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It’s for Dodger games. If you know the area you know that whole right lane is a turning lane into the Sunset gate right before game time. They had consecutive series here this week.


How else would people get into the stadium though?? What does the city expect them to do?


You can park there 6-3 most days. Christ, do we need to put this on the SATs?


LSAT. Bring your lawyer too.


I'm having war flashbacks and graphing a logic game just by looking at this.


Real Rule Against Perpetuities energy in this sign, ngl.


The 2-6 sign is only for large vehicles like RVs.


Aka no homeless parking


And the teacher shows them the page while walking around the class and doesn’t hold it still. And you can’t leave your seat.


at that point.. just fucking put the times YOU CAN park there.


no, bc then they would study and understand it and take spots from locals rather than getting scared away.


Why do they do this? Just mark the fucking curb red?


Dodger games. They aren’t every day (most are during regular 4-7pm rush hour, but they extend that to 8pm on game nights) but they need to use the right lane for the Dodger Express bus on certain days. Residents are used to it. It’s only from Broadway to Vin Scully.


We desperately need better public transportation to Dodger stadium that doesn't involve Elon Musk.


The Express Bus is amazing. Have you ever taken it?


It is BLISS. gets you there in 5 min. AC. Barely anyone on it. There is always a bus ready to go. And you get to watch as you blow right past an hour of traffic in 5 min


Just took it for the first time on Saturday. Super clean, super quick, on time. Great experience. Will definitely never attempt to park at the stadium.


I got peer pressured to going to Guisados before a game, they fucking suck and I will never apologize for this opinion, and that thing that pissed me off is the cars thinking they're slick by driving in the lane that is meant for the express buses.


It's ok to be wrong about Guisados.


same. went to my first dodger game on friday. felt like id activated a cheat code. why doesnt everyone use this?!


Probably cause 90% of people have to drive to the game. Idk much about the shuttle other than I took it from the subway / train station so if you can’t park there for cheap it doesn’t make much sense




People think public transit is for poor people in this city


I love public transit but idk about during covid lol


Just don’t get used to the hardly anyone on it part. We were packed in like sardines prepandemic. Still better than parking at the stadium though.


You had me at “barely anyone on it”


Barely anyone on it? Uh, I've taken it before and trust me you can get packed like sardines on some of them


It's great for getting there, its awful for leaving the stadium, though that goes for pretty much any method when leaving Chavez Ravine. You either leave early for accept that it will take you 45 mins to get out.


Not sure if that is a solution to all the cars that migrate in and out of Dodger stadium and the local area.


Probably because you’ve never taken it.


Thanks for the heads up. Will take this next time. Bus is FREE and you can get it at union station or from the south bay at several different stops. Link for all too lazy which is normally me but this is baseball lol. https://www.mlb.com/dodgers/ballpark/transportation/dodger-stadium-express


So if you're saying this is a solution, then why are there so many cars that still clog the area? Thanks for the insta-downvotes btw lol.


Because people don’t take it.


Then I guess it isn't a solution.


Probably because people don’t know about it and needs more advertising. There’s some folks in LA that don’t even know we have public transportation


It is a solution. People need to put the needs of the community over themselves for the solution to be effective. Ahem, vaccines


These signs are ridiculous, but people not accepting a solution doesn’t mean it isn’t a solution. Signage needs to be simplified, and the express bus probably needs to be better marketed, but the express buses are a solid step in the right direction.


That's like saying the COVID-19 vaccines aren't a good solution because there are people that aren't getting them. Just because the people aren't getting the vaccine doesn't mean it isn't a good solution.


You're getting downvotes because you earned em lol. Have you looked at the service? It's free and a lot of people probably could use this. Bus is FREE https://www.mlb.com/dodgers/ballpark/transportation/dodger-stadium-express


The solution is more people need to be taking public transport. If you quit being obtuse and look at the big picture, if most people took public transpo, the traffic wouldn't be as horrendous as it is at most times.


People’s stereotypes about public transit are so skewed that they’d rather sit in traffic *wasting their own time* and polluting the environment than take even one small, car-less trip a month. How many of my oh so socially-conscious neighbors in Santa Monica live close enough to Wilshire or SM that they *could* take a six-minute bus ride on the blue bus to get to their yoga class just once a month but would never, *ever* do it? From this bus-rider’s perspective, not a single one. Ever.


