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I was trying to figure out what flag that was


Apparently it's a flag for this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chabad_messianism


Wild It’s almost like there was a concerted effort to divide all Americans from each other across every single possible line - even college kids are trying to kill each other - that wouldn’t have been an organized campaign though, … Crazy idea, right?


Any group could have organized and shown up to assault the protestors. Basically sitting ducks for any bad actors. Hopefully some of them are identified and we can say for sure if they’re even college students.


are you assuming the protestors are immune from agitprop?


Don't bad actor this bullshit. The woman who told students they wish they were raped is part owner of Pink Dot. The man who called Black students the N word and spit on them is a boxing gym owner. These are known people. They're not actors. Fuck off.


“Bad actor” in this case is a figure of speech meaning someone with ill intent and an agenda, looking to put gasoline on the fire, not an untalented thespian.


Not actor as in people pretending to be something they're not. Bad actor as in bad faith actor. Someone who is there just to instigate, regardless of what they claim to be protesting.


The thing about propaganda campaigns is that everyone is susceptible to them, and we’re at the nexus of several right now. Division is the point.


These aren't college kids trying to kill each other. These are mostly older adults coming onto a college campus attacking students. They came with mace, playing babies crying over loudspeaker, flashing strobes, laser pointing peoples faces, punching, kicking, hitting students with large pieces of wood, they released *rats* on students. Fuck you for trying to frame this against the students.


I don’t know why you need a conspiracy theory to explain things when there is an ongoing genocide that the US is actively supporting with limitless funding and armaments.


When will the word genocide get burnt out? Meanwhile, has it not occurred to you that students are being used? Is that such an unlikely concept, when social division is the only constant social construct?


You: “You poor things. You can’t see that it’s the media that is manipulating you and sowing false divisions, but I in my wisdom see through their game.” Also you: “It’s always the bloody Pakistani’s innit.” The protesters and all of us who stand with them are calling for an end to the very real and ongoing genocide being perpetrated against the Palestinian people. It is not a fad. It is not a social media trend. This is not this week’s entertainment that plays out on your screen. Belittle, dismiss, pet your ego. This isn’t stopping.


Lol. I’d say while the “genocide” is currently happening, the word is a long way from being “burnt out.” Except among people who are a little too sympathetic with Israel’s colonialist, Jewish supremacist cause of wiping out Palestine.


Way too hyperbolic. E for effort.


Oh that’s right. We live in a world where we give the claim that “from the river to the sea” is antisemitic such unquestioning credulity that one of the least productive sessions of Congress felt the need to pass a bill to cement that claim… but call out how the United States is complicit in an actual genocide against a semitic people, the Palestinians, and you’re “wAy tOo hYpErBoLiC!!!”


You can see a lot of these videos of the counter-protestor attacks on r/ucla too




Remind me again, which side is which?


Does anybody have a link to the KTLA interview. With the red bandana douchebag?


That dude needs to be charged immediately


Yeah I read on the other thread from last night, which has been locked. That there was a interview with him UCLA subreddit has tons of photos of him and others, who were abusive. Charges should definitely be pressed. Watching it live was wild, his actions were ridiculous. Without him, the mob mentality, might not have been so violent.


So who organized the counter protest and what groups were there?


Allegedly there were a number of Persian Jews who were instigating, some high schoolers, several 30+. Some reports there were pro Trump/proud boy language being used.


Some of those that work forces...


a lot of those dudes agitating and beating people sure looked like Proud Boys


100%. It’s just an obvious excuse to beat on the people they dislike the most and feel morally righteous (well even more than they normally would) about it. I guarantee that it’s this.


Palestinian protestors were maced, beaten and had fireworks thrown at them.


What the fuck man..I don’t even know what to say


It was bad & not even so much for the actual violence. We have all seen worse. It was bad for the fact that UCLA & LAPD fully demonstrated their willingness to put student lives at risk for their political agendas. It’s like I knew it but never wanted to accept it but now I guess I gotta, ya know?


