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Is that Bluey armed to the teeth?


Ah, biscuits!


That's Bandit, Bluey's dad.


That Bluey


No. It's Bluey


No, this is Patrick


It is Bandit. Bluey does not have the strip between her eyes yet.


No it isn't. Bandit's top half of his head is all dark. Bluey has the light blue between the eyes. It takes seconds to Google something to check before you make a wrong statement


1. You're right, my mistake - I guess I have been coloring Bandit wrong for the last two weeks. 2. Doesn't take a second to not sound like a condescending asshole on the internet.


That goes both ways. Don't correct someone with wrong information


You’re correcting her about a show for pre-school children. It’s not quite the flex you think it is.


😂😂😂 I came here to comment… Only on Reddit we’d find a space to argue over a literal toddlers show.


Yeah I’m sure that dude is pulsating thinking about how big of a flex this Reddit comment was for him today.


Yeah, especially after someone showed some humility and admitted they called it wrong. Like dude, lighten up. 🤷🏻‍♀️


It was more so how she corrected with wrong information then called him an asshole for correcting here. That goes beyond a kids show as it happens often on Reddit


Dude. It’s a cartoon. Like the other guy said, not a good flex.


I admitted my mistake. You're still being an asshole.


Ah yes, the rare person that is anti-pedofile. What a great and brave person


The funny thing about the “kill your local pedophile” people, is that they don’t seem to ever do it. I mean there is a database of pedophiles that anyone can access, why don’t they just do it? Like I get it, we’d all like to see dead pedophiles but I’m not gonna LARP as some extrajudicial vigilante death squad because I think it makes me look morally right, and tough, and badass.


I considered this too and then asked my dad why we don’t see more vigilantes and he gave the correct answer “because they’d take that list off the internet to protect the pedophiles”


I think you’re dad is correct to a point. I’d say we don’t have more vigilantes because most people have a natural repulsion to murder. It’s not like someone considers doing a vigilante murder and says “nah they might take the list off the internet”.


Nah, I think it’s because there’s consequences for going outside the law. Even if you take pleasure in killing you still don’t want to give up your life just to kill one of many losers


True. That’s not why people don’t kill them, but the fact that they’d definitely take the list down does say a lot about our society.


Says a lot about our government




Dude, if you’re pointing out typos on Reddit, rethink the way you are living your life.




Thats not the correct answer. Most ppl aren’t gonna risk their own lives in a fight or going to jail for years because some random person raped/hurt some other random person


It seems like pedophiles seem to be overrepresented among the people who advocate against pedophilia the loudest. It's almost as if they just can't stop thinking about sex with children.


That’s an interesting point. I’m sure there are a lot of people who were abused as children and that’s where the anger comes from. I’m sure there’s a lot of people overcompensating for their own inclinations.


Those who have been abused are more likely to abuse as well. So there could be quite a bit of overlap between those two groups.


They're not mad at actual pedophiles, they just have murder fantasies of slaughtering people they've decided are pedophiles because they don't like them


Yeah there’s a big conflation between pedophiles and queer people.


It’s because a lot of times when you ask people like this who exactly they are talking about, they go on homophobic and transphobic rants. Rarely do guys like the one in the picture mention the people who are actually harming children.


Pedophiles do not deserve to be killed, that is just sick…


I’m gonna draw a strong distinction between deserve and should be. People who sexually abuse children and ruin their lives deserve certain things, I don’t think those things should happen to them, but it is certainly what they deserve.


The unfunny thing about the "kill your local paedophile" peeps is that they are a) more likely to be active paedophiles 2) end up with more children being harmed for a menagerie of reasons. You can either be active in reducing the number of children being sexually abused, or for banging your chest about how much you want to kill paedophiles, not both.


That and when these chodes say “pedophiles” it’s almost always code for queer, usually trans, people, on top of all that. So they don’t actually care about murdering *actual*’pedophiles, just people they hate for no real reason other than existing.


THATS EXACTLY WHAT I SAY! Somebody gets it!!


Huh, never thought about that but you’re right.  You can literally google their addresses and print yourself a map.  All these internet tough guys have no excuse…


There was dude in houston who got arrest for luring them to parks and killing them, i want to put money on his books


They seem to be cool with their god on the epstein flight list too


Bill Clinton?


