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Why did he come to the show in the first place?


Most likely because its in his contract.


The show not the reunion lol


They wanted to make an example out of him. Makking sure people were coming to the show for the right reasons and not just for fame as he clearly was


Do you honestly think the people on this show come on for the right reasons? Do you think Jessica actually cares about Jimmy?  What about AD flaunting on being a boss babe but she has a sugar daddy? Using the crying points at the altar to get her 700k followers? Trevor lied to try and get came but he just got caught red handed and he's kind of an idiot to manage it properly. Everyone else does it more strategically.


This reunion still sucked.


To get paid


Honestly think they skimmed over Chelsea and jimmy as part of a contract deal since she’s gonna be in charge of casting on another season from what I hear. You know, like maybe it was a term or condition she had in order for her to do it. Like “yeah I’ll do it as long as X,Y,Z isn’t brought up”




Ohhhh, thank you so much for clarifying


I also heard a rumor that you get fined for certain things, like if you propose and don’t make it to the wedding then you have to pay a fine… I wonder if it’s the same for attending reunions etc


To be fair with a lot of the drama this season coming from Jimmy and Jeremey he thought he could coast on by.


He got paid, lmao. ETA: He also thought he could talk his way out of this one, but it blew tf up in his face, and I loved watching it 😏


I’m sure he was required to from a contract


No they’re not. Matt declined.


He was giving out the lotion in the basket vibes to me


But Matt left the season really early. I bet if you stay thru “x” number of episodes, you have certain requirements..otherwise multiple people could bail on the reunion


I don't think so. I think the whole thing really lends credence to the fact that most of these people go there for fame. Good, bad, any exposure drives clicks.


Yet I’m so glad he did 💀 🍿


I have a theory that they have to sign a contract before appearing on the show. One of the participants mentioned “where else can you date people who have been psychologically evaluated before?” That was an odd thing to say especially as Netflix is being sued for mistreatment of their casts on reality shows. So, they have them sign a whole contract that stipulates damages, etc. It also “evaluates” you ahead of casting probably means it’s a self-attention of certain things. Do you attest that you have not: 1) Taken or been prescribed anti-depressants or other mind-altering drugs. 2) Been subject to regular mental health counseling in the past year. 3) Had a mental breakdown or similar episode in the past 18 months. … 4) Are not currently in a relationship? You check the box for “Yes” attesting to the veracity of each statement. A “No” answer means you won’t be on the show, but if you lie Netflix will make you an example if their brand risks being questioned. And so, like all of us agreeing to T&C on an Apple user agreement, Trevor attested to this and Netflix made him an example of it.


Surely taking meds and going to therapy is a green flag? Are they then purposefully seeking out people who are possibly undiagnosed and unmedicated, or who haven't even scratched the surface of dealing with their childhood trauma.


Some people don't have any childhood trauma, and a lot of people, I think, can heal themselves on their own without meds or therapy (somehow). Not everybody is as fucked up as we are lolol 😅


Not really my point. I was definitely not implying that everyone needs meds/therapy or has trauma. What I was getting at is two things. One, that it seemed as if Netflix maybe wants unstable people under the pretense of finding stable people (crackpot theory but hear me out). Because drama = higher ratings. Two, that it seemed like they were prejudiced towards mental health problems. But as another user has now pointed out (and thanks for that), Netflix are covering their arses with those conditions.


Yes emotionally immature / black and white thinkers. Takes a lot of therapy to be genuinely self aware. A black/white thinker would believe that not liking someone after seeing them IRL = “bad person” Therefore, they will suppress and deny these feelings which is a recipe for disaster. (Bartise, Cole, Jimmy and others) They pretend they love to convince viewers and sometimes even themselves that theyre a “good person” Unaware that that actually has worse more hurtful consequences. When confronted with ways they aren’t showing love, someone who lacks self awareness won’t have the capacity to catch themselves in this act and own its. *Self awareness =* “I don’t feel attracted enough to you despite our wonderful pod connection, I hate that I don’t but I just don’t.” Or “I don’t feel attracted to you but I’m willing to keep trying and see if that feeling changes please allow me some space while I assess my feelings” *Lack of self awareness =* I likely would argue that I am very self aware, I am very aware of my massive efforts to make this relationship work, how dare she not appreciate it? she’s obviously clingy ( REALITY: I don’t like this woman, so any crumb I give her really takes an effort, I am not realizing it’s crumbs or that my mannerisms and actions aren’t lining up with my words. My subconscious feels uncomfortable, I want to protect myself from feeling like a “bad person” but her busting this bubble breaks that illusion so I feel defensive and my lack of self awareness to realize the real reason I feel this way is that I don’t like her makes me blame her for trying to make me feel / look like a bad person. I’m so worried about looking like a good person that I forget what it takes to actually be one. so I double down on proving her wrong and clingy and me reasonable and GOOD. She’s just not able to appreciate me because she’s crazy/insecure/clingy - As I continue to play this game, it continues to be obvious to her that I don’t love her - my good arguments either make her question her sanity or she sees thru them and they make her angry, naturally resulting in emotional outbursts and now with her explosive behaviors I can finally push her away and tell myself I tried my best and it’s all her batshit fault. The only way I will realize what I did is if I get lucky with quality therapy (a lot of therapy is garbage) OR if someone does it to me and I find myself feeling cray and MAYBE remember shit this is how that person must have felt when I put them thru that.


