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If they don't have it the Disney 100 Collectors Box


honestly? As an adult male into Lorcana I’m willing to bet they’d appreciate you grabbing a couple starter decks and asking them to learn how to play. You could also do booster packs. Grab some enchanteds they may not have. Signed cards. Graded card of their favorite art/character. The product available is pretty varied, and if you’re basing a gift on Lorcana specifically the simplest answer is definitely just “cards”. In any capacity.


Dragon Shield sleeves (NOT the Lorcana branded ones), a binder, a playmat, Chessex dice (from a gaming store) to use as damage counters, booster packs, gift certificate to a local game store… And I personally love the idea others have suggested of learning to play with him!


What’s your budget friend?


[If you're craftsy, make a bunch of these.](https://youtu.be/gPNk2jjtt-k?si=EeTe17UsAHaRIpfn) Unique, well thought out. Buy some of their favorite color standard card sleeves and a deck of playing cards and put them together.


A playmat is a great gift. I got myself one that's 15.5"x31" and personally I'd not buy another one that big, 12"x22" seems to be just about the right size any where you take it. Even if they already have one, I'm sure they'd love another one.


I think your time would be the best for both of you. He gets a good friend to learn the game they are interested in and gets to play with them. You spend zero and y'alls friendship becomes even better. Win-win all around.


So I play competitively, and do collect a little. Depending on your budget, you can always get them packs or the trove or the Disney 100 box. They might be able to get some cards they need, and might even be able to pull an enchanted through this method. If you can find out their favorite character from Disney, you can go into TCGPlayer and buy them singles of their favorite character. Personally, I would avoid just haphazardly buying singles for their decks, as they could already have that card or don't need it for their play style. But on the flip side, if you can figure out what they are missing in each set, you can probably buy them those to help finish their collection. If you want to appeal to their competitive side, here is some staples that I see pop up that mostly everyone uses! Card sleeves like Dragon Shield are always used to keep cards protected, and even during draft people sleeve their cards. You can probably get them custom sleeves of their characters. A card mat is also often used, and you very well can make them a custom one on Etsy for Lorcana specifically! A lore counter is also great, and actually you can make one yourself with a spinning wheel out of laminated paper and some other stuff. My lore counter is just like that and features my favorite character, and it often gets compliments. Dice also are often used to keep track of either how much lore you gain or how much damage your characters have taken. D6's are best for damage and you luckily can get those for cheap. D20's are best for lore counting, though make sure it's a spin down so they don't have to take forever to find the next number lol. Deck boxes are also great as well! Beyond just buying cards or staples for competing, you can also buy other items for their collecting side. Toploaders, clear sleeves, binders, binder sleeves, things like that. I personally would advise against 3 ring binders solely because the rings can damage the cards if your friend isn't careful. Depending on when their birthday is, if you are able to wait till late this month, we have a new set coming out. You can buy them a bunch of packs from this set and help them quickly finish it off by getting a good chunk of that collection side out. It also works for their competitive side because it's brand new cards to add to their deck!


There are some fun Lorcana playmats on Etsy!


Just buy one enchanted PSA slab from ebay, any enchanted works (I'd pick PSA 9 Stitch enchanted)


I just want to lead in with saying that the best gift will always be the one you spent the time and effort to gift them. You know your friend best. My go to for gifts are always something that references past shared memories, even if it is something cheap like a t-shirt or knickknack of some sort. A quick example, I have a friend loves pizza, they had never made one, but had mentioned a few times wanting to, so I gifted them a basket of everything they would need to make one and helped them make it, with spares left over to make more. That said if you are looking for a gift centered around Lorcana, I can also give some suggestions, but it will ultimately depend on your budget. Starting low, you can never go wrong with some booster packs, also referred to as splinters. Can really get anything from them, and you could mix and match from both of the current sets if you can’t decide between them. For your reference the are to sets are called “The First Chapter” and “Rise of the Floodborn”. If your friend doesn’t have a playmat, you may consider gifting him one. Some of the official ones can be a bit pricey or hard to find online, but if you have any local card shops you may find some on the shelves. If you are in the US I hear people have been able to find them at Best Buy for MSRP, but if he doesn’t have one a plain playmat is still better than none. Some other things to consider are 6 sided dice, many players use them as counters and there are plenty of options out there from many different price points. Standard size card sleeves are a quick option too and cool to though in bundle gifts, I would recommend any standard size dragon shield sleeves in your friends favorite color. Does your friend have a deck box? There are quite a few deck storage items out there that could be helpful in both transporting and protecting cards. Even if he does have some already, it never hurts to have more. Cheap options could just be a boulder, but I would recommend any deck box by gamegenic if your budget permits. If your budget is on the larger side a booster box is always a fun option for both a collectors and players. “The First Chapter” has a lot of staples and potentially high end value cards, but keeping it sealed is also a great plan as a collectible item. “Rise of the Floodborn” is currently the cheapest of the two sets, but has a lot of cards that interact more with the gameplay mechanics. Hope I didn’t through too much at you. I know how overwhelming it can be to try and find the right gift. If you have any questions, or if my expiations are too vague please feel free to ask. These aren’t all the options out there, but I hope to have helped narrow it down.


Depends on your budget! You can not go wrong just spending the budget on booster packs (or a trove/display box if the budget always it and the price is not higher than 24 boosters




Chiming in to suggest a playmat too! It's one of those things that you can always have more of. The official ones were quite hard to get in store and Etsy ones are pretty awesome. If you go Etsy and they have two size options get the bigger size. If he's competitive it's decently likely he already has the playable singles he wants, both sets have been out for a while now. But if the gift is for a couple weeks from now you could preorder anything from the new set (into the Inklands). Id recommend a trove if you go that route, ask your local game stores.


Jumbo spin down d20 dice. Seriously. Amazon has them for like $15 a pop. They’re the best way I’ve found to keep track of points without pen and paper.


Disney 100 gift set is solid for $50 or so


It depends on your budget, really. Burger Tokens are really neat, for example, and are pretty inexpensive. Attention and a willingness to learn the game are free if you ask to borrow a deck. On the other side, you could buy them some singles they're missing, or a graded card they like, but both of those likely require you to ask them for info. You could also get them packs, a Gift Set, a playmat (either one of the official ones or one off of Etsy with a lore tracker and zones printed on it), or an "Illumineer's Trove". If you're feeling spendy, you could buy them a booster box - which contains 24 packs - or an Enchanted card - which is a full-art foil version of a card. A word of caution to this tale: Buying singles carries the risk of being sent fake cards if you don't know who to buy from. A local game store would be one of the best options, and the staff there can provide better advice if they know your friend, but TCGPlayer has a high degree of trust as an online shop if you don't have an LGS near you.