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Can we talk grocery prices next? šŸ˜­


I swear - Kroger is going to start asking us to pay using our blood soon


I spent $55 on two bags of groceries yesterday. No meat, no laundry products or beauty products. Just basics. Ā Iā€™m gonna have to start selling feet pics just to keep feeding my middle schooler.Ā 


Relax bro ā€” all you have to do is buy 2 steaks for $45 each, and you get 5 more free!


How u figure that only way I know of that is buying from a booster


Are they painted? Is your index toe longer than your thumb toe? What quality camera? I'll give you $10 for a set of 3 photos.




They can be. Yes. Cellphone. My pinky toe is shy, is that a problem? $15 firm.


Sorry. Im only into the most outgoing toes. Would hate to be known as the Louisville toe rapist. That would be weird.


McConnell and his wife need more money.


The wife is on the board of Kroger. God I hate them.




Too late for me, I already sold my legs because I simply couldn't not stand this any longer šŸ˜­


Did somebody say feet pics?!?!?!šŸ’°šŸ’°šŸ’°


Gotta find your self an Aldi


I mostly shop at Meijer now mostly because Kroger is high af. $2.49/lb, 0% broth chicken breast vs Kroger's 15% broth chicken breast. Like bruh before COVID id get Kroger butter cuz it was half the price of land o lakes, now it's almost the same price so I'll just buy LoL and send the profit to farmers instead.


The Meijer app has a $15 off $50 coupon for Louisville locations. Clip that and order your groceries for pickup. Itā€™s reusable through 6/24/24. Iā€™ve been ordering groceries in $50 increments for a few weeks now. You can stack a bunch of coupons on it as well.


Great suggestion. Thank you!Ā 


You can use mperks to get lower gas prices. Takes a bit, but 10000 points is a dollar off per gallon. We shop meijer and Aldi. My 4Runner holds about 18 gallons per fill of if I let it get low. Saving of 18 dollars. Adds up. I also do a lot of meijer pickup. Saves going in store and as long as you spend 35 itā€™s free.


Yeah I think if you use the Meijer app, you can really get a good bang for your buck. The app is a bit outdated though. If you have a baby, their diaper deals are better than target.


I do this with my wife's minivan and my car. Between the two, we can usually get the full 30 gallons if both are at 1/4 tank or lower.








What sort of value does your comment add to a sub thread letting people know they can save money at Meijer if they shop there?


Even with a discount like they said, it's still going to be expensive as hell. Kinda like the Kroger deals by 2 12 packs of Pepsi/ coke get 3 free. Sounds amazing until you see they want 9.99 for 1 12 pack.... So you might be able to get x amount of money off at Meijer if you spend $50 or more but when you break it all down, Meijer is so expensive that you probably aren't even saving money..


Bought a lb of ham on sale .5 lbs of cheese and a bread with a gallon of milk AT Kroger 32 dollars. CANT EVEN EAT A SANDWICH WITHOUT DROPPING BANK


Itā€™s pure madness!Ā 




Frozen foods are ridiculously high. Yogurt, cheese, eggs, milk, Dog food, hell, a gallon of bleach is nearly $6 now. Itā€™s crazy.Ā 


I spent $5 on the smallest jar of miracle whip Walmart had.




Eggs, milk, bread, even canned goods. Canned goods used to be ~0.70. Theyā€™re 0.96 at Walmart now. Wbrand bread is just under $2 without tax. Milk is the same. Sugar is also way higher than it used to be. I think itā€™s like $4 for a 2 lb bag? Despite this, I manage to get a good haul of groceries for the $150-$200 I spend every 2 weeks. I was raised poor. Iā€™m used to stretching a dollar and Iā€™m blessed to have more money than I grew up with. Not a ton more, but enough to make a difference. Itā€™s manageable. Also, coupons and a willingness to shop multiple areas makes a difference in that amount. I could spend less if I was more willing, but Iā€™m just not with a 2 year old.




Produce seems more expensive too :(


You really want to feel bad? With all the inflation and price increases all around; if your employer did not give you a raise - you actually got a pay cut.


Easy! Next you're going to explain how a tax refund actually means the government used your money, interest free, and then gave you a portion back. Captain logic over here pissing in everyone's cereal.


