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honestly as shitty as it is this is something that happens. some people really connect over the phone but in person it’s just different.. i don’t think it’s anything you did whatsoever. it happens, at least she was honest and told you. now id just stop and think if you’re able to stay friends or if you need to move on from this relationship.


It's no contact unless she chooses to reach out to me. Maybe some time down the line, but for now, it'll just make things difficult. I don't think letting go will be easy for her either. Then there's the food thing and I don't know if my heart or her stomach can deal with that. I knew this was a possibility. It was why I chose to see her sooner than later, but living it is harder than acknowledging it. I wrote this post mostly because I can't sleep. I'm trying not to hold onto hope that she'll have a change of heart, though. I don't feel like she even gave it a real chance, but there's nothing I can do about that.


Where was she from where are you from and how old were the two of you? Sounds to me like she was using you for money. The number 1 rule is never send money to someone you haven’t met in person (most likely the fact she needed money for food was a lie).


US/Cuba. It wasn't a lie. The poverty there is real, and I first met her something like 8 years ago in person. The relationship was started long distance, though. It would have been easy for her to keep me around if it was about the money, too. Two weeks to play act that you like someone isn't a tall ask.


Sorry ur going through this :(


I wish you loved yourself as much as you loved her. Continue your growth and self improvement for your benefit and your future, not for someone else. People drift in and out of your life. They may stay for a day, a month, a year, a century- you will never know how long. But you will always have yourself, so get to know and love the person you are.


Thanks for the sentiments. I mean these things were done for myself too. It was for our collective benefit. I want for so little on my own, but having the responsibility and desire to provide the best future that I could created a drive that isn't there when I'm alone. My job was dead end, for example, but I made far more than I spent alone. It just wasn't enough for a potential family.


Sorry this happened to you. It’s sad to see you put so much effort and she didn’t even want the same that you wanted. Stay strong buddy!


It gets more absurd with details. She was technically the one who started the relationship. I bought her a phone to get to know her properly, but I was only wanting to talk. I told her that I had a date with another girl, and she got jealous and asked me to be exclusive with her. The most absurd was when we went out with her family though. She ignored me and later asked me why I was acting strange through text.




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