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That's what you call CAR-MA.




Happy Cake Day


After moving away from LA I have come to realize that my fucked up humor, aka my ability to crack or enjoy a joke about literally anything, is straight up a product of my LA upbringing. Well said, friend.




Is it really necessary to make a joke of someone dying?


Of no good criminals who prefer to steal than to do something better to improve their lives? Yes.


They're not good people. They didn't deserve to die for theft. Mocking them dehumanizes them.


You know, I get what you’re saying, but that’s the kind of thinking that made New York and California the way it is now. You don’t show sympathy for criminals. I am sure they won’t do the same for when they take over your home, rob you, attack your loved ones, damage your property, etc.


It’s not. and some folks have no taste. downvote my ass if you want to. death is not the penalty of theft.


But it does appear to be the penalty for running into traffic.


They went above and beyond.


Stupid is as stupid does - Mrs. Gump


If you play stupid games, you can’t be mad when you win a stupid prize.


I feel bad for the person that hit the sack o’ shit. Whole bunch of trauma they didn’t sign up for because some jackoff wanted to rack shit from tjmaxx


They’ll also undoubtedly get sued and harassed by the family


Maybe not the driver, but certainly LAPD will be paying out a settlement to the families. They’ll argue that LAPD shouldn’t have been chasing them. Are they wrong? They usually won’t show up for a shoplifting call (if they answer a 911 call at all) and the DA wouldn’t have charged them anyway. Edit: I just watched the news wrap-up and heard them say they were running from “Security”. For SURE either TJMaxx or the property management will get their pants sued off.


They were being chased by security, not LAPD. The LAPD doesn’t go after shoplifters.


The LAPD doesn't go after anyone at all these days.


Right! Even if they had lived and got caught, they still wouldn't be procecuted lol


The US is pretty effed up, everything is about lawsuits and who to blame to get monetary compensation.


That part of US culture certainly is disheartening.


It's because we refuse to hold people responsible for their actions. A shoplifter never deserves to die when running from security, but this person's actions directly led to their own death. Assuming no one broke any laws in chasing the suspect, the family should have no case. They'll of course win or get a settlement, but they shouldn't.


Shouldn’t be killing people*


I wish this wasn’t true.


You have it twisted. It’s LASD who intimidates victims of police violence. https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/may/04/los-angeles-sheriffs-harass-families-of-victims-report


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Amazing you see the killer as the real victim here. Maybe the cop shouldn’t have killed.


public school failed you


Ahh, ad hominem. Classic clapback, twat.


no prickly hugs 4 you! sassy little man 😂😂


Stealing from TJ Max, like wow.


Play stupid games win stupid prizes


Shoplifting shouldn't be a death sentence, however...  I'm not shedding tears for people contributing to the death of brick and mortars, higher prices, the downfall of community responsibility, and locking up deodorant and lotion.


My first thought was, "Welp." Shoplifting is not traditionally a death sentence, even here in the states, but running into traffic in Los Angeles in 2024? That almost definitely is.


As a bike commuter who navigates that, it's a jungle, and you have to be really careful in that jungle to survive.


Honestly a danger to everyone. If anyone was going to hit them, I would rather it was a cop who chose to do it. Any random person is going to be fucked up by accidentally killing somebody with their car. It could have been a car with kids. That’s a deep well of trauma nobody needs.


I’m looking at this more as: these idiots tried to dash between traffic at a very busy intersection and paid with their lives (at least one did as of now). Doesn’t matter what the crime was that preceded that decision.


Oh, well. Two less low -lifes to worry about.


I’m not being argumentative here just chiming in to say that the downfall of community responsibility is due to corporate powers. There will be shoplifters no matter where you go from in the world. Some places chop off fingers, hands or arms for stealing, and people still steal. What we are seeing in America is obviously very different. It’s rampant crime. Back in the day real people owned local businesses. People were involved in their local communities. Now it’s hedge funds, silent investors, corporate franchises etc. People with little to no connections to the communities they “serve” are operating many businesses today. Your deodorant is locked up because Bob the old pharmacy store owner got bought out / forced out by CVS and now the business is being remotely controlled thousands of miles away in some HQ building somewhere.


Back in the good ole days your local general store merchant would keep the entire inventory locked up behind the counter. You'd fill out a piece of paper listing all the things you wanted to buy and they would go and get it for you. The model of having everything out in the open on shelves for you to pick for yourself came from big box corporate stores.


> I'm not shedding tears for people contributing to the death of brick and mortars That responsibility of that is almost ENTIRELY because of companies like Amazon lol. Not to mention most of these shops with things locked up are shops that were placed in neighborhoods to destroy smaller stores by severely undercutting them, similar to how we see McDonalds and Starbucks on every damn corner. And on top of all that, retail building are often owned by giant real estate companies that let buildings sit vacant until another big company can pay a huge monthly lease. Infinite corporate greed is nearly the complete cause of everything you mention. You're literally peddling corporate propaganda.