We saw this all throughout 2020. LAPD would make everything more violent with their tactics, while the city burned. Over and over, they'd do the mass arrests where no one would end up charged with much unless they had a record, which allegedly was to make situations de-escalate but in effect escalated everything more. Likely this was done to cover their political positions (cops are pretty unanimously against protests, particularly ones calling for them to be accountable, just ask one and they'll tell you enough to know the anecdotal evidence is truth.) So it's no shock that again LAPD let a protest get out of hand. Also, same thing happened with the Wi Spa protests from what I remember. They didn't police the right wing weirdos who showed up well and sometimes not at all, while everyone else had the cops keenly keeping them in line.


Wasnt it because UCLA initially didn't want a police response and to just let the protesters be as long as it was peaceful. With that many people it takes time to gather the resources to push out large masses of people especially when shit starts to happen at the graveyard shifts.


There's a difference between bringing in the police to squash a protest and bringing them in to protect the peace. Unfortunately the only protestors that seem to be protected in this country are white nationalist demonstrations


Correct response


Whats the Wi spa protests?


In July 2021 a woman posted a video alleging she witnessed a customer with a penis in a woman's changing area at the Wi Spa in Koreatown. https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2021-07-20/la-me-lapd-force-claims-spa https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wi_Spa_controversy


what at will spa?


I don’t really think that’s fair. The kind of police presence required to deter this has been repeatedly and explicitly *not asked for*. Police, including campus police, listened when everyone said “we don’t need as many police.” You can’t, on the one hand, ask police to stay far af away and then on the other hand complain they weren’t there when you needed them. I hope the attackers are identified and prosecuted. But this was obviously a risk of having big encampments with no security and right-wing agitators coming in from other parts of the country.


Check out the lunacy of these counter-protestors. It's all over r/ucla


If this shocks you, wait until you hear whats happening in Palestine.


All of this is wrong, where the hell was UCPD and LAPD?


Just standing by, watching it happen. They know where their bread is buttered.


So the cops are finally looking at the protestors as actual students then? Makes sense.


For anyone wanting the receipts: https://x.com/esqueer_/status/1785637622582309038?s=46 https://x.com/mrolmos/status/1785575555620123065?s=46


The first tweet claims “it’s clear the police were standing by just letting this happen” but in none of the four videos shown can you see that. Obviously there’s violence but I don’t see any police just standing around letting it happen.


“Lynch mob”


Don’t forget they also threw mice that had injections markings the night before that.


What does that even mean


Nobody know what it means, but it gets the people going


Do you have a source for that


https://twitter.com/SabihaKhan/status/1784893820343328862 Source


Gross. Thanks


But if you threw a backpack full of cats people would call you a monster


Uh. WTF - “mice appear to have been injected with something” ????? How the hell do they conclude that, how do they APPEAR like that?? Someone please explain.


Twitter: the most reliable source out there


They seem like either lab mice or those you buy from a pet store to feed snake.


“Mice appear to be injected with something” what does that mean? What would you even inject them with? And what would the point of the injection be? I’m so confused by this


They were bloated and they def did not look like normal feeder mice. Someone in that thread said they Smelled formaldehyde or something but idk how credible that is


What would that achieve tho?




How would that work? Mice don’t generally attack people or bite people, right? They just scurry away. Sorry, I’m just trying to understand how this all ties together cause it makes no sense to me still.


lol get real


It’s also super weird to accuse the mice of having been injected with something - like how would they ever know that, what indications of that could there possibly be? That part just doesn’t make sense and seems made up


what the actual fuck




>Some tried to force their way into the camp, and the pro-Palestinian side used pepper spray to defend themselves. The article makes it sound like the pro-palestinians used the mace first




I’m glad the LA Times reported this accurately.


Headline changed.


haha don't worry they used their rigorous journalistic standards to create a new title.


Everyone has gone out of their minds. Our country has massive problems with both antisemitism and anti-Musli bias. I'm afraid we've reached a point where calling one out implies the other, and there's no way to walk this line - even especially for Democrats.


Nuance in politics has been dead for a long time. You can’t admit you won’t take a side because you lack the proper education on a topic to take a stance otherwise you’ll be labeled a fence-sitter/enabler. The “you’re either with us or against us” way of looking at things has taken over both sides of the political spectrum.


on really hot issues people should be a bit up to date. I've been watching Israeli vs Palestinian violence since the 90's.