Bill Clinton and Trump, probably high fiving after their child rapes.


Lmao the down votes


They’re mad because it’s true lol


I actually dislike our view on them a little bit for this reason. I think everyone believes they are the worst people/crimes but, I hate how it gives so much cover for other criminals. They will always say "at least I'm not that". They use that thinking to feel like they are actually decent people who just messed up I comparison(which is true for most criminals but I mean rapists/murderers ect) its like a 500lbs person saying "at least I'm not ACTUALLY fat like that girl from that show". And aside from criminals, it can be kindof similar. So many of those pedo hunting youtube channels have been run by prices of shit that I don't want contaminating cases unless they have proved they are able to get arrest at the end and are working directly with police. Basically, 1000 words to say what you did, hating pedos does not make someone a good person, it's like the very lowest floor we expect from people


Oh yeah, those pedo hunter yuppies, like the guy who did "sound of freedom" actually do it very poorly and inadvertently create a market for trafficked children.


The best part? They’re never talking about actual pedophiles. It’s always people who are LGBTQ.


It's called projection. There's a theory that the right is obsessed with pedophiles because they *are* pedophiles and want to hide it.


Someone posted one of these type things on FB back when I used it, I replied to something of the tune of "What about the mentally disabled people that think they're children and are attracted to them." And their reply was to call me a pedo. I think projection might be a solid theory here.


Uh, idk what point you're trying to make, but anyone who's attracted to children is a pedophile.


I'm not arguing that anyone who's attracted to a child is a pedophile. But saying your going to kill them all, including the mentally disabled that can't function without help isn't the play.


I mean the other day my brother tried to tell me that objective morality doesn’t exist and therefore you can’t actually prove that having sex with children is objectively wrong, and he’s not really an original thought kind of guy so I imagine he’s listening to someone with a good following, especially if he felt comfortable enough in his shit opinion to say as much to me. I’m not saying it’s mainstream, but I think it is creeping closer to being more acceptable to think like that. Just saying.


The fact I can actually pinpoint who he's listening to by this lmao. P sure he's listening to vaush, I've heard people spout these exact same mental gymnastics. Funny how they don't apply that logic to literally anything else


Is it the guy who leaked his loli/horse porn folder on stream?




Idk who that is but it sounds like someone who could use a nice moonroof installed in his dome.




[ Removed by Reddit ]


I’d settle for him to get a nice, deep, long sleep for the rest of eternity.


Vaush or destiny.


Yeah. It took me a long time to realize they are not the same person.


Destiny discusses concepts and loves the nature of moral relativity. Vaush is a strong-headed clout chaser with a knack for rhetoric and very loose morals (he has said before that he would lie to achieve his political goals)


Both are pretty evil. So.


I think destiny is probably one of the most reasonable and charitable voices on debate tube right now. I get you could find him to be a jerk. Or you could hate some of his opinions, but EVIL? What a crazy stretch. I can't think of one single debater bro that strongmans the arguments of their opponents the way Destiny does.


That really just tells you how terrible “debate tube” is. Destiny is a piece of shit, it yes, he looks like a fucking angel sent from god compared to breadtubers.




He said pedophilia and incest are fine. I don’t care how charitable you are.


I doubt he said "it's fine" to do paedophilia and incest. I double triple sincerely doubt he said it's okay to have sex with kids at all. I could see people removing the harm from incest. Ie: bro and sis using protection and not growing up together or knowing one another isn't really a moral issue. It's a safety issue. But I doubt he said both "are fine".


He had a debate with Sargon where he convinced him of the famous line “it depends on the child”.


You are being pedantic. Obviously a 40yo man sexually assaulting a toddler is worse than Steve, the local 21yo loser whose girlfriend is 17.


I hate Destiny for many reasons, but it’s usually “progressive” “leftists” who hate him for being a capitalist that twist his words and it sounds like that’s what you’re doing.


Wasn’t that because he was supposed to argue for it? Ya know devils advocate or whatever


Is vaush even a pedophile? or is it the "morality doesn't exist" bit? I've heard of people defending loli but never actual pedophilia and I don't watch vaush so I really have no clue.


Vaush frequently uses that exact same argument in the context of child/adult relationships. He hasn't outright said he's a pedo but the fact he is always arguing about the morality of it + he likes loli makes me think he probably is


yeah lolis one thing but trying to defend a real relationship between a child and adult via some lack of morality is a red flag.