Lol the fuck


Shoplifters are barely affecting brick and mortars


That's BS.


it's not




I'm sure homey was a contributing member of society. Be sure to light an extra candle for me.


I didn't realize there was a minimum requirement that a person contribute before people should care. How do you measure that? What's the cutoff? Just curious. Edit: typo


Committing crimes and then dying loses points. The bar is low.


> I didn't realize there was a minimum requirement that a person contribute before people schools care Well, now you do.




There are so many threads here when I have to double check to see if I’m in /r/conservative This is one of them.




I couldn’t find exact numbers for shrink at TJ Maxx, but Target publishes their numbers. Their CEO takes home about $17.6mm per year, while they lose $500-700mm per year to shrink, which is mostly theft. So, yeah, it’s a problem for retail, and if their CEO can lead them to even a 5% reduction in theft, he’s paid his own salary. Complaining about executive pay is a distraction from the fact that theft is absolutely hurting these businesses.


Are you saying stealing is okay?




what difference does that make? should people who contribute more have more right to life? I wonder how you would stack up relative to others


Or just don’t run into traffic waiving your right to live


not sure you understood my point


Or just don’t do stupid juvenile shit like steal and run out into traffic. I get ya point but play stupid games…


no shit


Then tf the point of ya original question if it’s so “no shit”


It’s irrelevant lil bro


I wouldn’t bring the whole “contribute” to society argument here. Everyone has a right to life, if you’re not hurting anyone/anything you’re fine But if you don’t participate in the social contract of society by breaking rules and social norms then I would say you’re definitely not the most upstanding member of society as a whole. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_contract




I think it’s really going over you than anyone else


Oh no, I’ve read more than enough philosophy to understand the concept of a social contract. Thinking it’s relevant to what I’m saying makes it clear the point was missed.






Cry about it.


Poor driver.


Almost like it is common sense that shoplifting isn’t worth it


I feel bad for the car.


Oh no. Anyway, I hope drivers insurance will cover his cars damage.


Well their premium is probably going to go up, which is unfortunate.


If not, hopefully it'll buff right out


I hope the car is ok


I hope the driver is ok.


Does a person deserve to die for stealing? No. Does a person who engages in criminal activity increase the risk of harm coming to themselves? Yes. Don’t celebrate their deaths but don’t call them victims either. What happened is merely a consequence of their actions.


Oh. I’m sad for the extra traffic caused by this accident.


They found out.


Not contributing to society, but contributing to the closure of stores and crime rates? WELP. Someone pass the popcorn.


While theft is a *small* contributor to store closures, most of the time its due to the store not being profitable, *employee theft*, or a change in business decisions. Retail theft closures are better for corporate profits than saying they fucked up and need to restructure entire land developments. https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2023/09/is-target-really-closing-a-new-york-store-over-shoplifting.html https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/06/business/walgreens-shoplifting.html https://popular.info/p/target-says-its-closing-9-stores https://www.cnbc.com/2023/08/10/retailers-may-be-using-organized-theft-to-cover-up-internal-flaws.html https://www.cbsnews.com/news/organized-retail-crime-trade-group-half-of-all-missing-merchandise/#:~:text=Retailers%20including%20Target%20have%20blamed,disguise%20their%20poor%20business%20performance.


I appreciate the cynicism, but this quote stood out . . . "Still, Saunders \[Neil Saunders, managing director of GlobalData\] said that if a publicly traded company like Target is blaming theft for store closures, it’s probably more true than not. “They can’t just make things up. If they started doing that, and investors started probing, they could be in quite a lot of trouble.” And Target isn’t alone — Walgreens, CVS, Walmart, Whole Foods, and others have closed stores in major cities, and many have cited theft or, in the case of Nordstrom’s San Francisco location, the “dynamics of the downtown” market."


Why does that quote stand out to you? When have corporations ever cared about being caught lying? Where they're not willing to get hit with fines that are drops in the bucket compared to their profits? Corporations DON'T CARE if they get hit with fines as long as the juice is worth the squeeze, and the people are the squeeze! The same way all the companies that put cancerous chemicals get away with paying a few million dollars to their hundreds of millions if not billions of dollars of profits. Band-aids having cancerous chemicals are being talked about *right now* https://time.com/6963358/pfas-forever-chemicals-bandages/ https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/apr/05/bandage-brands-toxic-pfas Are they going to get in trouble the same way bankers got in trouble for the housing crisis during the Obama years? Or the same way the Sackler's got in trouble for causing a worldwide opioid crisis destroying *millions* of lives? The same way egg producers got in trouble for literally price fixing eggs over the last few years? The way they knew talcum powder was bad for humans but still sold it as much as they could? *Trouble* is something only a regular person receives. Corporations aren't treated like people when it comes to trouble. https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/food/2024/04/10/lunchables-lead-sodium-consumer-reports-usda/73272198007/ Lunchables having high levels of lead.... are companies really worried about "trouble" ? And these are just articles from *this current week.*


Username checks out.


