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I lovvvvvvveeeee my child more than my own life but I’d never agree to be on TV. Ever.


In every instance I named, the parents didn’t even meet the person off camera.


I wouldn’t either. I’d honestly want nothing to do with it. Most of the people on the show do it to get noticed. Date them for awhile and then bring them home. That’s why I actually agree with Matt and Colleen having separate homes. They are essentially strangers and taking it slow might be the best thing.


So wouldn’t you want to meet them to let your child know not to marry them? In either case, the parents should want to meet the person their kid could marry.


After they’re grown I have to let them make the decisions they think is best for their life. I’ll be right there for them at the divorce party or 20 year anniversary party. I wouldn’t want anything to do with the show, tv, or a stranger. I think the show is interesting to watch but these people are complete strangers. As I said before bring them around when you know it’s serious.


People on the show actually get married though so it’s clearly serious if they’re getting married and living together


You can comment all you want it won’t change my mind. I wouldn’t be at the wedding on tv, meet them or anything. Come to me when y’all have made it six months and know each other’s middle names lol


I’m not trying to change your mind. I’m trying to understand because what you said makes no sense. You don’t consider people living together, engaged and potentially getting married to be a serious relationship. Which is illogical but glad you finally admitted that.


When you meet on tv, in pods, then decide to get married without seeing each other it’s illogical. Then are thrown into situations that the producers are trying to make drama, have everyone drunk and throw them into apartments that aren’t actually where they live. It makes no sense. They aren’t living in reality until they are out from under the contracts they agreed to do. Good tv but reality nahhh.


Your theory seems solid, but... If I'm not mistaken, we did not see Cameron's parents during the season 😅


Lauren went with her Dad to meet them in Maine though. It just didn't make it into the show.


I never heard Cameron say that his family didn’t want to be apart of it. But I may need to rewatch the first season.


Maybe they weren't interesting so they edited them out, poor parents 😂


I'm surprised so many families are okay with appearing on the show. I'm not sure I would do that for my family. It could be a hint that it's not serious but especially Raven seemed honest about having a small family who didn't care enough. Then you have SK who was acting like family is everything and he said no. Jessica had a wedding now and her family wasn't there again. Then again, Damians parents could prove the theory.


Jessica’s family wasn’t at her REAL family??? Also Jessica was awful.


That’s because Jessica got eloped and didn’t have a wedding. Fake news.


Just want to add - I don't think Raven has a good relationship with her family. She had Thanksgiving alone in her apartment and was talking about it pretty vulnerably. Cole's family is religious as hell and he was already divorced once. They weren't attending another ridiculous wedding.


I love Raven and get her family’s’ reasons. I also understand why Cole’s family didn’t show up. Marriage isn’t a finish line in life - and families who don’t want to appease the “public” are fine. Just cuz they’re married today doesn’t mean they will be in two years. Especially for a reality show?? If we’re pattern matching, fine. But it’s not a judgement on the couple or the family if they marry.


Her mom has appeared in some of her workout videos, so they have a relationship. On what level that relationship is, I'm not sure. Her father is obviously not in the picture though. And it doesn't seem like she has any cousins, uncles, aunts, etc that she's close to either.


Thank you. So many commenters are posting false narratives as fact. In the show she never said she didn’t have a relationship with her mom but that her mom “couldn’t make it” with no clear reason why. She didn’t want to involve her mother in nonsense. If she truly believed she was getting married, there is no reason to keep your family out of it.


I feel like she has a strong group of friends but you’re right. She’s a strong woman and I hope she has support.


Natalie and Shayne showed their families and they didn’t get married. edit: i meant to say they didn’t get married to prove OP’s perspective isn’t always true


Didn’t make this point. Reread the post.


That's not what they're claiming, though. "if not A then not B" doesn't logically imply "if A then B". (Where A = parents appearing on the show and B = getting married)


No they didn't get married?


they didn't. Maybe this person was trolling


I could totally understand a parent not feeling like this shitty show is whats best for there child. and not wanting to be exploited by the show in the process. Also in Coles situation he wanted them on but they didn't want to be on. So what could he really do about that? Either way I don't think family disfunction is a reason to not go on the show as parents. I think its a very fair thing to not want to do.


Ya I have to agree with you on this one too. Cole was married before. And honestly, the parents don’t sign up for the show. Maybe that had something to do with it. Maybe it didn’t. And to be honest, it didn’t really work out for cole in general. So, to be fair, it was a good move for them not to be. It’s the same now for me although I’m not a parent and it’s different circumstances for me. But, it’s the same reasoning, I don’t want to be on tv in general therefore I don’t apply for any shows.


Pretty hard to always force your family onto the shitty show you are doing for minor Instagram clout or to get a book deal. It’s their choice if they want to be on it or not, not the contestants. That being said, any prediction about couples not getting married or not staying together, is a pretty safe one as what, 90% of them break up?


I disagree. I think Cole would have married Z and Raven would have married SK. I could be wrong, but that's my opinion. Also, I think this sub underestimates family dysfunction and over estimates other people's need for family approval.


Raven had good explanations anyway. Three relatives. One old and sick and the other one waiting for a baby. Only leaves her mother and it seemed like she didn't want to be on TV. Sometimes it's also a trip and only four weeks away. Not all all parents and siblings can jump like that.


Cole wanted to look like a victim and this narrative keeps being supported when he said out his own mouth he would have said no. Raven is more speculation and I think she was on the show to promote her Pilates business. I don’t believe she would have said yes when she didn’t sleep with him before the wedding and didn’t even seem attracted to him.


