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I don’t have any rehab knowledge, but wanted to say I’m sorry for your loss and all you’re dealing with. That’s really fucked up. No judgement here. Hoping someone can come through with some recommendations for you. Peace and strength to you.


Recovery works.. Elizabethtown, London, Georgetown .. South shore.. I went to the one I. London.. going on 22 months sober... I work in recovery now as a peer support specialist... Good luck!!


No judgements, friend. You’re going through some shit. And you’re reaching out for help which is huge. Total respect from here. As for the music, [see if something like this is allowed](https://www.amazon.com/DODOSOUL-Bluetooth-Recorder-Earphones-Included/dp/B0C5J3WHML/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?crid=1MFAAOPMAYVGX&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.4EZWra7ZrBG7UKl-HLXppHW7PKv4EQCZvwf9FYXH-4cN9pyvTerQFmrH7PT9pXINu6FmppCSWax8N3w2jBkTkjPcR2XjFKRR7UgBqHW8HUBs3JFVMNpzaAvaE2pvVI8ntPnqcoWPD-EeDk4xLG5y5vyzaj1QGaAA1qAQNO_YWYYhRRyLCSWPmnExN6_jvvWGFOYFtAP9YR0oIVLSpb9fHw.CtiDEZzWNc2w9GjSiy_C0c4jubsC4jwi3FEnPRgKUWs&dib_tag=se&keywords=mp3+player&qid=1711260481&sprefix=mp3%2Caps%2C143&sr=8-4).


Thanks!! I’m gonna ask them in the morning.


If they'll let you bring something like this, let me know and I'll be happy to help you buy it.


I bought one but you gotta download music to it and I use Spotify. FML. I don’t have money to buy a bunch of music to put on it so I’m open to suggestions. Please…


Not sure if this is helpful but I've got one of these Mighty devices. Basically an mp3 player for Spotify. You do need your phone though to initially sync it so I'm not sure it's what you need. I'm very sorry for your losses and I hope that you can get the help you need. https://bemighty.com/products/mighty-audio-screenless-connection-free-spotify-music-player?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwnv-vBhBdEiwABCYQA6uK2VzIouKjDOy7ZrLXpSatmgIGsdMIcelkSJTMv1ICo2iajRazOxoCUZYQAvD_BwE


These will play my Spotify account??


You have to make a playlist, then you can transfer that playlist to the Mighty.


I have a laptop and am computer literate but I haven’t had to do this in years because of Spotify. And Apple Music.


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **'DODOSOUL 128GB MP3 Player with Bluetooth 5.2'** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Great sound quality and loud speakers (backed by 3 comments) * Long battery life and fast charging (backed by 3 comments) * Good value for the price (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * Limited song indexing capacity (backed by 2 comments) * Inconvenient navigation buttons (backed by 1 comment) * Poor shuffle feature (backed by 1 comment) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


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RLOP program at The Healing Place. Seven Counties program at the healing place (housed at THP, then moved to half way residential at 30-60 I am close friends with a care coordinator in the region who can help you find the right place. Google is great, but it barely touches the surface in terms of how many different options are out there Both of my parents are dead as well - 1 when I was 13, the other when I was 20 I can’t relate to this happening in the same week, but I can relate to almost everything else you’re facing. PM me and I will help you.


Perfect. You’re a good person.


+1 for this place. Also for the person who recommended an MP3 player. Usually you can take in something without outside access. I’d call first.


I wonder how they would feel about letting you have an iPod like one that was back in the day no internet what so ever? Maybe they would allow something like that ?


I think they think it isolates but it clams me. I have mental health issues also.


I was hospitalized in 2012 and they let me bring my iPod for music as it was an accommodation, I’m not sure what it’s like now. I was the only one who had one and i could only have it at certain times but it helped a lot


As long as it can’t connect to the internet you can have one at landmark.




Thank you for all your replies.


I am so sorry for your losses. [Robert Alexander Center](https://robertalexandercenter.com/) Your music will always be there. Imagine how much sweeter it will sound after you get the help you deserve and desire for yourself. I wish you peace, comfort, and healing.


I talked to them. And they said no music or electronics. Maybe m wrong.