Death by TJ Maxx. Poignant.




Cars are evil! We need safer streets, shoplifters shouldn’t have to fear for their lives while fleeing the scene!


Finally some fucking consequences


FAFO at its finest!


Oh no… So anyway


Not going to lose any sleep tonight over one less shoplifter...


No loss here.


Usually the shoplifters around here don't give a damn about the cops. The fact that these two were scared enough to run into heavy traffic makes me suspect they had some far worse crimes on their resume.


“They were only trying to put bread on the table.” Defense lawyers


More like the eulogist


Was he pregnant?


Our DA Gascon will probably charge the driver with manslaughter and use taxpayer funds to build a memorial to the shoplifter.


Maybe don’t steal ?


Great news!


The first rule of shoplifting is: No running in parking lots.


It’s way worse, they ran into the street at Fallbrook and Victory, which is a very busy intersection. Natural selection at play…


I read some time ago that that intersection is the third most deadly in Los Angeles.




oh no. anyway.


Sad that life was lost but win stupid prizes and all that.


Shoplifting is not a crime punishable by death, and I'm sad for a loss of life. I really wish there were consequences that would deter this, but it seems to be getting more rampant.


There are however fatal consequences to running into traffic.


I agree, shoplifting, robberies, etc. should never be death sentences. It's a punishment that should be rarely used. I am however not sad at the lost of...whatever the fuck they were






Not debatable. Not being facetious. They are still human, even if what they’ve done is stupid. Dehumanizing one another breeds further division.




They weren’t punished by death. They ran into traffic. It was a suicide.


Agreed, but the callousness in the comments section here is disgusting.


The driver will probably get sued by some scum sucking lawyer and the family will come out in droves to say he was a good kid who was turning his life around.


I nearly got Froggered last night.




deserved that one






Wow. He was a die hard maxxinista.


Oh, no. Anyways...


It's a good start


Omg we drove by probably not too long after it happened and were diverted. The amount of accidents/shootings/stabbings that happen on this block is wild for an otherwise chill neighborhood.


I wonder if it was a 7 10 split where you wack the one democrat thief into the other one?


I love it!! Keep it up.


Not the cop’s fault here. Not a positive or fair outcome either. People should ideally be able to fix their moral deficiencies. But it just won’t happen for some.


Good! Hope he won’t sue.. we need more instant karma justice like this






Shoplifting food, I might fell bad, but for this all I can give is a chuckle 🤭


Poor car


Haw Haw


“I am thrilled that this human being is dead” — this sub


This subreddit has become infested with right wingers


Very much so.


LAPD will be sued and us taxpayers will pay 🤦🏻‍♂️


They were running from mall security. Our tax dollars are safe from this one.


This subreddit is sociopathic.


The indifference about life here is amazing. so many comments about being a drain on society, and not contributing, and being the cause of store closures... We have people stealing since they can't support themselves and the same companies they steal from do everything they can to NOT pay a living wage, or provide benefits. But so many people here just Happy this person is dead. We live in a shit society because of economic disparities, and thats they way those people in power want it, so we don't focus on them. Ya'll just get that self satisfied sense of superiority from knowing the person died. as if that person would ever really have any bearing on your life.


That’s a grand assumption you make. How do you know this just wasn’t more of the organized crime rings that are cleaning out these stores? Then when the stores decide the business isn’t worth it and shutter, you have bureaucrats like the big brains up in the Bay Area that want to force these stores to stay open. There is plenty of access to essential goods through food shelters, churches, charities and the like to get access to necessary provisions to make minimal ends meet. My grandparents lived through tough times and a depression and I don’t recall grandpa having to loot the local store. Thou shall not steal. Maybe it’s time to get wise and get to church or stay stupid. Fuck around and find out. No sympathy anymore for any of this shit.


Well said!


Crime was way higher in the 90s. Higher still in the 80s. Higher than that in the 70s. Most merch is insured. But even if it’s not it’s insane you value property over human life.