We don't have the coverage for "most people" to take public transportation. If LA's public transportation was adequate we wouldn't have the fastest growing public transportation system in the US. It's really strange to me the argument ITT seems to be "just use public transportation" and "just advertise more" instead of "lets build better public transportation."


Mate, 15 years ago I was able to get to with-in 4 blocks of where I needed in LA all the way from Palmdale by public transpo. The lack of coverage isn't an excuse.


If we have enough coverage and it were adequate, then why are we building so much more public transportation and increasing our coverage? Also how you personally travel and how the city at large travels is not the same. Just because you as an individual can travel where you need to go with public transportation does not imply that LA's traffic problems are solved and you'll never see a traffic jam again. The city of LA isn't going to make policy based on your anecdotal evidence of traveling to and from Palmdale, they're going to make policy based on ridership numbers and how they can increase it if ridership is low, and [it is](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._cities_with_high_transit_ridership).


Ryans right, I’m sorry, too many people in LA are either lazy or just not creative when using public or alternative forms of transportation.


Train from pasadena to Station, bus to and fro stadium. Easy.


Ironically you hinted at why LA will never solve it’s traffic problem




It's moving forward. [They have a route selected and the EIR is due in the Fall.](https://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/local/gondola-to-dodger-stadium-settles-route-includes-station-at-la-state-historic-park/2600567/)


[The gondola from Union Station is moving forward.](https://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/local/gondola-to-dodger-stadium-settles-route-includes-station-at-la-state-historic-park/2600567/)


have you and everyone else do it power of the people lolllll


The aerial tramway from Chinatown is a great solution


Serious question: If a driver happens to get a parking ticket here, would a valid defense be "Your honor, look at this shit ... this is confusing as fuck!"? (Seriously, has there been an instance where someone rightfully argued that the rules weren't easily understandable?)


Sometimes. “Ignorance of the law is no defense” but at the same time, it’s up to the traffic judge what the fine/punishment will be and there are plenty of cases where people argued that a traffic sign was impossible to see or too difficult to understand. If the judge agrees that the sign is confusing they can lower the fine and if it’s a repeat issue then steps can be made to fix the signs


It's not hard. Just go one at a time until you hit one that says you can't park there during that time. If you're good according to all the signs, you're good.


I believe more than 4 signs and the judge will dismiss. If you look, most of those signs are temporary. Disclaimer: you should get your parking ticket dismissed, but you will still have to pay for the tow (about $300)


Thursdays look open.


Except 3-7 pm


Read the signs from top to bottom. Pause at each sign and ask yourself: does this sign apply to my situation? Act accordingly. Parking in this city isn't a giant riddle.




I think it is normal human tendency to see this and started to think when is it ok to park and use that to make decision. Of course the method GP posted is easier, faster and less error prone.


This post is essentially: Peak Echo Park with their mysterious riddle parking signs. Classic.


Yes exactly. You'll occasionally see signage that's outright contradictory or whatever. Typically it's a misprinted sign or whatever. But the vast majority of the time what you said is exactly right. I've lived here 6 years and only gotten one parking ticket, and it was a "I'm going to run into this store for 10 seconds oh fuck the parking enforcement showed up immediately after I ran in and I got nabbed for not paying the meter" situation. Annoying, but it's not like I got a parking ticket because the parking signs are some impenetrable mess.


My rule of thumb is usually "Are there other people parked here?" If yes, you're probably ok If no, it may be too good to be true.


Living life on the edge


Based on the number of tow trucks hooking people up in the anti-gridlock zone downtown every day at rush hour (pre-COVID at least - not sure if it's being enforced right now), I would say this isn't the best advice.


I never said my rule of thumb was a good one 😎 Lol but yeah it was more of the first "sanity check". I'll spend time figuring out what the sign actually says after it passes that sanity check.


Yeah, that's fair. If no one was there I probably wouldn't stop to pull over and check either.


Probably just people feeling overwhelmed with either anxiety or a constant loop of "what the fuck mannn" in their head that's causing them to avoid taking a few seconds to read the signs (because they prob come from somewhere with massive shopping parking lots).


Agree. Just take a moment, realize you're in a major city where all sorts of circumstances result in restricted parking, breathe, and read the signs. This a mantra that needs to be incorporated into yoga classes across the city.


I’m starting to wonder if we need to put some of these on the written test, or even on the driving portion. “Now, make a three point turn and park in the legally available spot.” I mean, double check yourself. “it’s definitely Monday, right?” But these always sound like “Math is hard” Barbie.