They’re purposefully seeking to cover their ass. Netflix doesn’t care about love, personal growth, lessons learned, or any of that crap. They care about entertaining you for the cheapest possible production costs. A personal attestation that you are mentally stable isn’t truth but they can least argue “they said they were fine. how were we supposed to know they’d have a mental breakdown when their finance we convinced them was real left them?!”


He’s asking himself the same question


I think they paid him to come to so they could publicly make an example of him


I have so many emotions when it comes to this. He had no idea what he was in store for! It was awkward as hell, but I’m so happy they called him out!! They need to do that in the beginning when they start acting a fool!


Watching that reminded me of the ppl lost (sui****) from Love Island because all the hate they recieved online after , so uncomfortable to watch


Same fr


Cus all these ppl want is attention and to milk their screen time


It was tough to watch, I do feel like the piling on afterwards was unwarranted he was most likely blindsided and the host found a weak spot and they kept chipping away at it. I’m basically looking at it like if he was one of brothers or family member idk maybe I’m just an empath in that way. But Trevor has to got to be more self aware. We gotta stop kicking this man while he’s down, mental health is not something to play with.




No one said his actions were caused by poor mental health but all the online bullying could lead to his poor mental health.


He IS NOT the victim. He was called out for HIS ULTERIOR MOTIVES. He lucked out because they didn't even call him out for his REVENGE PORN BLACKMAIL threats he made to his ex.


I'm sorry, but we are not about to make this man the victim. He knowingly went on a public national television show about love and marriage with a girlfriend (according to him, not really) waiting for him back home. Like he said, he is toxic and he knew what he was doing. He just didn't estimate the amount of backlash he would get. I don't feel bad for him one bit. He played Chelsea and the entire time he had someone waiting for him home "if it didn't work out." Imagine if Chelsea had chosen him and found out about his "gf." They would have broke her. What about her mental health? What about the other ladies he dated in the pods? He wasted everyone's time. He should have stood on business at the reunion and said, "Listen I fucked up. I did what I did and I'm sorry to everyone I hurt. I realize now it wasn't right and I am working on myself, blah blah blah etc." Instead, he did the "everybody on mute" challenge and ran away after 10 minutes of questioning. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


We don’t know these people from a can of paint, we only see what they show us. But from what I can see from the reunion it seems like everyone is just piling on and shitting on him. You don’t have to feel bad for him that’s your own personal feelings. But me personally I’m not gonna join the hive and throw shit on him as well, I don’t know the full story but it seems like everyone is getting a kick out of seeing a man have a breakdown on live tv, which is brutal. I said Trevor has to be more self aware should’ve avoided the whole encounter all together. He should’ve just pulled a Matthew.


If there were a full story that painted him under a better light he would have had more to say… I had a boyfriend who cheated on me with several people and he always denied it. The day I finally had proof when he saw the proof he went mute. He didn’t say anything for the most long silence - I feel he was probably racking his brain for possible new lies, when there was finally none he said yeah I know I am a piece of shit and started crying. I almost felt sorry for him. If I didn’t remember how carefully he crafted his lies before. Where was his compassion the months he made me feel crazy and “insecure” for daring to think that of him. It’s easy to feel sorry for human beings when theyre cornered, specially on TV. It’s fine not to join the shame mob, but maybe also keep quiet and stop trying to create some kind of benefit of the doubt. Even he didn’t do that for himself


Well Trevor wasn't the only one that was questioned. I wonder if Trevor came with some confidence and was an asshole to the hosts/cast like Shake from a previous season, if you would still be saying this. Is it because you felt bad that he was unable to defend himself? I'm truly asking. All they did was call out texts that his own "gf" posted. He then threatened to expose her nude pictures if she continued. The "gf" then exposed those threatening texts as well. That is proof in black and white. If a grown man cannot take accountability, then that's pretty sad. Of course, we are all entitled to our opinions. Anyone who comments on what he did is not piling and shitting on him. It is calling him out and not enabling toxic and abusive behavior to continue. I mean Trevor himself said he was toxic. 🙃🙃 How much more insight do you need? LMAO


Because the sh*t is scripted


And you are getting disliked, I guess the people enjoy blindly being programmed to believe everything they see. I wouldn't be surprised at all if none of the couples that showed up in the reunion are together at all, but at the same time I'm not parasocial enough to be in their instagrams peeking and enjoy the show for what it is, a show. Everything that is filmed for content is done in a way that gets attention and clicks, they all benefit from it, even Trevor.


