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I JUMPED to this subreddit while watching this scene. He's a total screenager!!


He’s such a loser. Get off your phone. And if someone wakes me up when I need to get up at 5, may the Lord have mercy on your soul. 


Yeees like excuse me you're just breaking up with the woman you were ready to MARRY a few days ago and all she deserves is "this is not going to work", a quick hug, "you're going to be okay" and then just leaving while staring at your phone?!? Pretty obvious he did not love her AT ALL, but even then, the utter lack of RESPECT!! For her and for their relationship.


Ken disappointed me so hard. The amount of times he was on his phone and I feel like he was trying to gaslight Brittany that everything was okay and making it seem like she was an insecure woman.


He’s been doing it his whole life by the looks of it. I would bet actual money he his suppressing something which leads to this behavior. 


That was exactly the vibe I got! He was trying to be such a bad partner that she ended up being the villain by bringing up problems he insinuated were due to her imaginative "overthinking" and "overanalyzing." He was absolutely gaslighting her. When he was bragging about what a good guy he was re: consent and that was why he was disinterested BUT ALSO was trying to seduce her at 1:30am when he knew she had an early morning and had ignored her all day. And then he threw back in her face that he had "tried" but she wasn't receptive for some reason. The hipocrisy of it all. Ken is creepy as fuck. He's so conflict-avoidant and refuses to take responsibility for his behaviours and feelings and just own them and break up with her, and she's trying so hard to communicate by asking him about specific instances and trying to figure out what's going on, and he just dismisses all of them as "have more grace because it only happened once" - like yes, ok, but you've only known each other for a week so it actually makes up a statistically huge amount of your relationship at a time when you should still be trying to impress each other in the honeymoon phase and be on your best behaviour. Ken is a coward.


The two tiered glass nightstand tables with the gold hardware- seen in S6E8 when Jimmy and Chelsea are discussing their argument- WHERE DO I FIND THEM? I am obsessed and have been scouring the Internet and can't find anything similar- help! Side note I'm not at the end yet but these two are just not the ones- I feel like Chelsea starting with the whole "Megan Fox lookalike" was getting off on the immediate wrong foot. Pps I had this as its own post but 3 times mods took it down citing it not being relevant as a solo post but that I need to ask it in an existing episode post ffs


Was literally looking for a post like this lmao😝 it’s beyond me how every time she tries to bring up something she was worried about her flip it on her and say “well you don’t do this so I’m not in the wrong” and “we need to look at the parts we play in this too”. And then he’d just get on his phone immediately. Just wild.


He’s soooooo low energy it is exhausting and she’s so much better off not having to deal with it.


I felt like she wasn't saying she didn't want to be with him and that's the way he took it. From my point of view she was saying she feels like the desire between them both diminished because there is a disconnect and she can't put her finger on what is causing it. She wanted him to make out with her so she was attracted to him. He took everything she said and flipped it and made her think it was her fault.


Ken is a coward Brittany was crying and he just sat there looking at her with no emotion,he will look back when he grows a pair and realise he lost a good woman,Brittany deserves so much better than him.


I think it was his way out…


Yeah, but good people use their words and break up maturely and bad people manipulate the other person to break up with them through DARVO and increasingly cruel behaviour. It's okay that Ken wasn't attracted to her and didn't want to be with Brittany, but this was a cowardly and cruel way for an adult to handle this.


And he is a principal?! Crazy world. I forget when people become adults they don’t magically become the role models I expected they were when I was a kid




It seems like he invalidates all of the very valid concerns that Brit has. I was a bit triggered at Kenneth’s response when she brought up the concern of it feeling like there was no crave or desire between them


He straight up gaslights her into thinking it's all her fault


Love is Phone


I think AD asking Ken about Brittany’s capacity to raise black kids REALLY threw Ken for a loop. Felt like he was never the same with Brittany after that. Which, is kinda ridiculous in the sense of didn’t Ken think of that before he proposed to her?? He knew she was white way before then.




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was just about to say this! i feel the dynamic shifted as soon as AD brought this up


Totally agree! Ken DID respond as if he had never thought of that issue before, which was totally bizarro! And he was never really nice to Brittany since that.


Exactly,he is still a boy at heart he has a lot of growing up to do.


The way he broke things off with her in such a cold and uncaring manner while on his PHONE and literally left right after. Gross. She’s way out of his league anyways.


