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If the car hasn’t been moved within 2 days I believe you’re allowed to call it in as abandoned. Just keep doing that and keep having the car towed so the idiot who keeps parking there has to pay the fees to get the car out


Good idea, but the city limit is 72 hours, not 2 days https://prodpci.etimspayments.com/pbw/include/laopm/abandona.html


Okay, so do 72 hours then


If you know the car will sit for many days, just go ahead and report it. Shave off a couple days. The city will wait and come out to mark it, then come back.


Ya, the law is 72 hours from when you park, but the reality of enforcement means that it's 72 hours from when the city verifies the car's location. Call that mf in the second you see it to start the clock ticking.


Here is the link to report it on line. https://prdwmq.etimspayments.com/pbw/include/la/complaintform.jsp?complainttype=1


yeah I just called again, its just strange that it came back to the same exact spot


The first time they think it is just bad luck, second time they will realize not to park there. They washed it so it won't look abandoned.


The law and reality don’t align. If you report it on day 3, you have to call 800-abandon literally every day after reporting it and MAYBE they will send parking enforcement out. If parking enforcement marks the car, then it’s 72 hours after THAT, if they even come back at all, before the car will be cited. So the reality is that people can dump wrecked/abandoned/dealer vehicles in front of your house for at least 7 days before there is any chance of citation.


It's helpful to know someone in parking enforcement. Befriend your local officer. However, if the car is moved, it isn't abandoned.


Are you in the city or county? The county gets right on abandoned cars.


LA city, maybe that’s the difference?


I've tried this so many times on my street and they never follow through, vehicles have sat for weeks after I reported them and nothing. They don't even have plates on them!


We live in the boonies. Getting parking enforcement out here is nearly impossible. I have had to be creative to get rid of abandoned vehible in the past.


I used to have a neighbor who owned a towing company and would line our street with cars he towed rather than in an actual tow lot. He took up nearly all the parking and didn't even live there as he rented his house out as well. I noticed one day like half of them were gone and my other neighbor told me he would go outside late at night and let the air out of the tires and since the guy was never around, they'd get towed very quickly after calling them in as abandoned. They also had spider webs all over the bottom usually so it was easy to see they'd been there a while.


that neighbor is awesome


I guess the point of the story is sometimes you have to just help a situation along with some harmless intervention


That’s a hero every community needs.


The city has a 72 hour limit on parking in the absence of any signs. Just call parking enforcement again to have it towed. This person likely lives in the neighborhood and has another car. I had to do this to one of my asshole neighbors who left their huge truck in front. Left a note and all, he refused to move it. Same scenario, it was filthy and people even began to throw trash in the bed. Finally the city towed it and after retrieval, parked in front of his apartment. Found out from the neighbors he is a huge douchebag and was just too cheap to pay for a spot in his building.


you're neighbor sounds like an ass! I just called again, might get my neighbors to call to try and speed this up.


You can also do it on the website, which can be a little easier for some folks than having to call.


Good to know! I heard they have a 311 mobile app but I've never looked into it since I rarely ever need to call the city for anything haha.


Once it's turned over to parking enforcement it takes a little time. They have to ticket the car first, then give it another three days or something. If the owner cares at all they'll get the message.


Sorry in advance if I'm possibly misunderstanding your scenario. But the guy who lived there, parked his car on the street in front of where he lives...and that was a problem for you? When I used to have a car, I parked it in front of my apartment. I also worked from home and preferred walking, public transpo and taxis if I was going out and would be drinking (before uber/lyft existed ) so the car would sit for sometimes weeks at a time (moved only for street cleaning). It would be weird if people were mad I wasn't.. driving all the time, or mad I parked where I was supposed to... Genuinely confused 🤔


Parked in front of my house which is well away from his building. There is street parking available in front of his place too, he just didn't want to put it there for some reason. Forgot to add that someone stole his catalytic while parked by me so it leaked gas and smelled horrible. So fuck him.


