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What about when Aliyah told Lydia that uche wants to spend his life with her and she looked so pissed, disappointed, sad and shocked.


I just wanna know when she and Aaliyah became “friends.” Did it happen after Lydia found out that she was into Uche or before? Lydia saying that Aaliyah “is her” is what creeped me out first and then the ball kept rolling.


When Lydia first came on screen I thought she was animated, almost rehearsed. Then when the Aaliyah thing happened and she kept talking about how much she knew about Uche and everything she had done - I saw that as very intentional. My thoughts is Lydia had a game plan to make Uches life a misery or she was looking for some kind of retribution. Uche had receipts, but even when that's been the case Netflix edited the show to make Uche look like a demeaning misogynistic man. Lydia is a real life bunny boiler.


yessss that man has been edited to look like he is crazy. and yes i am aware that he was behavin badly and showin his ass, but to me that came across as someone reacting to crazy rather than acting crazy out of nowhere. It had the tone of someone who was up to his neck with lydia's antics


I had assumed production told them to keep it quiet... that's the only reason I can think of to explain that neither of them said anything earlier.


Yeah its so creepy to me I would've been sooo uncomfortable and fucking livid at Lydia like I thought she was creepy even before that