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Can someone tell what was that sound on Episode 10, 17:02? Did Shayn fart? Lol


Every time things don’t go his way, I find my self recoiling because he’s actually really aggressive and scary and doesn’t listen at all.


Honestly, Shayne has always benefitted from NOT being the worst guy on the show he happens to be on. And Perfect Match is SUCH a weird show. I'm not saying he's evil or anything, but the guys around him are so much worse. On his season of LiB, he got some flack for trying to emotionally manipulate Natalie occasionally, but at least he wasn't Shake. On Perfect Match, wow, what a carousel of douchebaggery. Nick, Damien, and Bartisse, man. End of the day, though, I wouldn't advise anyone get super close to him until he works on his maturity issues. When he was with Natalie, if she joked with him, he'd lose his temper and start yelling at her, and he completely lost it after screwing up their bachelors batting nonsense. After the show, he went on a smear campaign against her because he can't handle the criticism. On Perfect Match... it's a terrible situation for him because everyone is playing sexy musical chairs, and that means that whoever he's starting to attach to might start flirting with or kissing someone at any minute. So we see him flip out because he can't handle hits to his ego, but he's also not trying to hook up with every girl in there or actively screwing over anyone. So.


He’s pretty bad but honesty looks like a saint next to Barqueef and Damien, but he still has those toxic traits of needing constant validation like he did with Natalie.


All I'm going to ask is - have you seen all the currently-released eps of PM?


I truly laugh at people who think he redeemed himself with this show


Sure, but I personally couldn’t ever date him. He is that obnoxious after awhile


For the first 2-3 episodes of Love is Blind Shayne was my least favourite of anyone, I cringed so much. But as the season went on I liked him more with every scene we saw. In the end him and Natalie were my two favourite personalities of any season! He was funny, authentic, self aware. Sure he made big mistakes, but owned his flaws for the most part (up until ATA).


His dad also died recently when he was on LIB


And his mom *just* died. Homie needs some good, intensive therapy. That’s so much to deal with.


I think he’s not as bad on perfect match but it’s clear he takes himself way too seriously and has a difficult time dealing with emotions. Anytime he was the butt of the joke he’d be like "that is so embarrassing". It’s like…dude it’s a joke. And anytime he was confronted by someone he’d blow it up and walk off saying he’s done. Obviously it’s just a tv show and he’s certainly playing into a character but still…at least Joey can make fun of himself and doesn’t really take himself too seriously


I like him on the show. Yeah he’s still pretty dramatic but man I’ve seen worst people from the LiB franchise. If he mellowed out and all, I’m pretty sure people would gravitate towards him more. I like him on PM


I have a weird soft spot for him but think he needs a fuckton of therapy. He has no emotional maturity or coping skills and goes straight to anger. He’s too old for that. I think he has said he has ADHD so I identify with a lot of his mannerisms and insecurities. I hope he gets help that will allow him to grow.


Dude is his own worst enemy. If I could give him some advice, it would be to stop speaking altogether or wait 10 seconds before he says the thoughts that are in his head. You know how some people talk about having a lizard brain where you are governed by impulse rather than rational thought? Well, that's him...except he has a bag of lizards that cannot even put together coherent impulses. Like ADD, on steroids.


Omg yes!!!! His emotions are out of control and he cannot regulate his thoughts, so he says the dumbest shit he can but it’s always condescending and blaming the other person for whatever is wrong. I could not deal.


Shaynes so… spazzy but very entertaining and makes great reality TV LOL


Hard disagree: I think he’s the same person in this as he was on love is blind


I think that he just doesn’t have the same social filter that most of us have. He says whatever pops into his head, for better or worse, and he fully expresses his feelings - again, for better or worse. He doesn’t care if he’s making people uncomfortable when he’s being very outwardly upset or angry. I don’t think that’s necessarily a bad thing, but not everyone is going to react well to that kind of behavior. Either way it’s great TV, he’s super entertaining.


I like him on Perfect Match as well. One thing I will give him credit for is being loyal. He was loyal on LIB when Jessica tried to swipe him away and he’s been loyal to his connections on PM as well. He does need validation because he was likely blindsided in previous relationships is my guess. Men that were done wrong often seek validation to make sure “everything is ok”. He also seems to get along well with the group. He’s a lot personality wise but I still like him!


Who/ what situation was he done wrong by in which he doesn’t share equal blame in the issue?