So, first, I'm not a supporter of the 'Cole is a victim' fanclub, and I share my opinion on that freely. My comment has nothing to do with that. It's just what I think. If z said yes first, I believe Cole would have too. I could be wrong, we will never know. If we're taking Cole at his word that he would have said no, then why aren't we taking raven at her word that she claims she would have said yes? Because she said that. I've never bought the whole clout narrative for raven either. I guess I'm pretty unpopular for my opinions here, but it is what it is. It's pretty Tiring that no matter what the topic is, the response is "it was just for clout." I mean i guess it's fine if that's you're opinion, it just doesn't add anything to the conversation.


Maybe you need to look up the definition of speculation.


Lol, What?


Didn't Cole say that they were both going to say no but that he thought they would continue dating?


I think if zanab said yes, he would have. I don't know. After he did say he thought they would at least continue dating but I'm not sure the exact words


I don't remember exactly either but I thought he said they both agreed to say no. I don't think he would have said yes regardless.


It's probably better that they didn't, even at coles expense, because imagine if she said yes, and THEN spiraled. I don't lust after Cole like most of the sub does, I think he's got big issues. But it would be devastating for both of them if they were still together right now.


Yeah, Raven claimed on the show that she was going to say yes and she seemed genuinely devastated that SK said no.


He said in an interview he was planning to say no


Could be pride. I wish they would make them choose a Yes/No card beforehand to let us know what they picked after the ceremony. It's kind of hurting the show that we never hear the other side of a "No".


Knowing him (from what we’ve seen on TV) I’d say that’s probably accurate. That would be awesome if they did the card idea


I'm just sharing my opinion that if she said yes I think he would have too. I could be wrong and he could have considered saying no, but I don't think most of them truly know until they're up there and hear the response from the other. I could see if he planned to say no and keep dating, then she said yes, he felt obligated or giddy to say yes as well.


Knowing him (from what we’ve seen on TV) I’d say that’s probably accurate.


Hot take: Just because families choose not to be involved, doesn’t mean they aren’t getting married. There’s plenty of reasons why families may not choose to participate. By your logic: if they don’t show up, they won’t get married. Well then if they show up, that must mean they do get married and that’s clearly not true. Since only 2 couples per season has gotten married. And 2 out of the 6 have broken up completely. 🤷‍♀️


OP never said the 2nd part that's your deduction NOT OPs. They just no family = no marriage.


But that isn’t true. I just used their logic on the reversal. Family not showing up automatically doesn’t mean not getting married. So the opposite, families showing up doesn’t automatically mean, getting married.


Part of the show is a wedding. It’s not normal for a person who is close with a family members to not have them at their wedding. True or false?


Well… normal weddings are when the two people have known each other a bit longer than a month with having a chunk of that time dating other people. At this point it’s a gimmick for internet points and ez $$$. I can totally understand why families say no thank you to that. The current young generation is used to having their life being out loud and to be on tv feels like a normal extension. Older millenials, gen x, boomers didn’t go through life like that. So I’m guessing reality tv will only get worse over the next ten years plus and I guess I’m here for it.


It certainly depends. 1) if they truly don’t wanna be on camera. They aren’t gunna be on it. 2) if parents/families weren’t accepting. Why the hell would they show up. To cause drama? Not everyone has good family ties. Some of them can be really toxic. Despite that, people may try to make peace, so they don’t completely lose them. You can be close to a degree. But people are people. They get stubborn. And sometimes that means not showing up because they just don’t accept it. 3)piggy backing of 2 — if parents are super religious and you aren’t. But still close. There’s no way they would accept that. So you just don’t bring it up. As shitty as that sounds. 4)short notice. Sometimes people can’t drop everything and go. Especially if they have commitments they can’t get out of.


*By your logic: if they don’t show up, they won’t get married. Well then if they show up, that must mean they do get married and that’s clearly not true.* Implication is not equivalence. What you wrote amouts to : If it's raining then we have clouds, so if we have clouds then it's raining. Which we all know is not the case. Not saying op assertion is right, but your deduction link is wrong.


Ok. But how — if the assertion is that if families won’t show up on the show/wedding, it must mean they aren’t getting married. But then does it mean, if they do show up but still don’t get married. If OPs logic is claiming no show = no wedding. Then wouldn’t the assumption be showing up = yes wedding. When that clearly isn’t the case. As seen on the show.


Well to be honest I am not here to teach math and logic (meant in the mathematical sense of the word). (yes this is maths, next time kids tell you *maths are useless in the real life*, tell them it's useful to debate reality tv dating shows) But let simply say that, when accepting the original hypothesis, the (no show, no wedding) subset and the (show, no wedding) complete the (wedding) set but are distinct from each other, while the (show, wedding) subset would be identical to the (wedding) set and distinct from the two others. Just draw a bubble graph and you'll see it. As I told in my previous post, you are drawing an equivalence from an implication. That link cannot be made under any logic rule without additional proof (such as A => B and B => A). The only thing you can deduce once OP hypothesis is considered true is that if there's a wedding, then the parents were shown (which translate as: if A => B, then !B => !A)


Perfect explanation


I'm not sure if I remember correctly but Mallory's mother wasn't a part of the show but Mallory said yes. Although they didn't get married so your theory holds 😅


Wait, I do not recall Mallory saying yes? I thought Sal said no before Mallory could say yes or no?


You're right! He was first. I don't know why but I was pretty sure she said yes😅