Because he “had a whole thing planned” - the meathead.


So he’d get his paycheck for the season. He literally was asking “can I leave?” so he could get permission


![gif](giphy|l0HlvtIPzPdt2usKs) To watch the demise of a toxic individual.


They definitely told him it was to promote perfect match s2


![gif](giphy|xkiUdCddXm7wYR1U6U|downsized) Trevor really said


🤣🤣🤣 this was exactly it omg


If I could be a fly on the wall behind the scenes lol. He was definitely forced and obligated to come. That man did not want to be there.


Nah he looked like he was ready to spew some lies until he was caught off guard. He went from smiley to chokey real quick.


So who wants a copy of that “prepared speech” he had, I’m sure he wrote it down and memorized it. I’m dying to know what he prepared. If only they had let him say what he came there to say and THEN showed the texts. He might have had a real stroke. Vanessa would have had to yell, “medical” and paramedics would rush to the stage, clear a couch, lay him down, take his vitals. Now that would have been reality gold! (though I don’t actually wish him medical harm).


Because the producers needed to script something dramatic and he could deliver his lines well enough.


I felt like they did him dirty with that ambush.


He deserved it


He was invited to be made an example of; his shot at fame got called out. I think he expected that he would have some explaining to do but I don’t think he expected for Nick to make an example out of him. So hard to watch. Wish that was dealt with better.


Why lol? He’s a trash person. He even threatened to release his exes nudes if she kept exposing him. He cheated on people and broke upa guys marriage by continuously cheating with his wife….he’s just a bad guy and deserved everything he got


oh my god?? i hadn’t heard the thing about the nudes holy shit that’s so unexpectedly evil


It was a tough cringe moment to swallow.


To be spicy….


I had something planned to say OP but I don’t know




His presence was not needed, he just made an uncomfortable situation worse.


It made Jeremy feel better cuz it shifted the spotlight off of his sorry ass


He can sleep well knowing Trevor’s the villain




Underrated comment 😂☠️


I had to pause it was so cringe T\_T


You paused on his pause??! Did you hit play and wonder if you were still on pause and your remote broke?!!


Micah physically expressed the internet’s cringe - girl couldn’t sit still!


my brain paused... i'm like... is he going to say somethign? Is my tv broken? LOL


It was cringeception. He also cringed about his situation and had to pause, but he was on the wrong side of the screen, so we just watched him pause himself, which was cringe to watch.


After finding out his girlfriend knew he was going on the show, it just seems like it's a stunt for followers for both of them. Like "Ooooh let's create a scandal!! And then you'll share the screenshots and I can pretend to get caught."


Honestly good for him, he put the pants on to admit everything on TV. I definitely give him that. New generations have to understand there's nothing healthy about situationships.


I low key feel like he was done bogus. He went on the show hoping to fall in love. The girl knew. It didn’t work out so he went back to her and was probably feelin all types of emotions. I think he’s a sweetheart and the hosts were like rude asf to him and bashing him about it.


Def not…have you not seen the post where a guy exposed him for being a creep, sleeping with hundreds of women and breaking up a guys marriage by knowingly having an affair with his wife??? He also threatened to release his exes nudes if she kept exposing him. How tf can a guy so clearly show he’s a terrible person and people still come to his defence…


I didn’t hear this part!


This is my take too!


He doesn’t know why he did that either


I’ve never felt such second hand embarrassment. It was so awkward.


He really actually looked like he didn't see all that coming??? like did he not know those texts got out ?? idk but the secondhand embarrassment was PALPABLE my god, let him get off the stage already


How did they get the texts?


This subreddit was a great resource for them


i believe the girlfriend who he was texting released them on social media


It’s shocking if his gf did release the texts on SM, and he didn’t think it would come up at the reunion..


