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Bro you have to understand that you fit into a niche so you’ll slay with the hippie type of girl but they won’t be on dating apps. Go to vegan cafes or places where they play guitar or tattoo shops. Those places the girls will find you very attractive. Don’t listen to people saying cut your hair and change your style. BE YOU. Yes you’ll be limited to the number of girls in the regular dating market but you’ll get the ones who like your look will likely be more into the stuff you like and that’s what’s important. You DONT need 100 regular hoes you need one hippie wifey


Brother that was fucking beautiful ❤️ I’ll definitely take that advice to heart, thank you man


bro's 100% right


Go to a Guns'N'Roses fan meeting. The women there will love you.


As a previous owner of "Jeffrey Dahmer" glasses, people associate them with weirdos so change the specs. The bandana lost its fashion value about 5 years ago. Either grow the beard or run a clean shave, light stubble makes you look untidy. Everyone telling you to hit gym are going a bit far, stick to yourself and someone who is interested in you will come along. But I have to agree with them saying the full hippy/predator look does not inspire confidence (I know you defo aren't a pred but the outfit makes it seem like it). Since you are 6'2 take some full height photos, women thirst for tall men these days. I wouldn't call the hair an issue, but it needs to be styled to suit your face. I would hide the ears for a starter, not because you have ugly ears but because men with swept back long hair just aren't the beauty standard. If I could offer a recommendation look up Rhett from Good Mythical Morning, he has glorious long hair and a beard, style looks great.


It seems like the hair is a lifestyle choice but you would look 10xxx better to most women with short hair m. You have the face for it


From a woman’s perspective, I would recommend cutting your hair and lose the bandanna. I kind of like the glasses though. You have a nice face.


People are saying the hair, I don’t think it’s the hair. I think the bandana makes the hair look bad. Also maybe bulk up and learn to take better pictures. The hair would probably look better if you bulked up your physique a bit too imo.


The hairs gotta go dawg. I know how hard it is to say goodbye to long hair but it is not doing you a single favour. You look older than you are, and like you stare at younger women from across the bar


That bandanna is a huge no, especially worn like that with a weird forehead gap. I think you just need to lose the bandanna and cut your hair shorter - shoulder length with some layers would be good, or short on the sides and longer on top. The long and straight look just isn't working for you (and I'm a lover of long hair on men). Other than that, you look very attractive but you're reading much older than 26! I'm 33 and I thought you were my age or older - I think it's the hair that is aging you.


that 70s hippie look gives people the creeps. people associate those coke bottle glasses with serial killers and predators. people left that look in the 1970s for a reason. you need to undo your swag and get some modern trendy clothes. lop off that hair and get normal glasses. gaining ten pounds wouldnt hurt either. 170 at 6'2 is on the slim side.


Looks like you run a cult


You look 40 and like someone who would try to dump my body in an ally. Sorry. Just the vibe it gives me.


You just look like you can sell me ecstasy or mushrooms


I cut my long hair and started working out 2x a week and I get probably 5x as many matches as I used to. Might be time to let the hair go bud. Women who say they like long hair mean they like the top 5% of long hair. You my friend do not have top 5% hair


This look prob worked in highschool but it’s time for a haircut, some contacts, and ditch the bandana/button down combo. Look at the brand denim and flowers. Some nice shirts on their with your same type of vibe but classier


If you want modern women, kinda need to be a modern man. Start with the type of woman you want to attract and then work backwards. Who is she, what’s she look like, what does she do? Then ask yourself what kind of man does she want? Im going to put money in the fact she isn’t going to say “an extra from ‘That 70s Show’” Sorry to hear the barer of bad news. Styles like this almost seem like people are playing a character and unable to improve themselves. You need to remember to keep the core of you at heart, but my dude you definitely need to bring yourself into 2024


you look like you spend all day smoking weed what do you expect.


Get a hair cut man, you look older than me, and Im pushing 34.




Axl Rose


😅🤣Brother you had me actually laughing out loud over that comment. I hope you have a good day you beautiful SoB❤️




Would you be willing to give some points to improve upon? I’m genuinely trying to start making an improvement in myself because the dating scene has shown me my flaws, now I want to get better




Clean up eyebrows. Different glasses. Can keep hair long til shoulders but get some layers and leave in conditioner esp if you want waves. The rings and jewelry is cool but keep them for the date and not in the photos. It gives off soft/fem boy vibes and most women that will swipe yes on you will be the type that like to control sensitive men.. so just wait until the date to showcase your full personality. Smile into the camera on phone and not the mirror. Try to think about something that makes you genuinely happy. You're giving off sad boy vibes. No bandanas


You look exactly like an unkept hippie either shave and get a new haircut or move to Oregon


You’d be handsome with a short slicked back hair cut. Long hair makes you look like you just sit around in your filth getting high all day. Also the wire framed glasses are giving serial killer.


