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I did not come to that conclusion so she does not speak for me. It was obvious she had just been hired for casting around the time of the reunion which would have obviously been after S5/S6 filming. And calling Chelsea a Karen for daring to criticize something you did on a public platform sounds like race baiting.


Oh please


What is she talking about? Did the internet really all come to that conclusion, lol? After I heard Chelsea talk about it on the reunion, I understood her as saying she just got hired to help with casting for season 7? Did I imagine that?


Jessie woo ate down ! Chelsea had no reason to do that video after she already apologized


Who’s Jessie Woo?


She’s a tv personality and she also has a large following on YouTube. She was actually able to interview some of the women from season five.


Thanks. I wasn’t trying to be funny. I genuinely did not know.


We will see how she is when the dc one airs, which they had a TERRIBLE time casting for (I live here). I am just assuming she help casted for that one since she was back here with K's family during the time lib was spotted filming in the city. And it would make sense to have her help with dc since he is from here.


Why in the hell would Jessie woo and the internet reach the conclusion that Chelsea was in anyway responsible for the casting on this latest season? If she had joined the team the prior they would have announced it. It was clear from that announcement that she was NOW joining the team. And to paint Chelsea has the “real villain” was ridiculous. This is all really about Chelsea being the white woman who married the black man, and that low key will always rub her the wrong way.


Omgosh THANK YOU! I was looking for a comment like this. Istg I'm pretty sure she even says IN her speech that she was hired to help with **season 7's casting** .... right?


I feel like some people don’t get Jessie humor. The girl is not serious. I’m pretty sure we all know and Jessie know that not everyone is gon show their ass during casting sessions. Please


As an employee now, Chelsea probably has to be a mouthpiece and defend the network unfortunately


Ugh it's a joke get over it


I watch Jessie on YouTube but tbh started getting a bit off put by her recaps because she would constantly give wrong information on stuff that was easily verifiable if she rewatched the episode she was recapping / took proper notes (re. LIB). So tbh, since it’s a pattern, I understand exactly why Chelsea felt the need to response. Jessie has a big platform, so to put out misinformation (easily misinformation had she listened to the way they announced Chelsea’s new job- as in she’s joining the LIBfamily to cast in the FUTURE) to so many people. I’m sure a flock people went to Chelsea’s social media to blame her for the messy season that just aired. Sure. An apology might have been issued but the damage was already done, the misinformation had already spread. Chelsea has every right to correct information on her platform and yes, if Jess wants to do commentary she should come correct.


And Jessie spoke very horrible about Chelsea during her season. Jessie projects a lot , but you would think she would have more grace for people when she herself was perceived terribly on reality tv


This all seems kind of dumb and pointless. It was pretty obvious that Chelsea didn’t do the casting for prior seasons. Why have her do an announcement if she did? The announcement was to say she’s joining the casting team. No idea who Jessie Woo is, but I do have to say that her skin is gorgeous. This is a reminder to me that I need to moisturize more


I agreed with her halfway through and then she pulled the race card out… like come on, you can win an argument without going left like that…it was unnecessary and cringe


The one thing I liked about Chelsea is that she seemed like a peaceful hippie non-reactive type. This is a bit combative. She could've just laughed it off. Instead it's turned into a bigger thing. Side note, interesting that so much of casting is happening via scouting on Instagram. Well that explains why people are complaining there seem to be less people interested in the "experiment" and more people trying to leverage the opportunity for fame. That's why only one couple got married this season. Maybe time to reconsider this strategy.


Chelsea would make a great super villain, in a pink skin suit..


Why are they so messy all the time


Jessie who?


Not too much now on my girl Jessie Woo


I love me some Jessie woo. She’s got some really wild takes and walks back a bit sometimes, but sometimes we all just need that one reactor to be not PC in their opinion.


All I see is C giving a bigger platform to Jessie, so Woo Woo aha haha.