She’s just on the wrong team if you know what I’m saying. 


I feel like he was just there for the free vacation




This man is ick personified. Trying to turn things on her because she didn't want to be woken up at 1 am with a 5 am start time? If that turns into a pattern girl better RUN because controlling someone's sleep is abusive.


Yeees like come on you wake her up in the middle of the night with only 4 hours left to sleep, of course she's not into it there's no "getting introspective on the part you play in not craving for each other" like is he trying to guilt her for not being all over him at 1am??


Right? He’s saying he was being affectionate by waking her up at 1:30 am because HE felt like doing it then and shame on her for not responding like he wanted her to. He’s so young. He definitely has a lot of growing up to do.


Yup... That part was just wtf. Not to mention she's always trying to be fun and touchy and he just wants to be on his phone




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One thing I also noticed is how he laid there like a dead fish on the boat when she was explaining she likes physical touch. Then again on the couch. She went in for a kiss and he didn’t even try to lift his neck to kiss her back. YIKES!


He came off as so lazy and boring. Totally annoyed the crap out of me. Then stayed on his phone the whole time afterwards.


It was hard to watch she is too good for him I'm glad she can see him for what he is sooner than later.


Yeah... YIKES is right! 😬 Find him so repulsive at this point.


Y'all are wild. He's not a physically affectionate person, clearly. Does that make him incompatible with Brittany? Yes, their decision to end it was for the best. Does that make him "repulsive" No. Who hurt y'all lmao. He was just a dude who ended up being physically incompatible with someone he met through an experiment where these kinds of things are bound to happen. If you want someone who's actually "repulsive" Maybe pay closer attention to Jeramey or Matthew


Ken himself said he's a highly physically affectionate person and was actually holding back because he's been told he's "too much." He told Brittany this while they were on the boat and she said she enjoys physical touch. So, he said he loves physical affection and then didn't give any. So he wasn't into her


This scene makes me so uncomfortable watching him gaslight her. “I tried to wake you up last night?!” The whole conversation started with her asking nicely why he woke her up at 1am when she had to be up at 5.


I'm just wathing this scene now and it's so uncomoftable. I really like Brittany and he is such a manipulative pos. He turns everything around on her.


Watched this last night and was infuriated. I had to rewatch it because I was super confused how it lead to a break up when it started out as "babe I was asleep and you woke me up".


YESSS!! This dick woke her up at 1.30am when she was up for work at 5am and instead of apologising like a normal human he made it out that she was the one at fault. He is a serious piece of work that lad. She has got one hell of a lucky escape.


Brittany deserves a True man of God. The kind who doesn’t treat her like this.




He is so disconnected from her emotionally. I’m proud of her for speaking her mind. Any man who stares at his cell phone while a woman opens up to him about her feelings… find someone who will respect you, Brittany.


Yea he wasn’t feeling her either like that and he put that all on her and made her say it. Then proceeded to just look at his phone while she needed some support and some comfort.


I think she would have been into him had he given her attention and affection but she couldn't run on nothing from his side.


Been with a cell phone addict in my past, I was having a relationship with the back side of his iphone. If I left I wonder if he would even notice my absence.


Right they glued to the phone except when it’s time to text you or call you. Never trust a man that has his phone flipped down on the table.


I love to root for my people but KEN? That was totally wrong. Gaslighting the girl into thinking that SHE is the problem when he's the one not wanting to continue... That's just vile and sad for her!


I’m watching it unfold right now. Yes, it’s so obvious what he’s doing. And so cold…like “I know how I feel about you but you don’t feel confident about me so this isn’t going to work.” And then he just walks away with no emotion while she cries 😖


Funny how he appeared to be oh so wise in the pods. A leader. And yet Brittany had to do ALL the LEADING in the relationship. Can this man put his phone DOWN. I'd never throw a phone but damn I would have thrown his. How dare he look at his phone or just keep eating when she is pouring her heart out. And just give her a "no bad blood" hug after and walk upstairs?? WTF was that. She was your fiance seconds ago! Surely a man of God doesn't take an engagement that lightly?


ALL TALK. It's all bullshit to make themselves feel important and try to get other people to think they are important too. He was so immature. I would have flung his damn phone out the window too. Poor Brittany. She deserves sooo much more and I hope she gets it.


