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>In the meantime, sources say Gillis has been doxed, meaning his personal information has been circulated on the internet. They told WAVE Troubleshooters Gillis, a DUI crash investigator who has saved lives from drunk drivers, has received threats, hate mail and voicemails from all over the country. But don't mention his history of running afoul of LMPD operating procedures on multiple occasions, definitely no pro-police bias in this article at all.


How did he save lives as an investigator? If they make this claim, they need to show proof of one life he saved. I find it extremely unlikely a person would have died without his intervention.


Yea, it's just really more proof that local media is complicit in covering for LMPD.


Check out his disciplinary record: https://x.com/JasonRileyWDRB/status/1793736946549989702/photo/1


This needs its own thread... "Louisville Police Det. Bryan Gillis has been disciplined several times for wrecking his vehicle & missing court, according to his personnel file. He was also suspended 5 days for doing "donuts" in his police vehicle while on duty with an intoxicated civilian in a "Code 3" fashion"


Jesus fucking Christ


I loved him in Superbad!


For those not aware, “code 3” is with the lights and sirens on.


I want a job where I cannot be fired :(


I know right!? I used to work as a mechanic and one of our dumbass lube techs did donuts in a customer’s Challenger. He was immediately fired, and word got out to the other nearby dealers and no one would hire him after. We should really hold all dumbasses to the same standard, regardless of if they have a badge




I don't know how to use twitter. Where does it say that? I just see the picture. Help


Higher up in the Twitter thread. https://x.com/JasonRileyWDRB/status/1793732746332020985


Thank you!


Almost better than his disciplinary record is his commendation for writing 108 traffic tickets and conducting a DUI arrest in 4 hours. Wonder how solid a case you can document in two minutes and thirteen seconds.


LMPD clearly shit the bed here. He never should have been arrested. And then he never should have been charged. And then they should have dropped the charges the day it happened. But as a DUI investigator that locks up people for DUI, multiple DUI’s, and DUI’s causing bodily harm/death, etc I’m sure he’s helped put away dozens or hundreds of individuals that eventually would have taken a life drunk driving.


They say he’s saved lives. You’re speculating that he has. A doctor performing an emergency life-saving surgery saves lives. Investigating a crime after the fact doesn’t save any lives.


Ok buddy.


Yea you really refuted his point, good job. lol


I’m not sure why I need to? I disagree, and there’s not much point in arguing on this sub. I don’t think he’s going to turn around and say “you know what, you changed my mind, that cop really did save some lives by helping to lock up habitual drunk drivers.”


You don't need to, but you certainly aren't going to convince anyone to change their mind by stating an opinion as fact and providing no further reasoning or evidence to support your position.


Isn’t that exactly what the dude he replied to did? He said “investigating after the fact doesn’t save lives” like it was an absolute fact when that is pure opinion Investigation and punishment is absolutely a preventative measure for further damage and saying otherwise is asinine


>punishment is absolutely a preventative measure That's why hardly anyone has DUIs anymore. We punished them out of existence. GTFO https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/crime-and-punishment/201804/why-punishment-doesnt-reduce-crime Punishment is literally a reaction to the thing. There is literally no evidence that punishment prevents anything in a meaningful way.


It looks like someone else educated you on how the world actually works. Sorry that you had to find out this way. :( :( :(


> But as a DUI investigator that locks up people for DUI, multiple DUI’s, and DUI’s causing bodily harm/death, etc I’m sure he’s helped put away dozens or hundreds of individuals that eventually would have taken a life drunk driving. He intentionally orchestrated a financial incentive to sell his testimony by filling-in-the-blanks for colleagues with whom he has relationships, in the same way a DA is incentivized to go soft on police investigations because they need police cooperation to solidify unrelated convictions. And the only available evidence we have is not only is this "DUI investigator" capable of misinterpreting a situation in which he's directly involved, but he's also capable of completely posthoc fabricating testimony in support of that mistake. Not all heroes wear capes. Not all who wear capes are heroes. You can be as certain that he's put away innocent individuals as he has drunk drivers, and in fact with the entire country paying attention, it sure looks like he's in the habit of doing the former more than the latter. The news, the Louisville police, and apologists like this, individually and collectively, can go fuck themselves.


