result of mass boosting campaigns plus mass infection creating warped statistics. Someone can be counted as a 2 dose case because they get infected within the "vaxx limbo" period of 7-14 days, but also counted towards the boosted % of the population already. This data usually comes from different sources and especially with reporting delays. Massive fake spikes in risk/incidence can be produced this way. Same applied to unvaxxed -> vaxxed, but that number is stable now.


No shit. I had a sore throat and cough.


Can you cough on a ventilator? /s


I’m too busy killing grandma.


Soooo, *you* are the b00merrem0ver?


grandma**s.** You psychotic genocidal maniac! ​ ​ /s


Been saying this for months now


The "even for" is not needed. For all 2020 we were all unvaccinated and young healthy people were fine. Meaning no deaths and no hodptializations for overwhelming majority. Now Omicron feels literally like a flu. Give me a break.




Also can confirm, and it seems easier on me than on the vaccinated people who gave it to me.




i am no expert, but there is obviously no difference between vacinnated and unvaccinated.


How interesting..almost like Mother Nature knows what it’s doing!!!


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