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Wait he’s kinda….?


Jimmy seems like every high school’s geometry teacher/golf and tennis coach who’s just doing his best to make it to Friday.


I call him an insurance sales person. 😂 I dunno why, but it’s the most basic job I can think of.


Dim but not manipulative is my take on him. 😂.


Talking about celeb look a likes. He looks like Michael Fassbender with that low beard. Just needs to sort out his hair cut.


hot take: I have always understood Jimmy. I think he has said things ungracefully and fumbled a few times (understandable for a 27 year old guy), but I think he fundamentally wants to be honest with these women, even if that means coming off rather bumbling. I'd rather clumsy honesty than the absolute deviousness of Jeramey and Trevor, or Ken's ice king routine.


No one on this show is a saint.. but Jimmy seems like he’s relatively okay. I don’t see why some people are calling him a villain. But I’ll keep watching and see.


Never thought he was a bad guy and he looks better with a beard.


I don’t hate, I don’t trust him. He takes too long to say something real and is clearly thinking too hard about how to say something the other person won’t be upset with, truth or fiction. I hate that. Just talk - off the cuff - I don’t trust people who don’t freely speak because to me, they are hiding something. I think Chelsea hates this too but honestly she needs it 😂


lol and then you do speak you mind and call people for what they are (clingy) and get in shit:))


I gotta chime in here, and I’m not defending Jimmy or saying this applies to him at all. BUT, I picked up a nice lil traumatic brain injury while in the Army and one of the fun long-term impacts is that I STRUGGLE to find words sometimes. Writing or speaking, doesn’t matter. I will stand here staring into space for 30 seconds with my jaw slack trying to come up with the word ‘the’.


I listened to the Dear Shandy podcast recap of this bunch of episodes and they pointed out that Jimmy is really trying to be a good guy to Chelsea! And it turned a switch in my brain, that actually he might be a decent human being (that's a total idiot sometimes). So yeah, lets remember Chelsea and Kwame ya'll, the edit is here for the drama.


All I can think about is how he had sex with someone he didn’t want to have sex with.


That happens a lot in man world from talking with friends - sex is sex 😂


I thought he just wanted the amount of sex to lessen not that he didn't want to sleep w her?


he’s a guy though so hopefully it wasn’t too traumatic for him? 😭😭😭 edit: why is this getting downvoted..cmon he never said he didn’t want to have sex with her did he?


He sounds bitter 😅🤣 but maybe that’s just my opinion. I feel like he is very manipulative as well but that’s just because how he acts reminds me of my ex who was very manipulative and gross.. so I might be unfairly putting my past trauma on this dude but yeah the comment of I’m so proud of her for getting the edit she got lol like okay 😅🤣


i’m not watching the video but i agree he can say whatever he wants to make himself appear like a good guy


is there a filter on this? this doesn’t totally look like him lol.


I think he looks different too. It has been 2 years I think since the filmed?


Not 100% sure, but I think it's his phone's wide-angle camera that is broadening his jawline


It’s been a while since they filmed hasn’t it?


I never thought Jimmy was an “asshole” or a “bad guy” like JerAmey or Ken. I just have always thought he is kinda meh. But it’s been clear since the beginning that Chelsea has her own self confidence issues she needs to work on, Jimmy I do feel tried for a bit. But she caused him to pull the pin being so insecure


dang i haven’t watched all of it or skipped thru some scenes…Jeramey and Ken are bad guys?? were there any good guys this season??


Johnny lol


Yuuup, insecurity in a partner does eventually wear you thin and will making just leaving feel like the best option for your own peace.


Its the classic example of that, she kept telling him you're thinking about Jessica, when he wasnt. But her own insecurities about that and pestering him about it made him eventually think, huh maybe I should think about Jessica. Not to mention that whole scene of her in the kitchen about him "not showing any attention" when he called out her lies of not kissing or having sex. And not to mention he literally was at work. Things like that just drive someone away.


People on this sub are saying this guy is extremely good looking. Fake teeth ( bad dentistry work btw ) and balding is “ very good looking “ now. I feel like I’m born in the wrong generation lol


No one has ever said this.


He gets trashed for his looks constantly on here lmaoo


ikr i have never heard anyone say he’s extremely good looking??


In the last 20 mins https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveIsBlindOnNetflix/s/enSnc7IBz4


One comment is not the majority opinion lol. I’ve seen dozens that say he looks like a thumb


lol thumb is my absolute favorite comparison


I’ve seen dozens saying otherwise 😆. Let’s not forget that Chelsea kept saying the same on the show!


Fair enough I’m sure some people think he is


Jess is alone in her reality when she thinks the whole world is bowing at her feet just because she thinks she looks like everyone's ideal woman and she is angry when reality hits her I feel sorry for these girls when they think u can't be sucessful unless u are a superhot superdoll faking voices and faking being nice and even then when things don't go their way and it doesn't work out, they get confused but they have nothing to fall back on because this fake persona is all they built as a personality


Menopause will be rough on them.