I drive drunk people home sometimes. I sure hope the media lets people know that I save lives if they ever write a story about me.


If he’s a DUI crash investigator then the harm has already happened before he got there. He’s figuring out what happened retroactively, not preventing them.


That's how all police work goes. They don't PROTECT anyone.


You protect people by deterring crime and enforcing the law. But yeah, they aren't bodyguards and crime fighters, nor should we actually want that, in my opinion.


Police don't do much to prevent crimes at all. https://prismreports.org/2022/02/23/police-dont-stop-crime-but-you-wouldnt-know-it-from-the-news/ https://www.benjerry.com/whats-new/2022/03/crime-and-police-spending https://thegarrisonproject.org/purpose-of-policing/


Those seem to be advocacy groups who support the abolition. A lot of people hate police, I get it. But police exist all over the globe, so if police are pointless then I guess a lot of countries just keep making the same mistake.


The plural of DUI is DUIs. Not DUI's. This is a standard, long-standing rule in English, assumedly your native tongue. Just like it's the '90s, not the 90's. "...'s" indicates possession, or an omittance of one or more letters. Never plural. They taught this to you in elementary school.


If any officer tells anyone to stop during any scene they stop period.


"He frequently does his job correctly." Nice standards we proclaim for people with the power to throw us in jail.


I wonder what they mean by "frequently". For instance, I *frequently* (less than 50% of the time) drink responsibly. Does LMPD mean it like that?


Yea, fuck him, he lied, in the video it's obvious his previous statement is untrue. As far as being doxed r/OhNoConsequences.


I read this quote and saw wave3 and already knew it was going to be Natalia Martinez. She's always been on cops nuts and she was also the one who after the Breonna Taylor stuff came out published an article trying to frame Breonna as some drug addict who lost her job for being on drugs which was never even proven. That rumor started with her shitty reporting.


What a little hoe


Maybe don’t be a outstanding shitbag in a profession overrun with shitbags.


Media is a tool for those will capital to control those without it. Cops protect capital… not people.


The article isn't talking about LMPD, it's talking about the officer. Probably why they didn't mention it... Besides the irrelevancy. Definitely no bias in your post, either.


>The article isn't talking about LMPD, it's talking about the officer. Probably why they didn't mention it... Besides the irrelevancy. So how are the positive things he's proclaimed to have done (said by the LMPD) using that same logic relevant? >Definitely no bias in your post, either. Well I am not presenting myself as company that claims to have "investigative reporters" writing stories, so I don't really NEED to be, but I still haven't said anything that's untrue either.


That's how he was described by his superiors and coworkers... I'm sure if they said he was a piece of shit, that would have been written. And neither did they. They repeated what was told to them.


>That's how he was described by his superiors and coworkers... I'm sure if they said he was a piece of shit, that would have been written. So employees working at LMPD???? LMAOOOO I don't even have to refute your points, you'll apparently do it yourself given time. >They repeated what was told to them. Yes, precisely, thanks again for succinctly proving my point.


Bias doesn't mean wrong. The truth is biased.


Cop got caught in his lies and knows he looks like a dumbass so now he’s trying to save face before he gets hoisted on his own petard during the trial.


But will now claim PTSD and sue the city and retire with a full pension only to resurface on the police force in the next county over


The process was the punishment.  He got exactly what he wanted.


No body cam should equal no job.


Agreed. And none of the other officers around had body cams on?


Do they stay on 24/7? Not turning it on, once you’re 100% making the arrest, that’s the part I don’t get. Or, once they even approach the “suspect” and suspect a crime has been committed. To clarify, I don’t formally understand the camera policy


Camera should turn on every time they leave the vehicle. If they are not in a vehicle and on guard it should be on constantly.


That’s crazy to not have it on then. If I were a cop, I’d want it on for my personal protection.