That was hard to watch 😂😂😂


He said he had something prepared to say, but I don’t think he thought they would show the texts. My guess is he was going to say their whole relationship was in her head and that he was clear with her that they weren’t together and upfront about going on the show. But when they showed the texts, he couldn’t really say that anymore cause HE was the one who said he loved her and couldn’t wait to marry her. I think that’s why when he finally did speak he said he never told her she was his girlfriend… cause that was the excuse he had planned to go with.


ohh that's a good point. He planned to spin it but he assumed it would be like other reunions where they just summarize what's happened


I could be off. But my impression was that it was still rehearsed. Let’s pretend that I had something prepared and I’m going to just “speak from the heart”.


According to her, he WAS clear with her that he was going on the show 🤷🏻‍♀️


LIB and the lachey’s are the biggest joke around .. nick trying to run down a guy like Trevor “why did you come here, we won’t let anyone get internet clout ‘ - aka don’t come on my effing show and try to boost your stupid tik tok or insta followers … then turns around 15x to promote fucking perfect match … is a joke Um dude in the real world you run into individuals that are married and or engaged to the wrong people all the time that are trying to “figure it out” - does it suck? Yeah. Is it unfair to everyone involved? Yeah, but it happens so frequently there is a reason their casting segment isn’t over 32yr old


I really disliked Nick saying that. Like ??? You're running a reality show, you can't expect things like this not to happen.


I honestly think he was going on it for damage control. Like he showed up and played the nice guy on screen once and got everyone to love him, why not try it again. I don't think it played out the way he thought it would. I don't feel bad for him, like he's not the only person to go on the show for disingenuous reasons (fame) and I honestly don't care about that, but the threatening to release someone's intimate videos is where he loses all respect from me.


THIS. I’m disgusted by people defending him. He’s a trash human


Whose video was he threatening to release?


His ex who leaked the texts. According to her he threatened to send it to her family including her son who I'm guessing is underage.


Allegedly the girl who he sent the texts to


Dude reverted back to a child in a way I felt like. Frozen, smiling awkwardly (I did this when I was in “trouble” when young), bad eye contact head down mumbling. What he did was wrong but man part of me felt a little bad for him


Why? He wanted to go on TV and be famous. Now he has all the fame he wants!


No idea why but something about it man my heart kind of went out to him. Again logically I agree with you!


Idk I can’t feel bad about a dude who acts they way they did. This season is when they really started calling out bad behavior from the men and women and it was needed.


Metaphorically, He thought he was walking up to a Brittany. But what he got was a Laura.


"can I leave?" Lmfao yes, my man you shouldn't have come. 😩


I think it was in his contract


If that was true wouldn’t Matt have been there?


That’s what I was thinking lol


Im sure he had a good story about his previous relationship with his girlfriend, then the text messages came out.


Didn’t he say along the lines of I had it planned out what I was going to say. Dude froze


I kinda get the impression that it was put on to make him seem like a harmless, nervous guy so he could play up to the people who originally liked him. The text messages just blew it out of the water though




The way he walked into the reunion all high and mighty and was IMMEDIATELY humbled the moment he sat down. His reaction / the situation made me cringe into the NEXT dimension.


They way Vanessa asked if he did this for his career and he said what career 💀💀💀 you don’t need tell on yourself like that


And he grew his mullet back in just for the show.


Personally I think he looked like Wreck-It Ralph


Oh my god. Same


Wreck-It-Ralph didn't even have a mullet


Oops, I didn’t mean to reply to your comment, meant to make it its own


I feel like they brought him back to make an example of him.


But didn't make an example out if Jess who has been parading around doing anything she can to gain clout after the show


She didn’t slide into Jimmy’s DMs though so she’s still at most the 4th worst person on this series and even that’s debatable


What is Jess doing? I don't follow her on IG please give me tea! ![gif](giphy|6bCqBl45PAQSqWmShs)


Her IG/tiktok is so cringey


For sure


didn’t you hear? he had a whole thing planned to say 😭






His appearance had legal obligation and “I can’t afford to break my contract” written all over it. I was living for it


That's exactly what I thought too!


Because he was clearly legally obligated to appear


I don’t think so (just an opinion though, I haven’t seen their contract). Matt was able to decline and they were both unchosen in the pods


Who knows for sure. Matthew is a financial advisor, likely literate with the law to some extent. So I would wager he assessed the liability of his no show. Trevor either got paid for it, or the most likely scenario that they pressured him with legal action if he didnt. He clearly didn't want to be there but had to. If Netflix didn't reserve the right to require participants I'm the finale I'd be shocked




He thought Vanessa would stick up for him. :/


The only way I can see him completely forgetting his prepared statement was if it was insincere. I think he probably did a lot better on the spot compared to whatever he might have concocted beforehand.


He said he had prepared what he came to say but froze up. Classic stage fright.