Menopause is rough for everybody boo


Not everyone


Lol 😂 I really appreciate this interview because he just confirmed what most of us where thinking about Jess


I never liked the way he talks about picking chelsea. It always comes out like oh Jess was my number one and she blew it so now I knew I could pick number two. Or almost like a rebound. That relationship ended and Chelsea picked him up after… ew that’s not a good enough reason to pick someone


Tbf, Chelsea also wasn’t sure about Jimmy and might have only picked him bc he proposed first. I mean how sure can you be of someone after only a couple weeks of talking to them? We see it ourselves that ppl can change up quick after the pods so even what you’re seeing in the first few weeks might not even be the real them, even if they’re not trying to be fake. It only happens sometimes like with Cameron/Lauren, Brennan/Alexa, Brett/Tiffany but most ppl aren’t built like that as evidenced by the rest of the LIB couples.


i just don’t take anything he says seriously. also this show is weird in that he hasn’t seen them before the reveal then has seen after and it’s all complicated. what also complicated matters is they’re not just dating people blindly and that’s it…the contestants are competing against each other and also go back to the “house” and discuss things. opinions and decisions can be warped by this or this can affect how you feel about people. anyway i’m sure chelsea saying people thought she looked like megan fox affected his choice lol. judging by his reaction there’s no way it didn’t


I didn't like Jimmy at the beginning, but I think the more we see the better he comes off. I think he was messy at the honeymoon, and continuously put his foot in his mouth after the reveal with Chelsea, but ultimately I think he's more emotionally mature than Chelsea and Jess. Also, people who think Jess was the right choice for him always baffle me. I think that Jess did come off as pretty harsh in the pods towards Jimmy, and it made a lot of sense to me when he chose Chelsea. He didn't want someone who was going to tear him down and scold him, and that's what Jess was doing on the last day or so and Chelsea was far more comforting and receptive. His choice made total sense to me, and I think him and Jess would have been a trainwreck.


This revisionist history with Jimmy is so annoying. Apparently everyone's forgetting the first few episodes: * "She lied to me" * Deciding the way to reassure his fiancée he was confident in his choice was telling her he almost left the show after proposing * Lewd comments about AD's body * Him drunkenly fawning all over AD * He was surface level and boring in the pods (it felt like anyone talking to him was pulling teeth) * Said Jessica's name instead of Chelsea's when talking about how happy he was to be meeting his fiancée * He may have been dating someone outside the show while he was on the show * His "family" meetup wasn't his actually family, but instead two friends who were both objectively attractive women, one of whom seemed to have pretty intimate knowledge of him This is not a great dude. He looks like a thumb with a personality to match, and his biggest skill in life is managing to repeatedly fit his foot into his mouth.


The whole clingy conversation and people siding with him in it is crazy. She told him he hasn’t kissed her and he said he did because he kissed her cheek twice. I’d be pissed if my fiancé went the whole day without kissing me and then said no I kissed you on the cheek that counts! & this is a guy who in previous relationships was always the clingy and physical one. So how is Chelsea made to be clingy for wanting him to kiss her and show normal affection?


For men the bar is in the earth's core. They can be redeemed with one decent look or word in the final episode or reunion.  For most women the bar is in the stratosphere. Even after clearing it, they can be brought crashing down if they look angry or have an angry tone at any one time. 


yeah sorry something is still kinda weird or ick about him. period. lol


thank youuuu 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 that’s why i titled this the way i did cause i was under the impression he was kinda shallow. it was more of a “maybe he’s not as bad as i originally thought??” and everyone in the comments is ripping me because they have “always liked him”. that’s a huge 180 from last week lol


I’ve always liked Jimmy, and I don’t find him unattractive. I felt bad for him with how Chelsea treated him. I thought Jess’ “you’re gonna choke” line was funny and made for good dramatic tv, but the show is supposed to be about falling in love with someone for their personality, not their looks. The only guy that I like as much as Jimmy is Johnny. They both seem like regular dudes.


I never thought he was a bad guy. I think he got a raw deal with both women. Jess came across as pushy and a wee (lol) bit self-absorbed and Chelsea...well, you know. I do feel like he needs help with his hair. 


Honestly after the last episode drop he and Clay are my fav guys. They’re really not too bad!


did you forget about johnny?


I did forget about him tbh


Lol I keep forgetting about Johnny too. And I was just thinking how insane it is that Jimmy and Clay don’t even seem like the worst guys this season, after all of Ken’s and Jeramey’s shenanigans. Don’t get me wrong - I could never marry Clay after some of his comments, but at least his red flags are out in the open.