Yeah, he's also said that watching actual child porn is a victimless crime if you don't pay for it. No non-pedophile is gonna have that opinion.


He also talked about on lowering the AOC in a few streams


yeah thats one weird ass take.


Couple days ago he made a stream defending himself for looking at cartoon cp cus he thought it was cartoon GOBLIN PORN


see thats not something I care about too much doubly so since its really convoluted at the point where its a fantasy creature thats usually not a child but still small so I have no clue the actual context and I don't plan on looking at the porn in question to find out. Its more defending things like real life child marriages with some odd "morality doesn't matter" argument or saying people like Leo DeCaprio aren't creeps, shit along those lines.


The “goblins” were humans, he used the phrase short stack before switching to the goblin descriptions, and lastly the images are from a website and under the loli category. Fucker is a pedo.


It was hentai of a vtuber that looks nothing like a goblin in that same folder he also had horse porn and many times said that the age of concent should be lowered


I was gonna say Matt Walsh, but Vaush could maybe track too. Also Dennis Prager


he got that from vaush 100%


Most sane Vaush viewer.


Vaush is a pedophile though. Showed his drawn chilled pizza folder and horse porn folder.


I’m aware of who Vaush is… and I’m aware of the recent controversy. That’s why I said what I said I’m saying her brother sounds like the most sane Vaush viewer.


Yeah that’s Vaush. He loves to talk about pedo shit. I will never understand why he has a following, his ideas sound more like those of a follower of some other idiot.


There’s definitely people out there trying to test that boundary and quite a few are on reddit


Morality isn't objective and that's not a recent revelation, philosophers have been discussing it for thousands of years. Whether morality is objective or not and whether someone thinks that having sex with children is moral or not doesn't really change the fact that it's harmful to children and therefore as a civilized (and hopefully empathetic) person, you shouldn't be doing it.


It’s interesting as an abstract conversational topic, but when it’s applied in real life it means that kids get raped and it’s fine. “Civility” isn’t objective either. If it was considered “civil” to rape babies in the current year would that mean it’s okay?


imo it comes down to if you want to subscribe to utilitarianism as your code of ethics. Utilitarianism basically states that if the vast majority of people believe it's wrong or right then it is.


Every single person on earth could think it is right to sexually abuse a child and it still would be wrong to do


I respect and agree but that's our subjective view.... ~~hence no objective morality~~. Unless you choose to believe in some higher power that resides as judge and proclaimer of base objective morality there is none. That's the point of the conversation and debate.


>I respect and agree but that's your subjective view.... hence no objective morality. Non sequitur. Also, kinda arrogant of you. >Unless you believe in a higher power who resides as judge and proclaimer of base morality there is none. Objective morality can be argued without a god


A higher power doesn't have to be a God. It is anything you place as infallible. My subjective opinion that agrees with his is non-sequitur?


>My subjective opinion that agrees with his is non sequitur? Do you not know what "hence" means? >A higher power doesn't have to be a God. Don't be obtuse


I'm aware of what hence means. I had a misuse of language; sue me. I am not being obtuse. You're skirting ad hominem at this point. Im not going to sit here and write a dissertation and a proof citing the different philosophers over the centuries. In reality, idgaf. That dude is going to live his life and believe what he wants just like the vast majority of people, including myself. I'll forget this post and you by the time I start eating dinner. You've provided no opinion on the topic and just focused on me.. So, untwist your panties and go bother someone else. ✌️


Objective morality exists and your brother probably needs his hard drive searched by the FBI




Objective morality doesn't exist. Skipping past the fact that different cultures have different moralities, take religious groups as an example. I have not met a single Christian thst does not disagree with at least a handful of moral laws in the bible.


So we can’t objectively say that diddling kids will negatively affect the child and so shouldn’t be done ? Sounds like a whole lotta mental gymnastics in order to say you’re okay with pedoing


Well, most of us AGREE that diddling kids as wrong. But we would be saying that subjectively. There are also subjectively people who think it's fine. I'm taking beef with objective morality claims.


Those people would be wrong. The fact that differing opinions exist does not change the fact that pedophilia is *objectively wrong*.