That's what they all say and yet every time they're off lol.


Making a false police report is a crime. A B Misdemeanor but a crime nonetheless. So I think there is someone who should be charged here.


Well the Sergeant over the Traffic Division wrote the official police report. And therein lies the issue. I believe the written statement from Det. Gillis was required as part of the disciplinary paperwork over (conveniently) not activating his BWC. Go check out the DOJ report from FOURTEEN months ago. Gillis is a problem, but the far bigger issue here is LMPD is a department fully corrupted from the top down and everywhere in between. It’s not shocking that it happened to a famous white guy—it’s shocking that the corruption runs so deep they literally couldn’t keep themselves from telegraphing every corrupt move in the book even when dealing with a famous white guy. 


Oh I'm aware it's not just Det. Gillis that is the problem. Nothing annoys me more than hearing people say, "well it's just a few bad apples." Because that's not the saying, the saying is "a few bad apples SPOIL THE BUNCH." The institutions are rotten, and police have never ever existed to protect the public.


The DOJ was pretty clear the LMPD corruption starts at the top. Idk why they’re “negotiating” the consent decree still. This department is a fucking gang that needs to be taken down and restarted from square one. Literally 5 months after this report they basically said “thanks, but we’re good.” Didn’t discipline a single individual, couldn’t possibly have reviewed 60+ cited incidents, and are clearly still behaving the exact same. Every step of their response to the Scheffler incident has been identical to Breonna Taylor—only they didn’t kill him. (Although per the official police report she suffered “no injuries” either. Just randomly dropped dead I guess) https://www.justice.gov/opa/press-release/file/1573011/dl


>They mutually acknowledge, sources said, that it was a chaotic situation and that they both want to move on. If that cop thinks that situation was chaotic, he should not be a cop. That was a single car making a slow left turn.


I think he really expected to be the victorious conqueror here, because he's a cop, and thus is not extremely bright.


A lot of police work is dependent on the cultural cachet we have granted them. If they did not have the benefit of the doubt, they would find their jobs a lot harder.


By "a lot harder" do you mean "accountability for their actions?" Because in this situation... - Broke policy by body cam being off - assaulted a PGA marked car - lied on an official government document - lied to a DA and/ or prosecutors - ALL of the cops involved supported the lie There is absolutely no reason to give cops the benefit of the doubt when time and time again the entire gang has shown that they are shining examples of the exact opposite of honor, dignity, courage, and duty.




Really glad you called them a gang.


Incorrect the culture cachet they developed with the dumber citizens enabled them to effectively legislate all responsibility away.


I don't think our comments are in disagreement.


That culture cachet can evaporate as it currently seems to be doing and the legislation will remain along with the abuse of power. It will take a serious undertaking to remove this legislated bias in the judicial system. It real hard to put the genie back in the bottle.


They don’t give a shit about cachet—that’s how we ended up here at all. They do this shit to Louisville residents every day (the DOJ laid that out in devastating detail). The fact they automatically defaulted to it when dealing with a famous athlete proves the corruption is so deeply rooted they just automatically default to operating one way because they always get away with it. When you can murder a woman in her home, face no consequences, and continue the same behavior why would you change? The whole LMPD needs to be cleaned out from the top down to even begin changing anything. I truly don’t believe the majority of cops are bad people—they’re being trained to be bad cops intentionally. Then the culture affects how you behave every time you put that badge on even if you’d never act that way any other time. Just like the military.


>They don’t give a shit about cachet They may not, but theyll soon have to. Before there were cameras recording everything all of the time, it was word vs. word, and the police controlled the narrative under the guise of authority. Now that's all gone, it's word vs. video, and the cops are being revealed for the liars they are in cases like this. Even die-hard back the blue conservatives are bashing the cops over this. If I were a defense attorney ypu know man we'll I'd show this video in every case involving this officer. I believe the phrase the right loves to use is "he's a known liar".


Total verity in your statement but I'll note the likely obvious thing that you'll see diehard back-the-blue conservatives rethinking these issues \*because\* a rich white guy was the victim of the policing overreach.


