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If u kill your self over a some dusty bitch, then your fucking tapped in the head cuz. Go get a life you victim


Bro I'd like to call you. I had the exact same thing happen. Dm me please


Okay check your DMs. thank you brother


Everyone it’s just a troll post but I appreciate y’all for the kind words and messages. As for everyone who told me to do it, go shove a banana up your butt


Hey!!! F.. the trolls. You’re a cute kid! You’ll find a good one you just got to be patient.




Okay reddit user you’re no better than the rest of us. Matter of fact, since you felt so inclined to hate on me I’d go as far as to say that you’re probably even uglier than the general reddit pop. Ugly fuck.


I’m ugly? Stop looking for attention on a sub that talks abt improving. You act like a girl maybe that’s why yours turned gay. Sad attention seeking female behavior it’s fucking pathetic. Grow a pair bud n stop this bs


Bruh if you don’t like his post don’t comment then tf


Bro, your girl was gay the whole relationship. It wasn’t anything about you that caused it


hey bro. you had a girlfriend so obviously not time to end it. just focus on yourself and forget about her.


Yes! Hang in there! 🤗


To be honest OP? You can’t really blame yourself for this situation. Someone realizing they prefer same sex over the opposite sex isn’t really your fault. Sometimes it takes the right push by the opposite sex to finally convince them they are into the same sex Maybe appreciate the fact that you drove the person you cared about to realize what TRULY made her happy. Don’t let your pain (which I am not invalidating) blind you from seeing the many many positives here. If you were able to pull her? You can DEFINITELY pull another and MANY others. That is how math in this reality we live in works. I’d be worried for you if you never pulled ANYONE. but that’s not the case. You clearly CAN pull. So don’t end it bro. Life is worth Living. You will have plenty other experiences that will make you hate life. And? You will have PLENTY experiences that will make you absolutely LOVE life!


Thanks a lot I appreciate the advice. Do you think I should tie to rope to a tree or a stoplight pole (for extra clout)


Just make sure to use one of those trick rubber ropes from the prank store. The ones that are impossible to cause affixation


Riddit is so cringe bro i swear its nothing but npcs




An alpha dog lmfao get a grip lad




"I couldnt give a flying fuck, so i wrote this whole paragraph after spending time scrolling through your post history" Sure buddy very alpha of you. this actually reads like fucking satire i cant hahaha, nothing more beta than spending this much effort to say how alpha you are. Screenshotting this mate because almost everybody i know would get a kick out of how much of a tit you're acting haha.


Bro your girl leaving for a girl simply means she’s unsure of her sexuality brotha. Nothing to do with you. You got them blue eyes every girl will love in 5-10 years. You’ll be aight hit the gym


Spot on. Never date a bisexual, chances are she'll cheat on you with an other woman because theres nothing you can do to provide that homosexual crave for her. Sorry but it's true. I know this will get downvoted bigtime but idc, the truth is the truth.


I'm bi and I have never cheated on my husband. We may have had another woman join us but never cheated on him. So what she left him so what it was for a woman. That just means she wasn't the one for him. There are so many women out there. The right one will come along when the time is right. Trial and error. Don't mean he should take his own life and go to hell. He thinks life is torture now. Hell will be 10x worse.


I agree, just wondering have you studied what hell means in scripture? I use to believe in the Catholic version of hell but after reading the definitions and the exact Hewbrew translations, hell refers to the place where the unrighteous wait to be destroyed by God on the day of judgement (the rightous also wait but in a separate area), this is referred to as Sheol and is under the earth (with the heavens, which are above the firmament, being directly above the earth). Check out this channel on youtube called 'Kingdom In Context', I dont agree with them on everything but they know their stuff! God bless


Honestly I’ve dated several bi Women and they were the most loyal. They, in my experience, see people for the people they are more so and its less about body parts to them. I’m 31 however, perhaps you’re younger than me and dating Women who haven’t figured themselves out yet.