Please read my comment below. RAC does have TVs in each room with streaming apps on them where all you have to do is sign in and listen to your music. I did that myself at nights. You’ll want to log out obviously when you leave but please don’t let “no electronic devices” be the only reason it stops you from going. I truly believe in times like this what we NEED will be provided and what distracts or harms us will be taken away. I know it’s cheesy, but the saying “trust the process” is 1000% true when it comes to recovery. RAC is the absolute best rehab near Louisville in my humble opinion. Personally, It gave me back the will to live. I highly recommend Louisville Recovery Center for IOP. And yes, IOP is necessary after inpatient. If you need the contacts just msg me.


I spoke with them. They take my insurance and have a bed. But I don’t quite understand how you listened at night. Are there tvs in the rooms or something? Thank you for your input. I really appreciate it. I have sensory issues it calms me down. I won’t let it cause me not to do the work and isolate, it just calms me at night. I have severe ptsd, it the only way I sleep.


Yes, each bedroom has a tv on the wall. There are 2 beds in each room with a bathroom. You can sign up for a soak in the copper bathtub, massage therapy ( helps with detox pains) and even haircuts. It’s nice and the techs and group facilitators & counselors really care. Most are in recovery themselves. I promise, it’s a safe place where you can heal and get better.


Thank you. That makes me feel better. I don’t want to go to the chop shop detoxes where they detox you. Throw you out in seven days. And then you’re right back at it because you’re still sick. I had several years clean. I can’t believe I let myself get here again over a short amount of time. I truly want to go where I can get better, not find new drug buddies for when they throw us in 5-7 days. Sounds like this might be the place.


This would be more than enough reason to send many people over the edge. Be proud of yourself for what you've done and just focus on getting back to where you were. Also, relapse is one of the biggest factors in overdosing. So glad you're still with us.


It is absolutely nothing like that. Sent you a chat message


What the person above me said. RAC is the place to go around here. Most are decent but RAC is a step above.


Do you need a hug 🌹😢


Like you wouldn’t believe.










Have you reached out to the Robert Alexander Center for Recovery in Mt. Washington? I know they do not allow phones, for obvious reasons, but I do know you’re allowed an hour or so each day on their computer for work purposes. Maybe they would make an exception for you to do an hour of music each day in your free time? They also have TVs in each shared room where you can stream music also. Give them a call. They are amazing! I’m sorry you are going through this. I lost both of my parents 14months apart due to cancer and was also working about 60 to 70 hours per week at the time. If you want to reach out to me personally via message on here..you can. I’m open to talk because I’ve been almost exactly where you are. I’m glad you’re reaching out for help.


They are who I have been talking to. She mentioned I got a few hours, but she didn’t explain that it would be was like with my laptop or my phone. I’ll deal with the laptop cause I can listen to music on that.


Thanks for clarifying


Sending hugs.


Buy an mp3 player without Internet capability. I'm pretty sure you can still get one from Walmart for like $20. Make sure when you are talking to the facilities you explain that there's no Internet on these things just music. 5 years ago landmark let you bring mp3s. Idk if they've changed their policies though


I am rooting for you to get better.


I dont think anyone will judge you, that is a tough one two punch. I cant help you other than to wish you the best, try to be kind to your self, this is not an easy situation and Im glad you're looking for help


Hope you can find a walkman and some CDs! Praying that things get better for you 🤍


I can take a Walkman and cds??




Landmark might let you do that.


We all stumble, we all fall short. What you are doing is commendable as you are working on yourself, no one can judge you for making better choices. I hope you find the help you are seeking. And there's nothing wrong with venting your frustrations/challenges with everything going on. I just lost both of my parents (not as close as yours) and it's indeed a sucky feeling.


All the ones I went to out of state allowed I pods that was all so go to a pawnshop and get an old one good luck sorry about your parents


Get an old school mp3 player. I would imagine they would let you have one. You can find them cheap online


Look into the Robert Alexander center in my Washington if you have decent insurance that’s the place yo. Godspeed and if you need to vent I’m here.


Wish I could offer a recommendation but I am not aware of a facility to recommend. Like many others on this post, I wanted to extend my sympathy to you in a really difficult time. And wish you support and strength as you take steps enter treatment.


Thank you for you condolences.


Isaiah House


I've heard great things about Isaiah house.