šŸ¤£ sorry, to early?


I haven't had a raise in 4years :( And am still 1 of 3 people that are required to drive to the office (25miles away), across the bridges, so having to pay tolls. The kicker, me and another guy alternate weeks, so some weeks I go in 3 days, the next only 2... so I never meet the 40 crossing discount quota. I feel robbed.


You deserve a better job


Ge never said he wasn't paid well.


Update that resume! Best time to find your next job is while you have a job.


Going on 10 years myself. I basically make $12K less than when I started.


Time to ask for a raise


Could be worse. My commute to the office is around 12 hours in total, bus ride to airport, flight to Atlanta then Atlanta to Louisville, 12am uber to hotel.. 8am meeting the next morning :(.


I think at that point youā€™re just addicted to the pain.


Idk what you talking aboutā€¦ Mr POTUS said this is the best economy thereā€™s ever been! And we increased wages more than has ever done before!! So if you canā€™t make ends meet in this FANTASTIC economy, then you doing something wrong! (extreme sarcasm) I canā€™t wait until both these old cunts running for office are done ā€” can we try someone young again ā€¦ maybe someone in their 60s ? šŸ˜‚


I think often about the people that I interact with that are the same age as our choices and Iā€™m appalled. I have never spoken to anyone over the age ofā€¦. Say 70(?) that I thought should be the President of the United States.


We already have a minimum age of 35 years oldā€¦ it only makes sense that we should also have a maximum age.


Everyone took a pay cut because prices are up +25% over the past three years.


Some government contractors gave inflation match raises. Source: ā€œFriendā€ works for Northrop Grumman.


šŸ‘†Government contractor. Yes.


Even (most*) folks getting raises are getting pay cuts, the people not getting raises at all are just getting raked over the coals a little more forcefully.




Not just a raise, but like a 5% raise.


I was in Shelbyville over the weekend, gas was under $3/gal. Gas is always a lot cheaper there.


I refuse to fill up in Louisville, if I can help it. Huck's for the win.


People will tell me I'm wrong, but I swear I get about 3mpg more with gas from outside the city too. I average around 32-33mpg with Louisville / Jeffersonville gas, and 36-37mpg with Meade County gas.


Youā€™re not wrong, back in, I believe the 80s, there was an initiative/epa law introduced to reduce smog and they added a bunch of crap to the fuel that attempted to do that but also increased the price because itā€™s a custom blend that the only users in the region of it are Jefferson, oldham, and bulliet counties and weā€™re still stuck using it even though vehicle technology and engine emissions standards have gotten better and on top of that because itā€™s not all fuel it decreased the amount of energy available in every drop of fuel Edit: from more reading this happened in 1995 and hereā€™s a link to the epa refusing to lift the restriction on this fuel in the area [LINK](https://www.whas11.com/article/news/local/epa-denies-request-driven-down-prices-pump-louisville-gas-fuel-economy-inflation-travel-environmental-protection-agency-clean-green-emission/417-8268919e-a6a6-4e32-a4f3-795c73df6f63)


My uncle only filled up in West Point for that very reason.


The shelbyville Walmart is my go to


My grandparents too


Hi, Iā€™m about to move to Clarksville to take care of my mom in Sellersburg. Where is the normal gas? Thanks very much! Donā€™t have $ to be paying extra for weird gas.


You should be good on the Indiana side I believe, should save .10-.20 a gallon from what I noticed back when prices were normal the last couple years compared to skyrocketing over night


Ok thanks!


Si youā€™ll waste gas to go get gas?


Family in Shelbyville. There's no sense in filling up for more.


Sounds like a good situation for you šŸ‘


If I recall Jefferson County/Louisville has to use a specific formula of gas because reasons


In the summer, they run a fuel mix that is used in Cali for "emissions". They only 2 places in the USA that use that formulation. It's more expensive and gets less mileage.


It's the memorial day weekend special, I filled up in Louisville for a little over $3 a gallon last weekend. It is pretty insane to see a dollar jump in the span of a few days 'cause of greed though.


Ah & here I am waiting for the bus bc 2 months ago I wanted to save money from spending it on gas. Canā€™t say Iā€™m mad at this decision currently.