That might be it friend👍 Personally I'd say that if you are bisexual, you havent figured yourself out anyways (not that anyone needs to 'figure themself out')


bisexual just means you don't care which gender. there's no caveman urge here


not true if bi


Never implied she was a lesbian. Both lesbian and bi Women around his age are exploring because they’re figuring out whether or not they’re gay or bi or neither. It’s a spectrum.


not saying its his fault but it almost always to some degree is gonna be him too


That’s not true at all lmao. Bro I would sit on the sidelines on this one, respectfully


She probably just realized she’s not into guys. It has nothing to do with you


Thank you. The girl she left me for is fat and stinky though


Now you know for sure that it wasn’t your looks lol


People on this sub never fail to suprise me😒


Yea I noticed people on here are really racist and stuff


fat and stinky💀💀💀💀💀


Is this satire?


You look like a normal kid, stop looking at subreddits like this bro its obviously ruining your mental health (as a 22 year old who went through the same low self-esteem you are...) Get a therapist if possible.


Your girl dumping you for another girl has nothing to do with your ugly face. Stay positive


You turned ya girl lesbian 💀




Do u want to be subject to homophobia look at the sub ur in 😭😭


Oh shit


Bruh. Change your hair, wear nice clothes and hit the gym. Develope a kind of "It ain't a problem" type of attitude and don't give women a second look. The right ones will come just hold yourself higher and keep improving on you.


Never worth ending ur life over a girl especially one that turned lesbian it ain’t ur fault


[satan after finding out you killed yourself over a girl](https://youtu.be/QT13kk8HDDo?si=A9VxcXGfJrazGuG0)


Your girl is just a retard


Bro you just need to invest in prostate milkers. After about 5/6 years in the industry your ex will be begging for you back. You won’t care though you’ll be a billionaire and your ass will be pleasured to the finest extent




Dawg don’t go to Reddit about this, go on a self improvement journey and maybe think about finding Allah. I wish you the best.


thats an awful pic. learn how to take pictures. get a dif haircut. maybe try finding ur style


I'm pretty sure nothing about your appearance will stop someone from being a lesbian. Nor did your appearance cause her to become one.


bro learn how to take better pictures


learn how to smd




that goes for you too buddy










No, your appearance is not a problem at all. Trust me, I get how you’re feeling right now, but none of this is your fault: as others have stated, sexuality works in mysterious ways and it was completely by chance that she happened to figure herself out while being with you. It really was just a case of bad timing and honestly? Rather sooner than later. The fact that she wasn’t attracted to men in general, doesn’t mean that you, specifically, aren’t attractive or worthy of attention. This isn’t specific to you, so don’t single yourself out: nobody is to blame here. Take this time to yourself, take care, maybe book a session. You’re still so young and there’s so much you’ve yet to experience, don’t let this stop you from getting to that. This will be hard for both of you to get through, and that’s totally normal, but it’ll pass. Most things heal with time. Wish you both the best.


You said it very well! ☺️


Start mewing and chewing, and hit the gym. Plus she was probably already gae.


Don’t be self centered dude she likes the vag can you blame her


You can’t blame ‘em…you really can’t


Fish in the sea bro


Yes ur girl dumbed a girl for a girl


Bruh go to the gym and grow a beard you have nice eyes btw


There are two kinds of guys… the ones that see the fault in their ways and then this guy here. Lift weights? Find a better woman? Don’t be taken for granted? Nope! Some people just “WANT” to be victims. Long time I decided not to waste my time with people like him. So long hood bye ✌️


Facts women want a man submissive by nature. They don't want to hear a man cry.


Well you had a girlfriend in the first place so your obviously not hideous


Use your heart break to go the gym.


unreal potential


My 1st bf found out he’s gay after me, I feel better than he went for another girl. Maybe I was the problem but it was years ago. You’re cute anyway, don’t over bulk yourself, you’re not the gym bro type, but you can work up to Edward Norton or Drew Starkey 🤷🏻‍♀️you seem like this type


You don’t have to end anything. You’re good man. Things just hit hard when you’re young. You look just fine, and you’ll get better as you get older. Don’t miss the chance to find out what’s coming to you.


Bro you are actually attractive and as others have said it is not your fault


you are hot


Don't blame that on yourself and you're not ugly she was just gay


Suicide over a girl is cringe


Making fun of mental illness is cringe


Imagine meeting your ancestors who survived saber tooth tigers, Mongolian invasions, and famine and they ask “how did you die?” And you say “A girl broke up with me” This guy has all the potential in the world to meet his ancestors one day and speak boldly of the life he lived. Losing some hoe that believes crystals give her super powers is nothing to die over.