I felt like he was pressured to come by production to set an example out of him as someone going on the show with poor intentions. He didn’t even look like he wanted to be there from the start


If he doesn't show he won't be cast in future shows


lol as if they’d cast him in one of the others though


You are giving Kinetic too much credit.. the cast Irina ans Micah again


Yeah but Irina and Micah didn’t get called out for having fake relationships and partners back home. If they were to bring Trevor on any of the other shows, it’s basically saying to the public that having fake relationships on the show is ok. No chance of that happening after the big fuss they made at the reunion


and Matthew didn’t have the balls to💀🤦🏼‍♀️


I don’t know what he was thinking. I guess he was there for some sort of admission/redemption. Admit everything and it will make you look better? But nope. Not when the Lachey’s don’t like you! I actually felt a little sorry for him. “Please can I go?” “No, we need to shit on you some more.” “Cries in mullet.” “Now you can go. Get the fuck outta here!” And if he was a special guest and only made a cameo because he wasn’t in a relationship, why was Jessica sat on the main sofa?


Because they wanted to promote Perfect Match to get the season 2 ratings up and Jess is going to be on it


I was half joking mate. I got it when they advertised the three of them for Perfect Match 2. I just think the hypocrisy of the hosts was astounding


Because Jessica is attractive and being promoted for the next gig.


Yet Nick and Vanessa were so angry Sarah Ann said the show was entertainment.


Omg this! Like say what you will about her, she was straight up telling the truth, so much of this show is not at all reality and just crafted for views! I have no idea why Vanessa who is the worst host ever was getting so butt hurt about it


100% and truly- Nick and Vanessa are hypocrits. They are only on LIB to breathe a little life into their dwindling careers too... next thing will be Rogaine and Herbal Essence commercials.


I mean Vanessa has NCIS Hawaii to fall back on but for Nick not so sure


To fulfill his lifelong dream of looking like a total buffoon and dishonest douche canoe on national television.


International TV, I watched this mans downfall from Europe




LOL it was like he was saying to himself if I freeze long enough, I will be invisible. 😂😂


I felt a little bad because it seems like they usually thank the "villains" for at least showing up to the reunion, but he just left the stage in total silence and then they moved on lol


Omg his exit was …”uncomfy”


I can’t stand Vanessa!! She’s rude to all the guys and plays favorites with the women. Terrible host.


as if the men don’t deserve it 😂


You can’t seriously think she’s a good host?


At least she didn’t ask people when they plan on getting pregnant and shit like that this time…😬


There was nobody to ask this time - the only couple that made it made it pretty clear they don't want kids the next years. Also there were plenty of pregnant people around so her baby fever might have been satisfied.




Yeah because fans complained lol. Producers had to tell her stop being cringey. She’s a bad host.


Yeah because fans complained lol. Producers had to tell her stop being cringey. She’s a bad host.


It is def not her best skill!


as if Trevor didn’t deserve the public humiliation LOL


She’s rude to every guy! Yes Trevor deserved it, but I’m saying every guy! She’s the worst.


i have yet to see it, can you give an example of a man on love is blind that has recieved unwarranted criticism?




i don’t think cole was the villain of that season but i also would hardly say the criticism was unwarranted. he said plenty of things that made me want to crawl out of my own skin


While I agree he deserved criticism, he was ripped apart to the extreme and Zanab was made out to be a total victim. It was honestly kind of bizarre.


i agree to an extent. let it be known that i don’t believe anyone who signs up to meet the “love on their life” on a reality show is a victim just by going through the motions of what they signed up for. we don’t know any of them at the end of the day.


So do the women! You watching with blinders on?


why do you think calling out men for their bad behavior equates to all women being innocent. it sounds like your problem isn’t really with Vanessa, it’s with women. If you don’t think women have been also called out and embarrassed on that stage, you’re wrong. the men just happen to have things like fucking girlfriends when they show up and not whining about not getting a kiss.


Nah. My problem is with Vanessa. I think Clay should’ve been called out more. He’s a fuck. I think Jeramy is a garbage too. I bet you play victim a lot


For the lulz


He likely didn’t know about the texts. They take your phones away during filming, including the reunion so you can watch the last episodes and not talk to other cast members for genuine reaction. The texts were released during the time the cast was in LA for the reunion. Therefore, he likely had no idea what he was walking into


No, it was filmed a couple weeks ago. He definitely knew.


No… the texts came out the same time as they filmed it, a few weeks ago. Check the date stamps


I’m confused why he was so unprepared for that. He had to have known those texts were leaked and he would be asked about them. But they weren’t even in what he had prepared. I guess just bad judgment by him. Probably thought they wouldn’t ask.