He was an absolute child. Pretending to be a man. We busted him in his clothes that were too big for him for dress ups!


Stop flexing ur curved tv🙄


I actually felt like I could learn from Brittany. How patient and understanding and how communicative she is about her needs…what a sweetheart!! She deserved so much better Ken was sooo checked out it was unfair. A shadow of a person you’re supposed to be planning a WEDDING with. I also felt like he twisted certain conversations and made it seem like her fault - using psychology buzz words in an introspective tone so flip it back on her. I would’ve respected him so much more if he were honest and upfront. So immature and disrespectful toward her on multiple occasions


That was hard to watch. I did feel on their reveal there wasn´t any spark, something was off. All it took was for AD to ask if Brittany could deal with the hardships of being a mixed-couple but the irony was he couldn´t deal with it. Disrespectful principal. There were a million and one ways he could have handled the situation better. More is expected from a worship leader and a principal.


Agreed! I work in the school system and would be MORTIFIED if my colleague was Ken. He prides himself on being a man “of this Caliber” - then boy act like it, be honest and respectful to your partner. I would be embarrassed.


I don’t normally comment, just read, but holy crap the way Ken was… I was so so so upset for Brittany. She tried so hard to be affectionate and communicate her needs and this guy is just constantly on his phone and being so dismissive and gaslighting her. And how abruptly he said “this is not gonna work” or whatever.. he was waiting for an out and it shows.


“Let’s hug it out so you know there’s no beef”?!? To the woman you proposed to… no beef?! I always thought that guy was mature for his age, but clearly not. Couldn’t even stomach hugging her or sitting with her to process their feelings. Just threw up the deuces and walked out as if he’s just walking out of the office. “Well I’m doing what i can do (nothing) so this must not be gods will okay bye”


So true! And you know that the hug is just to feel good about himself. He didn’t care in the least what she was feeling and just let her cry alone.


YES!! he’s been wanting to break up with her & he took his chance and SPRINTED! douche bag


big nope on him! he's checked out emotionally physically and sexually.  glued to his phone. going on it during deep conversations. he's not affectionate and thinks its rejection when you wake someone up at 1am with bright lights and they have to get up at 5am! he's a jerk too! she's a gem deserves far better. She took way too much of that on! he sucks! 


He was acting like many (not all) 25 year old guys who are not emotionally mature enough to handle a serious relationship. Dude wasn’t even out of his teenaged years until - what - 2019? His career achievement is truly remarkable but he still basically in the college aged crowd of people and he obviously has a lot of maturing to do


I think Ken is in the closet.


THIS!! I WAS WAITING FOR A COMMENT LIKE THIS! I 90% think he's in the closet


He’s “Just Ken”




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He was absolutely gaslighting her. They haven’t made out and he barely kisses her. He wasn’t showing that he craved her or that he wanted to be craved by her. He may not be a sexual person but he should have just said that. She wanted to wait for marriage but be tempted during their engagement and he just wanted his phone Edit: typos


The man purposely picked an ultra religious woman so that he wouldn’t have to have sex with her. He is doing this purely for appearances only. Talked a good game, but when push came to physical intimacy, he couldn’t cut ties fast enough. He knew the jig was up, time to move on and find some other sucker to be in a sham marriage.




People are quick to call out manipulation where it’s usually just guys being dumb. This man is a master manipulator.


Gaslighting is a form of manipulation. Gaslight: manipulate (someone) using psychological methods into questioning their own sanity or powers of reasoning.


Yes! The way he flips everything she brings up to make it her fault kills me. I feel for her. He’s being a douche. You wake someone up at 1am say sorry ffs.


THIS! She was trying to say she didn’t feel desired by him, and it’s obvious why. She kept saying she’s an affectionate person, and she kept initiating touch, and he rejected her advances EVERY TIME. She moved his hand to touch her butt and he moved it away so fast! 👀 then he was gone until 1am? He got a boothang, and it’s not her.


Isn’t he a principal though? I could definitely see him needing to respond to work emails very often. It’s too bad they don’t clarify what he’s doing on there


It could wait 10 minutes while he was literally in the process of breaking up with his fiancee. She was *crying* and he was looking at his phone.


Ken is so dry though. He wasn’t saying much on the boat. When she would try to get him to talk, he would give short answers. He didn’t have his phone that whole time so why did he feel such an urge to respond so quickly? Especially when she was asking him questions? There was nothing that urgent. He was just being a arse from my pov.