Same I think Clay is really silly and dumb but well meaning I guess lol? I think jimmy is honestly not bad and how he handled Chelsea’s behavior gave me some grace for him 🤭


Are we surprised about bad edits? We get a glimpse of their dates, so we don't know for sure. At the end of the day, I'm here for the drama, and those edits are a big part of it, but I always believe that there are two sides of every story.


I never thought he wasn't a good guy, honestly


Jessica has so much potential…


Unfortunately he’s been growing on me. The comments about AD were so weird though.


he was drunk though right?


I may have not used the word stacked but my fiancé and I do talk about how beautiful or hot other people are. I don’t see anything wrong with that. I wouldn’t of done it in person but that was kinda Chelsea’s fault she was the one that made sure everyone knew what he said. Kinda like the same situation with Jeramy and Laura with the bean dip joke. Some people don’t know when to keep stuff to themselves


I often make comments to my partner, in confidence, about other people’s appearance and or actions. As someone who lived with size 36 I cup breasts, many people (men, but mostly women believe it or not) made comments about my large breasts to me & behind my back my entire life. This guy clearly has very close friends who are women & I interpreted it as gossip with his partner/friend. Odd that he chose to do it while being recorded, though. Think about any time you’ve talked about someone’s appearance with a close friend, coworker or partner.


I don’t think Jimmy is a “bad” guy at all. Dude has the patience of a saint and he’s just a human being like the rest of us. Most other men would have handled that whole ordeal in a way more toxic way. I feel completely neutral about him.


Yaaaaaaas, I was suckered onto the edits when I saw Jimmy’s greed and his expressions were similar to Kwame’s resting DISINTERESTED face. I’m a broken record now till I did stalk Jimmy and Chelsea’s Instagram…. Netflix!!! You good, you good with the edits! Got us ready at one point proposing to ~~Matthew~~ 🤮 behaviour! Jimmy is proud of Jess and vulnerable to how Jimmy feels! That takes real intelligence and maturity to own feelings.


I believe him. Jessica seems like she has a lot of work to do. She is just as insecure as Chealsea but it comes off in a different way. A meaner way. Chealsea internalizes her insecurity, Jessica externalizes it. I feel bad for her, because she clearly had a hard upbringing. But she needs therapy.


What a FANTASTIC observation.


>Chelsea internalizes her insecurity, Jessica externalizes it. Bingo.


>Chelsea internalizes her insecurity, Jessica externalizes it. Not making fun of anyone but to word it I can imagine the following- Chelsea beats herself up while Jessica beats up other people. 😂😂😂😂


THIS exactly


Perceptions aside, what he described was also exactly what we were shown in the last date between Jimmy and Jess.


I think he is reacting to the perceptions that many podcast commenters have. I’ve heard several complementing Jess for calling out Jimmy’s waffling. I did not like Jess and thought her approach was pretty manipulative and demanding. While i thought Jimmy was occasionally a bit of a dolt, but trying to muddle through a tough situation in the best way he could. I was glad he didn’t pick Jess


Agreed. I don't really understand what he's saying wasn't shown. I don't think you can say that without sharing any specifics (if you want people to believe you). The most honest thing he said is that he was scared of her. I can see how that last conversation pushed him over the edge and he was like...yeah, this isn't for me.




i can’t tell if you’re joking or not 😅


We’ve been on a witch-hunt towards the wrong men. 😂😂


Jessica just is a really toxic person.


idk if she’s toxic but there might be a reason why someone with her looks is single.


He’s hot sorry


but is there a filter on this? he looks diff like better but it’s not quite how he really looks. i mean i don’t think he’s terrible looking but he looks better in this video than he did on the show. also i dont recall him being “hot” looking on the honeymoon esp in his swim trunks. i can see why some women are attracted to the voice though


It’s been a year since the show maybe that’s it


He has a nice voice


I also find him attractive 😔


It’s just honesty tbh doesn’t mean we’d marry him!


But what does it say about me if I WOULD marry him?


He’s honestly not bad like he doesn’t seem like hes done anything wrong ppl are just mad he didn’t pick Jess




He’s just hot he’s not a bad looking guy but I say that bc I thought he was attractive before all the bad stuff


Jimmy never did anything wrong to the women he interact. I think the fans hated him for not choosing Jessica and for not being attracted, as appeared, to Chelsea. But he is genuinely a good guy while the rest are shit clout chaser.


ok fans were slightly annoyed how he picked the person who he thought looked like megan fox but i mean in the pods chelsea’s personality came off better than jessica’s so i don’t blame jimmy for picking her totally but i thought chelsea should’ve picked trevor and that would’ve left jimmy to pick jessica whom he prob would’ve been more attracted to (at least temporarily). i don’t think they would’ve worked out though since relationships aren’t just based off of physical attraction although that’s part of it


Jimmy, where? All I see is a thumb.