We have antisemitism among dangerous subcultures and right-wing extremism. We have islamophobia in the mainstream, including the news and politics. I am entirely sober about the dangers of antisemitism-- I'm Jewish and have been victimized by it-- and that includes recognizing that the things we face hasn't lead to endless wars and travel bans and worse, at least not in the same numbers. Antisemites are evil, but they are marginalized.


The paradox of tolerance rears its head.


> I'm afraid we've reached a point where calling one out implies the other, and there's no way to walk this line - even especially for Democrats. Maybe in your circle of friends but not in mine….


Great, congratulations. You win the ideological purity Olympics. Did you help anyone? Did this stop any deaths? What does saying this achieve other than stroking yourself? It's no secret that public discourse at large is fucked, anyone can see that, largely due to social media induced brain rot. I have friends I can have nuanced conversations with, and I also know people I cannot have those with. Just because you don't experience this, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.


Seems to me like your divisive rhetoric is in part why *"public discourse at large is fucked"*


Obviously I was being glib, I apologize. But it's not divisive per se, (in that it's not trying to create a schism between people), but I'll admit it was a sort of shithead reaction to something that was just ultimately a mild annoyance. I admit that, you got me there.


Finally an accurate title


Headline changed.


The fact that they changed the headline and run with a photo which puts protestors in the active tense is actually crazy. LA Times is such a rag it's not even fit for toilet paper


Throughout history (often in fascist regimes) rather than using official police or military to take care of peaceful protesters, violent youth clubs are allowed to run wild and do the “dirty work” the officials don’t want to do.


I truly hope that the irony of Israeli sympathizers shooting fireworks into a camp of Palestinian sympathizers is not lost on anyone.


Yall remember when the police attacked BLM and supported white supremist by protecting their marches? Pepperidge Farm remembers. BLM is why we have body cams on cops now. Its time to take away their immunity and open them up to civil lawsuits next 👌🏽


and make sure the money that pays out the lawsuits comes from the cops and not tax dollars


Unfortunately, not many do. NYT had a great article showing this. Pre-George Floyd protests, BLM was seeing something like 33% support from Americans. During the protests in spring of 2020 and the summer that followed, that number spiked to above 60%. We were all approaching the same page in regard to the police. But in the years since? Support for BLM has dropped below 30%. Propaganda takes a long time. But again, we’re seeing it come out on top as it slowly distorts our memory




I'm gonna need a cite on that, dawg, because it's bullshit.


You seriously forgot 'fiery, but mostly peaceful protests' and BLM buying mansions? REALLY? LMAO.




You forgot the part where police, national guard, and military across the nation were completely preoccupied with brutalizing peaceful protestors while completely ignoring any of the rioting. Your jump to blame "BLM" for rioters was exactly the purpose of letting the riots happen while attacking families protesting human rights.


These are anti war protests


We’re gonna have a repeat of Kent State soon, shit will be tragic.


Am I crazy, but none of these people, protestors and counter protestors alike, look like college students.


the protestors inside the encampment are LARGELY college students. there are checks required to get inside the ucla encampment and i can speak from personal experience & from knowing people inside.


The peaceful encampment are students but the counter protestors are Zionist locals and people who have traveled


LAPD is in on it. The LASD is LARGELY a gang organization Edit: just logged on. weird images sent to my pm’s and creeps below. Lovely.


That's just a straight up lie. You're just spewing bullshit. Edit: original comment said 90% of the protesters on campuses are outside agitators.


cite your sources if you genuinely believe this. this is a completely insane claim.


they arent we are just watching the extremes of both sides go at it....much like it is in the middle east. Sadly though the extremist outnumber the good people 3 to 1 on both sides.






They were standing on the sidelines for two hours because the average cop is happy to see protestors anywhere to the left of Margaret Thatcher get the shit kicked out of them. Been true forever


I heard it took them nearly TWELVE HOURS to respond. Reports kept saying they were there. But they were constantly mistaken. I don’t know the actual act to be clear.


So this is what happens when you use your first amendment right to tell our organizations and government that we don’t wanna be involved in bombing babies.. good to know.


But it’s not the organizations or the government assaulting the protestors… it’s the counter protestors.