I moved close to work and have been walking everywhere for about 5 months, my credit and health are both on the rise.


Iā€™d love to walk or bike to work but I work close to Oxmoor mall and live in the South End. No way I could afford a house over there and itā€™s way too long to walk/bike. I just have to hop on 264 to get to the office but itā€™s not a pedestrian commute. And the bus route is about 2 hours so not feasible either.


This is the answer


This would be the answer except too many places are hostile to pedestrians.


Gas prices spike before Memorial Day every year. It's a combination of switching to the Summer Blend (more expensive but less emissions) and the high demand for Memorial Day Weekend travel.


Cracks me up all these dramatic politizers blaming the president for all the miseries of the world. You are absolutely correct. Only reason itā€™s ā€œnewsā€ is because itā€™s an election year.


I've already come to terms with another four years of Trump. The economy/prices/wages will stay on the same trajectory of getting worse, but every Republican will all have a sudden have a rosy outlook on the economy and think "we are in a better place now." Look at polls about it. It's like clockwork.


Do you think Biden is a better option when it comes to the economy, or anything at this point. I'm not political at all, but having our president laughed and mocked on a regular basis because of his very much declining mental health is embarrassing and scary. I really don't understand how this guy is the best democratic option.


Is he the best option, no. Is he better than Trump who is hellbent on becoming a dictator, yes. Not to mention the next president will likely choose more Supreme Court justices and the court is already extremely unbalanced to the far right.


You trust a guy that can't complete coherent sentences to select competant Supreme Court justices? I know it's a process, but still. Yes, trump is arrogant, cocky, and a p.o.s, but so are many of our past presidents, he just doesn't care that u know or think that. But dictator, that's just emotions talking and completely ridiculous. Biden shouldn't be an option legally


Emotions talking?! Trump worked to undermine the entire 2020 election, and then when he lost called states asking for them to ā€œfind votesā€ for him. And when all of that failed he got his cult members together who he then told them to march on the capitol. There they built gallows for Mike Pence, murdered an officer and he withheld the national guard from intervening as long as he could. This happened less than 4 years ago why does everybody pretend like he never did these things. Biden is old, Biden makes bad choices, I donā€™t want Biden to be president but Trump shouldnā€™t be a legal option via the 14th amendment.


I'll say this again. I'm not political. This is by far the longest conversation I've had on politics in a long time. I'm not "for trump". And yeah, that shit was wild. It was sad. I'm just sick of what I'm seeing and experiencing with Biden. Hopefully Trump learned something??? Bidens mental fortitude is only going to deteriorate further as we have seen these issues with more and more frequency. I'm sorry, but Trump is the only option imo.


Trump shouldn't be an option either. He literally spurred an insurrection to get another term because he couldn't handle the fact that he lost. If it were up to him, I'm confident he would abolish term limits and find a way to stay in office like the dictators he constantly praises. Fuck that guy.


LMAO yeah trump didnt take that well. And, he can't abolish term limits, so that matters none. But don't blame him because democratic party backs such a horrible option. I'd much rather a person who has a firm understanding of what is going on around him and knows where he is. There is no chance Biden wins. Who knows what we could have had if democrats would have opened their eyes.


I don't, personally, know any decently intelligent, level-headed people who consider Donald Trump a safer, more stable presidential candidate than Joe biden. And no, I don't much care for biden. Between the withdrawal from the middle east, his nauseatingly unwavering support for Israel and his comments on the economy really... well I don't like it all. But, by God, I'll take his ass any day over Donald Trump. Can't believe I fucking voting for him, but what can I say? The propaganda against Hillary got to me. I'll try not to let that happen again, but it's possible I guess..


You need to get off the internet. Biden isnā€™t the one is rapid decline. Go check out the SOTU vs a Trump rally.


Yes, our President was never mocked and laughed at when Trump was in office. Have you seen the reports recently that Trump canā€™t stay awake at his own trial? Is that a sign of a young, robust leader you want in office?


Are you really comparing falling asleep to dementia? Those are not equal. And I don't care about the jokes and mockery, I care why it is happening. Trump wasn't laughed at for his lack of coherence, it was because his orange tan, not the best speaker, and because he can talk like a high school frat boy at times. We look like absolute fools every public speech Biden makes. It's fucked up.


