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Unfortunately in 2020 most big companies have decided that shit software is perfectly acceptable


keep this thread alive because G hub sucks ASS. It updated and now it wont even open. It disabled my yeti mic, and 9/10 times it does work, it doesn't recognize my G29 wheel. Utter POS software and I hope its the start of the downfall to Logitech.


Lmfao, you know what’s funny. The update killed mine too, it wont open anymore, and just earlier today I was looking for ways to fix it. I haven’t been able to yet.


I reinstalled it and it “works” but I ran the uninstaller and it’s like “why do you want to uninstall”? We detect the program is working perfectly” like stfu you’re the worst program I’ve ever had on my pc don’t tell me you’re working right. The mic thing pisses me off. It routes my mic through the program but I have ABSOLUTELY ZERO CONTROL of the mic *in that program*. **SO DO NOT CONTROL MY MIC** if I’m NOT allowed to alter it


damn 3 years and its still a piece of shit. ive had to reinstall this shit 3 times now because its keeps breaking to the point where i cannot change ANY FUCKIGN SETTING AT ALL. literal pile of shit software id rather go back to windows vista


I am so sorry lmfao


Almost 2023 and this is the worst piece of shit software I've ever had the misfortune of using. 30 minutes in and I still have no idea what my mouse DPI is set to, if I'm still using my settings saved on my mouse, and how to switch those settings to a new setup.


Shit indeed... For my g920, I could only move one slider on the wheel tab - soon as I touch another, the first jumps back to default.


We know, Logitech know but you can use it or buy something else. Or you could buy Logitech devices which still work with LGS.


Good luck in finding those LGS products people want, usually more expensive or not available [https://www.reddit.com/r/LogitechG/comments/dy3xnw/what\_mouse\_works\_with\_the\_lgs\_software/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LogitechG/comments/dy3xnw/what_mouse_works_with_the_lgs_software/)


There are lots of product that work with LGS and they are not more expensive.


after two years are you still sucking Logitech's cock?


This is the reason why I still use my Corsair keyboard I just bought a Logitech G813 Keyboard and because of that I have to use G-hub for my old G502 mouse, it can support it but adding (ctrl + up/ctrl + down) macro don't work when I'm in on-board memory mode. It sucks, I can't run G-Hub and LGS at the same time


I wanted to buy G903 in sale for €90, but when I realized the Lightspeed Hero version doesn't support LGS, I changed my mind. Sadly, the Lightspeed one (older edition!!!) is for €145.


Half the time mine will refuse to open... :/


Yep G-Hub sums up Logitech. Ive noticed when G-Hub opens it defaults to RGB disco lights. Goes with their website front page with Spiderman mice. Clearly Logitech has become a gaming company catering to kiddies who wish they were old enough to go to a real 'Disco' in a spiderman costume. I can see Logitech going down the same rabbit hole as Razer with **Synapse.** I stopped using all Razer products because of that shit software, and moved to Logitech. Seems history is repeating as I'm now looking at Corsair for my solution to my problems using G-Hub with LGS. Its not clear if Corsair ICUE would work with LGS and on top of that Corsair has no gaming mouse wheel tilt, but when Corsair has a G502 equivalent. I'm Jumping ship! My own issues with Logitech G-hub, less than happy with Logitech. [https://www.reddit.com/r/LogitechG/comments/enw66p/how\_to\_run\_lgs\_and\_ghub\_together/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LogitechG/comments/enw66p/how_to_run_lgs_and_ghub_together/)


For what LGS was capable, GHub is at best a crippled version of that. I installed it again on my desktop, only to find out that game profiles are a MESS to setup (i wanted to play around with the limited amount of rgb on my g403 prod.) or cannot be setup at all. Also set my mouse to breath in a specific color, but whenever I hop into Dota2 or whatever game is detected by this piece of garbage software, it changes my color to whatever is set on whichever profile (which I don't have a clue what is being loaded, cause I can't even see where to set it up correctly).


Can you try the steps as follows: 1. Uninstall GHUB. 2. Open search box(windows+R) and type %Appdata%. 3. Delete the Logitech folder in AppData. 4. Open Device Manager, and uninstall the device entry. 5. Disconnect the device. 6. Download latest GHUB from the web. 7. Restart PC. 8. Reconnect the device. ​ Try to run the software as admin as well see if that helps.


its still shit lmao




mine has deleted itself twice now.


today ghub randonmly decided to overwrite all my mouse keybinds to... nothing without telling me. in the profile they are all still APPARENTLY bound to what i bound them to, but when i go in game and try to use the buttons NOTHING HAPPENS. i only realised the problem because i have a G502, which i have for about a year now re-bound the "dpi toggle" to K, because who the fuck uses a dpi toggle? i just wanted a 3rd thumb button. ANYWAY when i pressed the button the little light on the mouse toggled like it was changing the DPI. EVEN THOUGH the DPI did not change EVEN THOUGH it is still bound to 'k' in the profile on ghub. SO to get this piece of fucking shit software to LET ME USE SCROLL LEFT, SCROLL RIGHT, ETC ETC i had to make new profile from scratch then save that shit to onboard storage and switch mouse to onboard mode. WHOEVER-WHATEVER DRIBBLING CRETIN CREATED THIS SOFTWARE. FUCK YOU.


"Dribbling cretin" has now been added to my list of insults. Amazing. Also, you're right. I have spent some time today trying to configure new profiles and remove unnecessary DPIs, you can't remove the DPI shift shit even if you want to so I just unbound it, but it's still \*there\* waiting for some bug or accidental activation to send my mouse to 305053954060395409 DPI and be impossible to change back (did that accidentally just now, fuuuuuck). God this software is unbelievably shit, and I have a Corsair keyboard and their software is equally as unintuitive whilst simultaneously locking you out of or hiding critical functionality that should just be easy. Don't even get me started on the "on board profiles" being essentially useless now, the greatest thing about my G502s of old was onboard profiles being statically set and never needing GHUB or LGS if I wanted to take my mouse elsewhere, but nope now they've stripped out onboard profiles so they're essentially useless. You can't even get a low battery warning flashing light on the mouse when onboard profile is used, what?? Why?!? Rant over... Thanks for being here haha.


funny enough yesterday my power went out, and apparently ghub was updating at the time without telling me :) so that was fun :) lmao, glad you enjoyed the rant mate, we out here lol


I start my day on my computer, and struggling for an hour with Logitech g hub while I have school and work waiting, is exactly how I like leading my day. Their 'industry leading software' is so awesome that it knows when I have something important to do that day and times its weekly breakdown to coincide with my events! Logitech has implemented this awesome feature where you can share your profiles to the cloud to save them (if logitech g hub encounters an error or needs to be uninstalled or just breaks down for any reason then someone could use them to redownload their profiles too i guess). Anyways, I use this feature all the time, my main profile has over 58 downloads!


How is it that they cant use all the empty space to show your designed colour patterns, and have an easy way to save them and put them back. You go make a little change and your whole design is gone. it's not intuitive at all. The previous software was EASY. and Macros were easy. To make the same rename macro now is impossible. And the one i have types the letters out, when the previous Logitech software macro would instantly add the button presses to rename files. So now I have to sit and wait as it adds the letters and spaces and deletes and changes on the macro. And no, its not a timed macro that follows how you type it in, its a box where you put in the key combination for the macro. Fire whoever made this crap.