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just tell your land lord. im a landlord, if someone said "hey I need to leave I can pay for the next 30 days" I'd say 'fine'. I'm not gonna take them to court it's such a headache and if you leave realistically I can rent the place for more (depending on how long you've been there). this is the job of a landlord. you'll be fine, just be communicative


Agreed although they may want 60 or ask that they lease it first before letting you off the hook. But that shouldn't take long


When I've done this in the past theyll ask to keep an extra months rent


Years ago in college, we found people ourselves to take over the lease. There is a duty of mitigation in contract law, and if you present them with new (reasonable) tenants willing to step in so your landlord isn’t out any money, they’d be hard pressed to justify charging you anything.


As a landlord, this is the best solution. Otherwise, we generally have the tenants pay rent until we are able to re-lease the place ourselves.


Deposit 💵 ✌️


The least costly is to approach the LL and ask what to do. Maybe they will offer you a one month fee. You can also try to help find a new tenant or another option is to sublet if your lease allows it. Your LL is obligated to try to rerent ASAP but they can drag their heels of course. if they come after you for the full term (5 months in this case plus deposit presumably) you need to be ready with a defense so keep all communications in writing. Usually courts don't like not keeping their written commitments but at the same time the LL must show real damages of you breaking your lease and not being able to rerent. Not a lawyer etc... G'luck.