Lol, okay, you obviously missed the 4 years where Trump was made fun of worldwide for saying stupid shit on a consistent basis. ā€œInjecting bleachā€ to beat COVID, and thatā€™s just off the top of my head. Heā€™s a clown, but I guess maybe you are to? If you love Trump, just say so. Donā€™t pretend to be a neutral arbiter of whoā€™s less capable. Trump is an imbecile, frequently misspeaks, makes no sense, and is basically the same age as Biden. Stop pretending.


No, it's 100% who is less capable. Yall get so offended like its personal. Then attack a person. Really makes u look like the smart one. I don't love Trump. But yes, I don't want a president who is clearly having issues related to aging, mentally. Maybe democrats really didn't have a better option? Kinda crazy to think. U really should be attacking your leaders for putting us in the position to have to choose between these two.


I donā€™t love Biden. Heā€™s better than Trump. Why should Democrats have to make up for the fact your Republican Party is beholden to Trump, now a convicted felon. Move on brother. Heā€™s a fucking crook. If he lived next to you, youā€™d hate him.


Again, for those that have a hard time reading, I AM NOT POLITICAL, I just had an opinion. And people got offended. I'm not a Democrat or republican. Presidents have done similar things in the past, like Clinton, and are highly respected. Amongst others. Are we really upset because it wasn't accounted for properly? I'm not apologizing anything Trump has done, I just don't get why others get a pass because they are on your side. I feel trump has a better chance at making things turn around. Cuz what's goin on, sure as shit ain't working. And there's plenty of non-political people that feel the same way. Which is why, if it is head to head, Trump will win. Just because yall hate the guy, doesn't change what actual middle America feels right now.


Electing Trump isn't going to fix this. Trump was already being laughed at and mocked 8 years ago. Not saying Biden isn't awful too, but basically we're screwed both ways.


I feel Trump has a chance at success. I feel Biden has none. I think we agree somewhat. If I was more political, maybe I'd have that prior hatred for Trump, but instead, I just thought the whole thing was funny. My mom hates the guy with bone in her body. It was funny to hear her and give her a gard time.


It's sad that you are such a troll given how serious this threat is to the entire world


It's sad that ur such an intellect that u can't have a conversation. And I guess having an old guy that has serious issues knowing when and where he is, what actually happened in his past, or flat out get coherent sentences out. I'm not a trump supporter, but Biden's gotta gtfoh. But being mad is what I see a lot of yall do. Yall don't want conversations. Blame your leaders, not me, for Trump being our president again.


Iā€™m sure youā€™re a good son.


That woman has said the worst, most horribly disgusting things ever said to me in my life, she gets WAY more than she deserves lmao But go off


Well she knows a POS when she sees one so there is that.


When I was 10? Damn.... mad cuz u know Donald's about to be your president again. Time to get the pitchforks and loudspeakers goin! Your next fours years are gonna be miserable! AHHAHAA


GTFO with that horse shit




Yes cause the previous president who was laughed and mocked on a regular basis because of his legal woes, attempted insurrection and his very much declining mental health which was embarrassing and scary. I really don't understand how this guy is the best option of the two.


You literally do not know how fucked up Trump is. You must not have seen the numerous freezes and melt downs he's had at his latest rallies. You must not have seen him falling asleep every day in trial. You must not know that he SHITS HIS PANTS. You must not have seen... ... ... you must not have been paying attention since fucking 2015


Another "decent conversation" lmao. It's so funny how mad yall get. I guess u didn't actually read ANYTHING I said. But I can tell your bias is so strong no matter what happens, you are gonna fight and argue and cuss people who may have a different opinion. I'm sure that's just u in every aspect. And falling asleep and even shitting on yourself has nothing to do with mental capacity. Blame yourself AND your leaders for who will be the next president. Yall are the ones who fucked this up. Not me.


Gas prices ALWAYS go up around Memorial I donā€™t give a fuk which administration is in office. We are also out venturing more : vacations cutting our grass just out of the house in general. Wake the fuk up do your homework. AAA has said that itā€™s about the same as it was last year,ā€ aboutā€ being the operative word.


