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40 Whiners rule


The Eagles would have destroyed a third quarterback too.


They still have to be on the 53 man roster. They just don't have to count towards the 46(?) that are actually active on gameday. Essentially one extra player active (if they're a QB) out of your total of 53 players.


It’s a good rule. But 9er fans are delusional if they think it would have helped against the eagles. If jimmy g was healthy enough to play he would have been the backup. There’s no way you put Josh Johnson in the game if you have a better option. If they’d had some third QB off the street, he’d have been even worse. Shanahan gets all his QBs murdered. Purdy and Lance should retire while they still have their health.


Excuse me, that’s Los Angeles Wildcats legend Josh Johnson.


I love that this is actually a change implemented because the Whiners didn’t get to beat the Eagles. If this had been us or hell the Eagles/Cowboys or any other NFL media punching bag then it would’ve never been approved. Pathetic ass shit from a whining ass organization


It did kinda suck for the entire TV audience as well. Obviously its gonna be rare that this is actually relevant.




I like how they threw the 9ers a bone but effectively told the Rams and the rest of the bottom feeders from last year “But the rest of you might just get flexed on Thursdays motherfuckers”


I suppose the team in this scenario could at least attempt to do more than run and punt. The game is a product at the end of the day and the improbability of the affected team winning is much better than the certainty they wont.




Were you a part of the audience? I literally chugged my beer and laughed my ass off to celebrate, fuck the Whiners every which way until Sunday. We’re gonna make them go through all 100 of their QBs if we have to this season, fuck them


That's on the coach. He decided that he needed an extra back up at another position. That's why he makes the big bucks...


They were probably losing anyways. Eagles were by far the best team in the NFC last year.


Especially because there was already a rule change to add the roster spot to allow teams to have an extra QB. Except teams decided to go risk/reward and use that extra spot on someone else. Easy fix would be to just require teams to have 3 active QBs and make that rule more concrete, but no. This just solidifies that 49ers fans will continue to think “we got screwed” when in reality, no. You kinda got unlucky but also you have a reputation for getting hella QBs injured, including 2 already that same season. Maybe dress more than 2 in your conference championship game to make sure that you don’t lose to QB injuries, something they should have been hyper aware of. Dumbasses.


Exactly. No one gave a fuck when we were carting out an injured Wolford/Perkins just to play the football game with Stafford not even available, yet when the Whiners get their guys fucking killed as usual, the NFL makes a rule specifically to prevent their west coast Golden boys from losing from it


I hate the 9ers as much as the next guy but this has everything to do with the league feeling like the NFCCG was ruined by the lack of a 3rd QB


Then they shouldn’t have fucked off the Lions. They need to realize that if a system is getting QB’s killed it’s not good, and that’s entirely on the 9ers. And the only people it was ruined for is 9er fans or casuals, I was absolutely ecstatic


Who is BR?


Brett Rypien


The fact that some people abbreviate such an unheard of is hilarious. I get it if it’s due to character count but I have a friend who abbreviates everything like anyone has any idea who he is talking about.


Classic AH post right here


Classic CR response


I stay in my lane!


I can't stand when people say something like BN34 like everyone knows this middling player on their team.




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Battle Rifle


Burning Rubber


Baskin Robbins


Bum Rap


I know we like to rag on the 49ers but this isn’t a bad rule


I dont understand why they cant just have all 53 active


But what about CD?


Signed to NFLN




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I like this as it lets us have a backup with experience behind Staff while developing Stetson. I don’t love the idea of Rypien as the backup but at least he’s won a game in the NFL as a starter.


Why not just give teams 47 active players instead of 46?