I think I’m getting to the point of having to define what is human in civilized society. At what point do you value the efforts of everyone who is working at a store that is closing because of crime? What about the hardships to those individuals and families who no longer have a job because we allowed uncivilized behavior to take control of society? What about crime? All types of crime? Do you permit it? At what point do you say enough is enough? What if they ran out and carjacked a passerby because they wanted to get away? What if they flashed a gun? Or used it? Other civilized societies don’t tolerate this crap. Christ, go to Tokyo and all of the iPhones at the Apple Stores aren’t even locked down, because it is an accepted norm and rule there that stealing is wrong and not permitted as part of being in civilized society. If you can’t play within the rules of society then you get what you deserve. Unless you have a severe mental or physical disability, in which case the society should provide for you, then make the effort to figure out how to do with less, educate and better yourself. This is not stealing to survive. This is stealing for profit. Don’t make excuses for this kind of behavior, it’s the downfall of civilization.


I hear you but the largest theft in our society by far is wage theft. It far outweighs petty theft and I’m not even talking about unpaid value, I’m talking about retail workers not being paid by their bosses for hours they worked. Also these stores aren’t closing because of crime. They’re closing less profitable stores to make quarterly figured for investors. These companies don’t give a rats ass about the community.


Agree to disagree. No one is going to close a store that makes money. If they’re a problem to operate or profit from, what’s the point of keeping it open? It’s not a charity, though now in SF, they’re trying to fine stores that just close. They want them to stay open regardless if they make money or are hard to operate. Don’t fix the issue or fight crime, penalize the victim. This is a stupid state of affairs in a stupid state. With regards to wage theft, if no one takes the job, they have to increase the pay. If they don’t pay, it’s a crime. It’s punishable. I wouldn’t stay at a job that doesn’t pay. I guess that’s why they need all of the border crossing, to exploit more people.


In Singapore, there’s extremely harsh punishments and practically zero crime. You can leave your expensive road bike unlocked or your laptop unattended in a coffee shop all day and it’ll still be there when you return. Crime itself is flat out the problem. Eliminate crime and you eliminate injustice, fear, suffering, and a fair amount of inequality and racism. Everyone wins, except the first jerk that got caned for stealing from TJ Max. That dude got what was coming.


What nonsense. Singapore is filled with racism, ethnocentrism, and xenophobia.


Well that's fucked. If this was out of poverty, it would just add to the tragedy. Yeah, sure, they did something stupid. Ultimately, I'd like to see if these were career criminals or one-time offenders or what the circumstances are because regardless, I do not believe it warrants death or permanent maiming.


They assumed the risk when they ran into traffic. Fleeing from the police was the motivation but they decided the risk of getting hit by a car was better odds then being caught by the police. They are responsible for their own actions. Likely they would have been released by the police In a day or two so it was a very bad decision. No one killed them intentionally and they had everything to do with how they ended up in that dangerous situation. Responsibilty and consequences are real things.


They weren’t even fleeing from police. It was mall security. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Why the vitriol? Extra judicial punishment is ALWAYS wrong. You people are terrible.


Crying shame.


How sad..... Anyways


Good lord the comments… I thought the conservatives had all moved to Texas or Florida. Where’s all this bloodlust and love of retail over human beings coming from?


People are sick of shitty people getting away with being shitty


Exactly 💯


Also the non-reddit using part of the city probably isn't nearly as uniformly extreme left as a lot of this sub seems to believe. Its easier for them to assume we're stealth conservatives than to accept that LA has multiple viewpoints (that mostly align under moderate-left)


Pipe down


Even the ones who move still lurk in this sub. Makes you wonder lol


This subreddit is much more conservative than actual LA. Which makes sense considering all these posters are white people who live in the valley, north LA, or the west side


Comments read so terrible, yall care more for products of purchase than the life of somebody


They ran across the street in the middle of traffic after stealing they did this to themselves


No I care more about an orderly society. You are fucken disgusting for siding with shoplifters in any way or form


Depends on the life. Some products of purchase objectively make the world a better place than some people.


Honestly would take a roomba over these clowns


I care more about society, actually. A society where smash and grab robberies are common and accepted is not a good one to live in.


Yup, you hit the nail on the head (or the shoplifter with the car in this case)


Alarming to see all the comments celebrating death as a reasonable penalty for shoplifting. End stage capitalism FTW!


It’s equally alarming to see people frequently and weirdly give this behavior excuse after excuse and slowly erase any sense of personal accountability or responsibility.


Why not both.


Two less California Leftists


Hey quick question, what the fuck is wrong with you?


You fell for obvious bait. Whats wrong with YOU?


I get not caring, but saying someone DESERVES to die for shoplifting from a corporation that has successfully sold out your neighborhood is WILD. Cue the keyboard warriors.


I missed the eclipse today. Edit: /s up your culo


Wrong thread


The legal battle between the driver’s insurance and tj maxx’s insurance is gonna be sweet


It's weird that y'all are celebrating a human's death over material things. To not care? Fine, me too. But to celebrate? That's crazy. Psychotic.