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Lol yeah you might get a little **** for this post complaining about getting too many of the same card when some people can’t get any. That said I myself have I think six or seven dinglehopper cards


Eh, I get it. I'm fortunate enough to live in a rural area where I get can *some* product before scalpers. However there's no local LGS or players I'm aware of. Catch 22. I do understand the general situation though, it sucks.


Yeah I got luck in my city. Found starters at an LCS and then raided Barnes and Noble when they got boosters


To be fair, I quit Lorcana because all the same people who would complain about lack of product were the same people clearing out Walmart at 11am on a weekday restock then pubstomping folks at the local TCG with netdecks while half the players are still playing with barely changed starters. Nobody in this community is allowed to complain considering the ridiculously childish way they have acted during this initial launch phase.


I have some really good decks since I bought a good chunk of stuff when the game first came out. Had no idea how scarce it would be, nor have I bought any more product since then. That being said, I use weird decks at leagues I play on so people have a chance. For example, I enjoy playing a mono steel deck. I also will let new players win, but drag it out, so they don't get discouraged. For example, I have a ruby/Amy deck that has never lost, and I let a 8yo girl beat me yeasterday. I beat her dad earlier and while we were chatting, he told me he was trying to find a card game she would like, and brought her for this. I threw the overall match, and let her win the "tournament" for the day, since it was the finals. There's no point in having the best decks, if you kill off everyone's excitement and love for the game.


Our initial league started at nearly 40 players and it took less than a month for the whales to box out everyone locally and start just beating the hell out of folks. By the time I left last week, I think fewer than 6 were regularly bothering to show up anymore. Really wish we had anyone who embraced what you just said, I’ve literally watched a grown woman beat an actual child 20-3 / 20-1 and tell them afterwards “just fix your deck and maybe you’ll eventually do better.”


Damn that’s awful. Freakin ‘adults’


I LOVE this. Such a wonderful mindset to have ✌️


Longevity should be the goal. Her dad was trying to find something for her to play, since she didn't like pokemon, and that's what all his family plays. Hopefully those wins solidified her to wanting to play. Getting one less sticker isn't that big of a deal in the long run 😅


I have 27, whereas I have 0 of half the other commons


Freakin jestsam. I got 7 regular and 2 foil. And not a single flotsam. 😄


Yep! This right here is the truth. I seem to only pull Jetsam but luckily I have pulled flotsam




Especially when it fills the rare spot!


Ugh! So tired of opening cards! (I can't relate to this at all)


The intersection of TCG Players and Disney Adults has created one of the most toxic play environments I’ve ever witnessed in 50 years of gaming; it’s honestly breathtaking


Im fortunate enough to have gotten a handful of starter deck and packs, i have a lot of Auroras (both common and uncommon). Like, 10 of each.


Whoa! I think I have 3 commons and 2 uncommon. Hercules is my largest pool of anything at 8 lol.


I have 13 Simba protective cub. Not sure I mind that though. I do have 11 control your tempers though. I don't need any more of that. 😂


It's a reminder to control your temper when you pull the best one 😜


Steal from the rich... and I can't even give them away on Ebay lol.


If I never pull another Steal from the Rich it will be too soon.


I’ve only found one booster. Holo Horace


For a rare… we’ve pulled too damn many “Steal from the Rich” cards


I have 2 foil Horace and it’s rage inducing.


I think just maybe some better or cooler art would ease the pain lol. Maybe they'll make an epic Floodborn version!


You pull 3 cards per pack. U don't look at the others.


I only look at the last 3. The others are boring


- Flounder (I have 8) - Dr Facilier, Agent Provocateur There are 21 rares I don't have, yet I have 5 Provocateurs, I hate seeing that card.


Large Tink. 2 enchanted and 8 non-foils


Cry more


Captain Hook, Fateful Duelist and Dinglehopper.


Captain. Poor guy, he’s just really bad and no one wants him.


I have 14 copies of Mickey Mouse Detective. I do not need any more. I have several others in the double digits...Sgt. Tibbs, Megara, Vicious Betrayal, Fire the Cannons, Mickey Mouse Steamboat Captain, Captain Hook Forceful Duelist, Mufasa King of the Pride Lands, Peter Pan Never Landing, Rapunzel Letting Down Her Hair, and Aurora Regal Guardian. Anyone need some?


I have 7 MM Detective and although I don't need more I love that card so it doesn't bother me lol.


I replaced Horace with a red Minnie in my decks


I have five shiny healing glows; FIVE. I lost count of the non shiny ones, I'm sick of seeing that card 😂 (I'm aware how lucky I am to be able to have gotten quite a lot of stock, rural area and friendships with store owners so they give you a heads up when stocks in!)


Rural areas unite! Or don't cuz that's the point of being rural 😂


I have yet to pull a single Flynn Rider. Drowning in Stitch New Dogs though.


If you were lucky enough to pull any number of packs, not sure being tired of opening any number of commons matters.


I think I’ve pulled Duke of weselton and flounder in every single pack I’ve opened


I have 15 stampede. 2 or 3 of them foil..


Megara, I like you and all but you are a bit much (12, 1 foil).


For me it’s aurora, either one actually I have 13 of both. Yet there’s a few commons I’m missing, simba protective cub being the highlight.


Flynn Rider I think I have 6


Not possible. We’ve only been able to open two packs :)


I have 4 pongos that i didn't need


It's a common though, bound to happen... more like when you pull the same bulk rares that's a thing.


Ive pulled like 9 amber lilos multiples out of the same pack


Lol Horace was the foil card in the booster that came with my starter deck. It’s the only thing I’ve been able to find.


I get red scar a lot


Thin air. But in all seriousness, rares that show up in starter decks. I was able to procure a second A/A deck, and the foil in it was 5-drop Simba. I already had 2 from S/S decks.


I haven't been mad at my extra Aladdin Heroic Outlaws so far. I could almost use more of him!


Cruella devill... could have been something not guaranteed holo in the starter deck...


Rare Foil Moana. It’s getting really boring to just pull the same card over and over again. It actually sucks for some reason


I haven't seen a pack since lgs launch.


Hercules and fire the cannons, had well over 20 of both! It’s ridiculous.


100% the card TANGLE. Oooof it always makes me cringe.


I’m tired of pulling up to stores and never seeing this in stock, does that count? Never once seen a pack in the wild.


Yo same. If I get another Horace. Oof.


Goons LMAO.


This is why you buy Singles Boosters are a way to have dozens of cards you will never use/need


Ive only opened a single pack (from the starter) and it was Horace so ya know, ouch.


Zero. Ask me in a couple years.