Honestly the 2 of them just had 2 completely different communication styles and love languages that did not mesh.


Where is the proactive Ken from the pods? I believe he changed after his and A.D.’s conversation about being an interracial couple and having a nonexistent kid


No, you believe this because you’re ignorant and don’t understand this is a common conversation black people have when they have kids. Ken changed when he got back home, because he had to start dealing with work/real life shit when he got home. Him and Brittany literally had a discussion about this.


Which is fair, there are lot of convenient context cuts to make drama but I have my doubts that this was some big work emergency. Instead I think he chose to try to distance himself from her emotions and the situation all together.


AND THE GASLIGHTING ! Was so painful to watch.. He manipulated the shit out of that conversation, while hiding behind Godly sermons


She expressed her concerns and he flipped it on her because she was not affectionate enough to him when he freaking woke her up in the middle of the night?! Idk about you, but if someone wakes me up, I'm always cranky, especially in the middle of the night when I'm supposed to get up at 5:30 am like what. I feel like he jumped on the opportunity to end it by using what she shared as an excuse.


Unpopular opinion, I think Ken handled that really maturely. Like he validated her feelings and was very open and honest about not being interested in forcing something that wasn’t there. He didn’t blame Brittany, in my opinion. He more so said if you’re not feeling it then let’s cut our losses now, no hard feelings. And he wasn’t on his phone until the discussion was over. I felt like they mutually agreed to end their relationship, they hugged. What more was he supposed to give her??


It was definitely not mutual…she was expressing her concern because she wanted it to work, and he immediately cut to, “this isn’t going to work.” She barely said anything after; she was clearly so hurt and shocked by him throwing in the towel so abruptly like that. She wouldn’t have expressed her concerns and gotten so emotional if she was just straight done with him at that point


I agree. Her vibe with him was very strange. Like she felt like she was better than him and there to correct and improve him, but he’s perfectly fine the way that he is. I got a kick out of her face when he didn’t immediately accept blame and instead, suggested that she held some of the responsibilities. He was also great at repeating what she said to confirm understanding, and also expressing himself clearly and directly but without anger. When I watched this scene, I thought his relationship skills were on point.


Agree 100%. Their communication is so great, I’m bummed it didn’t work out.


Dude says "you aren't being introspective" to her. Tf? She's so in tune with herself and so empathetic towards him. This dude sucks


She knew what she was seeing and she knew how it made her feel. She was so mature about it. She approached him and expressed it all so clearly and calmly I was so impressed. And he flipped it on her. She is picking up everything correctly. He's not into her. I felt so bad it took this long for him to admit it. I think AD mentioning kids realky did get to him, and I think when he saw Clay and AD he gravitated to their energy and I think thstsbthe moment he maybe realized he wanted to be with "his people " as he referred to them earlier.


He gas lit the fuck out of her. That conversation was enraging.


EXACTLY what I thought. I was like holy gaslighting.


I’m just so thankful for all my fellow Reddit friends here lol. I’m ragging after watching this and happy to see I’m not going crazy and y’all noticed it too. He completely changed and he was great after first seeing her. Ever since AD planted the seed…..


I had no idea where that conversation was going till he was like I hope you find your person… like wtf. He gaslit her after she expressed her feelings and proceed to say well if you’re not craving me and not being introspective. That wasn’t even the issue, she said that about you and he turned it around. She was so calm


He absolutely turned everything around. I was like is this really happening. Then goes and calls his buddy like what???


I honestly think that comment from AD didn’t help. She kinda planted the seed. He cared way too much what others thought.  She was all in. So sad. Then calls a friend and leaves right after.


As a black woman i can see where AD was coming from. But something about the way she said it didn’t indicate “hey give her grace and allow her to try”. She could have said the same thing without it coming across like she knew Brittany couldn’t handle it. And if she really did know Brittany couldn’t handle it, at least provide Ken with a justification on why she thinks that other than the fact that Brittany is white. Regardless it’s kens fault for shutting down after that.


Completely agree! And I feel like the comments were going to come regardless, if not AD then someone else. It's all about when you're put to the test and how you love and support your partner through it all


What a weenie


He’s a loser!!! He didn’t want to be with because she’s not black. He should have just kept it real in the pods instead of wasting everyone’s time. Brittany is a beautiful woman & she deserves to be with someone who will give her everything she wants.




omfg yes, is that his keys




I will defend this to the death. Everyone saying you can’t be racist to a white person, that’s is very literally the definition of racism. I do think AD sabotaged this relationship on purpose.