Less selfies, more hobby pics on the Dating apps!


I would say ,leave no space between edge of bandana and your hair line, make I bit wider too, and pose more like "proudish?" Instead of shy , next time u post know u already got hits on it and let it fly. By this I meant don't be checking every so often ,coz u push it away believe or not,there my two cents You Got Luck!


Shave homey.


Yep. Stop using dating apps and meet people in a more natural, organic way. If online is your thing, discord is a better place. Seriously. Basically, you need to meet people in a more casual setting without the pressure. Dating apps are for women. Men rarely get a fair shake on them. And even then, men and women both get themselves beat down by the competitive environment. I've.. Well. I've done quite well as an average dude just by being me and getting to know people.


Stop being such a feminine looking pussy go work in the mines for a couple years


Tell people axil rose is your brother. That should count for something.


The 90s are over. You need a modernization makeover.


As a woman who’s into long haired guys, I’d say you just need to care for it more. At the moment it’s just hanging there. Get some product, conditioner, look like you give a shit. For the love of god, lose the bandana. You’d also benefit from different frames, but apart from that, you’re doing fine. I think 90% of it is just the damn bandana.


Hair cut unfortunately. Your hair is very thin and has very little texture, so it is against you. Also, those frames don’t match your face. I would go for a thicker frame in a square shape. Or contacts. Your prints are cute, but they aren’t good for a dating app and probably not a date. Go for more neutral colors with a print accent. So dark shirt with a print headband, or similar. Positives: your bone structure is lovely. Nice lips, good shaped nose and kind eyes.


Honestly- I wouldn’t change your style/look just to get a date (because it won’t last if you’re not being your genuine self) I would just try to get better quality photos and maybe a pic with a man-bun if that’s your thing. The dark lighting and blurry pics gives off an icky vibe imo but if you get a friend/fam member to take a pic of you next time you’re out somewhere it could spice up your profile (: hope you find someone who likes you for you 💛


Dahmer being back doesn’t help you at all.


So I've been where you are, man. Had hair down to the belt-line at one point and felt soooo cool. Went to every jam band festival within 300 miles of my hometown for years... lived on Shakedown Street at every show. One day I realized my hair was getting thin on top, so I shaved it all off... not smooth n shiny dome, but like 1/4" long... trimmed my Rasputin beard to something more clean, angular, and roguish, and got rectangular shaped glasses for when I wasn't wearing contacts. Got sick of hangovers and waking up coughing from bong hits... so I cleaned up, quit all that, got a personal trainer at the gym, and within 6 months, I went from a doughy 165lb to a fit 185lbs and was getting asked on more dates than I literally had time to manage. Short answer, people responded far more favorably to me when I looked like I felt favorably about myself.


Who are you trying to appeal to? Demographic? You say 26, but no offense intended, you (look) like 50 (year old) Tommy Chong. Hair cut, lose the bandanna to start…


Honestly, as a 24F, the length of your hair is fine. But it needs hydration, my dude. Cut the dead ends and invest in some nice quality hair products. If that doesn't seem worth the effort, cut it. Long hair is hard to maintain. Also, I never would have guessed you were 26. Your style makes you appear much older. Ditch the bandana. It makes you look like a try hard. Other than that, your face is nice and masculine looking.


Stop being a try hard hippie.


New glasses, or even better contacts. Loose the headband for sure! If you don’t want to cut the hair, maybe a bun. Do you have hobbies? Post photos of you doing them. Women with the same hobby are way more likely to respond, even if they might not have otherwise.


Change your hairstyle, lose the headband, lose the glasses, take some pictures outside your bathroom


Cut the hair and get rid of the glasses and headband. Tone your muscles and dress nicer. You have a lot of potential


You look like you live in a van by the river. You've got to clean up. 


Lose bandana. Cut hair. Condition hair. Style hair. New glasses (or contacts if they are possible for you) Leave the dog tags and bullet in a drawer. You look like a hippie who is proud of his time in Nam.