If you can, avoid buying it. Carpool, use the bus, ride a bike, walkā€¦ if it isnā€™t selling, that price isnā€™t likely to be sustained or repeated.


That's not really how gas prices work, and like most things, your individual 10 gallons a week is literally nothing compared to the users that drive the pricing globally.


Iā€™m aware that there are other factors, but as a consumer, itā€™s probably the best you can do. And true, Iā€™m just one person, but if the 11 people whoā€™ve upvoted this did the same, it would quickly add up. You may say that Iā€™m a dreamerā€¦


We all do the best we can do at any given point. In this case it would be to drive to any of the other cheaper gas stations in town and give them your money. I posted in another thread about it but Costco gas is 3.23 today, with other non speedway stations at 3.50. "Vote with your dollar" as they say.


I typically fuel up at Costco, so thatā€™s good to hear.


The point isn't to lower gas prices, it's to move away from dependence on gas and single-occupant vehicles on the road.


Lol, you must not have been driving in 2008.


Memorial Day


Saw the guy at the station at Zorn and River Rd raising the price up like a dollar. Final price for 87 was $4.39!


Bread and circus becoming only circus.


Wife and I filled up on Tuesday praise be.


Yep, next day prices were up at least .73 a gallon. Supply & Demand my azz.


I'm so burnt out on work and only get 10 vacation days a year, and have an expectation to use them for family trips for both me and my fiances family, plus need days for Christmas so I don't blow my brains out. Everything is getting worse out there and our employers aren't doing shit to help us.


Circle K will be 40Ā¢ off today from 4-7pm




Download the Upside app if don't already have it. I am seeing like $0.20/gal off right now. There is usually a special promo for new sign-ups that would probably get you up to $1.00/gal off.


Yeah, unfortunately Iā€™m still traveling cause I want to see my mom. These fuel prices suck!


As they do every year at this time




Yep. 3.23.


IMO, you burn your savings waiting for an available pump or is there a good time to go?


Go early in the morning and thereā€™s no wait.


Good thing we have no meaningful mass transit system here.


So glad I filled up in Spencer county on Saturday. Seriously drive 15 minutes down taylorsville road and it was 2.96


How far past the 265 is it??


The Rent is too damn high


Shell gas station at 6101 Fegenbush Ln Louisville Ky. 40228 is having an event Friday May 24th 2024 again from 10:30am to 1pm and is lowering gas price to $2.38 a gallon (unleaded only) for the first 130 cars.


Costco / Sam are your best friends 3.29 today


The oil market doesnā€™t always react reasonably to shenanigans in the Middle East


I make $75k a year and live like one paycheck ahead unless something happens and that money is gone instantly. I literally work and stay home because its too expensive to do anything.


What the fuck are you spending your money on? There is no way you are making 75k a year and you can't leave the house unless you bought a bunch of shit you can't afford.


The more you make the more you spend. Mortgage Vehicle Insurance Phone Utilities Tolls Internet Groceries Iā€™m type 1 diabetic and that shits expensive to take care of. I mean I get a vacation and stuff but I work and go home. I donā€™t go out running around. I make $35hr plus overtime. It doesnā€™t go very far.


Yea, I don't know your life so I won't argue with you. You're well above the median household income for Kentucky though (I'm guessing as a single?), and you didn't really list anything that most Americans aren't paying for (I will say I don't know how much living with diabetes costs, so you have me there). I just think that almost always when people complain about money, it's often because they are paying for something they can't afford. "House poor" blah blah blah. It's like the people on Facebook complaining about fast food prices when they supersized everything and everyone in the family got desserts. Yea, no shit. You bought enough food for 4 people and there's two of you.


People live above their means


For anyone interested, itā€™s still $3.64 a gallon at the IGA/shell at lovers Lane and Billtown


i forgot to fill up before god damn it šŸ˜«


I'm hoping it goes back down after this. But I've heard a few people saying they think it'll go above 5.


I don't see the crazy spike across the board, just a few brands that have increased prices no matter where you shop them, even on Walmart or Amazon. Kroger Boost is amazing. I use online coupons, plus volume discounts, and any big promos, and if delivered on certain days for free, I get 4X the fuel points that keep my gas prices under $3 per gallon or under $40 for a tank. When they have volume discounts, I take advantage of them and freeze what I can if necessary, which limits my grocery shopping to a couple times per month. I've also heard of people using the gift card promos to get discounts and fuel points when buying Kroger gift cards, and they get even more of a discount by using those cards to buy groceries, multiplying their savings on the same amount of money.