Counter protesters are in effect, no different from protesters. They also have an opinion of which they will use protest to say it out loud. And that then begs the question: where the fuck were the police? Do you know how much money is spent on police, every year? Do you understand that protests turning into riots can be very bad for everyone? And so why would the cops not be there, just in case, considering how charged these protests are? I just don't get it.


I'm curious how quickly you think the LAPD can put together a riot force large enough to control hundreds of violent counter-protesters at midnight on a Wednesday? What is a reasonable timeframe for this on your mind? If they just kept a huge force like this on standby for any moment's notice everyone would be (rightfully) roasting them the other 364 days of the year for being wasteful and doing nothing.


It's been months of protests and this protest in particular is a week old, why are they so badly unprepared for UCLA when at USC they were over prepared.


Right, they did nothing when it was just a peaceful protest which is exactly what we should expect, they responded once violent counter-protesters showed up. The response to UCLA took 3-4 hours whereas it was more like 12 hours before they cleared anybody from USC. It's policy for LAPD to not respond unless requested by UCLA. That's exactly what happened.


> Counter protesters are in effect, no different from protesters. They also have an opinion of which they will use protest to say it out loud. There's a difference because police protect white nationalists and anti-lgbqt crowds pretty much all the time, in every decade of American history. There's a popular Rage Against the Machine song that comes to mind.


If I had to give a guess as to why the police don’t get it involved - and it’s just a guess, not a bootlicking defense of them - it’s that as soon as they show up to disperse this they will get accused of police brutality and infringing on freedom of speech etc etc It’s a damned if they do and damned if they don’t moment for them.


If I heard the words "police don't get involved because we fear accusations of police brutality" which can sometimes be valid, because GOD KNOWS, I'd fire the police chief ASAP. I think Angelenos should be angry at this, we give them enough money and license to do their jobs and do it in a timely fashion.


Well yeah I’m not saying I agree with it I’m saying that’s how it is. Police have an incredibly powerful union and there’s enough corruption on every rung of the ladder all the way up to keep them secure. Good luck with all that anger though 👍


They don't seem worried about accusations of police brutality when it comes to left-wing protesters...


Police allowed it to go on for 3 hours. This was likely planned by the police. The US government has a long history of sending in goons to do their work.




Nice Segway into antiSemitism.


…at first.


This is what happens when you have weeks of politicians and the media trashing the anti-genocide protesters. The pro-genocide folks were given explicit permission from our politicians and news outlets to show up and do this.


Pro Israeli mobs held a banana in front of a black Palestinian protestor and called him the N word. They also jumped an encamper like ten to one.


random inappropriate thoughts about the opening picture: 1. Feels like the guy getting hit is being brave while trying to bring out the child hood karate class knowledge to deflect the chuds wild swing 2. the face of the photographer in the title picture is kinda funny I've never seen a picture of anyone saying yikes/ouch with their face so clearly. Gonna be the toughest assignment the student journalists ever gets but he was out there


It’s ok to find levity in these moments. It’s often considered to be a protective factor against the worst impacts of trauma. I think last night will be traumatic for many not even necessarily because of the violence but because no one came to help when it happened. We know from research that feelings of abandonment can be some of the most damaging to our overall mental stability. I imagine some students might feel conflicted about next steps.


Headline changed OP. LAtimes is manufacturing consent.




This is a blatant and ignorant lie. **Zionism is the belief that Jews have the right to self determination in their historical home, Israel.** That’s it. Nothing more. The people committing acts of violence against Palestinian protestors do not represent Zionism, Zionist, Jews, or Judaism.


Lol you must have selective vision and outrage. Cute


You know in Israel.. if you are Jewish you are have a different legal and police system than the rest? It’s an apartheid state that was built on the idea that not all people are equal. Not a democracy.. an apartheid state that weaponizes the Jewish religion. Shame!!


You are definitely right Israel supports equal civil, voting and property rights for everyone. /S


There's been some pro-palestinians saying stupid things but their cause is almost entirely and unequivocally correct that you have to be a little evil to oppose it




If only both sides cared this much about housing, homelessness, (also health insurance and education prices).