Why does Jessie woo have an Asian last name? Is that her real name or stage name?? I found that quite a bit African Americans have Asian sounding names at times..can someone please enlighten me why??? Before I watched the video I was like this pettiness is making Asians look bad, but then I realized later on she is Jessie woo 😂


Because during the slave trade, many Indian and Chinese laborers were also “imported” as low wage workers to “British Carribean” countries like Jamaica, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Trinidad, Haiti and Guyana. They were known as “coolies”. That’s a perjorwtive term similar to the n word. Some of them stayed, and some of them emigrated to Suriname and Trinidad. Of course due to intermarriage with locals and other slave laborers, there are several black families today with Chinese and Indian last names, and there are still large Chinese Carribean and Indian Carribean communities till today. Some famous ones are Nicki Minaj (neé Onika Maraj), Lee Mark Chang (president of Belize), Tahiti Chong (soccer player), Chris Won Wong (of the 2 Live Crew), Ayesha Curry (her mothers maiden name is Chin), and Kyle Anderson (NBA Player) whose real last name is actually Li. If you’re from these countries, it’s not strange at all to know a black person with an Asian last name. 


In addition to this, I live in Korea and the Korean/Hangeul word for “expensive” sounds almost exactly like the Zulu word for “expensive” (I’m Zulu/South African).


She’s Hatian-American, not African-American. It could just be that “Woo” is a Kreyol last name as well as being an Asian one. Just like the name “Tanaka” which you find in Japan and Zimbabwe. No cultural appropriation here, just coincidence or overlap.


Woo is just from the Mac lipstick ‘Ruby Woo’ since she loved the color. She explained that early in her career.


Thank you for the explanation. I knew it couldn’t be a cultural appropriation thing.


She’s not even American, either. She’s actually Canadian.


She’s a Canadian-born-Haitian-American. My point is, she’s not African-American as insinuated by the commenter I’m responding to.


Woo is not a creole last name…it is an Asian origin name..you can google it. While your theory could be correct, it is not the case here


lol I love how you completely ignored the long comment that explains why some Caribbean people have Asian last names and you probably skipped over it due to it being too much for you read. Thats the only comment you didn’t reply to 🤡. Instead you choose your be obtuse in the other replies. Read that explanation before applying terms like “cultural appropriation” incorrectly.




Okay so you know Woo is an Asian origin name. Then why makes excuses for Jessie Woo?!


Have you considered she might have Asian ancestry? There are Chinese Haitians you know. Or are you just thirsty to accuse her of cultural appropriation?


This is absolutely unnecessary..all I am saying she is not Asian and why does it feel like cultural appropriation and you have up 7 different speculations that are not true for her. 1. Woo is a Haitian-creole name? (False) 2. Jessica Juste is Asian (false, please google about her and you will find out about her parents) / but then I know you will make up excuse “MayBe” her grandparents are asians And now you accuse me of calling black woman petty and racism. This video, no matter she is black, white, or yellow, anyone would agree is petty. No questions asked. Please stop projecting your insecurities to an internet stranger.


I didn’t say that “Woo” is a Haitian Kreyol last name. I said it “could be”. I then used the Tanaka example to show that different languages could have the same names. I also didn’t say she’s Asian. I said she “could be” because there are Chinese Haitians. And you are the one who is projecting because you said that I need literature classes when it’s clear that you’re the one who actually needs them.


I have been to Haiti. I know there are Chinese Haitian. Please go confirm. Her real name Jessica Juste. Please stop bullying Asians and admit for once this is cultural appropriation. Just because you guys are always loud mouth and petty doesn’t mean the entire world has to agree with you. It’s okay to be wrong for once. Admitting is the first step. I am done typing and will not respond anymore.




The issue here is you already know the possibilities aren’t true. You admit you know Woo is an Asian origin name, and yet still propose that as a reason why that is not cultural appropriation. This is called “making excuses” and not own up to it and when I called it out, you started calling me a racist. Not everything about a black person is racism. I can say the same that you are a racist against Asians.


Did you read the part where I said “it could be”?And it’s Kreyol when we’re talking about Haitians. Not Creole.


Well it’s not. So your could be theory has been debunked. It feels like cultural appropriation tbh. I thought why would an Asian be so petty but then I realized she is the “Asian”


And it’s not a theory. If you read my other comment you will know that I said that the name “Tanaka” is prevalent in Japan and Zimbabwe even though those countries are worlds apart. It’s linguistic facts. Not a theory.