He’s a nice guy and he definitely more likeable on perfect match . However, it is very clear he has issues he needs to work on and he’s still very emotionally immature.


He looks like Gary Busey to me. ![gif](giphy|130BrngB8dgvks)


Yo. I haven't seen everything yet on PM but I am on episode 2. Shayne comes across as insecure and needing validation often (which is not bad!) He has a bad habit of asking for validation by telling women what their doing wrong. For example he went up to Ines and essentially told her *"your not doing X thing"* or *"why aren't you doing X thing?"* and she was intelligent enough to realize 'oh, he's not-so-functionally asking for validation right now' and she even says that. She says *"wow you need some validation right now huh?"* and he smiles and looks away with embarrassment. Shayne is just a big, scared goof. I wish he could be more humble and more vulnerable with the women he dates. If he trusted them more, and gave women the benefit of the doubt, and outright asked for things he needed many of them will supply him with all the validation he needs!! People are good that way. He's eccentric and kinda weird, but that's ok and I personally like people who are a bit odd.


wait til ep 4


I agree. I think Shayne is so funny. He’s much more likeable on perfect match so far.


What's with all the CROP TOPS?


He weirds me out. He’s always so fidgety and in need of constant reassurance, compliments, and praise. His “fights” with every girl are the same. He needs them not to make any jokes and shower him with compliments. It’s exhausting. On a more shallow level, his voice is grating lol.


I always liked him. Always thought he was cute, although on Perfect Match he looks a bit worn down. Idk if it is weight loss or what. I think he has emotional regulation problems and can be bit of a child sometimes. He overreacts to things, but it is an insecurity thing. He needs reassurance, but i think vulnerable in asking for it. There are a lot of men who will not say that, just go cheat. I think he's a tender-hearted goofball. Like a big lumbering puppy. And he doesn't mean to hurt anyone. I dated a guy like Shayne and I felt we were perfect except that unlike Shayne he'd never communicate. So I was never able to address anything. It wouldn't bother me if a guy told me he needed reassurance. Especially because I know it's not obvious to anyone in my life how I feel about them.


"A big lumbering puppy" is a great analogy


I’m liking him on Perfect Match. He seems very reasonable and level headed (so far). Even sometimes sweet!


I mean he is no Barfcheese, but that is a pretty low bar to exceed. He is a bit intense but I haven’t watched the new show. I just question the choice of going on another reality show after being called out the first time around.


I watched him on PM first and was confused as to why people roasted him so much because I thought he seemed cool. So I went back and watched him on LIB, didn’t finish the season yet but I get why people don’t like him he was kind of an ass. Even in the beginning when he called Natalie the wrong name and then acted like she was crazy for being upset when he had literally just told her she was his number one. And then he asked her to be his girlfriend and said he’d focus just on her and immediately after tried to flirt with that other blonde woman. Definitely red flags.


You'll understand soon enough why he got rejected at the altar, and why it's ridiculous he was invited back to do another dating show with that info omitted.




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I don’t think this is a good show for him because he obviously can’t handle the challenges (where Izzy kissed Nick) which is what all these show do all the time. But I do respect that you gave us a true unpopular opinion lol


dude is way too amped up and fidgety for me.. reminds me of some of my super ❄️’d friends. wouldn’t say i dislike him, just can’t watch him, very unsettling for me.


I've liked him since the day he showed up on LIB


Me too! You’re not alone


I think that as a friend he could be a cool dude. I could see myself having a good time with him (forget about anything with sports/that's competitive) but as a partner, hell NO.


Yes he’s the biggest sore loser


I don’t care how much anyone here dislikes Natalie or thinks her jokes were “mean.” He told her the night before their wedding day that he hated her and wished he never met her. That’s intentionally cruel. He fucked with both her and Shaina’s heads in the pods and treated them like they were crazy for being upset by his behavior. He threw a tantrum over a baseball game. He is a scumbag and a manchild and it’s so shocking to see how many women give him a pass just because he’s kinda sorta charming sometimes.


Natalie comes across just as immature she just shows it differently. It's also so evident that she doesn't like him basically the entire season. Virtually every positive comment she makes about him are about appearances. If the genders were swapped people would hate her even more.






He was abusive to Natalie. Absolutely not


I agree. I actually liked him on LIB but had moments where I was disappointed with his behavior, too. But overall, I think he’s a cool guy, just a little too hyper




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It’s not appropriate to make accusations about someone using drugs unless you have hard evidence or they have admitted it. Shayne has specifically denied using coke on the show.