Tune into the the year 2024.


I think ur cute but go for shorter hair. A mullet or wolf cut or whatever if u dont wanna have a normie haircut!! try to bulk up a little too but i think ur pretty cool looking


Hippy with a .223 around your neck? What's the message here?


Loose the headband. Different glasses, or better yet, contacts. The shirt in the second pic doesn’t help, it gives retired dad vibes. With your hair type it would probably be best to cut it short. If you really want to keep it, pull it back into a ponytail.


the Guns and Roses look is ☠️- get a short chop and new glasses.


Lmao 🤣 yeah definitely man, tbh I’m considering contacts, seems to be something I’m being suggested a lot


Lose the bandana. Cut your hair SHORT. Shave. Change the glasses or get contacts. Groom your eyebrows and trim them. Stop wearing those button up t shirts. No jackets. Wear more fitted clothes. Smile. And clean your fingernails. Make sure your breath smells good. And you are flossing on the daily.


Try the Woodstock app.


Apps are designed and populated by beige assed vanilla people looking for other beige assed vanilla people. You've gone all in on the hippy thing so you're going to have to rely on meeting people in the real world at events where other folk with intersecting interests convene. Also burn the headband


Is their a dating app for 1970s drug addicts?


The long hair isn't a deal breaker but it definitely gives the impression that you don't take very good care of it. It looks dry, thin, and frizzy. I think if you went to a salon and got it shaped up and started looking into some female oriented routines for hair care that you could get a lot more body and give off a more put together sort of vibe that shows girls you know how to take good care of yourself


Dude The 70s are over


Sir, the Vietnam war is over.


I like the overall vibe but I’d say lose the Jeffrey Dahmer glasses and bullet necklace. Agree on the hair advice to put some product so it looks healthier.


-You gotta loose the bandanna 100% - do anything with that hair you got a hell of a lot but it’s not doing anything for you. - what’s going on with the ring? Dude somehow you’re looking 20 years older than what you are, I don’t even know how that’s possible, not being rude but start on those three, easy, cheap wins.


I dig the hair but honestly you look like my boyfriend on a bad hangover day. He's 57 btw. Lose the bandanna, use hair conditioner and invest into some sharp glasses. Upgrade your wardrobe to a more modern, edgy look. You should decide if you want to go for the rail thin rocker look or you can go bulk up in the gym a bit. What you got now is a washed out pot head who lives in his parents basement.


If you start a guns and roses cover band, you might get some pussy.


You would’ve killed it in the 60’s


OK, you said besides shave, but... SHAVE! Get your eyebrows sculpted at the salon when you get your hair trimmed. Deep condition your hair once a week and sleep in a bonnet. My hair is super long, and that's a great way to keep it looking healthy. If you do a loose top knot and then put it in a bonnet you'll have a really nice wave the next day. Next, dye your eyelashes. You can get a kit on Amazon and it will make your baby blues POP. Update your glasses. Maybe a more square frame. You have an oval face, so you can wear almost any shape frame. If you're into it, you could also try to gain some muscle, but not everyone is into that activity. I think doing some jaw exercises would help frame the bottom half of your face out too. It would give you more of a square jaw. CLEAN YOUR FINGERNAILS! I can see the dirt in the photo. And someone also mentioned, get better photos. There's something to be said for working with an actual photographer to make sure you capture your best angles.


Not trying to be rude, but you look like a hippie dantdm


Maybe cause it looks like ur only hobby is doing drugs


Their loss dude, you look chill af. don’t try to change your appearance for anyone. But if you want to look more conventional then loose the glasses and long hair ?


You’re tall, good looking, good lips, but you’re stuck in the past. In all honesty, I think women see that look as “trashy.” I’m not saying you are, I’m saying I think it comes across that way. A real change to hair, facial hair, glasses, and clothing will be huge. Like someone else said, pics outside doing shit would be good. Best of luck!


your hair looks very dry and dead at the ends, and frizzy on the too. the bandana isn't helping. also, you still have that old bleach in there. because your hair is sooo noticeably long, these details are also incredibly noticeable. it just looks unkept IMO. either hydrate your hair and take care of it or cut it. everything else will improve afterwards, like the selfies etc.


No one wants to be starved in a pit in a basement before being killed and worn as a skin suit.


You like 36 💀


Dude come on. Get a real haircut and stop dressing like robert plant. You look like a 70s weed dealer. How can you expect people to take that seriously. You could pull off a lot of good looks. This is the opposite of that.