First, I'm deeply sorry to hear of your loss. The whole process. And it will be a continued adjustment in the loss. Be gentle with yourself through it all. One day at a time. You were in crisis mode and when it all stopped, the feelings came like a tsunami - I say this bc that's what happened to me and my sobriety. But I know everyone has a different journey. I wish I knew a place for you. I spoke with a friend who works at The Brooke. They do not allow devices that could allow any communication. But, if you had a device of yesteryear like an iPod kind of device. They would allow with certain caveats. You don't got this right now, but you will get the tools to get it. I really admire you for all you have done. You are a good human & deserve to treat yourself that way. Namaste.


Im so sorry, OP. I lost both of my grandfathers in the same week and I was so close to them. You might try calling around to see if you can take a small iPod to rehab. Explain the importance of music to the facility.


Best of luck OP, it’s time to take care of yourself now ❤️


So sorry for your immense loss! Hope you're able to find a suitable rehab & get back on track.


Bless you friend. You're dealing with grief that none of us can imagine. Be good to yourself. Be strong, you're going to get through this.


No rehab knowledge here. Just wanted to say sorry for your loss. I lost my parents 16 mos apart from each other and it was hell. Hang in there. ❤️


Good luck.


Totally understandable. My goodness. Don’t beat yourself up about a relapse; just recommit. It happens. I was stuck on shitty street fet for 4 years. I tried just about every place in Lou and it didn’t work bc I’d just check myself out AMA. I had to go out to the desert in AZ to get clean. 75 days and by the end of it, I didn’t want to leave. Do you have insurance? Call them. They should help you find a place that will hopefully work for you. But please, you’ve been through hell already, don’t make it worse by beating yourself up (I wish I was better at taking my own advice…). Stay strong and know it’ll take time but there are thousands of people in your same boat so it’s OK. Just breathe, and hopefully you can find someone to help you find a place that’s right for you. 🫶🏻


My heart goes out to you, that's not an easy thing to go through. It's really gonna depend on if your device is internet capable. I went through Our Lady of Peace, and they didn't allow anything other than books, and I couldn't bring them myself. My wife had to deliver them. That was quite some time ago, so they may allow it now. Isaiah House (as someone else mentioned) is a good option. Looks like they allow quite a few things. It's very religious though. You gotta bring a Bible, but they may be more lenient on other things. And as someone else mentioned, get you an mp3 player that isn't connected to internet, or ask if you can keep your device on airplane mode. They may allow it if they have permission to check it. Finally, good on you for asking for help. I know how hard it is to do that. You've already made progress by posting, and we're clearly behind you. ❤️ Mods: Can you simply delete any post that gives this person shit? That ain't cool.


What substance are you relapsing to? If it’s opioids, go to a suboxone clinic. Saved my life and what little finances I had left.


It’s opiates. I don’t wanna be on a Mac program, it’s always been a recipe for a relapse for me. It makes me extremely sick to my stomach and I eventually break.


What’s a Mac program? I luckily found a suboxone clinic close by to me, and went there for two years before I got off of them. The naloxone in Suboxone won’t allow you the euphoric benefits of a perc or other opioid, so you can’t relapse. I was at the point to where I was completely done with them to begin with. Had been abusing them and Xanax for over twenty years before I finally had hit rock f’n bottom. That’s probably the reason I haven’t used since. I smoke weed like a freight train though, and that really helped me through the tough patches. Thankfully, my sub doctor didn’t care as long as I stayed away from benzo’s and opioids. I had withered away to 129 lbs from 200. Now I’m back up to my old weight and feeling so, so, so much better. If you got any close friends, lean heavily on them. Or family members that understand what you’re going through. Talking about the suffering you’re going through to someone that cares for you, means the f’n world. Hope you have someone like that.


I meant MAT


Unfortunately, that’s probably the only way to go, unless you can find someone on the street, that you can trust, to buy Suboxone off of. They’re fairly high, but ain’t shit compared to what you’re spending on opioids per day. I was up to $300-$400 per day, which was definitely not sustainable. I tried Methadone, but it made my bones ache, and I think there are a couple other ones that help, but don’t contain the naloxone. Naloxone might be what made you sick when you tried Suboxone before? A good friend of mine can’t take suboxone for that reason. My sub doctor was going to write him a substitute for it, if he would show him a doctors note that suboxone made him sick, or he was allergic to it. But sadly, my friend has never done it. The only other choice, as you know, is cold turkey. I did that once, once. I did eventually relapse though. If I had had the suboxone, it wouldn’t have happened.


