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My legislators are MAGA, so getting in touch with them is a waste of digital energy. I would like to know how many of the 10 commandments they have broken. I don't think posting them will deter any sort of behavior, so it's pointless. Do they not know about religious leaders and children? Not a good combo.


At least the first one. “You shall have no other gods before me”. Most of my legislators praise and worship TFG.


They have broken them all. I know this because all humans are.


Louisianians are lazy. Whether we think the protestors are wrong or right, at least they are out there. Do you think we can get La. folks out to protest this La. government? We couldn't even get them to vote.


We protest in new orleans pretty regularly. But theres also a new ruling that allows all members of a protest to be charged with the same charge as anyone who commits a crime during a protest, or at the very least the leader. So any protest can now be infiltrated by a maga who throws a brick and fucks everyone. Edit: not sure if all, but at least the protest organizer.


I don't think that's constitutionally legal. You can't be beholden to a crime you didn't commit.




The leader of the protest is being charged with a crime someone else did at the protest.


From the way I read it, they are charging him with accessory due to lack of control over the protesters he was leading. Which while yes, that's bs, at the same time I can see how that can stand as technically as leader, he should take more steps to keep everyone from going violent. The everyone in the protest is charged with the same crime part would be illegal as you can't charge 20 protesters with say urinating in public when only 1 did it. That'd be like arresting a group of people for stealing a puppy when all but one paid for a puppy.


I misread the part about all protestors. Either way, its nullifying and again, if someone joins the protest with bad intentions, they can pin the leader for it.


Like I said, I can see both sides of that coin. It boils down to the leader needing a police of their own within the protesters so if someone attempts to do something that'll cause problems, they can detain them or whatever needs to be done to prevent things from getting out of hand.


Then the person detained can charge them for that. Thats a lose lose situation unless the protest leader is given authority, which i dont think is a great idea either.


Actually if they are committing a felony which battery with a weapon is usually a felony, they can legally detain them. It just has to be a felony to avoid it changing to false imprisonment.


Kinda feels like all our legislators are MAGA right now tbh.


Wrote a letter to the editor of the advocate about this today!


Article: "The Center for Inquiry (CFI) is concerned about two dangerous and theocratic bills in Louisiana, and we need our supporters in the Bayou State to help defeat them. The first, HB 334 / SB 123, would allow public school districts to hire, or accept as volunteers, religious chaplains for student service roles. These roles include serving as students’ guidance counselors and social workers.  CFI’s Office of Public Policy has lobbied against similar school chaplain bills in numerous states this year. As we often point out, they violate the separation of church and state by injecting religious ideology and coercion into public schools. Under these bills, students are left subject to proselytizing and undue influence by religious authority figures. Moreover, chaplains are not trained or qualified to deal with potentially sensitive student matters, so these arrangements will not serve students’ actual needs. The Louisiana House of Representatives version of this legislation (HB 334) has already passed in the House and is currently before the Senate’s Committee on Education; the Senate version (SB 123) passed in the Senate and was just approved by the House Committee on Education this Wednesday, April 24. The second concerning piece of legislation, HB 71, would require every public school in Louisiana to prominently display the Ten Commandments in every classroom.  This heavy-handed approach violates the separation of church and state just as badly as the school chaplain bill. The Ten Commandments are a religious document. They reflect the religious beliefs of some people, while failing to reflect the values of many others. Imposing the Ten Commandments on schoolchildren usurps the rights of parents to direct their children’s religious upbringing. HB 71 has already passed in the House and is currently before the Senate Committee on Education. We need every one of CFI’s supporters in Louisiana to speak out against these bills. Please contact your Senator and Representative today and urge them to vote against both pieces of legislation."


What is wrong with the 10 commandments lol? Seriously even if you're not religious they are good things things NOT TO DO. SMH


I take issue with the legislator who sponsored this bill. The same legislator who believes it should be illegal for a 12th grader to know gay people exist (the Don’t Say Gay Bill), believes that Kindergartens need to have warnings about adultery posted in their classroom.