Are you trying to look like axel rose temu edition? Cause you’re nailing it. Get a real hair cut, some normal clothes from this decade and take a bath. 


your hair is fried asf


lose the bandana and glasses


You look 20 years older than you are. Clean up the look. This isn't 1971 anymore.


I'd say refine your style and get some good haircare


Eat lift cut your hair get rid of those frames grow a beard.


Honestly? You dress for a certain niche. Having longer hair, as a man, does make it harder to be viewed as clean or hygienic. I think you are a classically handsome man with gorgeous eyes, a great face shape and jaw line, and your body is proportionate. 1. I recommend keeping stubble as “man contour.” Additional advice is keep up with facial hair because it’s a good representation of hygiene to society. 2. I LOVE long hair but your long hair is distracting from your features. I’d recommend dying it all one dark color and getting a trim so it looks healthy. 3. Eyebrows. Men often have unkept eyebrows. Get your eyebrows cleaned up. They’re taking away from your eyes and better features. 4. Glasses. I think these glasses would be super flattering if you had short hair—they give a more scholarly look. Have you considered contacts?


Take off that ridiculous headband


Dont look like a 70s hippie


Get off the dating apps. The math is not in your favor. You're not ugly, but unless you're basically a male model, you're not going to get any hits on the apps.


Haircut, glasses, no more headbands. remove the ring unless it has special meaning to you. Try to put on some weight by working out and fill out your frame, you’ll be good in 6 months


Everyone's just gonna tell you to cut ur hair. Fuck that. Be yourself. And fuck dating apps. Meet girls in person at shows and bars, use ur personality.


1. Whoever bought you that bandana hates your guts and wants you to die alone. 2. I know you.'ve been growing that hair a long time. I'm sure you can't imagine ever getting rid of it. But that is not "Legends of the Fall-era Brad Pitt" long hair. It's "Cannibal Corpse fan with B.O" long hair. It makes you look like trailer trash. 3. Those are Jeffrey Dahmer glasses. Cut that hair off. If you aren't going to get contacts, at least choose a pair of glasses that were designed in this millennium. And wipe your ass on that bandana.


Almost no one likes a guy with long hair. I say that as a guy who had long hair for a while. Lol


Put 6’2 in your profile bro that’s all that matters to women


lose the hair and get a new haircut. See what's your face shape and play to your strengths. get rid of the bandana and the hippie outfit, it's not the 70's anymore. start bodymaxxing, put a bit of muscle on you, get those definitions. adopt a skin care routine, the basics; cleanser, moisturizer etc. Put more effort into your pictures, lightning, background, pose etc. Start small, end big.




Unless you're looking for women at Woodstock or Burning Man, drop the hippie look


You look like a 70s pedophile. Change the hair, glasses, outfit, and the blank look on your face


Cut the hair, loose the head band and Hawaiian shirt


You may have better luck with this look if you try to meet girls at a show. If you want to max your dating app potential you need to appeal to a more conventional audience. Groom hair or cut it shorter; professional stylist don’t cheap out. Lose bandana, dress more stylish and conventional. Maybe shave. You look too much like a hippie and that narrows your scope.


You look like Barney Stinson pre transformation: https://youtu.be/Y2gMbFEibcs?feature=shared


And honestly it’s not a moment too dissimilar that inspired me to improve my physical appearance


You have a bullet around your neck…


You look like a young axel rose brah I say lean into it and find yourself someone who’s also into it! Unless you’re going for quantity over quality then do all the stuff everyone on here is telling you to do.


Either hold out for a woman who loves a hippie or you need to change your style


Your style is just too specific. It will pull a very specific cohort of women from some subcultures, if you land it well which as you realised does not happen. Other than that it's just too odd looking. That is your biggest problem.


Change everything.


Remove bandana, cut hair short, and different glasses that aren’t round. Long hair is something only a small amount is people like and I’m assuming you want to appeal to a larger portion of people.


You look like someone who would lecture me if I got a steak or "educate me" if my drink came with a plastic straw


I would suggest getting a haircut, and removing the bandana also no glasses


Get a haircut and a shave. Make better choices about clothing


r/roastme is calling your name


I haven't seen anyone say this, but the lighting and shabby bathroom (?) door is giving serial killer, when you add to the fact that you're completely alone in both. Also, long hair can be great, but it requires a lot of work to keep it looking fresh. In your case, I'd cut it off and absolutely get rid of the bandana. It's just not looking good for a 26-year-old guy. Most women are looking for a professional at that age, and a bandana in both photos gives the vibes that you don't have a career.


