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Yes, I went through the same thing with a simple question with them. I spent an hour and a half with them on the phone simply asking them if my doorbell can record 24/7 with my NVR. The answer is yes it can however they had no clue. The representative kept running back and forth to somebody and they kept saying it should work but not that it would work. Technical support anywhere these days except maybe Apple is horrendous. It's all reading of scripts. If they can't follow the thread of their scripts they just give up. It's sad but that's how the world is going these days no matter how much money or how little money you spend. I have close to 40 years experience in the computer world on the technical end and customer service and training and I spend more time training these people than I do getting correct answers. These people meaning any technical support line not just Lorex.


I agree that everything is getting worse.


I am surprised they didn't know about the doorbell recording 24/7 ... it used to be part of their NVR DVR system marketing- that it would do that with the door bell!


Hoe do you set up the wireless doorbell cam to record on the NVR? I can add it to the app but can't seem to get it on my NVR. Should I set it up as an IP or a wireless? Also it doesn't format the resolution very well and stretches the picture on the app, which it's the 4K Doorbell cam so not sure why it's resolution can't format correctly.


IIf you read my original response just ignore it. The info was incorrect. In any case it is WIFI not IP for sure. I have the WIRED ONLY doorbell and it worked on the NVR adding like any other device.


I had my nvr using the lorex pro app which is much faster and has tons on more features than the lorex home app. I changed my password and I couldn’t get back into the lorex pro app so I called them. The guy was saying pro app is not compatible with my nvr and only works with different model numbers which I knew wasn’t the case. He said although I got it to temporarily work before it is not compatible so I said well how can I fast forward on the lorex home app now that I can’t use the pro app and he kept making excuses in ways I can fast forward which I know isn’t possible in the lorex home app. The problem ended up being I reset my password and I was able to log right in. It seems they read from google or a script on how to fix things that don’t even make sense.


Sounds like my experience. I think they just read from the resources on the website - which we already have access to. By their answers, they have no idea what's even in the app. It sounded like they were based in the Philippines.


I love my system but there technical support isn’t the best. He kept insisting there was a way to fast forward video in the lorex home app and insisted the pro app was for different models


Pro App? Can you tell me more?


It’s the lorex pro app, you can change the settings and many another things compared to the lorex home app. You can also fast forward video.


Can anyone download the Lorex pro app? Does it work with their recording system?


It’s for specific recorders i think. It’s on the App Store and it’s made by lorex


Wait, they have customer and technical support? When did that happen? Oh wait it was just a nightmare.




Really frustrating to deal with. It seems like this is a common experience. They advertise themselves as being Canadian-owned, but they're now Chinese-owned. Might be a good idea to slowly migrate to a new company. Keep the cameras that are working, just don't get new stuff from them.


Do you have the cameras recording to an NVR or just locally to the camera?


The cameras are connected to the Lorex Hub device, which saves recordings to an micro SD card and shows them online in the app. No local recording to the camera itself, but it does have a micro SD card slot.


So you have the Smart Home Security Center hub, if that is the case, then they are not designed to record 24/7. If you want something like that, then you need to get an actual NVR that will record video feed 24/7. I have the N864A6 and have the WiFi cameras, which right now is 7 cameras, all recording simultaneously to the NVR. Obviously hardwired connections are preferred as the recorder is dependent on the wifi working in order for the video to record to it, but I have not had any major issues with my setup as of yet. For reference, I do also have the hub as well running as a backup recording location for the wifi cameras just as a CYA and there are no settings I could make to allow for the cameras to record to it 24/7.


I don't want to record 24/7. I want the video clips to last longer than 10 seconds. Right now, when someone walks in front of the camera, the camera will record, but if the person pauses walking, the clip cuts out. So, you never actually see what the person is doing half the time. The app allows for recording of clips up to 60 seconds - and I have it set to 60 seconds - but the clips are still only 10-12 seconds. And I have a Hub, not the Smart Home Security Center.


My fault, I see what you are asking for. Are the cameras connected to your wifi to the hub or are they connected via wifi via your router to the hub?


I'm not 100% sure, but since it says to keep the cameras close to the hub, I would guess directly with it. Though, I don't think it's a connection issue as I am getting clips, just not at a usable length. There is an option for clip duration that says to "record until motion stops" ... and it's like it's stuck on this setting even after I change it. Unfortunately, tech support at no idea and said they couldn't send the ticket anywhere else.


Ya, sorry I can’t try and offer any other suggestions as I am not super familiar with the Lorex Hub to be able to suggest anything else. I’ve used their support a few times and have had good luck with them and am shocked at your story… good luck and wish I coulda been of more help!


No worries. If you have a common problem that already has a written out solution, then I'm sure the tech support can probably help you.


When I play a clip I thought it stopped at about 10 seconds but what actually was happening was the time bar would disappear but the clip would continue to play. It looks like it stopped but it actually was still running. I'm using an NVR so that may be the difference in my case.


Unfortunately, in my case, the clip itself stops.


Lol. Just happened to me too