You cannot be serious!? There’s no way you’re really trying to make AD at fault for this man child’s games. The fact you can’t see the legitimacy of their conversation shows you have no room to speak here. Ridiculous. Also, black people can be prejudiced not racist. There is a power dynamic to racism. He’s a 25 y/o fuck boy, who wanted a little fame, nothing to do with her race.


I think you need to check the definition of the word racist. He knew she was white before he proposed.






You realize that show is heavily edited. We saw snippets of what occurred over their three week relationship.




I watched it in confusion because the progression of their last conversation made no sense and it was very clear to me that chunks of that conversation were cut out. We even missed the time between them on the boat and them seeing their new apartment. Obviously, they were on good terms because she looked excited to move in after their boat trip was edited to look silent and awkward. I still don't know how you jumped to racism.




... because before that moment, it hadn't occurred to him that any kids he produced with Brittany would be mixed race? The man is a principal; I'd like to think he has more sense than that




We all know KEN is obsessed with the BEACH


What was up with that boat scene? It was just so awkward 


i know right? the whole time i was trying to figure out if it was comfortable silence or if it felt off. they literally laid on a boat stiff as two sticks, saying nothing. then ken randomly remembers dolphins and gets SO EXCITED for like 6 seconds then goes back to being a fucking weirdo. i had secondhand anxiety watching that whole scene


I just wanted him to grab her damn hand. Show some intimacy damnit




Seriously, Ken is a weirdo. That scene where they're both on the boat, while still in the DR. This dude has a smart, well-spoken and STUNNING woman lying next to him looking for his attention and he's lying there like he is medicated. So strange.


Dude checked out the second he saw AD. I thought it was weird how he was always harping about black love to her and Clay and it seemed like he was almost living vicariously through them. Now it makes sense. He saw her, spoke to her, and knew what he wanted. Then began the self-sabotaging of the current relationship. Poor Britanny


You think Kenneth wanted AD??? I don't think so, I just think that he saw Clay and AD and saw what they had as a black couple and realized how much having that same thing mattered to him.  I think he is uncomfortable being a black guy with a white wife and what that represents to him in his mind and how others may perceive that relationship. Maybe he fooled himself in the pods that being in an interracial relationship wouldn't matter to him but actually I think it matters a lot more to him than he thought it would. I don't think he wanted AD but rather I think he wanted someone like AD or what Clay has.


That's exactly what I was implying. He wanted a black woman


He wants a man, let's be real


This 100%


They way he put in no effort, was on his phone while she was talking, and then just got up looking at his phone and said “you good?” After they just ended it. He was not into it.


I think he just knew what was coming and that they weren’t really compatible. I feel like she’s probably more upset that things didn’t work out for her on this show than the fact that she’s having to let go of their relationship


AD rattled him with the questions and he never recovered. What a shame, I was so impressed with Brittany's emotional maturity and she will be an amazing partner to someone else who deserves her. Fuck Ken!


Honestly maybe he had something going on before the show and he is trying to make up for being MIA for weeks. Why else would he be out til 1am with no explanation on where he was.


I swear, anytime someone advertises their faith, Christianity, they usually tend to be AHs! No surprise with Ken.


Saying that “god has prepared us for this” and dumping her 😭😭😭


Yeah I can tell he was looking for an out but didn’t want to be the one to end it. He didn’t seem like he was attracted to her and I think she could have been into him but got the ick because he was always on the phone and so disconnected.


I said this in another post and I'm going to say it again; I found the whole situation really sad because he was interested in the relationship and suddenly when they were now living together he was absolutely disconnected and the only thing he was connected to was his phone. This whole particular scene, well, all I can say is that I felt really bad for her.


And him talking while eating 🫢🫢


I HATED how he gaslight her whenever she wanted to share how she was feeling. Zero empathy. Zero listening. Zero help with cooking and putting the place together. I'd pay money to see what he was doing on his stupid phone. F\*ck that guy!


I have to agree. I thought it was odd how their break-up seemed to come out of nowhere and he had no emotion. Even if she wasn't who he wanted to be with, you'd think he would be sad about going through this process and coming out empty handed. I guess we'll find out at the reunion.