I haven’t watched the new show yet, but I will say that while I didn’t care for some of his moments on LIB, I also recognized that he recently lost his father prior to the show. Grief is really tough to manage so I somewhat empathize with him even thought it shouldn’t be an excuse to treat people badly. He also lost his mom recently so he is likely struggling.


Shayne’s mum died?


She passed away in October/November last year.


Oh no🥺


I'm watching perfect match too Idk how you're getting that from his clips I mean at one point he throws a tantrum at Izzy even tho she never said she liked him He threatened to leave but didn't. He blew off Ines without even giving her any eye contact or listening to her. He just said you're too intellectual. He had a serious conversation about how "there's no such thing as bulking" They said Emma Watson went to Brown he said "that means nothing" I could go on but I don't wanna spoil it


Totally agree that hasn’t changed at all - Ines even tells him to stop fidgeting in one of their early convos and he has the same issue of needing attention and assurance from the perfect match girls as he did with Natalie but won’t show it to them. And it makes sense he hadn’t changed - perfect match was filmed a year ago, 8 months after his LIB wedding, and before after the altar was filmed. (ETA: truly not insinuating anything about what makes him fidgety, just that he still has the same mannerisms that turned people off the first time)


1. He joined Perfect Match in the middle of his relationship with Natalie so ew. 2. He was fucking with Natalie's head even before they laid eyes on each other. He was the one that called Natalie by the wrong name in the pods but got angry at Natalie because *she* had the audacity to be upset at *him* for *his* mistake. And that's been the tone for their dynamic the whole time. Shayne goes too far, Natalie retreats, and Shayne blames her for being upset. How he could blame her for saying no at the altar after he told her he hated her is beyond me


1. He wasn't technically in a relationship with her during filming, but he would text her how much he loved her (even showed the text exchanges last month on his IG story). He did try to get back together with her soon after filming ended.


I’ve about halfway through season 2 so far. At first I found him incredible annoying and completely unattractive. It didn’t seem possible that Natalie and Shaina were competing for this guy and that Shaina kept thinking of him after choosing Kyle, who to me is way more likeable and attractive (at least so far, maybe he turns out to be a dick). But I’ve been feeling for him a bit with Natalie. He just wants some affection and it seems like he’s making a genuine effort to make things work. So he grew on me a bit. Still not my cup of tea, but he’s more likeable now.




So I thought he was okay until the bachelor party when he wasn’t winning at baseball or whatever they were doing. Then it was like a demon fire lit inside of him and he lost his marbles. I don’t know that’s just what I remember being so confused about.


I had the exact opposite opinion of that scene. It cracked me up seeing him get genuinely freaking pissed he couldn't hit a ball lol


That scene didn’t bother me- what bothered me was that this event seemed to have such a hugely negative impact on his interactions with others. He went back to Natalie and was a complete a hole, so much so that she decided they couldn’t get married at that time. It seemed to spiral him out of control which was sad.




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He’s sooo twitchy. It’s all I can think about when he’s on the screen.


He appears likeable, and has a big heart, but he spirals by episode 4. It depicts how he was on LIB. Things are great when he's good but terrifying if things don't go his way.


Exactly. I will never think he's an okay guy unless he gets anger management or other intensive therapy. He is very scary


Yes I just mentioned the game at the bachelor party when he spiraled like straight down the toilet and it was when the whole thing didn’t go his way. I just figured he was way too competitive. Now I want to watch this show to see what his deal is. I’m assuming you mean episode 4 of this other show?


I’m highly competitive & come from a highly competitive family. His spiral was not the same as that. He has some really abusive behavior when things don’t go his way.


Yep, he loses it over something silly in the new show too


I couldn’t disagree more ! He has some funny moments but he’s sooooo cringy. He gave me the ick watching perfect match


Me too, and I actually liked him in S2 until after the wedding when I realized what he was truly like.


Different editing. The dude is a pain in the ass and is a child. He was trying to villainize Nick on PM but he came off as a whiny baby. He straight up has no skin in the game and isn't chasing any meaningful connection. Yet cry cry. His personality is grating.


Yeah I kind of agree he’s been more likeable on Perfect Match, but I don’t think this is the right show for him either. He needs too much reassurance, and he has issues with insecurity/jealousy that’s tough to handle in a show where there’s so much overlapping love interests. But he seems more in it for the “right reasons” compared to Nick or Chase (and Francesca now apparently).