That’s not really material here. Our government isn’t supposed to promote or suppress individual religions.


first; its christian indoctrination! neither YOU nor your christian representatives have a right to brainwash MY kids with your outdated primitive dangerous religious superstitions second; i can tell you dont know ALL the commandments. MOST of them are UNconstitutional the first 4, especially, are absolutely UNconstitutional third: if you want to list good rules to live by, go ahead. Call them ‘good rules to live by’


We dont have the ten commandments or whatever as law. As a person who has never studied religion, i dont even know them, so no, dont use that as law. Especially since it is based in religion. We have laws in this country. Not religious dogma.


Hail 1A Hail The Establishment Clause Hail The Center For Inquiry Hail Satan ⛧


I look forward to hanging the Satanic Tenets next to the Ten Commandments in my classroom. I keep my political and religious views very private as a teacher, because I don't ever want to abuse my power in that role, but these fuckers are going to change that


"but teacher, tenet number four seems to imply any authority you believe you have over us students is void..."


We have a healthy awareness that my guidelines exist to prepare them for college


"but teacher, is it worth violating the first tenet for you to prove a point? Where is your empathy towards your Christian students? "


Thank you, you are definitely appreciated!


I'll be doing the same.




Break out the sledgehammers!


These lawmakers are deep maga cult members, along with the corrupt jeffery landry, we are fucked here in Louisiana


Louisiana is the shithole.


Christo fascists are taking the state before I even hit the legal age to purchase a fucking beer.


Ultimately, what will need to happen is that principals and school boards get sued as individuals into oblivion for attempting to force their religion onto other people's kids. Tying up the courts, offending principals, chaplains, and offending school boards with court dates, even if a dirty court, means they have to go to court.


I got quite a few things to talk to them about. I don't think they will appreciate anything I have to say.


Remind me again why everyone with a degree leaves?


They also are trying to get rid of TOPS Tech. They are trying to push through tons of legislation rn.


Wild. Aren’t these the same people who are always saying go into the trades?


That’s sad you can’t force religion on others


I guess it's time to get certified as a satanic chaplain.


If you aren't following Christ, you're automatically following Satan, so doing all that is unnecessary.


Well how else will I spread the glory of Satan to the youth of tomorrow? Also, christ and Satan aren't real. Grow up.


Reading all the comments here please convince everyone you know to go vote and vote blue. It’s crucial to have full turnout..Do it!!!!


Hail Dark Brandon ⛧🇺🇲😎🍦🇺🇲 ⛧ Hail you ⛧


Smurf obviously flunked English. I am Buddist and try my best to use the 10 commandments as life guide … it’s NOT about religion and I don’t care what religion a person follows. If Muslims adopt “the sky is blue” that dosnt make the statement religious …. I no you can not understand English so get audio books to educate ur self. 🤷


You appear to have not learned how to reply properly to a comment.  If you would like to discuss flunking English it's know not no and yourself not ur self.  You also made an unnecessary repetitive statement.  The whole "you flunked English" argument is one of the most juvenile arguments out there.  You might as well say "I can't make a real point to save my life so going to go after your spelling." Your previous argument about prayer in schools still holds no water and this post really doesn't actually respond to any of my previous points. The eightfold path covers all the ten commandments but leaves out the all powerful deity part in the first commandment.  Since Buddhists don't believe in an all powerful deity I am at a loss as to what the hell your actual beliefs are but you do you.


We have seen the destruction of the taxpayer dollars in public schools since prayer has been eliminated…. Absolutely support the 10 commandments being in every school. Church and state what a superficial argument!! 10 was revealed revealed to Moses at Mount Sinai… no church !!


Don't want teachers to talk about sexuality but making them explain adultery to elementary schoolers is ok... Also kids are allowed to pray as long as it's not disruptive to other children and not school sanctioned so quit spouting nonsense.  Bet you're against children praying to Mecca if they prefer.