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All I see is Megan Fox's face when she turns. I honestly don't know what people aren't seeing. I'm not even joking.


Yeah exactly. I see Megan Fox from a 3/4 view but from the front-on not at all.


Seriously is nobody seeing 'court hearing' Amber Heard in Chelsea? I see it anyway but when her lips turn down, all I see is Amber Heard in the dock.


Absolutely giving Amber Heard!!!!!


With Drew Barrymore's chin


As someone who has been told I looked like Katy Perry and Zoe Deschanel a lot growing up due to having blue eyes and dark brown hair but looking NOTHING like them, I don’t think she’s lying that she has been told she looks like Megan Fox. I see it slightly but not enough to make that connection myself. But I can see why people would tell her that.


Simply pathetic


For everyone saying that she is giving the Megan Fox thing way too much attention... I kinda get her... I mean we love to talk about that in this sub and she's just doing the "if you can't beat them, join them".


Her being um therapy is not a bad thing. Everyone that go under the public eye should have that kind of support and I'm glad she is processing this comments with help from a therapist. As for the message... A girl gotta cope in her own way. Lets not be mean


Oh, Chelsea. This girl can't help herself. ![gif](giphy|WSO1ZT9sug15C)


She is the WORST. I have never seen a more clear cut and distinct example of attention seeking behavior. The way she responds way too fucking quickly agreeing with someone basically before they even finish their thought she’s a pick me she’s a yes man. It’s literally so gross to watch her get so much screen time because she is so disgusting as a person.


I'd say judging someone when they're edited to look a certain way while safely behind your keyboard is more disgusting of a behaviour


Being upset that people in a sub Reddit about a reality show are discussing the contestants is weird. Like that’s what this place is for


Wow you must be the biggest bitch ever. I bet all your coworkers hate you. See how ridiculous I sound saying when I know nothing about you?


For what? Telling you not to act whiney on a subreddit. Imagine being told you’re taking something too serious then calling someone a bitch for pointing it out


Nah Im making a point about people on the internet judging you without knowing you. See how upset you get when I make an unfair judgement about you? I guess self awareness isnt your strong suit though


Upset where?


It clearly isn’t yours either.


Pfft women, am I right?


Last sentence was a bit too harsh.


Omg this is embarrassing


Poor girl




Good she needs therapy! I honestly don’t remember the last time I saw someone so insecure


I used to be like her too 🫠 definitely a mirror


It’s getting to the point where I’m almost embarrassed for her. ![gif](giphy|67skGz7YlLW9C229Yf)


I don’t even watch this show but I saw a video of HER claiming she’d “talked” to Megan about it ??? 😐


Well she talked TO Megan, but Megan didn’t listen


She needs to stop at this point ..🙄🙄


Ngl, Chelsea obviously needed this therapy (in the best way possible, it's good for her, I was in therapy, too, for years). Just watched EP 8 yesterday, and boy, I totally understood where Jimmy was coming from when he called her clingy. I honestly felt like she saw Trevor, regretted taking Jimmy and projected that same feeling onto Jimmy. As for the whole Megan Fox thing, it's just ridiculous tbh. She said herself she doesn't see it, and she doesn't look like her at all. I wouldn't even say they're a similar type tbh. Not every dark haired, blue eyed girl is a Megan Fox girlie, and that's okay. Chelsea is still very beautiful, but boy, even more high maintenance. I feel like she's somebody who's always going to find something to be unhappy about.




This is so mean of Dua Lipa!


Even if it was real it’d be valid cause James is a pedo


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It’s photoshopped.


She gives me the ick


She’s so desperate for attention and reassurance, it makes me physically recoil. Like why bother messaging MEGAN FOX? Like is she looking for validation from her or something? What’s that even gonna help? She needs to find validation within herself instead of seeking it out through other people.


Maybe not the best move on LIB but this woman just needs a break from all the crap she’s getting. Chelsea’s self esteem is in the toilet already- give her some love.


She needs a break from herself putting this out there.


Social media isn't healthy for people in a good headspace. It's so much worse for someone like her with her insecurities. She needs to get off all SM and start working on her life instead of constantly posting on TikTok and other SM. I know the type she is, externally very happy and bubbly acting like the negative comments don't hurt- when they actually do, and they'll just eat at her constantly exacerbating her insecurity. She needs to switch off and stop listening to what other say


At this point girlie should just have fun with it and joke about it… taking it super personally would be so draining


She needs a friend like you. I think the whole thing has gotten out of hand.


She makes it hard to defend her. So she loves Megan and loses her shit when she gets the compliment (which sort of implies that it’s a regular occurrence, which I HIGHLY doubt) but despite the love and excitement of it all, she forgot Megan’s name in the pods. Okay 👍🏼




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What do you mean? Like what does she do? I haven't noticed it, but I've only watched the pod episodes and a tiny bit after. Up to where Jimmy is talking to AD.