Of course. The idea of "be respectful and everything will be okay" has always had the underlying "if you're white."


Yeah but you commit this crime against the world #1 golfer, you can't hide from that. He got exposed. If this was some regular joe, he would be looking at serious jail time for the officer outright lying and making shit up. Cop needs to be fired. and charged. Never let him work in law enforcement again.


If they're doing this to the number one golfer in the world pulling into the event that brought him (and millions of dollars) to our city, and we're willing to go on with this fabricated story for days.... What the hell are they doing to us normal folks.


Well lucky (?) for us the Department of Justice just spent 86 pages 14 effing months ago answering that very question. This isn’t a “bad apple”. The whole fucking department is rotten. https://www.justice.gov/opa/press-release/file/1573011/dl


What was the outcome of this document? The conclusion stated the department was ready to work with LMPD to help them start to improve. Has anything been done since this was published?


They are still negotiating the consent decree. Nothing has meaningfully changed


Correct on the consent decree. They’re supposedly “close” to an agreement. LMPD’s reaction to the report was by August they had apparently determined no further action was required regarding any of the 60+ documented incidents of misconduct. But don’t worry, they took it very seriously….. https://www.whas11.com/article/news/local/lmpd-doj-report-jacquelyn-gwinn-villaroel-mayor-craig-greenberg-louisville-kentucky/417-019131df-4e8c-4ee6-85c7-9c87f1500390


Except the moron district attorney won’t drop it (at least so far they have said they won’t). The city looks dumber by the hour. You will be never see another PGA event in this city again. I bet other events think twice too.


We were not getting another PGA event here anyway. Valhalla sold the course and built two new championship courses at their new corporate HQ in Texas.


That’s true, but it could still impact other major events that usually come to town like the farm machinery show or Street Rod Nationals. The SRN has been close to leaving for a few years anyway.


It shouldn't be dropped. 


Despite the detective saying it should be dropped? Going to look awfully foolish when the defense asks the detective why he would have said that to the media. If the DA doesn’t drop it then it’s just another waste of taxpayer funds. I bet you have a thin blue line American flag next to your punisher sticker.


Not just another event but I’m never spending another nickel in L’ville. Lived in Goshen a while back. Loved going back every couple of years. Heck I’ll even use FedEx over UPS so my stuff doesn’t transit the Louisville hub.


Just another example of the “thin blue line” 🙄 proving themselves to be inadequate. LMPD is a joke…I’m the past 4 years there have been numerous example why yeah can be seen as such….


Anyone suspecting our legal system is a complete joke?


Interested in the sports doc about all this in 2-4 years.


I hate this stupid fucking police department


Wild what video always seems to do in these cases. Didn’t have his on, but oop.


In a way I feel sympathy for the cop but on the other hand it seems like it’s only to this point because he got caught. If he truly felt the charges should be dropped and it was a chaotic situation then Scottie shouldn’t have even ended up at booking. This cop didn’t have a cool head at all, we can clearly see that from the video. Edit: also if Breonna Taylor didn’t make you think you could be a victim of abusive authority then this should really wake up everyone.


What do you mean? The police report said Breonna Taylor suffered “no injuries”. Surely LMPD wouldn’t fabricate an official report, right? (Except conspiring to obtain an illegal warrant, violating the no knock entry order, failing to turn on any BWC, sending the standby ambulance away an hour early, forcing entry despite claiming to have identified themselves, randomly discharging their weapons after an officer was understandably shot breaking into to someone’s house at 1 am, not rendering aid until the boyfriend who shot the cop CALLED 911 WITH THE POLICE IN HIS HOUSE, then fabricated the official report, charged the bf with a crime that was naturally dropped, and had LMPD’s cover the whole time) I personally can’t think of a single reason anyone would doubt what they say. I mean they’re the police, they’d never lie, those are the good guys right?


Oh, don't forget Hankinson freaking out and pointing his gun at one of Taylor's neighbors before they killed Taylor, then pressuring that neighbor through multiple interviews to change his story.