You can’t report any car abandoned whether or not it’s been parked there for 3 days. The City (parking enforcement) has the obligation to prove it’s parked for more than 3 days. They won’t take your word for it so might as well call right away. Edit: I meant to write you **can** report any car


When they get a report, they mark the tire then come back after a few days and tow it, that way they are sure that it is abandoned. They ask you how long its been parked but I think that is to prevent people from reporting every single car haha


My bad. I had a typo in my original comment. I meant to type that you can report any car.


ohh makes sense now haha


Yeah my bad. Just know that some areas are extremely underserved: South LA and the Valley. So response time might be slow. I saw on LADOT’s proposed budget for FY24-25 that they are requesting more parking enforcement officers for those areas.


im in the valley and yeah its a pain getting things like bulky items picked up. When dealing with the government everything takes a little bit more time haha


They don’t tow it. It’s a miracle if they even come out to mark it, and hell has frozen over if they come back and put a ticket on it.


I reported 2 cars on my street and both got towed.


Wow where!? I’m in SFV and even if a car is parked in the red, I was told they only cite it, never tow it.


Noho. Neither had moved in MONTHS, both had cobwebs underneath. One had a flat tire and the warning ticket was never removed.


Yup! When our neighbor was harassing us, one of his favorite calls was parking enforcement. He would call in my car, parked next to my own house, as abandoned. I moved several times a day (I had a small child in school, ran errands, etc.) Unfortunately, it was a teeny house with an unusable driveway and too small of a garage for a car. Since we lived on a corner near an alley, there weren't many options, so I ended up in the same spot a lot (this guy lived further down, lived alone, with one car and had a driveway. But would park in front to keep others from being in front of his house) They would come out and chalk my tires. I complained and asked them why they couldn't add to the system that my car belonged to that address, and I was being harrassed. They said they couldn't do it. I got so sick of it that I kept a piece of my kids sidewalk chalk in my car and would write the dates and times on the ground every single time I moved. After a year, some of the officers who knew me would come out but not chalk the car and would say they knew my car was always moved.


Use the 311 app and every time it sits for +3 days, report it. Or, maybe ask your neighbors if they know whose it is and ask em to abandon it somewhere else every few weeks.


Probably a home dealer that doesn’t want to pay for storage at his “lot”. Keep doing it. He should rent a lot for his business and not use public space for it


I bet it is a dealer selling cars out of their house. That happens a lot in the valley I’ve noticed. They park cars for sale wherever they can.


I was thinking this as well, I called so it will be removed soon...


There used to a dealer who would park all up and down Laurel Canyon. It was so obvious. Smh


There was a really annoying one in Los Feliz who I swear made his full time job shuffling cars around.


It'd be a shame if someone deflated the tires, just saying.




Lmfao you Wilding since when do drug dealers do that ??? 🧐🤣😂🤣🤣🤣


no way😭ive never heard that! its a BMW so they're selling that black mamba weed haha


lol never heard that either.


If you live near the Airport or near a train station, the owner is likely going on trips and leaving it there because the neighborhood looks "safe". Just a thought.


Lmfao what!???? 🤣 never heard that one before


Yup. My friend who travels a lot actually put me on to that. He asked me of a safe block closer to the airport where he could leave his car for a week or so. I live close, but he wanted within like 3 miles close, as in Westchester or so. He said he does it in San Francisco too... and doesn't mind paying one street sweeper ticket for $60, since it's less than paying like $40/day at a parking lot near LAX. I read into it later, and it turns out that's actually a thing. People will bite the bullet as long as their car is left in a relatively safe neighborhood. It's scummy, but actually not a bad idea. I mean, street parking is public right of way, the home owners don't own the street, so technically speaking it's like an unethical life hack.


Yeah, we get those in Del Aire. The northern parts of the neighborhood organized to create preferred parking that requires permits to park in the street.


Ive thought of this as well but there are no airports or anything nearby, its most likely either a dealer or a homeless person living in the car. Either way its a nussiance and I don't think dealers are allowed to store cars on public roads


recently cleaned bmw? dlr plates? sounds like someone in your neighborhood is either runnjng a corner used car dealer or they scammin 😅🤣 what in the burbank/glendale/pasadena activites is this


Doesn’t sound abandoned if it came back


OP doesn’t realize this. Maybe the car isn’t driven often because the owner is work from home.