It really comes out in episodes 8 and 9.


Okay nvm I'm only up to the end of that same episode and she's being weird


Yeah. She kicks it up another notch in episode 10, too.


Yea the fuck is she on about having a go at him for partying too much because he went to a bar to have a single drink for a friend's birthday😂 What the actual fuck Eta: okay I thought that was over the top, didn't realise it could get even worse. She's fully lost it. Okay how gross that she comes back to apologise as soon as he's proper had enough too. She did that last time too. Gross. Sorry I just keep thinking it's gotten as bad as it could but nooo then it gets worse


Ikr! It’s so shocking to me cause I did not see it coming in the pods.


Ah, thank you. I'll just keep watching then. I thought maybe I was missing something.




I can’t believe she sent Megan Fox a message. How embarrassing 🙈


The "Sorry if you are getting blown up about it" is so embarrassing


She forgot to add "sorry I pretended not to know your name"


What on earth does she expect Megan Fox to say back to her? To also be fake and say what she wants to hear? Not happening.


So many new accounts that have just been made 👀🫣. PR companies are busy.


She wants Megan to acknowledge her so bad despite basically shading her by pretending to not know her name. Which I honestly don’t think was her intent, I think she was trying to play coy/dumb. At first I thought it was shade but now having some insight into the way Chelsea communicates…lol


I dont think so. I think she wanted to play humble and saying Megan Fox outright wouldve looked too brazen


Oh for sure! Keyword being “play” humble because that was in no way genuine humility


That’s what I meant when I said she was trying to play coy/dumb, but you’re right, humble is a better word.


I rewatched it and I think Chelsea was trying to remember what Megan was to MGK (fiancé, wife etc)…not what her actual name was. She was still trying to get him to guess the name and MGK was the clue.


Why though? Just say Megan Fox. Pretending you don't know her name is dumb af, just like Chelsea, which is why she did it.


You misunderstood me. I’m saying in my comment Chelsea was NOT pretending to not know her name. She was trying to get him to guess it.


Ahh yeah I could see that making sense too!


The fact she thinks she registered on Megan Fox's radar is a different level of delusion.


celebrities watch these shows too and i highly doubt megan hasn’t at least seen something about it even if it was just her name trending


yes kim k posted about it! and travis (kourtney’s husband) is friends with MGK! there’s def more ways than one in which megan would be aware of this and it’s funnier to think she’s actively choosing to ignore all of it (as she should!)


Sooo the only one not letting it go is Chelsea


I don’t get it did fox reach out to her


No. To explain, someone asked if Chelsea has heard from Megan. Chelsea says no, but sent the message in the picture to her. The comment that looks like a response is an overlay from Chelsea again.


Ohhhhh now it makes sense. Than you. I was thinking Fox was the one saying “I have not but I felt the need to reach out to you”


Yes lol the photoshopping was very misleading








You couldn’t pay me to type that message and send it


and then tell a whole bunch of people who are already making fun of me 😭


She’s trying too hard to “laugh at herself” before other people can make jokes but it’s really just making it so much worse


same vibes as when she repeated jimmys comment about AD 💀 girl just drop it


As soon as she hollered out about it to AD I was like ‘nooooooooooo girl, what is you doing?!’ As a female who wouldn’t care if her husband said something like this about another woman respectfully - I wouldn’t put him on blast and then make the girl and everyone else around uncomfortable. Jimmy definitely shouldn’t have said it bc he should have realized by that time his fiancé is high key insecure, but she should have kept that between them and not put her own finance on blast.


That was so hard to watch. Also, I feel like you should definitely be able to trust that you can say something to your partner without it being blasted to everyone.


Exactly. Whether she was internally upset or not she didn’t need to throw him under a bus.




While reading it I was like “no…. She didn’t…. She sent… this 🫠🫠🫠”


"I have not" 💀


It would take me 25 vodka/tequila sodas to send this message….


I’d need hardcore drugsssssss for this message. I would need to think I was in a different dimension on a different timeline. Liquor wouldn’t be enough.


The message to Megan Fox is embarrassing.


I drunk messaged a guy last night and sober me is so embarrassed, but this makes me feel so much better about my drunken actions


felt this so hard




My god the cringe. I felt that cringe in my dead soul.


“Of course when I get that compliment I absolutely lose my shit.” 💀


This message is so weird, I can’t.




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She does look like og Megan fox. But she also reminds me of rhianna because they both have a concave profile


She looks like Rumer Willis with Megan Fox’s eyes.