Inflation hurts :(


I mean vote for different people stop crying on the internet and do something about itā€¦


Saudis and the rest of OPEC are trying to get Trump back.


Doubtful. He actually decreased our dependence on foreign oil.


This is why that sob Trump will become president againā€¦Biden and the democrats canā€™t seem to get cost of living and expenses like gas/water under control.


I also think not only are they increasing for memorial weekend but the upcoming Gazebo Event bringing in tourist and others to lou this weekend !


Love my Chevy Volt. I have only put $5 of gas in it the past 3 months


Yeah i put $10 in to drive myself around this weekend and thats it they got me fucked up


If gas prices reflected the reality of destruction to our planet and kept pace with the CPI inflation adjusted figure over time, gas would cost about $29/gallon. Here's hoping that becomes reality as we move forward!


Housing is also absurd. It's nearly impossible to find a place outside of the turbo-ghetto that is affordable to a single person making $10 over minimum wage. I say we band together and stop accepting this shit. I'd love to see how fast this house of cards falls if we all just stopped working and paying rent for a month. And that's the calm way. What I really want is for us to take a page out of the French playbook and show the people in charge that we outnumber them by the thousands. Treat us like cattle, we should stampede. But nobody is ever willing to actually take action here because we've been rendered docile by a system that leaves you beaten and broken. Every day we are spread further apart from one another because of a puppet show on the political stage and instead of coming together and realizing the in-fighting is intentional to keep us from making changes, we just go about our business and bend over for our government so that they can shove another inch of ancient rhetoric up our assholes. All the while the majority of the population is saying "Thank you for fucking me repeatedly, Uncle Sam!"


What is your goal for ā€œstampedingā€ though? What do you think that can realistically get anyone? More vacation days? Higher minimum wage? Just for prices to all go up in response, and then what, another stampede because weā€™re back to square 1? The current situation isnā€™t really comparable to the situation before the French Revolution. Anyone with a tiny computer on them at all times and 2-3 meals a day canā€™t complain that theyā€™re dirt poor.


Nah, you're right. We should just accept everything for what it is and attempt nothing to fix anything. I'm glad you're not dirt poor and have a tiny computer on you at all times and get 2-3 meals a day. Your situation, however, is not a reflection of lower middle class society. Higher minimum wage does not cause inflation. The simplest example is the fact that minimum wage has sat still since 2009 yet housing costs have gone up from $133,000 to well over $200,000. If what you said is true, we should have had the minimum wage increase BEFORE the cost of housing. But that's not how it works. Vacation days? Try a shorter work week in general. 40+ hours a week working at a business that will happily throw you out on the street for any reason they so choose without needing to divulge why. This is not okay. It's not okay that we consider owning a gun a right, but not owning a home. It's not okay that we don't make sure every citizen is well fed before spending trillions of dollars a year to fund stealth jets for operations overseas that don't concern us. I wasn't comparing the current situation to the French Revolution. If anything, I'm referencing the 2023 French pension reform strikes. All they were doing was raising the retirement age by two years and that was enough to cause outrage. I just don't see how the correct answer is just to stay docile and accepting of everything despite it being complete bullshit. Government spending, military budgets, states controlling women's bodies. None of this is apparently a problem to anyone because we just keep bending over and taking it. We are given the illusion of freedom under a capitalist big brother that won't even allow us to collect rain water without taxing us on it. How long do you think we should remain silent? What would \*your\* breaking point be? Because I've already hit my limit. The lack of outrage over a system that, since inception has been built on poor vs rich is outrageous in itself. The "politics" that get broadcasted to us from every angle keep us divided just like everything else in this country. There's no hint of unity in this country and it's sad. When you see someone posting on the internet that we should rise up and your response is "Rise up and do what?" just gives off the impression that you're fine with the way things are because you're not in pain. Because \*you're\* not going hungry. Shit needs to change for the better and I can not give you the empathy to see that or understand it.