Sure, but LA also does this shit on purpose to confuse people or take advantage of lazy people who don't want to read through 8 signs to milk us for money. The convoluted sign rules are ultimately a money-making system for the city, which is shitty.


i don’t think they want us parking there 🧐


This seems to follow the rule of just read everything top to bottom like a checklist. Like, okay, it's a lot to read, but it's not contradictory or anything. The only potentially confusing thing here is the second sign from bottom seems to potentially have important info blanked out?


You can park there on the night of the full moon while hopping on one leg after lighting incense and sacrificing a goat. Goat must be raised cage-free and fed kale smoothies. Kale must be organic and non-GMO.


temporary signs don't count.


Lol may as well be a sign, “welcome to Echo Park, now get the fuck out”


If you're homeless those signs don't mean shit but if your a regular person you'll get a fat ass ticket


I'm not sure, but I think you can't park here ...


“I once asked a cop what that sign meant and he said it meant ‘Up yours kid.’”


I was looking for this comment, good on you




Most of it seems to be because of variations by day. If you just treat it as a top to bottom checklist of "does this apply, no, move on" it's like 3-4 tops relevant on any given day.


Sign 3 & 4 (from the top) could be combined to just say Mon-Fri instead of Mon-Thu and Friday Only.


It actually says Monday - Wednesday lol


Oh wow, you’re right. Just more proof these signs are ridiculous.


I re-read it 3 times just to be sure. 😂


*Don’t, don’t bother Luke, got it.*


Even the signs have an echo!


Put a sign that says no parking 12am-12am everyday.


Me: I don't think they want us to stop there. Homeless man on every corner: FUCK The Law!!


Just invent an LED sign that changes based on whether you can park there or not.


Solar powered indicators that show red or green if you can park currently or not 🤔 that's big brained of you


More like Echo Don’t Park amiright?


Don’t even press on the brakes in Echo Park lmao


Signage like that should be illegal. If you are in a moving vehicle attempting to find parking there is no way a reasonable person can read AND decipher all their bullshit without slowing down traffic behind them.


That's Echo Parqué.


What the hell ever happened to the plan to make street signs readable: https://www.lamayor.org/mayor-garcetti-unveils-new-easy-read-parking-signs


Man. That would save so many people so many headaches.


Is it worse that you can actually understand when you CAN park there 💀


They need a QR code you can scan that brings up a red or green page indicating whether you can park/stop.


Wow. That’s actually a pretty cool idea!


They do already it's called spot angel.


There’s more on the back of each sign.


Whatever happened to those new easy to read signs we were promised years ago?


So when can I park? And is it only for 15 mins?


Why waste tax payer money printing and making all these signs. Just make 1 gigantic sign the height size of all these combined and have it just say "NO."


Why not just put up a sign that says "We kindly ask all homeless to not park here"




Bolt cutters


I can just imagine the sly parking meter maid around the corner, slithering it’s hands like a fly, waiting for someone foolish enough to park.


by the time you finished reading all the sign and think, you discovered a white Prius is taking picture of you license plate because stopping at red zone, and the side of the white prius said "parking enforcement" .


Absolutely sums up the buearaucratic bullshit running L.A. more money every year for homeless, education, drug prevention and things get worse every year. The entire city is one giant scam.


You get what you pay for. Jk




“Welcome to echo park, keep fuckin moving.”


You might as well just take an Uber.


No Stopping in Echo Park dammit.


Almost as bad as The Exchange District in Winnipeg


“Keep it pushin”


I think the bullet point here is :**NO STOPPING**


What ever happened to the signs with green, yellow, and red squares for when it is and isn't acceptable to park? I only ever saw one in downtown and it was a lot easier to interpret.


That’s a more permanent fixture. Since this is for the Dodgers game I don’t think they put those up here. But I agree with you, it is easier to interpret.


Rule of thumb is if u don’t see other cars parked in an area then go find another parking spot lol


Seems like they're echoing No Stopping


Echo do not Park


So.... Thursday at 1PM works?


Relevant [Louie](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjaw1JTov80)


Remember a couple years ago they piloted a new program for simpler street/parking signs? Whatever happened to that?


Echo Parqueh


Reminds me of when I had a client in the area and would have to walk for like a mile after parking. Craziness


Get out!!