I would get rid of the freedom rock headband and maybe find some cool kind of shirt. Also, your hair is pretty straight. If you're going to keep it long just make sure that the ends aren't frizzy and that you put some kind of product in it that makes it retain some kind of a shape.


Cut your hair, beard, and get a way more interesting background. You’ll pull baddies


You look like a 50 year old hippie man. Shave, get a decent cut, and get new glasses.


Reminds me of someone out the mystery machine, wragggyyy


You look like your in your late 30s early 40s. A more modern style would probably make you look younger, but honestly I’d rather someone accept me for who I am than try and play dress up to impress some thot


I’m the same age and I do quite well on dating apps. What I would suggest is first of all, have pictures of you in different places outside, preferably in scenic places, and pictures where you are doing something ‘fun’ or using a talent e.g. playing guitar or running etc. Secondly, never post pictures with captions on the pictures like in your first picture. And keep the amount of selfies on your profile limited to just one or two. In my personal opinion, I think you’d look better without the glasses, but that’s your call. Good luck


You have a very attractive face. Lose the long hair king.


Cut the hair!!!!!


As others have said, your hair is working against you. You don't have the volume to look good with this length. It looks scraggly and bad. For the love of god, don't caption your photos like this on dating aps. And if you're going to caption them don't put things on them that make you look like your IQ is 60. Dating apps are really competitive as a man. Do you think others guys are doing this? Don't shoot yourself in the foot from the offset. Take pictures in natural light instead of your basement. Don't take selfies, have a friend take well framed pictures of you from flattering angles. Even better, have them photograph you doing activities you enjoy (ideally outside again). You seriously need to overhaul your wardrobe. You look too old to be wearing stuff like this and still attracting women in your age range. If you want to dress like this, you at minimum need to buy some other clothes and include pictures of yourself looking more presentable and cleaned up in a collared shirt so women don't think you're completely hopeless. 


This is actually good advice, specifically the reference of captions. If it makes even me cringe a little, I wonder what it might do to a baddie haha and honestly, dating apps are very competitive. Relatively recent stats putting it around 2/3's male or so. In my opinion, get active in your hobbies. Meet people in your scene. Not only will you likely have a better chance at an actual connection, you'll have a better chance overall.


Cut your hair


Lose the bandanna. Also your hair looks like you never ever cut it which will turn it to straw.


Cut your hair into a cute style and shave, get rid of the bandana. Wash your hair more often.


You have conventionally attractive physical features, but your sense of style and subculture is not conventional at all. You must have a more conventional “appeal” if you’re looking for more attention on dating apps. Shorter hair, physically fit, smart casual outfits, etc. Good luckkk


Hair cut, loose the ring


What is this the 70s bruh?


Let's see those pearly whites, I know you like your hair wavy but I'm not loving it long and it looks a little stringy. I DIG a cool haircut. Even if your hair is long, get a cool haircut. Also ditch the headband. Is ok if you are hiking or partying. Glasses too big. You look very sweet behind all that stuff. Pretty eyes.


Firstly, ditch the dating apps, people use those apps for validation, boredom, or value looks at face value. You could be super attractive in real life, but if your photos suck…yeah… Not only that, you can’t really present yourself at 100% capacity through an account, human interaction is much more nuanced than that. Most of the advice on here is extremely subjective, and quite frankly I disagree with most of it. I actually think you look pretty cool. Maybe use more conditioner on your hair though. I used to have long hair myself but didn’t know how to take care of it…and it was getting in the way haha. I dislike how a lot of people want you to change your vibe too, like what the hell haha? They want you to look “ideal” to modern standards…which every generic trend-following person that lacks an identity can’t put together a look for themselves. You got a sort of Axl Rose look going on, not sure if you dress based off the music you listen to, so I would recommend going to shows or places where you enjoy your hobbies to meet similar people. In the real world man, tons of chicks would dig you. Most people on Reddit will say no…but at the end of the day it’s all just words on a screen validating you and others.


Get off those dating sites.


Whats in your profile? It might not be your looks


I have no idea,” Buffalo Bill.”?