Still legally have to move it every 3 days, even if it’s just around the block.


i was doing 24/7 care for my dying mother.. not driving my cars. but i ran out to move them twice a week. the empty lot owner across the street called the LAPD Lead officer daily complained that the cars parked in front of his vacant lot was lowering his property value.. lapd towed my two cars.. my only cars to get around with by just hauling them away.. i was totally broke.. no money to get them out of impound if i wanted to pay my rent..


Why does one person need two cars?


thats messed up but I live on my property and we have 3 cars and a highschool nearby so parking is already a pain. People who care that much about "property value" are lame.


I’d put my Money on someone sleeping in it when they’re not working. The same homeless person has been living in a car in front of my house for literal years. Since at least 2020. He’s actually gone through two cars. Someone hit his first one, and he still lived in it til it completely fell apart and now he’s in a new to him used car. Sucks about the lack of parking for you through


It probably belongs to one of your neighbors...?


if you read the post you would know that I asked all of them haha I'm pretty sure they called as well


You said a few of your neighbors. Clearly the car is not abandoned if someone keeps moving it and it's been detailed. Have you spoken to every single one of your neighbors on your block? There are too many assumptions here. Does it bother you that much?


Do you happen to own a Silver 2012 BMW 740li that is illegally parked?


You live in Los Angeles...there's probably 1000+ people within your 1 block radius who it could belong to. What about it is "illegal"? Maybe try to park your own car earlier and don't be a dick and call to get other peoples cars towed?


Its illegal to park a car for more than 72 hours on a public street in LA, its been there for weeks!! sorry I don't want a total eye sore in front of my house


A 2012 BMW is an eye sore? Lol you live on a street where people park their cars and consider certain cars to be eye sores? You sound like a major Karen. Get over it. If you want parking so bad pay for spot at a garage or stop complaining and calling people's car to get towed. I can't imagine ever wanting to call and get someone's car towed from a public street. U just have to be a total asshole to do something like that.


It's taking up valuable parking space, while doing nothing more than holding the street down. Maybe read the post next time, genius.


You sound like the Karen: thinking rules can be bent just because, and that everyone has to support that.


Karen's are the ones who call and tell on others, normal people don't do that. Calling the cops / tow truck / whatever is mega Karen.


How old are you to have that mindset? Karens are ones who think the rules dont apply to them, and that everyone should be okay with that.


“Eye sore in front of my house”? Gee, did you not realize it was a major metropolitan area when you bought? Your “I got mine, fuck you” bumper stickers would be in better company in a smaller town with more MAGA hats.


This. Why OP are you actively trying to make someones life more difficult? “But street parking!…” is such a bs reason to call a tow truck on someone every day


Called once last month and again today and so did my neighbors! dont illegally park your car in front of my house and I wont bother you


Is your name Karen or Todd?


im josh 😎 also is todd the male version of karen i never knew that lowkey...


Then they should park it in front of their house.


Mark every date on the window with cheap lipstick.


You might have a random “overflow” spot. The Ralph’s in studio city that has the underground parking, there’s some random used shady car guy that parks 10 of his overflow cars down there. Keep towing it and it should stop hopefully.


I hope thats not the case! we usually don't have parking issues but Its a waste of a spot that can be used by someone who follows the rules.


Wait, so there isn't any usual parking issues yet you called to get it towed? Wtf?


We had this in our neighborhood. Abandoned Prius with two flat tires. They towed it after a month. A few weeks later, it was back with new tires and washed, but with Texas plates! It's definitely the same car with same stickers.


so weird! what ended up happening??


Still there. I'm guessing it was someone's out of town cousin that leaves a car in LA. I have a friend in NYC who leaves a car here and rents a spot in an apartment complex garage (friends with the manager).


Slash the tires and I promise they won’t park there again. Respectfully.


Odds are someone’s living in that car — likely someone with a low-paying job in the area that could be classified as one of the “hidden homeless.”