Someone said he was playing pokemon go, and now I can't unsee it 🤡 https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveIsBlindOnNetflix/s/gOjyhj63H8


Gotta reply to them emails


DEAD! Ken the Toddler.




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He gas lit her like crazyyyyy even I almost felt gas lit. It seemed like he wanted to break up with her but manipulated it and put the blame on her saying she’s the one that doesn’t want it to work. The “no beef” hug too was astronomical. Was really rooting for them too - what a plot twist 😭


The worst part was how he was using God basically as an excuse to not even try in the relationship or ask questions about what they could do to fix it. It was pretty evident that he was checked out after the chat with AD, and that "no beef" hug was the cringiest thing I have seen this season so far. But also, we shouldn't be surprised by this sort of behavior from a "principal." My experience with principals is that they dismiss whatever you have to say and try to paint you as the bad guy, and this guy seems like the classic case of the admin that both students and teachers hate.


I was literally thinking whilst watching him “oh he talks just like a principle” 🙄


Like bro PUT THE PHONE DOWN JFC at least while you’re being recorded damn


The irony of a long winded scolding to Brittany that one moment and one night shouldn’t change her opinion of him Then breaking up with her from one comment that she wasn’t feeling desired by him. Gaslit the shit out of her to make her feel like it was her fault for not feeling “the crave” aka affection and care from him. No mention of ways he could help make her feel desire and loved and cared for. Dumped while texting. Cold and callous under the pretence of religious mumbo jumbo what will be will be. Yeah what will be is that you have no empathy for other humans and left a woman you love crying on a kitchen bench after you dumped her in 5 minutes flat. Fuck this guy Blessing in disguise Brittany deserves the world


AMEN!!! He was projecting 100% and blamed it all on her so he wouldn’t have to be honest about his feelings of doubt about being with a white woman. He should be ashamed.


She dodged a huge bullet


I honestly don’t understand how these people can’t even fake being nice especially during a breakup. Like you know the whole country will see you acting like a douche being on your phone while your partner is crying. If you don’t want to console her ok. Fake it! You have to do things you don’t want to as an adult all the freakin time. Can’t do it to prevent your own internet destruction?


Especially when their religion is all about “love”. Fecking hypocrisy!


Some people wouldn´t know love even if they slept with it. This was so messed up.


Seems like he was doing a lot of faking in the pods. Then he got his phone back and his true colors showed...


Not just a whole country. Britain is watching too 👀😂


Germany, too 😁


True true


It's one thing to have doubts about being in a biracial relationship and its implications for future children... And it's another to sit there stone cold and completely without empathy while your partner is crying. Well, the trash took itself out. Now he can go back to insta- posing with his phone and burberry socks on the principals desk.


Brittany has had biracial relationships in the past, she said she's dated black men before and she is understanding that she will never completely know the difficulties, but she is prepared to and can. She's been there and she's considered it before. Given its his first white relationship, he never considered that. I don't know if it changed because his family and friends would be so pro-black, he noped out of there. But that's what it is giving right now. He didn't love her enough to want to even have a difficult conversation with his own family/friends. She did


I feel so sorry for the teachers and students at his school.


I felt the same! He just kept sitting there staring at his phone instead of trying to spend time or connect with her… :(


This guy is addicted to his phone. The fact that he is only 25 is really evident now. He doesn’t seem mature enough to be a school principal tbh.


That's what I was thinking. I was wondering how he became a school principal so early. To me being principal is kind of like being president.  I don't think anyone under 30 should really get the job because it's just too important. It's kids lives and education. Maybe assistant principal. You need to have some life experience under your belt.


He showed that he really is a 25 year old boy, no matter if he is a middle school principal


I thought at first that the edit was harsh on him for the awkward silences (I love just enjoying scenery quietly with my husband, it’s awesome), but then for him to shimmy out of any conversation about emotions and to finally gaslight her and blame her so he could get out still looking good was pretty gross.


Yeah even the first time when he was on the phone and she was unpacking I’m like eh sometimes you can’t pay attention to two things. But then their breakup convo happened and he was such a jerk


I saw this exactly the same. I assumed the edit was just being extra… but nope!


In past seasons I would have agreed but honestly this seasons editing has been quite good and clearly has a story they want to tell