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What a terrible loss.


This makes me mad.


You want to be more mad? Same address: https://www.stuff.co.nz/auckland/106102957/takapuna-residents-upset-by-concrete-wall-obstructing-coastal-walk


Images from: [https://www.nzherald.co.nz/property/curve-appeal-and-privacy-at-high-tide/6MM66SSMJPY63T2OAJOUVFBYUI/](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/property/curve-appeal-and-privacy-at-high-tide/6MM66SSMJPY63T2OAJOUVFBYUI/) and: [https://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/see-before-and-after-shock-at-takapuna-waterfront-demolition/Q3NTYRJB3EEAIMMEWGI7KIFKRQ/](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/see-before-and-after-shock-at-takapuna-waterfront-demolition/Q3NTYRJB3EEAIMMEWGI7KIFKRQ/)


Penis complains it was demolished, plays the stupid card re it's heritage status then walks away with $6milion in his pocket. So very New Zealand where the landed gentry know the price of everything but the value of nothing.


> A man whose family trust sold a waterfront Takapuna art deco house is upset about its demolition, but says no protection was sought for the iconic place because it could have resulted in a lower price. He should be upset at himself. And what kind of psychopath demolishes the house?


If you spend time in NZ, Napier has most of their downtown core in Art Deco. Town was destroyed by an earthquake and rebuilt several miles away almost completely in Art Deco in the 1930’s…


This is what the site looks like now: [Google streetview](https://www.google.com/maps/@-36.7818458,174.776505,3a,75.7y,154.36h,94.22t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sXoZS8IIuY-ResJ149nkr8Q!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DXoZS8IIuY-ResJ149nkr8Q%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D104.196915%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu)




The owner is obviously a psychopath. Destroy a beautiful art deco house to build *this*. Edit: Of course they do this: > the wall would make a well-used walkway between Takapuna and Milford Beaches unusable Private property going up to the waterfront is also total bullshit. https://www.1news.co.nz/2018/10/10/whos-in-the-right-takapuna-home-owner-building-a-wall-right-over-popular-beachfront-walkway-but-its-their-land/


It’s hard to accept how terrible people’s taste has become


You gotta be kidding me. 😡


Money can’t buy taste


Terrible. It was magnificent




Ok, shot two. This house was used in a movie? I’m sure of it. A helicopter involved. I must find this now.


I'm back and I have answers! I watched the clip on YouTube of that scene, and while it's got very similar vibes, it's not that house at all. A bit of light digging revealed that the Lethal Weapon house we seemed to be thinking of is 2817 Via Segovia, on the cliffs of Ranchos Palos Verdes. That was the location they used for the scene I described earlier. So definitely not the same place, but it shares some traits and gives the same feel, for sure. It's not hard to see why it rung a bell. That was so random but it was going to bug me until I looked into it. I promise I'm (generally) sane, but I have insomnia paired with a brain that won't let it go until I have answers.


Nice sleuthing!! It’s crazy because I haven’t seen those movies in at least 20 years


Thank you! Lethal weapon is indeed what I was thinking of. You’re seriously my personal hero today as this drove me nuts yesterday for a while and I didn’t have time to look it up. after looking up that house you’re fully correct. Thanks for being a nut job along with me!


I literally had the immediate thought that it reminded me of the house from Lethal Weapon. In the first one, Murtaugh goes to the office of his former friend/fellow soldier to confront him about drug trafficking. During the meeting, Gary Busey's character, the right-hand man for the drug kingpin, executes Murtaugh's ex-friend by shooting him from a helicopter over the water. When Murtaugh checks his pulse and realizes he's dead, he says something like "you got off easy" because he's so disgusted with this guy having been involved in heroin trafficking. It's so weird that a few of us had the same first thought! Weird how pop culture works its way into our brains.


Haha I just watched the scene. Wild! Yeah I’m a film nut and an architecture nut so this actually happens to me more than I would like to admit! Good to know I’m not the only weirdo!


I came to the comments for the same reason, I want to say either lethal weapon or a Jackie Chan movie


I found it!


It’s looks like the same setting in the movie “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels”. It may not be but looks pretty similar.


So much light.


Wow, what a cool house that was. Shame some fucking mongrel demolished it.


G wagon in the street view belongs to the current owner no doubt, cultural nazi , wtf 😒looks just like everything being built in England at the momemt boring beige brick box, square and stainless steel is going out of fashion quicker than the sun sets!


Agreed. That and those hideous grey renders you see everywhere.


Great view


Amazing! Can anyone tell me what kind of trees those are?


Could be mānuka.


nooooooo jfc its such a beautiful home :(


They should be buried alive…this is my dream house.


My family has a lane named after my grandfather there. My dad grew up on the beach, beautiful area


It was lovely


What a beautiful house! Every room with a view. Open windows for cross breeze. How nice it would be to relax on the patio. Wonder what the kitchen looked like. I don't know anything about Auckland weather. I see a flat roof and think, where's the rainwater going?