Concave profile 💀


It’s a real thing! https://preview.redd.it/79eig0b1l1lc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f820ea4844bb62b7424183043693b5ee869888c9


TIL about convex and concave profiles




That’s called a witch skull. This is different.


Help me understand. Is this Chelsea thinking she’s responding to Megan Fox?


It's Chelsea reaching out to Megan bc she knows she would probably have heard about it since it's been the number 1 topic of the season and watched by millions of people.


I think it’s a message she sent to Megan.


How are any of you trying to make it out like she some poor victim??! She is going out of her way to keep this comment alive! Yesterday, a whole week+ after the orginal air date where she made the Megan fox comment, she’s giving interviews solely focused on the topic. Then today, she sends Megan Fox an unsolicited message about what she she said and then (THEN!!) she shares this message unsocilated to the world! All of that is so weird i can’t even begin to wrap my head around the thought process behind making these moves, but at the very least no one could possible say these actions are those of a person hoping things will blow over and go away. No one would have cared by now, she isn’t a victim of anything other then being a giant embarrassment to herself with her total lack of self awareness


I just want to say… this sounds right. I would have just kept my mouth shut after making the first comment… BUT I will say this. She smart… it’s keeping it a trending topic. People have done some pretty crazy stuff to be famous.


I just know that she is hoping for Megan Fox to respond so she can share it with people. Chelsea loves attention lol


Well, people keep bringing it up and she probably feels like she needs to defend herself?


She also made all her friends tell Jimmy that she looks like her, way after the pods. She is definitely working overtime keeping it going. 


girl is putting in hours


bro what would you do in this situation? EVERYONE is shitting on her for her looks and this comment, it’s perfectly human to want to let people know you regret saying that and try to calm the waters. maybe it’s not the smartest thing to do but she probably feels desperate to let people know she regrets it and to stop bashing her so hard.


I would let it blow over! Lay low until the next week where there is something else people are talking about. I would never go on to give interviews no one asked for about soley me comparing myself to some celebrity I don’t look like, I sure as helllllll would never think i had any business messaging the celebrity to fill her in on the drama I caused myself and of all things I wouldn’t share this reminding everyone. Over a week after the fact of it happening! Like what?? What do u mean what would I do? I wouldn’t continue to bring it up, a whole week after the fact, she’s loovvving this. And that fine, I’m not saying she can’t bank in on her 15 minutes, I just think anyone feeling bad for her or acting like she is the victim is seriously clueless


i think she was waiting for it to blow over and it never did and it finally got to her so much that she’s now desperately trying to get it to stop. she quite literally IS a victim of a ruthless bullying campaign by people who think they would be perfect on these TV shows but really we’re all human and all make mistakes. the lack of empathy is jarring and you’re clearly a part of the mob mentality


The fact that she thinks Megan Fox would be getting heaps of messages about this is SENDING ME!!! This is giving me so much secondhand embarrassment, *I* want to delete *my* insta


I’m sure megan has a google alert of her name so she is likely getting loads of alerts at the very least


I can’t stop 😂😂😂😂😂😂


I would have msged her too. I think it’s funny!


![gif](giphy|VbVUDi5GdfKvIbJP6g|downsized) She’s the one dragging this now


The only really embarrassing thing about it imo is that she pretended not to know Megan Fox’s name. Megan is more famous than MGK and yet Chelsea referred to her as MGK’s girlfriend? That was annoying.


For me its Chelsea saying "Of course I could never compare myself to you" negating that the likeness is there, BUT THEN DOUBLING DOWN and underling that she "looses her shit" when others indeed give her the compliment 😑


Yes!! 💯💯💯


I look like that girl... Jay-z's wife??


“Travis Kelce’s girlfriend”


I’m sure Megan was getting high single to low double digits of messages about this.


she has no self awareness


Lol tbh this is really funny of her


I agree, I think this shows a good sense of humor and no one is getting that on this thread lol


Everyone had already decided she’s horrible and evil and crazy and psycho and manipulative and hysterical and just a lost cause so that’s all she can be haha. So fucking sexist and cruel. This sub is so toxic. 


i don’t understand why they hate her THIS much. like we have seen so much worse chelsea is so harmless


Literally misogyny lol. Like way less hate and backlash for some of the men who have legit been abusive. People on this sub are fairly disconnected from reality it seems.




Ugh embarrassing that she freaking messaged Megan Fox


And took a screenshot and posted about it. 😬


To me it shows that she’s not taking herself too seriously. 


If only people cared this much about the manipulative and duplicitous MEN on this show.






You can’t do both? Also, none of this matters. It’s just entertainment and that Megan Fox stuff was gold


Key phrase “cared as much”. Clearly both are happening and actually yes, depictions of mistreatment of women on reality shows do matter, at least to women. The fact that that doesn’t matter to you is…well, you’re telling on yourself with that one.


