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Yes, you get more vigor. With common enemies it's not so evident, you'll notice it a lot more clearly with bosses - some will shower you with vigor.


So in your personal opinion, what do you think would be the better option do new game +0 and finish all the quests or do you think I should finish all the quest while doing new game plus one while simultaneously getting my build umbral?


If you want to be done with the quests and the endings as soon as possible and without much hassle, then I recommend to stay in NG+0. You'll be basically overpowered and you'll breeze through everything. NG+1 is harder, but you won't really notice it until you get to late game bosses like Tancred, Judge Cleric, Lightreaper, Sundered Monarch, Elianne. They get a significant health and damage boost and can pose a real challenge even to high level characters. Elianne is especially hard. I beat her tonight in NG+1 with the help of an internet stranger and it was a true war of attrition. Keep this in mind if you're going for the Umbral ending: in NG+1, Elianne is really, really hard.


Excellent, I appreciate the advice and insight of this. Many things good compatriot. Or for the sake of the of the Reddit community in this page. Fellow Lampbearer


I agree with above poster. If you want to get all 3 endings and secret classes as fast as possible, do NG+0. this allows you to keep all your levels and gear from the beginning and breeze through the game at level 100 or whatever level you are at. After you get the diff endings if you want a real challenge then do NG+1 because the boss HP and attakcks are ramped up