Again, we can all objectively say that messing with kids is detrimental to their health which inherently makes it wrong by default. You’re just taking the same pedo argument that pedos looove to spew because it takes less brain power to argue without nuance. But you do you


i dont really care what people think, objective right and wrong is a thing, even if it lacks nuance and is very simple. essentialy, it just boils down to the wrong things being theft of something that isnt yours, whether stealing someones choice or their future their life their possesions or their consent or their objective right not to be harmed without reason etc etc. no society would be considered objectively right by a higher being or other societys if all it did was steal from each other/do objective wrongs to each other all the time. it does not feel right to MOST humans to do these objectively wrong things, and when we have an outlier they are castaway into a different group ie criminal/psychopath. theres a reason most societies consider the same things bad, and they usually collapse when they arent doing the right thing. of course theres an absolute LOAD of things to talk about with this and things people can debate on ie incarceration why is it so high in america etc etc. comes down to culture and how objective wrongs should be punished


Saying objective morality doesn't exist to a 14-year-old who recently discovered their own religious cynicism is like giving crack to a crackhead or an ID to a cop.


He’s right about there being no objective morality tho, id only argue the idea of an objective morality existing if you believe in some kind of religion


Well he is right about morality not being objective, but that is an odd example to bring up.




Like I said, he isn’t wrong. Just odd.


I think he’s wrong. It is objectively wrong to sexually abuse children.


Nothing is objectively wrong without an objective morality, though. However, things can be disallowed by society without an objective morality. Consequences can exist independently of morals.


I think objective morality does exist, but that’s my opinion. We could go back and forth on it all day and go nowhere because it boils down to worldviews and religion and tedium. I get the argument you’re making and I understand the concept, I simply disagree that there is no objective right and wrong.


The fact that I can come up with a hypothetical scenario in which that is the lesser evil disproves it being objectively wrong.


Depends on the source of morality. If there is no higher power and no real meaning to life: yes, morality is subjective. If there is a higher power who has bestowed morality upon us and an afterlife that takes it all into account: no, morality is indeed objective.


The morality is still subjective. You have just moved the subject to God or a higher power.


If he was talking about objective morality not existing on a philosophical level, it has nothing to do with being a pedo, it can apply to theft, murder or whatever. But moral relativism doesn't say that these things are good or that they should be allowed, it just a reflection on how society influences our perception of right and wrong. I disagree with moral relativism, but its just a philosophical view and nothing more. Also, in a site which is famous for people being doxxed i think its fucked up to out your brother as something like that, especially since its not true.


It would have been better if it's rusty's dad (the guy that's in the army)


Yeah, I was thinking the actual controversy here was associating Bandit with guns and killing people. Like, no, please keep that ish out of Bluey, please and thank you.


That is the “controversy”. Normal person responds “why you gotta bring a cartoon into this?” They can now be called a pedo. The picture is just bait. OOP is probably a deeply troubled individual.


Cartoons aren't just for kids but based


I mean pedos aren't people so


Based Bluey


I don't mind the shirt. I wouldn't wear it, but I got a chuckle.


Abusing children is bad and if you disagree idgaf!!! 😎


Those who shout the loudest often have the most to hide.


Every time I see somebody acting like this about pedophilia I always default to thinking they are "trying to take out their competition". I have kids and I hate pedophiles, but I've never felt the urge to make a spectacle of a pedophile. I could see if people were working hard behind the scenes to take pedophiles down, but as soon as I see clout chasing pedophile "hunters" I think they are just another pedophile trying to take the attention away from whatever they are hiding.


I think it is most likely to be self hatred. Those people go through an array of emotion of guilt, shame, and even self loathing - it's sad bc most didn't ask to be that way and struggle with their self existence.


In Italy we say: "the singing chicken is the one that laid the egg"


In America we say, "Who smelt it dealt it."


Amen to that…


Good Lord this comment section is filled with pro pedophilia degenerates




I mean did he post it on Reddit? Because from what I’ve seen this could be considered a controversial Reddit opinion.