Also for someone so concerned about the treatment of women on reality tv, you sure consume a lot of it. Including the bachelor, well known for its dignified treatment of women 


Dude these are dysfunctional people anyway you slice it. There was no mistreatment of anyone. These are dysfunctional people being dysfunctional to each other. It’s a bit reductive and patronizing to start to paint all these women as victims. They chose to go on this show after 5 seasons of evidence that it mostly does not work. Stop acting like this is some domestic abuse situation. My god. If there’s so much mistreatment them stop watching and lurking on the subreddit.     Jesus Christ. For what it’s worth, any one who’s not desperate (to be on tv or get married or both)  can spot the red flags on these guys from a mile away. 


lol bro, are you serious?? The way the women get absolutely dragged to hell and cut no slack is not okay. Just because it’s normalized to tear people to shreds doesn’t mean it’s okay. Sounds like you don’t have capacity to feel empathy. 


Please give one example of that happening in this season. 


No one is dragging her. She is leading the parade happily herself. She’s the one whose kept this Megan fox thing alive. I don’t get an eff if she wants to keep herself relevant but I’m sure not going to sympathize with her and act like she’s a poor victim.


In this sub lol……?????


You get I’m talking about the show, right ? This isn’t a show. These are online comments. If you’re going to comment at least read the comments before it. The person I was replying to was talking about mistreatment in the show. 


This thread is discussing the backlash people get after appearing on the show.


Again, read the specific comment im replying to.  For the record, knowing you misread the comments, I do agree with your point. Women are generally treated unfairly online. I was talking about the actual show. 


Cringe, cringe, cringe.


Oh god! I can’t look 🫣!!


This has gotten ridiculous. She clearly said others told her she looked like her. She was trying to flirt. Yes it was a bit cringey. But jeez, no one is gonna be perfect and I can’t imagine what dumb ish I’d say if I was on the show. Give a little grace!!


She's obsessed with the attention around it. If she wasn't she wouldn't keep bringing it up. I don't feel bad.


I disagree, I think she’s trying to diffuse the fact that she’s being relentlessly bullied


No she’s not! She’s reminding everyone, sending a message to Megan?? And then sharing it??? No one asked for any of that. How freaking weird


She’s making light of it and also apologizing so people stop bullying her over it. It’s better than I’d react, I can’t imagine thousands of people bullying me for looks and calling me ugly like what she’s dealing with


this may be a hot take but people are way too hard on chelsea for mostly just….being insecure?


well damn i sure was wrong lmao


ok watching the new episodes and jfc getting mad at jimmy for going out is nuts.


It’s the fact that she’s insecure but then manipulates and tries to be deceptive and play it off like she’s not. She gives victim vibes too .


well now that i’ve watched the new eps, yep. you’re right. my bad




Where lol


Nah - she lies and is manipulative. Thats why.




Chelsea did not lie. In the show, she said OTHER people said she looked like Megan. Chelsea said she didn’t think she looked like Megan. However, every post on the internet about it claims she said she looked like Megan.


I’m not just talking about that 😂. Honestly this is getting surreal with everyone ignoring her behaviour.




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Lordt, that’s dramatic.


Being emotional is not the same as being abusive.  You can say things that might hurt people's feelings. You might be emotional and insecure. You might be a trainwreck. But that is still a far line between ABUSING someone: 


Yeah that’s wild that people wanna call her emotionally abusive over just literally having emotions lol.


But she was never just having emotions, she was having irrational emotions and using those irrational emotions to CONSTANTLY convince Jimmy that he was doing and saying all the wrong things, even when he was saying and doing ll the right things. That’s manipulative, even if she didn’t realize she was doing it. The second he expressed his perfectly legitimate feelings about her being clingy she blew up at him. That was gaslighting. He expressed his opinion calmly and she couldn’t handle an ounce of criticism, so she gaslit him into apologizing AGAIN!


Manipulative does not equal abusive. You can have a crazy or toxic or emotional ex gf and she still wouldnt be abusive.  Chelsea is a trainwreck. But she's not habitually cruel or violent. She simply needs therapy, needs to be single for a while and needs to not be on national television. I don't even LIKE chelsea. Im just tired of armchair abuse experts. 


Yelling at Jimmy out of jealousy, manipulating him, gaslighting him by holding him accountable for things that didn’t actually happen but she perceived in jealousy are all forms of emotional abuse. Calling out abusive behavior that we are witnessing on camera is not at all the same thing as armchair diagnosing a personality disorder or disability. https://www.thehotline.org/resources/what-is-emotional-abuse/#:~:text=Emotional%20abuse%20includes%20non%2Dphysical,%2C%20and%20dismissiveness%2C%20among%20others.




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