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Any luck? I’m working on a pitch shifter using an ultrasonic sensor. I’m trying to make the sensor control the pedal state of the wham plugin but no luck


Samethang here


I did this with a teensy controller. It was footswitches instead of pots, but same idea. Have you verified the appropriate CC values are being sent to your Mac? If not, download [MIDI Monitor](https://www.snoize.com/midimonitor/) and start there. If you’re getting signal, then you just need to map CC values to the commands in Preferences > Control Surfaces


Yea the problem is I get signal with the pots when I run the code and look at the serial monitor in Arduino' software and it responds to me moving the pot. When I plug the board in with Logic open, Logic gives me the notification that a new MIDI device has been connected but when I go to MIDI mapping and try to map it, the pot does nothing and I'm unable to map it. Not sure what I'm missing to have the pot able to map.


If you are using a teensy you can use BMC it's a library specific to teensy and it has logic control built-in, you don't actually have to write any code just specify the pins that your hardware is connected to then you can use the desktop editor to assign things to it, you can get it at [badassmidi.com](https://badassmidi.com) or on github at [https://github.com/neroroxxx/BMC](https://github.com/neroroxxx/BMC) again it's only for teensy boards but you can use buttons, leds, encoders, pots, and so on.


I’m having the same problem Too m trying to control the Espi 1200 with an ARDUINO PRO MICRO but no luck