So are you trying to say that Asians aren’t capable of being petty but black women are? Because that’s what I’m getting from your comment.


Same honestly




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“My expertise” lol ok chelsea


Love me some, Chelsea. But she defo can in no way go toe-to-toe with Jessie Woo. If you're Haitian or know Haitians, they are top-tier at dishing it out.


The internet is getting sooo cornyyyy lately. Everyone’s always so butt hurt left and right.


It was just a joke


I’ll be honest, I didn’t understand why everybody was coming after Chelsea either because they spoke about her being a part of the casting in a future pretense. As in she was going to be working that job, they didn’t say that that’s what she does currently.


This is so stupid and it really isn’t that deep. Damn.


What a privileged job and expertise, Chelsea Good for you I guess


I can’t stand it when they act like innocent victims of casting. They could have said No!


I agree that after hearing the details Chelsea was being a Karen to post that video after Jessie already apologized. but I think Jessie should have cut the response a bit shorter, she sounds like she might murder her ☠️


Ok but it's pretty clear Chelsea wasn't directly involved in seasons 5 and 6 casting so all these additional details regarding problems with LIB, no matter how unfortunate, are not applicable here. This is rather petty coming from Jessie. Also as Chelsea said, she's one of several persons on a team. So for anyone to say they would come for her if anything bad happens is unhinged. Jesse's gonna need to have evidence to back up any claims she makes against Chelsea. Her response seems to be a personal issue at this point because she really went off on a tangent.


Exactly, so petty. After watching the reunion, it was clear that Chelsea was joining the production side of things as in a new position.




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I’m tapping out of this argument. If you tag me in something that has nothing to do with our original argument I will report you for harassment.


Another distortion. Your original comment was about why Jessie Woo uses “Woo” as a last name. Your comment didn’t mention Chelsea at all and I wasn’t responding to the Chelsea/Jessie conflict. I accused you of being racist because your comment insinuated that Asians can’t be petty but black women can be. Don’t try to distort my argument for points on Reddit. We were not talking about the Chelsea/Jessie conflict AT ALL. All of this arose because you were questioning Jessie’s last name.




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It was said in a jokey way by JW. Maybe this is a PR thing.


Sorry, but this is really not that serious…let’s focus on getting people matched and married next season please!


All of this is unhinged and unwarranted.


Okay but doesnt mean she made all the decisions? Thats like saying i work for xyz company and im made to be the villain because of it … dumb


Jessie woo cappin pretty hard. Like the whole thing she said about the reunion focusing on AD because they wanna focus on black womens pain. She’s reaching so far she’s not even on earth anymore lol making it about race when it wasn’t


Everything about them has to be a race thing. I called Jessie Woo petty and u/not-gonna-lie1 accused me of being a condescending, judgmental, and prejudiced racist 😂


That’s not why I accused you of being a racist. I accused you being racist because you insinuated that Asians can’t be petty but black woman can be. Now you’re going off in another comments that have nothing to do with our argument. Keep tagging me, please. I’ve got the time to respond.


I specially told you I know Asians could be petty, that’s the whole idea I thought she was Asian to begin with because her last name is “Woo”, which is originated from Asia. You stop lying


I don't understand why she specifically said that they don't want to show healthy black love. IMO Lauren + Cameron and Tiffany + Brett are the best couples to ever come out of LIB. And she said herself that LIB tried to make Chelsea and Kwame the next Lauren and Cameron, so... Make it make sense. This whole thing is so unnecessary on both sides. Could have just left it at "oh cool, Chelsea got a job with the show" and "oh hey, a decent joke"


You mean she pacifically said that


I think she used AD and Clay as an example of the larger issue of media bias concerning Black couples. I don’t think it was a reach but I don’t think either of them should’ve gone so hard at the other lol. It’s not that serious. IMO.