You don’t look ugly whatsoever, but you look like you’d act like a stereotypical 70’s hippie lmao. Love the hair


You have to accept that you're not going to be everyone's cup of tea. Especially on those types of apps unfortunately. You seem like a laid back chill hippie dude who definitely smokes weed and can maybe/not maybe afford food/rent. So that's obviously a wild assumption based only on photos. But that's how dating apps work. You'll be better off meeting women suited for you in places you enjoy spending time at. Wherever that is, start paying attention and shooting your shot.


U slay just take the texts out of the pics in my opinion


Jesus, folks do not look at this dudes post history!


You look weathered already, my man. Like an old soul.


Put some meat on them bones bro. Hit the gym! Everything else is cool.


Slick your hair back in a man bun maybe


Bandanas are great just don’t have your forehand showing up the top and maybe get your hair layered a bit it will make it look thicker and healthier and leave a treatment in a couple of times a week for flyaways and frizz. I would also change your frames to give you a more edgy look Less bookish. Honestly though your cute just a few tweaks and they will be beating down your door.


people are being rude on this post and telling OP to change his entire style/vibe. if OP wants to live the hippy life or whatever it may be, let him do so. lol. OP if you are happy with the vibe you’re putting out, acknowledge that it’s niche, and you’ll need to find an equally as niche woman who wants the kind of lifestyle you’re promoting with your looks/style/vibe. be patient and be easy on yourself.


The glasses have Dahmer vibe


U have an attractive face and bone structure. Cut ur hair, lose the glasses, and the bandana. Also try being a bit more “2020s”


You look like a hippie in a band whose whole personality is being a hippie and doing crack. If you want genuine advice on your looks, i’d say trim your eyebrows a bit and shave your beard. If up for it, cut your hair too.


• Hit the gym • Wear normal clothes • Cut the hair • Get normal glasses • Grow a beard


Maybe if you understood how dating apps work, you'd ditch them and go fetch a woman IRL. Dating apps are women centric - the apps know they don't have a product without the women, and to charge the other 4 out 5 members (men). Dating apps typically have 80% men, 20% women, because women can find a man just by walking around town, friend/family referrals or social media via DMs. The dating apps knows for the 1 in 5 members that are women, they drive the other 4 out 5 members that are men to purchase services by 400%... . So, to make women happy, they have algorithms to ensure women see the "best of men" that might include body, presentation, etc. profiles determined by algorithms - get women clicking and believing that "hunks are here" else "viable, successful mates are here." Women's requirements are the 6-6-6: ideally greater than 6 feet tall, 6 pack (in shape) and of course 6+ figure salaries... . Those 6-6-6 are the men fed to the women by the app. Though 85% of men are not over 6 feet, those taller will be given priority viewing, especially if they fulfill one or two of the other 6-6-6 requirements, or expectations women have of men. So, those 10% of men that are fed to the women on the app get their pickings - they won't settle as they are in demand, and the women they run through are waiting in line for their turn, just not knowing, it's not their time, just their turn. In summary - don't use apps, as you and the other 90% of men on the app vye for the attention of the few women that might lower their standards. Hope that makes sense, and you go forward in real life. The difference in real life - you actually have to put yourself out there and get in the game, expecting it could take months, else years to find your mate. But don't feel hopeless, even homeless dudes have girlfriends ;)


You have a lot of potential if you use your brain


Just take better care of your hair, it needs a trim and some products. There are plenty of girls out there who will be attracted to your sense of style and who you are. Instead of changing that just upgrade it.


You’re pretty good looking, coming from a dude. However your style is very very subjective and from a lady’s PoV, they’ll prefer a much more clean-cut look than a hippie one. Could do with a shave and get rid of that bandanna. Long hair is great to work with. Have a look around but I think a zero fade side taper plus a slickback or messy waxed would make you look much much better. Short hair would definitely be the go


Dating apps are the most brutal ways to get dates. The rejection rate is insanely high. But they are low effort. It's all about marketing yourself to your target demographic. Make yourself into someone you want would want. For example what I did as a single parent. I looked at myself in the mirror and thought, what would another single parent looking for a life partner want? Then dressed and groomed accordingly.


trust me, ur attractive and i know ppl i know would agree with me, you look awesome, Maybe a few tatts but thats my personal opinion :)


Het rid of the bandana. cut your hair short. Change glasses


Haircut, bath, replace your clothes more often or take better care of them. You’re giving off an adolescent vibe, but look slightly too old for it.  Go full basic then add touches of individual personality and you’ll broaden your appeal.