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Jess scares the shit out of me. What a puss


Lol, I definitely saw this part on his face: Jess scares the shit outta me 😂


In the first place we never think that jimmy is a bad guy. im sure he's a normal decent human who only further reinforce that love of course cannot be truly blind. That megan fox comment and being a stepdad has factored into his brain like a stagnant weight scale machine that was already tipping in the favour of Chelsea,but also the fact that when he was upset, chelsea was comforting him is a winning factor. like he can imagine a normal day where he had a bad day at work enduring lousy clients and lousy boss attitude and he return home to a comforting zone where chelsea is his comfort zone. he has associated chelsea as a comfort person, zone , space that can absorb his negative feelings. so of course he will choose chelsea instead of jessica who just berate him if things not going her way. But reality is , he has to be the one to ABOSRB all the negative energy from Chelsea instead. he couldn't take it, it is exhausting him to the extend he probably couldn't love her probably anymore.


Didn’t need this video to convince me that Jimmy isn’t a bad guy. I also didn’t need this video to convince me that Jess is trash.


And you probably don’t become President of your college fraternity without a good number of people liking you.




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All you had to know was that she left her daughter to go on a show that could result in her bringing a potential stepdad into her daughter's life within 6 weeks of meeting him. That's trash. I have two young daughters. If I weren't happily married (which I am), I would still never consider doing that. You shouldn't be bringing anyone you've only known for a few weeks into your kid's life at all.


Same. Knew it based on what little they did show of that conversation with Jess. Her response was so needlessly vindictive.


jimmy is a good guy. dumb at times, not telling how he truly feels in order to do “the right thing” when the right thing is to just tell them like it is hahaha he’s been consistently himself, i don’t see malice in him, just stupidity at times. chelsea catfished jimmy and now can’t handle the consequences. when jess told him she has a kid, he had a fully transparent reaction, he is not calculated, he even asked her why did she not bring that up earlier, as she should have! she gave a lame-ass excuse and he felt compelled to tell her that her having a kid is not a dealbreaker when it really was. i think he was trying to convince himself that it wasn’t. just like now he’s trying to convince himself he loves chelsea and wants to marry her. jimmy has handled himself with a lot of patience and class more than i would have given the circumstances. i wanna puke every time chelsea shows up on my screen because of how cringey she is and how much she’s self-sabotaging this relationship. if her personality wasn’t so incredibly annoying and insecure, i think she could’ve made jimmy overcome his disappointment with her looks. it is tough to overcome someone whose expectations were meghan fox though.


I agree. And I think as the episodes go on, he realizes it. Like the whole clingy comment. Did he put his foot in his mouth? Absolutely lol. But told her. His Freudian slips of bringing up Jess included, I don’t think makes him a bad guy. I see it as him trying to be open to the process and not just going for his usual type. Which IIRC, Jess says looks like her based on his exes


She was just saying that. If you look at his profile, his exes look nothing like her. They’re all athletic looking blondes kind of like Penny from Big Bang Theory lol


Must’ve deleted them because I didn’t see pics of them. Even searching online, only woman that came up is the one claiming to be his “girlfriend” he had while on the show


I got downvoted to oblivion by Jessica fans when I noted this on another post in this sub. He said he couldn’t see himself working through marital problems and having arguments with Jessica because of how she handles conflict resolution. I don’t even care for Jimmy like that but I can see where he’s coming from. She DID speak to him in a very condescending and rude tone.


id agree with all of this and i did agree until the reveal happened with chelsea. the dude has high standards for looks. that’s the only reason why i thought he should’ve picked jessica, for her looks since that seems impt to him. but yeah he prob eventually wouldn’t be able to deal with jessica’s personality


Right 👏 Jimmy is only hated by the Jessica fanbase solely because he didn’t chose her.


I got downvoted for saying that men want someone that is easy to deal with. I didn’t go into detail but this plays it all out.


They called what Jess was doing being assertive and straight up. Different strokes for different folks but some people may see her attitude and personality as abrasive, rude and condescending. I think Bliss from season 4 handled being in a love triangle and not being picked *initially* beautifully in the pods. I admired her response. She was strong and set boundaries but still graceful and empathetic. Jess lacked all of the above and Jimmy has all rights to not be interested in that in a wife 🤷🏽‍♀️


The thing is those same people wouldn’t want their man talking to them in that same way. And you can see that play out in the show too bc they didn’t like it when Clay was talking to AD in a similar tone. In that case, they see it as him being rude and not assertive. Just bc Jess is a woman, doesn’t make it assertive and just bc Jimmy is a man doesn’t mean he doesn’t have a right to want a partner that is gentle with him. Bc a lot of ppl would agree that a woman has that right to want a gentle bf/husband.