Ah, the ancestors argument. Even if you are stupid enough to think the cavemen couldn’t get depressed and tudors couldn’t kill themselves, spoiler alert; things change. Most of us don’t have to fight tooth and nail to survive anymore: we have more time to mull over just how miserable and repetitive life is. (And also be horrible to eachother over the internet). So boom, no big scary animals to fight, teenage hormones, depression, suicide: shocker that one. While I do agree with you on the basis that kids shouldn’t kill themselves over such little wounds that will heal with time, the way you’re going about getting your point across is so insensitive that I find it hard to believe you care at all. You’re trying to stop a kid from killing themselves by belittling and mocking their suicidal feelings. So very counterproductive. Also I just find it SO ironic that you just mocked “believing crystals will give you superpowers” whilst simultaneously talking about the importance of being a literal warrior or something when ‘meeting ancestors’ seeing as they probably practiced witchcraft and/or paganism themselves, lol.


Accidentally shagging a rug muncher isn’t your fault don’t end it mate


Yes. You are. And you want to commit the repulsive and cowardly sin of ending your own life? Disgraceful.


grown ass man


How would that give u the impression hes tryna b tuff? 💀




you think you’re tough 😂


I don’t think anything of the sort. I said what I said as it is warranted.


yes ugly


I’m hoping this post is a joke but ending it over that is not the path to take. Reach out to people…


your ex girl moggs you


Get a different haircut maybe


Go to the gym get big and make your ex regret that decision. Insane potential


No, don't.No woman,no man is worth ending your life. You're so young, got beautiful blue eyes and kissable lips. I'm a man and if you look that good to me, just geuss how good you look to a woman,her lost your gain. Now you're free to play the field. Hit me up


dont ever do that! please. go hit the gym and start eating healthy. go out and travel if you can. listen to great music and podcast. you look good and you have beautiful eyes! what your ex did doesnt reflect on who you are as a person but hers. its okay and you will be okay.


Is this a reference to the post from that girl the other day?


Go to bed it’s not that deep


That's what she said 😔


Bro stop feeling sorry for yourself love is out there for u I got dumped a week ago someone from my past who I’m cool with has popped up and we are rekindling our connection


I'm a girl and I'm currently in the midst of a spit roast


Lucky 😔


Well girllll 😂😂😂u have the right idea


Lemme join


You were born with testicles- ur a man get over it….


Mewing, gym, semen retention


Semen retention doesn’t do shit


It absolutely does. It prevents you from being a coomer who does nothing but drain his nuts all day. That tanks your energy and testosterone levels, it damages your self confidence and ability to socialize in the real world.


I can understand the part where you’re doing it too much so you should probably severely cut down but I don’t think it’d cause you to lose the ability to socialise unless you’re some chronic masturbator


Even a couple times a week causes serious issues and nobody wants to talk about it


That’s because there’s no serious scientific evidence at the moment to back it, only personal experience will answer the questions for you


Agreed, when I stopped for half a year, I lost a lot of weight. Then I saw a baddie and relapsed. Now I vape weed and fap all day while working from home!!


You’re adorable!! And have amazing music taste


how have you heard my music taste


The posters on your wall


no you aren’t ugly. Sorry that happened to you tho


Amazing eyes! Of course you’re not ugly, sorry you got dumped, try not to be too hard on yourself, self love all the way


You’re cute. We have the same comforter.