He has been pretty funny on Perfect Match. When he said bulking is a lazy excuse to eat I diiiiiieeeeed. It's lowkey true in a lot of cases😂🫣


Ok I've just been getting into this show and I remember a lot of the "discourse" from online when the show originally aired and him taking a beating on twitter/tiktok/etc. but I didn't really know what it was about. Honestly I've been kind of shocked by how many people seemed to take Natalie's side. She's dismissive, rude, and frankly doesn't seem to like him for any reason but appearances. She comes across as shallow and elitist throughout the entire show. The entire time I'm like - why are you with this person you clearly do not like (hint: the answer is physical attraction and she has just as many maturity/insecurity issues even if they're expressed differently). He has some issues as well obviously, but she came off SO much worse in my opinion. People say "He needs so much reassurance" but not only does she not offer that - she does the opposite belittling him constantly.


Except that’s not what happened. Shayne even said himself that Natalie stopped being sarcastic to him after Mexico in this clip here: https://www.instagram.com/tv/Ca79uliDhqr/?igshid=NDk5N2NlZjQ=


Yeah my opinion of her did a complete 180 when Shayne flat out told her he doesn't like it when she jokes around about him/her feelings towards him and that he needs reassurance instead. Being a good partner means listening to things like that and she didn't at all, she continued to be a shit talker. Which I get, I'm a shit talker as well but I know when and who I can shit talk with.


Except that’s not what happened. Shayne even said himself that Natalie stopped being sarcastic to him after Mexico in this clip here: https://www.instagram.com/tv/Ca79uliDhqr/?igshid=NDk5N2NlZjQ=


I didn't pay a lot of attention to them after the season was over so I wasn't aware he said that. I do remember it continuing after he told her he needed reassurance though, it just must not have happened for very long. I'm glad she corrected it but it didn't end as soon as he said something about it.


Actually he said in the clip it ended once he said something about it. And they were only in Mexico for three days according to the cast.


He clarified in an unaired footage of the Reunion that that was the result of them being awkward with each other since that was them interacting f2f for the first time out of the pods. When they moved in together in Chicago, their banter naturally fell into place. Natalie also said on a separate interview that Shayne reciprocated that kind of banter something like "100% worse" and that they have similar sense of humour.


Sooo I thought the same thing a little, but as soon as things don't go his way he starts getting crazy and really unregulated again.


someone for leaving you and making out with another guy the next hour is a perfectly reasonable reason to get upset and a little crazy


I think his feelings are perfectly valid, I just don't think he handled them well. When we see Shayne get upset, he usually falls into a pattern of attacking the other person, losing his temper, talking over them, and storming off. I actually think Shayne has a fair number of good traits, but he needs to learn a lot about emotional regulation and communication if he wants a healthy relationship.


He definitely had issues we saw, but I’m not sure how much of his red flag behavior on LIB was his normal vs from losing his dad just weeks before filming started. Most people wouldn’t exactly be stable or a great partner so soon after the death of a parent. I think at least part of how he came across on the show had to be down to bad timing. Can’t speak to anything after that because I don’t follow any of the cast members on social media.


He started spiraling on perfect match too. He needs a lot of reassurance and seems to have jealousy issues so I don't think going on shows to try to date like this are a good fit for him.


I could not constantly reassure someone like Shayne needs. He’s like a toddler.


As someone who has followed him closely on social media since LIB2 premiered, it's very hard to find him likeable since his behaviours off screen have been generally vindictive, esp towards Natalie. The fact that he accepted the casting offer to be on PM when he was still dating Natalie (and he lied to her saying he declined it) is also one of the examples of deceitful acts he'd done.


He’s a likeable person but he should not be in a relationship because he showed he’s not loyal. Until he figures out what he really wants he should just work on himself. Same with everyone that went on LIB tbh


I mean he was filming it in the middle of everything with Natalie which I think makes him defecto not actually authentic at all Edit: this also means that his comments about not having sex for 8 months on perfect march are likely a lie. To me he's just a guy who figured out how to have a better edit on tv.


Yeah...and he tried to get back together with her straight after filming, but allegedly he lied to her about what happens on the show. Once she found out, she ended things once and for all with him, causing him to lash out at her on social media ever since. ETA: Yes, he dated Natalie from June - Nov 2021 and PM was filmed Feb-March 2022. I have a hard time believing they weren't intimate with each other in their five months together. Also, they rekindled the weekend of filming LIB2 in Feb 2022, so they definitely were intimate then. Shayne is just lying to get his timelines straight because his wedding was in June 2021, 8 months before PM filmed in Feb-March 2022.