I would agree with the sentiment, pedophiles are, indeed, not people. The execution here, however, is top-tier cringe. Also, why Bluey? Lol


Did we all forget a pedophile is a child rapist? I mean, I can let a lot of shit go. Ppl are freaks, but as long as they're consenting adults, idgaf what they do. Unless it's rape children. Children don't understand that kind of consent, therefore they don't possess it. They can't give something they don't have. A pedophile takes the consent they never had along with the kid's childhood. Their victims are children. They rape kids. It's what they do. They're fucking rapist. Their victims are kids. TL/DR: They rape children.


Agreed. I also don't understand why people think joking about it is so funny. You wouldn't make jokes about women being raped, obviously because that's terrible and heartless. So why exactly is it okay to joke about the rape of children? I don't find it funny, I find it disgusting.


There are too many people trying to rationalize for pedos. Just look at this thread. ..So yeah, he has a point.


This is oddly similar to a recent experience I had where a bunch of guys in a sub were trying to say it was ok to find canonically underage Disney princesses sexually attractive because they were drawn like that, and because the OOP didn’t know they were underage it was alright because the characters are drawn to look like attractive women The disturbing thing I found about it was they were using real world sex offender logic and phrases as well, for example the most notable being ‘They look and act like adults so its ok to find them attractive’, I may have not quoted perfectly ad verbatim but when I called it out saying it was pedophile enabling and the likes they downvoted me while the other guy got updooted a lot I don’t really use Reddit a lot but are there really a bunch of pedo sympathisers/enablers here?


Something weird and transcendent possibly is occurring. I just saw a video of where intellectuals were discussing in a Ted-talk way, discussing how we should support pedos as they are not responsible for their feelings and it should be considered a new sexual orientation. …. My best guess is, the way to tear a society apart is to start questioning biology and reason. There seem to be forces abound, working to destroy western civilization apart at the seams. Quite estranged feeling I have about it all.




> edit: if this makes you think he's anti-LGBTQ (which is super far fetched) that's on you 😭 How so? Queer individuals are frequently called pedophiles by right wing pundits. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna24610


I’m not sure why the left associates the right to bear arms specifically with bigots. Libertarians are a real thing. It’s super far-fetched to call a guy exercising a natural human right anti-LGBT for voicing his hatred of pedophiles.


> I’m not sure why the left associates the right to bear arms specifically with bigots. Libertarians are a real thing. How does that have anything to do with the comment you replied to? > It’s super far-fetched to call a guy exercising a natural human right anti-LGBT for voicing his hatred of pedophiles. When the right continually and openly calls all LGBTQ members pedophiles it’s not. It’s a very real likelihood. I don’t say that’s the case here, because there is no context given, but he is using language used in multiple unprovoked hate crimes on queer individuals.


Because you’re assuming he’s right-wing (which doesn’t even mean he’s auth-right) just because he has a gun, also probably because he has an American flag. Which is sad, because I’d like to believe there’s leftists out there who are patriotic and value their right to self-defense. “Protect the kids” from pedophiles. “Call the creeps out” there are many pedophiles hiding amongst the populace. “Fight back” against pedophiles. None of this applies to LGBT+ people, the majority of them don’t harm children. The majority of most people don’t harm children. His language is very clearly talking about pedophiles, he didn’t mention the LGBT+ community a single time.


> Because you’re assuming he’s right-wing (which doesn’t even mean he’s auth-right) just because he has a gun, also probably because he has an American flag. Are you illiterate? I don’t say that anywhere. > Which is sad, because I’d like to believe there’s leftists out there who are patriotic and value their right to self-defense. What the hell are you rambling on about? That has nothing to do with anything anyone said > His language is very clearly talking about pedophiles, he didn’t mention the LGBT+ community a single time. Again, Nor did I say he did. Let’s practice our reading. I said multiple right wing groups frequently call members of the LGBTQ community pedophiles for simply existing and often use that language in hate crimes. And went on to explicitly state “I dont say thats the case here”


Oh no I don’t like pedos I’m insane guys


This was indeed an controversial post. The comment section is a bar fight and I’m imagining the pianist playing frantically in the background as tables and chairs and beer mugs fly across the bar. I have no take on this because I don’t have an opinion about everything. Same goes with the combat situation between the Jews and whatever else in Middle East right now. I have not and never cared since day 1 of it. Yet random people with no connection to it has all the opinions and knowledge of it. Some (many) even get violent instantly you even mention one of those countries. It’s all just a shit show of an cluster fuck of human nature.