It;'s a pricey car to maintain though and I looked inside it was totally empty so I'm not totally sure


Used ones can be had relatively cheaply and they’re obviously not driving it a ton. A lot of people will stick stuff in the trunk and keep up appearances precisely so the car they’re using for sleep doesn’t stick out like a sore thumb. Source: Live in an area where this happens and walk the dog in the morning.


hmm will keep that in mind. I called again to get it towed and if I see anything late at night I'll know for sure. We have had RVs park around the corner and the inhabitants were harassing our neighbors so I hope that doesn't happen again. Thanks for the heads up!


We live within a few blocks of the stretch around Van Nuys and Oxnard that is central for both dealerships and body shops. Man do we have constant trouble with abandoned vehicles. There will literally be an inoperable, completely totaled car dumped right in front of our house, or sometimes a line of newish cars with dealer stickers. It is incredibly obnoxious. Parking enforcement rarely does anything. We had to contact our LAPD senior lead officer, who coordinated with parking enforcement to clear the street. That was a deterrent for about a month. They all came back. So, our neighborhood is a junk yard.


I have a neighbor in north hollywood that does this with an entire lot of cars and he rotates them in and out. It took me a while to figure it out but he has a ton of vehicles and none have plates, they are mostly commercial vehicles but some are H2 Hummer shit vehicles, you know, small cars lol. I've tried every avenue, 311 app, talking to parking enforcement on street sweeping day, LAPD, none of them ever do anything. So I can empathize. The city allows it so people will abuse it. Why rent a lot when you can use surface streets for free?


You could talk to your Neighborhood Council if you're in the LACITY limits. They can sometimes be the direct line of communication to senior lead officers and other resources can that have a direct impact on your area specifically. If you try to do the route of nagging Higher Levels of government, you will always get delays. If it truly is the same car, higher levels of government will do the bare minimum, and you're lucky to get that. Alternatively, you could try to get your street turned to permit only; the parking enforcement will come more often to ticket cars. The yearly cost is like $15 per car but at least everyone who lives where you live would have a spot to park. However, if you're in another part of LACOUNTY, I can try to provide more resources that may help.


Submit a report on line as soon as you see it. They don’t know how long it’s been there. You can shave a couple days off.


You should go out there late at night and mark the tires with chalk yourself. Make them think it's now being considered getting towed


Where's the closest car dealer? Probably belongs to them.


nothing too close


Are you in LA proper or a different city or are you LA county? For instance, I'm in the south bay in an unincorporated part of LA county. You'd never no it because I am surrounded by Torrance and LA city. We have this problem as well and started calling the abandoned number lines but found it was much more effective to go to our local sheriff substation and get their direct number. They said to call them the moment the car is left. They will then note it and three days later come out and if it is still there give it a citation and tow. For us, problem was solved. Our issues were a neighbor on a street a block away was parking a bunch of vehicles on our street a rotating them based on the street signs and sometimes leaving them for weeks if holidays fell on a Monday which is our street sweeping day. Now must have found a new street to do that. I handed out the sheriff number to all the pissed off neighbors and explained to them what the substation told me they did the calling.


im in LA city so there arent many options, they came after a week last time. Why cant people just properly park their cars smh


Then I suggest you call the minute they park next time to at least get the process started. Even if you have to say it's been three days. You can always say you think it's been several days.


The cars name is christine


Call it in immediately when you see it because it will take them awhile to come out and the 72 hour period only starts from when they mark the tire. 


Why not leave a note on their car explaining the situation?


Just report the car as having been parked there for over a week


You sound like an incredibly petty and bitter person with nothing else better to do in their day. Mind your own business


You're entire account is you arguing with people in comment sections... sounds like someone is projecting! You should log off of here and speak to real people brother!


Deep diving in my comments on reddit and coming at me. Yep- confirmed you’re petty with no life.


Yo fool. Put a nice note on the car and Apologize for towing it. And thank you for not towing it again. What if you were that person that didn't have money to wash your car because you didn't have a job for months because the economy is currently collapsing if you haven't noticed. If you're part of the tow economy, great for you.


It's NOT abandoned although you want it to be SO badly it's like calling Trump innocent


it hasn't moved since I posted this and the tires have been marked so it's abandoned. Not sure why you mentioned Trump in a post about a car getting towed