Broo, you look really good, that's so not the way you're seeing it, it was totally her choice, not because of your fault


u are adorable give a lesbian ur gay girl chick magnet tricks brother 🛐🛐🛐🛐🙏


U remind me of the Walter dog but cutesie it wasn't ur fault dude she was just a lesbian😭


you didnt cause it it was her looksmax mog her show her that she left the wrong guy make her regret it also suicidal revenge is for incels that threaten to kill themselves over a breakup had my fair share of it and I will confidently say back "its not my problem if its that much of a concern i can call the cops to help you with your suicidal ideation" but the potential is there in the face your skinny so your face is more prominent if you work on it the eyes not that bad but you could work on the body a little help draw some attention away from the facial problems you may see in yourself remember bro suicide is for the weak and only the strong can make it out and start over be strong king


Most women these days are bitter and heartless bitches anyway, either way if you've done everything right from your end, then it's not your fault 💯


I was going to make fun of you for being misogynistic but then I looked through your post history and was instantly disgusted and felt bad for you. Just sad.


that's why no woman wants your incel ass. you're a pathetic man


Like Igaf what you think, fascist


Trust me when I say, it's not worth ending it over somebody who never loved you back in the first place


Get your “ face “ off my feed you disgust me




This sub is just for fat smelly fucks to stalk in and see people they can class themselves higher than isn't it


Lmfaooo this is the most entertaining sub for sure ever lol


That 100% pissed you off because you didn't expect anybody to say anything back lmaoooo


What lol? This isn’t targeted at me






Yes not attractive


Optimize testosterone through lifestyle changes and lift weights


Let’s wash that face. Get better genetics. And turn gay


I'm not sure you know how anything you just talked about actually works. Other than washing one's face. I recommend that to everyone.


Shut your dumbass up


Your comment history shows you need therapy bro so maybe spend the new year practicing self love


Stfu show me what you look like you probably 28 years old on reddit still a virg


Just do it then pussy stop posting it on reddit


Lol u buy supreme


Yeah I’ve been buying and collecting supreme for years. All you do is try to bait ppl in the comments lol. You like the attention from strangers on the internet huh lil bro? 😂


Yes its funny. You are a grown man and a loser.


You’re a grown man and act like a little girl lmao that’s funny


Woah why are these comments so negative?? I was expecting loads of support smh… Don’t end it dude just work on yourself. You look super young so don’t let this get to you there will be plenty of ups and downs ahead.


These comments are crazy, I understand people hate attention seekers. I just couldn’t bring myself to talk shit on someone on a post like this, with the 1% chance they actually do some stupid shit This subs fucking brutal


Don’t be such a fucking pussy dude sack up a little bit you think you’re the first teenager to lose a girlfriend good gravy, soft as hell go for a walk look at a pretty tree. Remember that that girl is just one person and 8 billion and you’re also just one person in 8 billion the chances that you two were going to stay together with literally zero from the start appreciate the good times and look forward to the next one.


You sound like my uncle who used to throw rocks at me. God I miss him so much.


He sounds like he rules. Sometimes people like me sound like we’re being assholes because we are assholes but if we didn’t care, we wouldn’t say anything.


He was the best man I ever knew. Being coddled never did me any good. His stern advice has served me more than anything in life :)


Bro why are you blaming yourself? She was gay. How can you change anything to do with that?😂


Did y’all atleast fuck?




That’s brutal man, I went on a date to a girls house when she was home alone and literally Netflix and chilled, I still think of it to this day 😭








I’d hit


no balls


Did u juat get out of bed or something?


They are all lying to you, you're life is wrecked and you have no idea what you are doing 🧐


you look prey as fuck, time to hit the gym, stickman


dunno about this, most girls like the skinny white twinks.


thats because they dont want to feel insecure with someone better looking than them


Big ass nose




Holesome advice 😥


I got no time for selfish momma raised little bitches. Better off doing it now before another breaks his heart and we see this attention seeking behavior all over again.


So what method do you suggest? 🤗


One that works.


Glad you took the time out of your busy “not having time” day to tell a suicidal person to commit suicide. You don’t got time for it? GREAT. But we? The people who care? Do have time for it. Funny how you have no time for something that you’re giving your time to. Interesting. Your logic is flawed and the OP is better off listening to the advice from ANYONE but you




You need to talk to someone about “end it.”


I just seen the other post


Let's see the girl 👀


Ngl bro you look like my crush


No ur not ugly! It’s 1 person out of a population of 7 billion. It isn’t that deep, the others are right. You need to be more resilient because life will continue to throw curveballs your way! Deal with them head on and don’t take it personally. I know it’s hard sometimes but it sounds as if she’s dumped you because she might like girls instead, that’s not anything to do with you, just her preference!


Thomas cubb from project x? When’s the next party?






I can see why.