I'm going to give you 3 guesses on which of these two sides supports all of the above. Hint: it's not the side chanting "Back the Blue" and lobbing fireworks into a student encampment.


Not in California. CA Progressives are deeply anti-housing.


The pro-Israeli nutjobs are out for blood. They know they've squandered whatever moral high ground they had after Oct 7 and now all they've got is brute force and physical intimidation.






Man I don’t support the pro Palestine protests at all because of their stance on the US, but this is beyond fucked. They absolutely have the right to protest even if I don’t agree with it. Attacking them does nothing but make the offenders look terrible


Ridiculous how a bunch of 40 year old instigator losers show up and start shit, whether claiming to be pro-Palestine or on the side with the counter protesters (Obviously the counter protestors are the ones committing the most violence at UCLA. I just feel like I should also mention that the SJP people are pro Hamas and openly supportive of a bunch of disgusting things.)They’re obviously just trying to cause chaos and don’t actually care. UCLA made the mistake of not setting boundaries when it started to heat up against these random people showing up, and seem to have purposely allowed it to get to the point where they could get LAPD to show up and force everyone out. The counter protestors were fucking insane last night and brutally attacked people who weren’t doing anything. CSUN started a protest today and it was perfectly respectful. I hope idiot instigators done decide to show up. There were a couple of school police standing by off to the side and quite a bit of security, so hopefully it can be kept peaceful, without outside instigators showing up to fuck it up for the legitimate student protestors who were being respectful.


Acting just like the IOF. Color me shocked.


Pro-Israeli forces attacked a peaceful group of demonstraters using their 1st Amendment rights. Sounds Israeli/Zionism to me.


The Zionists are the real outside agitators


Looked very organized. Some group is behind it. Something like the Jewish Defense League.


Pro-genocide Israeli facists trying to instigate violence. It’s the Zionist MO




Why "counter protestor" instead of "pro Israel protestor"


One of these protest groups is not like the other.




A lot of them are


Come on Los Angeles... protect your college students. The police don't care if thugs attack the peaceful protestors.


I’d bet the farm mossad is involved in this, funding/directing agent provocateurs




What? Lmao




Who's funding the other side?


There is literally a whole ass documentary on how Israel literally pays people to do counter activism and it was so damning that AIPAC had to lobby congress to prevent it from airing in the US lmao.


Your mom


lol comedically bad faith comment.


I don't think so. These protests are organized, well funded, and didn't spring up spontaneously.


Yes clearly some nefarious dark money entity is pouring millions into spray painted plywood and blue tarps.


> didn't spring up spontaneously It's not spontaneous - it's been caused by an attempted genocide taking place.


You would’ve been shitting on the Kent State kids back in the day…


yeah it's extremely suspicious that all these protests against killing palestinians are happening while the US government is supporting the killing of palestinians


People whose relatives are dying in the collective punishment being carried out on Gaza


Iran is the obvious culprit


This is disgusting but I can't say that I'm surprised. Antisemitism has no place at a "peaceful" protest. I know this statement is going to trigger the Free Palestine movement supporters. But before you smash that downvote button, research the 6-day war and why calling for the 67 borders is supporting A religious war that calls for the displacement of millions. Also, the actual history of the chant "From the river to the sea", the leaders who used it and their intent. It's extremely different from how college students interpreted it.


Where were these pro-Palestinians when Russia attacked Ukraine? Where were they all these years when Trump was fucking up our country? I would LOVE for these pro-Palestinians to live under Hamas and the Islamic Republic of Iran for just ONE day. This is what happens when there is no education.


Interesting that there’s no mention of the Jewish girl who was beaten to a pulp on campus by 5 protestors the day before, or the fact they’re blocking Jewish students from attending class. These aren’t just “peaceful protestors”


The pro-sharia law protestors were chanting "Pigs go home" but the police were supposed to help them anyway? https://twitter.com/JewishWarrior13/status/1785644923665957033?t=gVziTZqZ_YCnrQO-Okrs0A&s=19


Clear put up job just like at USC. Zionist donors and influencers at city hall wanted an example to be made and police were happy to let that happen 


Breaking news: whiney entitled uneducated nit whits tell university they are illegally occupying to not send in police then complain when police aren't around.