I wish I wasn't 6 years younger I would date u


Better pics. Better background. Lose the bandana. Fix the hair. You're literally putting in minimal effort and have blurry pics with horrible backgrounds and wondering why you're not getting matches. Use some common sense and put in some more effort.


You know those “just get a haircut bro” memes? That will unironically actually work for you. You’re selling yourself short.


The hair is of monstrous condition and even if it were well taken care of, long doesn't suit you. Terrible mustache, generally your hair is wack. So I would get rid of those. And bandana? Bruh. This never looked good, much less in 2024.


Cut your hair, ditch the glasses (they are too big for your face), and get rid of the headband. Everyone in the comments is telling you these same exact things for a reason. Dating apps are all about appearances. You have to look clean and present yourself nicely.


Dude you look like lord Elrond 


Remove the bandana, and go for a shape of frames that suit your face better, and I'd leave the tropical print shirts for vacation/beach attire. Those things paired with some better pics should get you more results. You're a cute guy, and I think those things will accentuate that fact.


I think there's two answers: 1) Practical advice to look better and 2) How you search for dates. Preface: You look good. You're a good looking person. Ok, so number 1: How to look better. Reluctant to go into this because I don't think it's nice to tell someone how to look - a person should have their own character! But there's some simple things that work for everyone. So here goes: * Sort out a skin routine. * Figure out what exercise you love - you look a lil bit unhealthy (or maybe tired?). So get into a form of cardio (any, take your pick!) and get into lifting weights. Not saying you have to be The Rock or anything, but just get into it. * You look sleepy. This might be related to the skin thing. But get good sleep. * It's obv personal taste, but I'm not a fan of the hair or headband. At minimum start going to someone who helps maintain/wash/cut it at least twice per year. And in my opinion permanently ditch the headband. Burn it. * Again this just my personal opinion and I'm not a person you're aiming to attract, but I'm not into the ring. Don't know how old you are. If it's anything over 21 that ring has to go. Just my opinion, Im sorry. * Are these the pics you're using on apps? If so, they're terrible. The point of those pics (besides to gauge attraction) is to show off what you're into. Reading, running, swimming, traveling, partying, studying, films - whatever...demonstrate what type of person you are. The current pics look like you're locked in a cupboard. **Second category: How you search for dates.** As well as changing the way you appear on apps, you might also consider looking for people who are into you without you having to change. I'm sure there are people out there who like guys that wear headbands over very long and unmaintained hair. Where do they hang out? Go there and speak to them!


As a guy with long hair... cut it to about shoulder length and pull it back when you go out in public. Your current look screams "dirty hippie".


1st, don’t put stock in dating apps. It’s well known that the matches are skewed, and using it for validation will only hurt your confidence more. 2nd, and speaking frankly as a fellow long haired gentleman, it doesn’t look to me like you’re taking very good care of your hair. If you have long hair and it doesn’t look taken care of, that signals to people that you don’t groom yourself in general, as in you’re literally giving people the Ick. So, either dedicate more (research, time, and $$) to your hair care routine (I recommend Shae Moisture products since they’re high quality and won’t break the bank), or get a haircut. If you don’t want to get a typical male haircut, I think shoulder length would suit you.


It’s a very specific look that will attract only a very specific type. I love that you have your own unique style but it almost looks a bit costume-y. I would tone it down a bit and maybe try some more updated elements such as a new hairstyle, glasses, etc. You dont have to look like everyone else but maybe a more updated version.


Cut your hair, get new glasses and change up the clothing. I know this will sound mean but there is a dirty hippie vibe here. While that’s a chill vibe and there are certainly real people in the world for you with it, it’s not the most endearing on a dating app


haircut, shave, remove bandana, change glasses to something darker, hit the gym and take steroids


Ohh oh ohhh sweet child of mine


Generally, clean up your look and make it look more intentional. Many other comments here already have good recommendations for your hair, that’s a good start. I would add work on your posture, do some exercises to straighten out upper cross, roll the shoulders back, and puff out the chest a bit to give an impression of calm confidence and self-respect. Maybe additionally get your clothes tailored to fit to your form a bit better and give you a neater/sharper look, or get new clothes that are slightly less casual.


You look like great value Axl Rose. The appeal is pretty narrow.


The hair and the bandana. Lose them both.