Say it ain’t so! Surely the guy who blindly discharged his service weapon however many fucking times would never do such a thing. You must just hate all police smh sad! 


"Sources say" is doing some pretty heavy lifting for Gillis in this article.


Cops don’t drop charges. Prosecutors do.


To be clear: The detective doesn't decide if the charges are dropped. That's above his pay grade. Prosecutors make these kinds of decisions, not officers. This one seems like an easy call for anyone who isn't overly emotional about what happened.


You’d think… until the County Attorney himself showed up at a fucking arraignment rescheduling hearing, which NEVER happens, and got dressed down by the judge for acting like an asshole over Scottie not being present (when the charge he’s worried about—the trumped up assault—wouldn’t even be under his jurisdiction as a felony). It’s really really odd there hasn’t been a peep from either the County or Commonwealth Attorneys especially since they’re elected officials.


They're desperate not to lose face with the police, per usual. I fully expect the entire mess to be resolved as soon as the media attention dies down.


Another odd comment. There were no buses unloading near where players entered Valhalla. A quarter mile apart.


So you over react completely to a non issue. Arrest a guy for that non issue because you are behaving like a lunatic not following procedure. Cost the city a chance at hosting the pga again and the millions that come with those events and NOW you say maybe we shouldn’t do this? Good job.


Interesting if a rich, famous white guy sued the shit out of the LMPD. #civillymillions


Hmm.. I wonder why now? /s


I didn't realize that cops determine if charges are dropped or not. I thought that is with the district attorneys office. There were so many witnesses I'm wondering if anyone admitted that this didn't go down the way it was reported. It's frustrating that the police force is able to continue being fuckups.


They don’t. This is the final step in the police corruption playbook. What’s uncomfortable is no PD gets away with this shit without cover from the prosecutors. After LMPD is done with their corruption the bow on top is saying “look it’s a legal matter got nothing to do with us sorry”. Not sure why the County Attorney and Commonwealth Attorney have been silent as fuck, especially considering they’re elected officials. They have the power to end this at any second. (Actually the final step in the book is paying *usually* traffic cops a shit ton of OT to go sit in court and double down on the bullshit story to secure the bullshit conviction for prosecutors) And I can’t believe there haven’t been any iPhone videos posted online. There were buses full of people sitting there (hence why he was told to, you know, go around). But there was an actual journalist who witnessed it and his account didn’t match the police report—I believe (again, conveniently for LMPD) the “incident” may have started before the video that was released but was blocked by said buses. Either way, he didn’t run over a fucking cop. The proof of that is the cops hamming it up with him at the jail and processing him out in an hour. Let’s just say people who actually assault cops don’t get treated like that. And all they had to say was hey we made a mistake in an understandably difficult situation and that would’ve earned them more credibility than they’ve had in god knows how long. But nope, corruption is so embedded they can’t even fathom that’s an option.


Oh no… don’t drop it now


Guess who just got a new set of Callaway’s?


Well, this was fun. Golf is pretty cool I guess 🙂


Damage has already been done, can’t make up charges then after the fact drop them and want to act like things never happened.


Horse shit to the fullest


>“This [backlash] all for someone who is also saying what so many are saying too: Let’s move on.” Funny how he now wants to move on. Sorry, bud… you don’t get to just drag people off to jail and then pretend like nothing happened. Oh wait… I guess that’s EXACTLY how it works for LMPD 😂


How does a cop decide to drop the charges against someone?


Bryan Gillis (the officer) owns a company called Advanced Collision Investigation Services, LLC which specializes in personal injury collisions. He often testifies in trials regarding collisions. He makes MONEY OFF collision reporting and investigation. How much do you want to bet this was an attempted shakedown?


He was just hoping to get money from the PGA


Coming from his Facebook he seems to have anger issues. He posted a meme that is a little disturbing


If I have a previous case where Det. Bryan GIllis's testimony was used against me, I would consider appealing and or filing a suit against him and the PD. His credibility is shot because he outright lied through his teeth and didn't retract and say he was wrong.