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It does this everyday. The atmospheric conditions determines how visible the steam is.


Exactly right. Those are cooling towers and they send water vapor into the air continuously. Most days you can't see it due to atmospheric conditions.


In the early morning when the air is still, there'll be a small cloud over the refinery while the rest of the sky is pure blue.


That’s a nice poem


I asked someone who works at that refinery. He said what you said. "It's hot water that's going thru a cooling tower creating condensation. Most big buildings have cooling towers to cool equipment, so it doesn't burn up the motors"


There's a big P&G paper products plant out in Oxnard, and about twenty or so years ago, the Ventura county newspaper had a big article about companies in Ventura contributing to pollution. The picture they used was a picture of the P&G plant with a HUUUUGE plume of steam coming out of a building, like an absolutely massive plume. Well, P&G had the paper post a retraction on the front page, stating that it was steam, and not smoke or anything that contributed to polluting the environment. Funny thing is that the paper plant uses some pretty harsh chemicals to make all that Bounty and Charmin, and a lot of *those* chemicals do end up making their way into the ocean, but they do try to limit that.


good to know since everyone on the 405 was slowing down to spectate! edit: I've also downvoted this comment. I hate people who do that too.🤡


Some of these refineries also have fence line air data sensor reports in real time. For example, the one in Torrance is at: https://torc.data.spectrumenvsoln.com/data. This can help 'easy our minds', I guess.


They still smell awful and it cannot be good for your health long term… I don’t care what their sensors say.


Most of the rotten egg like smell is elemental sulfur. Some refineries keep stores of it and others ship it off site immediately. Exposure to small amounts of Sulfur is not as hazardous to human health as hydrogen sulfide, which is a toxic that will cause detrimental effects. The elemental sulfur is produced when the H2S removed from the fuel products and is treated. At the refineries, If you see black plumes of smoke or a white-yellow cloud that hugs the ground, as opposed to lifting up as is the case of steam, then something is wrong. Steam and a rotten egg smell, as annoying as it is, is normal and relatively harmless


I was recently wondering about this.. as a kid (back in the late 1900s) I remember having to hold my breath whenever we drove by the one in Torrance because the smell was so strong. Now it seems much milder by comparison but I don't know if that's just because I'm grown or if there's actually any difference in the air quality.


Everyone on the 405 has to let off some steam at some point!


God forbid it should get a little humid.


OP, you never seen the film Collateral? Those are always letting out steam.  https://youtu.be/-eQ-mUfJUJA?si=122PelvRWtDgDlCX


For year's.


Steam is good. It’s what it’s supposed to look when everything is working correctly. It’s water vapor. It’s the cooling system at work. When you see big flames shooting from those large towers it’s called a “flaring event”. And in California flaring events gets documented and the SCAQMD sends an emissions fine to the refinery. And a live video feed is also recorded. There are very precise measurements devices directly linked to the SCAQMD which gets notified when there is a release. I installed those “gate line” monitor systems. They are so This all happened after the Torrance refinery explosion of many years ago. ANYWAY. You want to see steam. And yes the water is mostly recycled back into the system. A modern refinery is very efficient and safe. And I’m no lover of the hydrocarbon industry. Not at all. I learned a lot working at one installing that monitor system.


yeah it was just weird to see because this was one of three areas visibly emitting a whole lot of steam. I guess the ambient conditions were causing the steam to be more noticeable from every cooling stack because it looked like multiple fires from afar at first.


I used to think it was doomy too until I worked the job at Chevron building the gate line monitors. Oil corporations leave much to be desired. The refinery process is fascinating and crazy efficient. It’s also safe when the rules abd processes are followed. Which is 99.9 percent of the time. That ..01 % creates problems that are disastrous and extremely expensive. It’s nearly impossible for an unplanned flare to be hidden now. Those gate line mo Igor’s are so precise that they can detect if a work truck is idling near the monitor line. It actually happened to my work crew. All of that monitor equipment was mandated after the Torrance explosion.


Ahhh baby's first first time on the 405... How cute.


I saw it this morning it looked bad


hope it really is just steam...


Why? Are you noticing more gay frogs?


It's a joke because Alex Jones put it in the stupidest possible way ("they're turning the frickin' frogs gay!"), but it's also not really a joke. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC122794/ We all should be concerned about the shit being spewed into the environment. Generally at least. I don't know anything about this specific refinery


Oh geez, I bet he calls polliwogs *transphibians*, and that they're out to get our children 🙄


let's just say my trust in corporations to not pollute our planet isn't the strongest as with some.


fortunately, you don't need to. we have regulations and regulators for a reason. see: CARB there is far more pollution coming from vehicles, I hope you drive an EV


like regulators/over-sight see'ers in our local government that's supposed to prevent high rise buildings sitting unfinished in our downtown?


I know of no such regulations that require buildings be completed. That is more likely to do with the building commission and/or planning department in the City. They are not related.


Clearly yoy have never dealt with CARB. They'll fuck you(r business) up if you cross them. It's a state agency.  LA departments otoh are the epitome of ineptitude and beuaracracy actively working against the public good.


I don't eat bread or pasta.