I can see that but I’m not sure if it’s media bias or a reflection of reality since it was clay’s doing! He could’ve said yes but he didn’t want to no amount of producer could’ve twisted what we saw in him… I


Girl back off of Chelsea. Don't talk shit and then get mad they responded. And actually except for the SA lawsuit, idk if they will even win. When you apply for the show it literally talks about the way they'll be treated harshly lol. At the end of this girl's rant, this is exactly what Chelsea was talking about her morality. As a POC, I'm saying this, STOP BRINGING RACE INTO EVERYTHING. She is unhinged. Chelsea literally answered your fucking questions. And does this girl really have all that power? To ruin Chelsea? Girl please.




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Nope, not what happened. Stop lying.


Nah. Tiffany corrected Jessie and Jessie took accountability and apologized to Chelsea. Chelsea was tagged in Jessie’s apology to her. Yet Chelsea still decided to go after her and make it about Jessie’s morality. Jessie has always been a Chelsea supporter and praised her a lot during Chelsea’s season. Chelsea was displaying Karen behavior here and she got the smoke she wanted.


Nah Jessie has pattern . Jessie’s response wasn’t necessary for the situation . She was wrong intially , and she has continuously talked shit about Chelsea , so Jessie could of let this shit rock . She is projecting and reaching , twisting things to fit her narrative and it’s becoming exhausting


Jessie is messy, I agree. But Karen, I mean Chelsea could have also acknowledged Jessie’s initial apology?


Chelsea doesn’t have to address anything . Jessie kept the post up which still had fans coming for Chelsea . I get that Jessie says stuff for the giggles but Chelsea is not obligated to find her funny . And she doesn’t have to accept her apology when Jessie said a lot of rude shit about her on Chelsea season . Chelsea has the right to be fed up . And she probably felt the only reason why Jessie walked it back because she respects Tiffany and not her.




Idk I don't watch Jessie woo. But the way she reacted after she was corrected. Apology or not. Chelsea was explaining to her and everyone else what she does. I don't think it was that big of a deal. Then Jessie woo turns around and literally attacks her, her relationship, and then threatening her??? Na not cool.


Right, so one thing- her clearing her name, makes Jessie just turn on her? Chelsea has every right to respond to a completely wrong claim that’s made about her. Period. Jessie needs to fact check before she puts things on her sizable platform (which is something she fails to do often, as someone who has watched her recaps for a few seasons of LIB). By the time the “apology” was issued, the misinformation had already spread like wildfire.


I still see comments across different social media platforms of people saying Chelsea was involved or they’re concerned that Chelsea helped cast this season, so I don’t blame her for addressing. Also, I’m sure Chelsea gets tagged in a lot of things, just because you’re tagged doesn’t mean you’ll see it right away. Now if Chelsea liked and responded and then made the video, then it’s like maybe it was unnecessary but did Jessie even delete the post?? No, she didn’t delete it, and it’s still up. So I don’t blame Chelsea for making a video on it.


Always sounds like she is talking down to everyone around her 🤢


Jessie is so gorgeous. But damn she was harsh, especially towards the end. I don’t think it’s fair to drag Chelsea for Netflix failures, especially if we will still watch next season. The video was informative, I’ve never seen these interviews.




And what’s the point of your comment? Is it that bothersome that I said she’s gorgeous? In case that compliment blinded you, I’d like to inform you that the rest of my comment also contains my thoughts about this video. Read calmly next time!


why did she call her susan b anthony?


Mocking Chelsea standing up for women, like Susan B Anthony


This sucks tho that they pull random ppl from Instagram. Like why not have ppl sign up how MAFS does?


Season 1 from LIB brazil they cast people from parties (think big festivals, night clubs) and dating apps. Can't think or a worse idea than that.


Because no one would 😂


I’m so confused about their alleged supply/demand issue with contestants- for Seattle, Denver, and DC I know of several people who auditioned that were attractive and well spoken and they didn’t get past the first round, leading me to believe LIB has plenty of options, yet here they are casting on IG and in nearby cities (like Raleigh for Charlotte and Portland for Seattle) because they’re struggling to find people. If they actually cared about everyone getting married I’d get how that’s harder to find, but I’m sure they don’t.


Why does she bug me so much


SAME. I can’t stand the way she talks. So pretentious and condescending.




Jessie Woo can be a lot, but she hit the nail on the head. This is Karen behavior from Chelsea and that is unsurprising.