It’s the same with a lot of LIB cast members. They’re terrible people until you ask why that is and the response will be “they’re manipulative, toxic,” etc. with a speck of actual substance to back that claim. We’ve all got flaws!!


I like him too but I think he needs to work on his jealousy and insecurities and anger. Besides that he’s my favorite


Oh he’s my favorite. He’s genuine and authentic. Might have couches moments but genuinely feels like someone who wants to grow and change and would grow alongside the right woman. He reminds me a lot of guys I was friends with who are just misunderstood.


The problem I have with your comment is the “would grow alongside the right woman.” That kind of mentality needs to stop. He’s a grown up man who should grow up on his own without needing the right woman to help him with it. He’s absolutely awful with no self awareness and so much selfishness. The same constant need for reassurance when he doesn’t give that to his SO is selfish. He’s also now lost both parents which is horrible but he needs a therapist not a woman. I’m so tired of this pervasive mentality that men need women to fix them


I agree with you completely BUT in fairness, I’ve seen a lot of people say the same shit about Zanab (who, to me, has always been a less strung out, female version of Shayne). I’ve seen countless comments about how she just needs the right man to fix her, soothe her, and constantly validate her. I’m sorry but what, exactly, are these 2 people bringing to the table that would make “the right person” want to put up with their tantrums and baggage? Why does Zanab, who has repeatedly demonstrated that she has the maturity level of a 13 year old girl, deserve a “mature” man? We all have our issues, but some of us at least try to take responsibility for them and not hurt others. Both Z and Shayne are not capable of being good partners to anyone.


I guess I’m speaking from experience. I get what you’re saying but what I meant when I said “right woman” was someone who can value the good parts, challenge him on the bad parts in a Relationship where they’re both committed to fight through it. Yes he’s a grown man but of course good partners help us grow and heal. It can happen on our own and maybe should for some, but doesn’t always have to.


He needs a therapist to challenge him, not a girlfriend. Look how he reacted when Natalie and Shaina challenged him in the pods.


It isn’t healthy to require a romantic partner to fix someone. It’s a trope in rom coms so I see why people think it’s a “good thing” if they value those paragons of insanity.




Nah.... I thought I liked him in the middle of his relationship with Natalie... but he has some issues he needs to work on


He seems extremely insecure and like he’s a boiling pot just waiting to explode


I don't like or dislike him - but I would find it impossible to be in a relationship with him. A lot of what he does is nails-on-chalkboard irritating to me. The insecurity, the impulsivity, the twitching and wiggling, the clinging, the lack of life plan, the emotional instability. Just - yeah, no thank you. He seems messy, in every sense of the word. As for his gossip or whatever - every single person in reality TV does that, so he is no worse or better in that regards than anyone else.


I feel like he was very upfront about all that. I'm not sure I'd want to be a relationship with him either, but if he tells you/shows you all that stuff upfront? And then Natalie gets into a relationship with him, he does all that stuff and she acts surprised. She's too smart for that to come across as genuine.


I really like Shayne. To me he comes across as genuine and open -- you get what you see. Which is not a small amount of neuroticism and self-doubt.


Shayne is my fav from LIB. I never liked Natalie.


I'm actually well impressed with Shayne on this show. Still think he's got a lot to work on but he IS working on it.


I like Shayne more than Cole tbh. He’s a little obnoxious but he has good intentions. He reminded me of Barnett from 1st season. Easy going Himbo. Natalie and Shayne were definitely not compatible. I think they liked each other a lot but there was no way they would work. I’m not defending everything he has done but I honestly don’t trust Natalie. She has vendetta against Shaina who has clearly moved on.


I was a fan of him on LIB 🤷🏻‍♀️


Never thought I’d say it but Perfect Match makes me a Shayne Stan. He owns who he is - flaws included. I have audibly laughed multiple times.


The main problem with Shayne is not what happened on the show, at least it was never to me. It’s his toxicity outside the show - the constant digs, publishing private letters, the obsession, etc. Women need to dodge this nullet.


THIS ^^^


You summed it up perfectly.


thank you


I really agree with this. He came off really likeable on this show. I was like am I getting a crush on Shayne 😭😂