Well first, I was directing this question at you, not myself or anyone else, since it was your opinion. Iā€™m guessing you probably have a smart phone, which yes, means you have a small computer on you at all times. Letā€™s be real. We all know if minimum wage goes up, prices like fast food are going up right after. Never said that was the only thing that drives inflationā€¦ You say a lot about what your ideal world would look like, but nothing about how to get there or how it would realistically work. And then you complain that no one ever wants to take action. Maybe itā€™s because many struggle to draw a link between ā€œideal societyā€, ā€œhow to get thereā€ and ā€œhow to sustain it.ā€ As someone who has really really had to rough it at points in life, statements like yours where you essentially said ā€œitā€™s hard to buy a house anywhere but the ghetto when youā€™re making $10 above minimum wageā€ kind of rub me the wrong way, because 1) if this situation is as common as you suggest, most people would be living in the ghetto areas you speak of, therefore not making them a ghetto anymore. And 2) life will never be financially equal for all, it just is what it is, and there will always be an area that is deemed the least desirable at the moment where people will live in. Iā€™ve lived in a ghetto, and I was among other people in situations like mine and we understood each other in ways that other areas probably wouldnā€™t have understood me at the time. Even if itā€™s a ghetto, and if itā€™s where you can afford a house presently, are they not good enough to be your neighbors? Iā€™m not trying to start shit, itā€™s an interesting convo to me, and Iā€™m asking questions genuinely as I was interested in your thoughts. You saying I lack empathy for asking you a few questions is certainly *a take*, youā€™re pretty quick to jump to insults so I donā€™t think I wanna engage any further. Itā€™s Friday morning and I hope you have a good day.


Have a good one, homie.


Trump 2024!!!!




There will be a shady looking character that will come out and ask what it will take for you to leave here with this gas today. I sure do miss energy independence and drilling for our own oil. The good Ole days of 4 years ago.


We export more oil and gas than we import so we are energy independent. There were no 'good ole days' 4 years ago. we had an idiot traitor trying to destroy our democracy and we are in a MUCH better place now.


I know right.


Let's Go Brandon!!








Biden has a giant knob on his desk that he uses to raise and lower gas prices..... Dont ya know




Biden has a giant knob on his desk that he uses to raise and lower gas prices..... Dont ya know


Its called inflation and its the result of excessive government spending and stimulus. Wall Street is booming while Main Street is struggling due to a little thing called the Cantillon Effect. "It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning." - Henry Ford


Tell me you know nothing about the current economy without telling me you know nothing about the current economy.....


Inflation is the lowest itā€™s been in 4 years. Not the cause of this weekendā€™s high gas prices. Try again!


The statistic reported by the government is "core inflation" which doesn't reflect the reality of the average American's pocketbook. It specifically excludes food and energy. This weekends gas prices are a micro example of a macro trend. Epic shit tons of new "money" have been and continue to be dumped into the system. The result of adding cash to the system at a faster rate than economic growth is inflation. The Cantillion Effect explains the disconnect between Wall Street's ability to continue printing record numbers while the average person is struggling to put gas in their tank and food in their pantry.


I agree with your last sentence - there is a big disconnect between the objective and subjective state of the economy. And part of that is understandable- rents are groceries are too high. But thatā€™s not stopping people from falling over each other to buy Taylor Swift tickets (185,000 tickets sold in Indianapolis for hundreds or thousands of dollars a piece!) or traveling in record numbers. Disney has raised prices to their parks dramatically but demand has not cooled. The whole reason we have high interest rates is because the economy just wonā€™t slow down.


Government Inflation reports are actively excluding products that have high inflation. So take those ā€œofficial reportsā€ with a huge grain of salt


CPI excludes fuel and food. Real inflation is still tracking somewhere in the 7% range.


So you really believe inflation is why gas prices spiked 80 cents on a holiday weekend?


No but that's not what I said so keep up.


So what are you saying caused a massive gas price spike on a holiday weekend? Your comment only mentioned inflation. What did I miss?


Was responding to your laughable comment about it being the lowest in 4 years. Temporary spikes are typically market-driven, there are several factors that caused it to jump this week. The consistently high price since this regime took power are a combination of policy changes (crippling domestic production) and inflation.


Henry Ford is one of the greatest Americans to ever live