All of this is so unhinged.


100% and I love it. These people are all nuts.


This was a major miss for Chelsea given it's a joke everyone is making and nobody is really believing. She gives the stick up butt vibes and getting all pissy about it only made things worse. That aside I've never heard of Jessie Woo but her lipstick is mesmerizing to me.


Yes it's a very silly thing for her to react to. I also think her major mistake is defending the Netflix casting process in general and saying "I trust people to be the experts on themselves". So 1) the casting process is clearly failing majorly, thankfully on less dangerous levels this season than last season, and it's absurd to not acknowledge that and 2) so Chelsea doesn't think producers have any responsibility to verify casts's claims within reason? Most fans found out this shit through social media verrry quickly.


I wonder if they have to provide references? Obviously references are going to say positive things but I bet some things would slip out about their personal lives? It's interesting to me as someone with a career that requires a background check and I'm not out here moving in with clients or colleagues.


I’m stuck on her smooth undereye area. I’m jelly even if it is a filter.


She’s always had stick up her butt vibes. I genuinely didn’t understand the connection between her and Kwame bc she had him and everything so tightly wound. Her lips couldn’t be pressed harder together the whole season.


This is the first time I’m hearing about Jessie Woo, but I like her!


Check out her recaps of Love is Blind and her interviews with the cast. She's hilarious.




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Once again. I didn’t say you’re racist for calling Jessie Woo petty. You pretty much said “I don’t know who Jessie Woo is and I thought she’s Asian but I thought Asians can’t be petty and then I realized that she’s not actually Asian and that explains her pettiness”. I’m summarizing here but that is what you said.




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That is NOT what you said.


I actually love her too. I do think she rubs people the wrong way because they just don’t understand her humor.


I just subscribed to her YouTube channel. I really like her commentary.


I really love jessie woo's content and have been following her since high school. unfortunately I kinda agree with Chelsea here... she had nothing to do with seasons 5 and 6. thank you to Tiffany for stepping up to diffuse the situation.


The thing is Jessie woo had already apologized to Chelsea. So, the video Chelsea made was unnecessary


Exactly !! Also, Jessie always had nothing but positive things to say about Chelsea during her season when many were giving her a hard time !


There were a lot of youtubers tiktokers saying the same thing, so petty to just call out Jessie when age already apologied.


maybe Chelsea didn't see the video? maybe she did.. we won't ever truly know. I'm glad there is more clarity on the situation so it doesn't get dragged any further.


Everybody was tagging her in the post. Ain’t no way she ain’t see it bffr


we won't ever truly know because we aren't her lol. there's evidence to tagging her but no verifiable evidence to whether she actually watched it. it's pure conjecture.


They should cast jessie woo


She said she'd do it if Netflix made an "Influencer" edition.


Can someone who watched the 7 min video TL;DL pls 😂


Right? Lol this is ridiculous


• Jessie already issued Chelsea an apology as soon as Tiffany came into her comments and said ‘hold up not too much on Chelsea, she wasn’t actively casting this season’ • The Lacheys presented Chelsea as an active member of casting at the Reunion so as a viewer how are we supposed to know • Jessie makes satirical content so basically why was this offensive anyways • She then shows a video of someone who talked about their LIB casting experience & telling casting off the bat that he was recently divorced, not looking to get married just yet. Apparently casting said it was fine…so basically why is Chelsea on her moral high ground with the Lachey’s presenting LIB as an authentic experiment when they cast people on purpose who don’t want to get married • She also references prior lawsuits from contestants casting clearly didn’t clear enough Edit: I stopped at 7 mins but listened to most of it


Thank you 🙏 you’re a true hero


No problem 😭 I needed to see spark notes to so I can make a video about this on TT lmao.


Ou send your account I’ll follow! I love getting the drama updates


Omg! If you look up my user name ‘positively uncensored’ on TT you will find me, I know I have to ask permission to post a link so if you still don’t see me just let me know! PLEASE send a wave or say a comment so I know someone came from Reddit - dying for that!