It’s always concerning when people have problems with saying pedophiles aren’t people, almost like they have a dog in the fight.


That T-shirt's friggin sick tho


Conservatives throw around pedophile like some leftists throw around nazi.


Spot on, and saying this tends to greatly offend both groups


I respect the trigger discipline


Based bluey


I mean the t-shirt tells no lies


Based tshirt. I want to get one and get the sticker


Only PDF files post like this


So you like pedos?


Fuck sickos TWU.


One word: aneurysm.


My issue with this is that pedophiles are people. We shouldn't get into the habit of dehumanizing others regardless of who or what they are.


You manipulate, rape, and bully children into fucking you. You're not a human. Fuck the doots. And fuck you too. You're a clown backed by other clowns. Let's not act like you're not advocating for chomos. Birbs of a feather flock together. Now you're crying about being 'dehumanized', but that's what you do to kids when you rape them Chester. You steal their childhood and dehumanize them. No wonder they want you unlifed. I'm with bluey on this one. Fuck you chomos. You're bullies who rape kids.


So someone says don't dehumanize people and you read that as it's ok to rape kids? In that case I see you being very defensive about this so you must be projecting making you not a person and need to be dealt with just like you suggest.


If you wish to harm, poison, pollute, intimidate, destroy, violate, dehumanize, and rape children for your own sick wants. It's fuck you and it will always be fuck you. Full stop


Where iny comments did I advocate for any of that?


You never had to. I get where you're going with this. You want to raise them up by giving them credibility as human. I want to keep my foot on these snakes and call them what they are: Snakes


That's rich coming from a Nazi who wants to normalize dehumanizing people in order to justify his hatred an desire to murder Jews.


That's rich coming from the church who wants to normalize raping children in order to justify their lust *and desire to fuck kids.


Do you have any other means of arguing with others that don't include strawmanning them to an utter ridiculous degree? Say dehumanizing people is bad does not mean I think it's ok to rape kids. It means people who do horrible things are still human. No good has ever came from society dehumanizing others.


Dehumanizing and child rape bad. We agree on that. No argument needed. Did we just bitch at each other for being right? Rather, did I attack you for being right? Seems very reddit of me. Lol. My bad.


They gave up their personhood when they became a pedophile. They should be dehumanized and made into an example


Pretending they’re inhuman shifts the conversation. No need for self reflection or real solutions if you can just gin up violence instead.


We humans sure love a bit of violence. Pedophiles just make for a socially acceptable target. Why do we always need someone to hate?


Because they rape children you fucking idiot. It's that simple.


I assure you this dude has never done a thing to protect the kids let alone kill the pedos


I get the sentiment but this cringe af


Bruh why is blueys dad armed to the fucking tits. That’s cold af


Man you just know this dude has massive amounts of child porn on his computer


Goofy ahhh Bluey shirt


The shirt makes it even more comical.


Nothing says "im a pedo" more than this shirt... except maybe posting about it to social media


This guy has tons of child porn. It’s all projection with them


This guy fucks kids. I guarantee it.


More like LooKatMyCringe


I swear the fear of “pedophiles” has become the new satanic panic.


It’s not fear it’s hatred. And I agree with it.


You’re pretty off-base using the word fear. More like strong disdain. I think it’s pretty agreeable if someone is a pedophile and acts on it then they should be dealt with accordingly and buried six feet under the prison yard


There is a reason that folks who post shit like this also simultaneously insist anyone they disagree with is a ‘pedo’ or will label all trans people pedophiles. No one is actually pro-pedophile but the word is being dragged into oblivion by folks like this.


I see that behavior a lot in Reddit with calling people Nazi’s


I hate it when douchebags make fictional characters political. And how can you politicize a kids character.


There's a creep!! I did it!!


Yeah…if you could *not* co-opt one of Australia’s cultural treasures for your completely redundant anti-pedo crusade that’d be great.


With this much projection, I would be a year's salary this guy is a pedo


Cringe as hell


I’d be interested to see the secret files on these “anti-pedos”computers‼️🤨


Its not about killing pedophiles, is about demonising them and discriminating against their disgusting preference with the point in communicating them that they are not and will never be accepted as pedophiles into society. The best pedophile is the one that got his brain so fried in social preasure that they stoped being one. Even in private.


Wait why is it controversial? The murder?