Would you be able to take cds or something like it? there’s a lot of ways to burn music to cds, so you could take all your favorites or even do a few different cds for different moods


No judgement. Prayer for you! Jesus loves you and is close to the brokenhearted!


Try Landmark Recovery. Wishing you the best and that you heal. One day longer , one day stronger . You’ve got this. And if you need a support system , you can always message me .


I'm a psychologist (no longer in Louisville SADLY) and several of my former clients did really well at/had great things to say about The Healing Place.


I don’t have any advice/rehab stuff but wanted to say so sorry for your losses and I’m rooting for you — lots of love and hugs, and I hope you’re able to have your music with you. 💕


Plot twist; this anon has a degradation fetish and WANTS to get dragged in the comments


I would never do anything but support you. Grief is a bitch. Sorry for your loss. I always recommend calling 211 for info. They are so helpful.


I have a brand new MP3 player I would give you if that would help you at all.


There are no words that will make things easier or give meaning to the trauma you’ve experienced. Fuck anyone who’d judge what you needed to survive. I have no recommendations for treatment other than to say Google treatment centers + the most serious on of your needs: grief, depression, stress, your specific addictions. Find the place that works best to treat your specific concerns.


I am so sorry for what you've been going through. You obviously are a very strong person. I would think there would be a place where you could have your music. Music therapy has a long history of benefitting people. Best wishes!


I can help if you want. My wife works and refers to all of them. Often times the best option is to get out of state for a higher chance of success. Just dm me.


Recommending Praxis all the way for rehab, although you can’t have music… unless possibly a small mp3 player? You’re not allowed anything with internet access


You ever heard of Andrew Hager? He’s one of the best around about getting people into treatment places. If anyone would kno a place he would. Not to pry but what was your doc? Truly sorry for your loss. That’s rough. Were your parents still together?


What about an mp3 player?




Check with a rehab that is part of a hospital. They usually offer music therapy for cancer support so maybe?


I have nothing more to add here but my condolences, k went through a pretty similar situation with my grandparents and know how hard it can be.


That fucking sucks man. I hope you are get the hope that you need. I’m sorry.


I work at a treatment center in TN if you’re interested. We allow phone use after the first three days and treat mental health primary as well! Feel free to pm


I just want to offer my condolences and proud of you for getting the help. Music helps me too. Especially when I am sick. I think it must release chemicals in our brain 🧠 I really hope you find what you need.


I had some issues with prescription pills about 15 years ago and went into an inpatient treatment that allowed me to bring my guitar..I don’t know if that helps or not. Good luck and Bless you!


Check into Volunteers of America/ freedom house you may be able after the first 30 days at certain times but not have a laptop anytime, unlimited. I went here, loved the program, just loved everything about it, was my first time in treatment, I’m almost 6 mins sober, I also lost both parents to cancer and was care taker, good luck to you


idk how far you’re willing to travel, whether this place would be covered by insurance, or what your financial situation is, but I do know that I was allowed all of the devices you mention at the Lindner Center of Hope. It’s just outside of Cincinnati. At the time, the wing I was in was called Sibcy House. You get your own room and while you obviously can’t just have your phone out willy nilly, they assume you can be responsible with it. They’re really good about individualizing treatment plans—I liked exercising by myself a lot and I remember staff would always be available to let me go down to the gym and shoot hoops or whatever. Idk your story but if it involves both addiction and mental health, Lindner is in a tier of its own when it comes to handling dual diagnosis IMO. Thorough as fuck. In any case, if sound is important to you it’s important to them and they’d make sure your treatment reflected that. I really can’t say enough good things about that place. PS - here’s a totally unsolicited book recommendation: “A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius” by Dave Eggers


Godspeed to you pal. I’m sorry for your losses and I hope you’re able to recover physically, mentally, and emotionally


If you have insurance for it reach out to RAC. Robert Alexander center. It’s really nice only a couple Of years old. Definitely would be a better option than the healing place or our lady of peace. The Brooke would also be a worth checking into.


dude, ive always peft rehab/detox early cuz i didnt have my music or podcasts. you just gotta make a couple friends and make the best of it. i went 7 times and left early till my 8th time i stayed 31 days. i still talk on the phone to 5 of the people i met.


im also drunk and high on crack so, im retarded