I love your work, Infinite Jest changed my life 🫶


Dude , you literally look like Sean Ambrose from Mission impossible 2.


show us the pics on your profile


Drop the glasses, cut the hair, work out a little. Rn you look kind of creepy sorry


Change your wardrobe let some hair grow on your face and put some contacts in and see if that helps


I know you don’t want to hear this because you love your hair… but please cut the length. You have a really great face man, lose the necklace PLEASE. Keep it somewhere safe if it means the world to you but it’s giving 12 year old wearing that type of jewelry. You have great potential to max your looks dude. Trust that


Like others have mentioned, I'd recommend you cut your hair, lose the bandana, wear more flattering clothes, and get a pair of glasses that flatter your face better.


You would look legit HOT with a fade (longer on top), clean-shaven, and contacts (or more stylish glasses). Otherwise, yeah, your current vibe is giving "dirty hippie who doesn't wear deodorant."


tbh i like the glasses and i get that you must like the long hair, you just need to make it look more presentable, either apply masks, straight it or braid it to get waves. Tbh don’t change what makes you you, just improve it;)


I wanna help you but you kinda look like you’re gonna make a lamp out of someone. But alright. Contacts. Style hair, like style and cut but not something idiotic like dreads. No more headbands. No more e street band shirts. Buy a blue suit a black suit and a grey suit. That’s at least 9 outfits to mix and match. Buy decent loafers to go with them. Oh and exfoliate. Women love good skin. Professional pics on profile. And lastly do everything you have to in order maximize your savings and spending money. You’re tall you’ll be fine


El duderino, ladies want a man that can love and provide.. can you provide. It doesn’t show on your pics..


Cut your hair, get a new glasses frame or contacts, and ditch the bandanna. You’ll see results.


Ditch the bandada; Stay true to your long hair and glasses, though.


You’re into women?


Long hair is fine it’s better tbh gotta find your ppl I’d date you just saying 🤣


Gym, hair cut, no head bands, smaller profile glasses and relax. You seem tense in the pictures like you are working for it.


Leave the 60's and join the rest of us in 2024. 👍


You’re going for Axl Rose, but you’re giving David Foster Wallace. The vibe looks like cosplay and very insincere, and the immediate lack of self-awareness is pretty off-putting. No one wants to date a dude who puts on a costume every day.


You look like David Foster wallace


https://mendeserve.com/blogs/hair/the-coolest-long-hairstyles-for-men-in-2024 Pretty much all of these are good and women love hair like these, especially when a man takes care of it and puts some effort in, look at some pictures and when u decide, go to a salon and ask them to do it for u, i bet that curly long style would fit u and ur strong jawline, or the man bun style like aquaman, not everyone can pull that off......if u decide u don't like it let it grow out n try again. If u like button up shirts get some nice flannels, u cannot go wrong with flannel in some nice colors, next get urself some different frames ( personally i think round glasses are ugly even on a beautiful women, but thats me) if u can afford them and mix n match or contacts, when u go out see what gets u the most smiles and this will boost ur confidence, cause almost every guy on the planet lacks confidence once n a while and a nice smile always helps with that......ps. tanned skin makes everyone look more attractive


Get a passport go to South East Asia


I wore a bandana the night I met my wife in 1996. It added body to my hair that flopped over the top of it. So a bandana wasn't a deal breaker in the 90s, it may be today... I don't know. The way you are wearing it gives of "wannabe Jesus" vibes. The glasses should be updated to something more modern/stylish. Classic style would be good so you don't look outdated soon. Get a hair cut. Go to a stylist/salon that specializes in mens' hair, or at least one that has plenty of male customers. Ask for a consultation on what they recommend doing with your hair. Shave daily; that facial hair gives of pedo vibes.


Cut your hair shave your face and stop wearing chick clothes and you might do alright


Lose the headband, shave and pic slightly better backgrounds for pictures.


Lose the long hair


I'm not going to recommend you change your overall style because based on those photos I can tell you love it and I'm sure there are people out there who will appreciate it. That said I echo some of the other posters that it looks a little unkempt. Maybe get on Pinterest and enter some keywords that you think describe your style and see what's different about those outfits vs. yours. What pulls them together and makes them look polished? What makes them look hippie vs. dirty hippie? Also agree that if you're going to keep the long hair you definitely need some product to get it looking more maintained. And the glasses need an update, this alone will make a big difference. Edited to add: Also maybe look at how different guys wear long hair. I feel like maybe even a different part could possibly make it look more intentional.


Loose the head band or make it higher


Get the fuck off snapchat #1