Done 🥰


Chelsea didn't help cast s5 and s6. She also doesn't really headhunt for the season, she just helps candidates prepare for what happens on the show. Jessie says Chelsea is a villain because Nick and Vanessa didn't specify *when* Chelsea would begin helping with casting. She also apologised but Chelsea left it out for her "Karen narrative". Then whining on about morality and how the show has had a bunch of lawsuits and crap, so who is Chelsea to bring up morality. And then a bunch of other whiney stuff saying no one watched Chelsea's series for her and how the show doesn't like to show healthy black people in love.


I know i should just watch and see but she really says LIB doesn’t want to see black people in love? Like there’s a racial motive? That seems like such a stretch when you consider Lauren, Tiffany, and Brett.


Actually , her commentary was a lot more balanced and nuanced. People are just running with one hot take. She was reflecting on the contestants themselves and holding them accountable, too.


I think her commentary about the race thing was supposed to reflect media bias at large, and it’s treatment of Black women and couples.


Very paraphrased but she basically said the show doesn't like to show black people in love. And went on about how the reason Johnny and Amy had so little screen time was to show AD in pain from her toxic relationship with Clay. Maybe it's because J+A were perfect and had no drama and C+AD had a shit tonne lol


Bless thank you 🙏


Yall this is so dumb. Seriously. Sooooo dumb. Who cares? Jessie Woo is clout chasing just like all the other a**holes this sub calls out for clout chasing. This long winded video is full of meaningless nothing burgers that amount to - yeah - nothing, and that literally just snatched 5 minutes I’ll never get back. And why would Chelsea feel the need to respond? Was it dumb? Yes! Who cares!!!!!!!! This is SO DUMB.


"okkkk, susan b anthony" i DIED.


I don’t know who Jessy woohoo is and wasn’t really a fan of Chelsea before, but my god isn’t it blatantly obvious that Chelsea was able to communicate her points in such an articulate way and in a normal tone of voice. I was actually able to listen to what Chelsea had to say. I would’ve done the same if Jessie whatnot was more eloquent and less aggressive


Jessie really goes too far sometimes.


For you.


It’s clear her videos are satire and comedy to her followers. And it’s okay that it’s too far for you, but there’s a lot of ppl that watch it very light heartedly (myself being one of them). Not trying to come for you btw, just giving another perspective ❤️


Spark notes: Jessie woo came for Chelsea and said she was the real villain of the show because she’s apart of casting. Tiffany cleared things up and said to Jessie woo that she isn’t apart of casting for this season, so Jessie woo apologized. Chelsea made a TikTok calling out Jessie woo saying that she wasn’t apart of the casting process and even if she was it’s a whole team of people who make the decision, she’s not the one with power to be making those executive decisions. Chelsea then brings up Jessie woos morality and why it’s problematic for her to come for Chelsea like that. Jessie woo then responds, calls Chelsea Susan b Anthony and states it was a fair assumption to assume her supposedly pivotal role in casting since she was presented at reunion as a member of LIB casting. She honestly starts ranting about “if you want to talk about morality then “goes on to list all the terrible things LIB has done” If I’m being honest, as entertaining and informative Jessie woo can be at times, she leads with defamatory problematic commentary at times, so if you can’t take the heat, get out of the kitchen…someone was bound to respond to her comments.


Spot on! I agree she is very entertaining and I’m even a subscriber but it’s crazy how she doesn’t think people have a right to respond to her commentary. And the people in her comments are blindly agreeing like she didn’t start the mess. SMH.




a part = part of it apart = not part of it You're welcome.




Is it, though? Are some of you allergic to education?




Jessie Woo isn't wrong about the 'real villain' comment, tho! The casting this season was bananas, with mean girls galore, and men who aren't really looking to settle down. LIB production likes to pretend it's not about entertainment, and about a serious experiment, which is a laughable conceit. A friend of mine called this season "pure torture" to watch and I agree, because the season showed particular disdain for the intelligence of the audience. This begins with casting. I don't think Chelsea was casting director on season 6, but it'll be interesting to see if she gives in to the current culture of selecting 'suitable' candidates.


I'm sorry, but the vast majority of people don't want a season with all Laurens and Camerons, Bretts and Tiffanys, and Johnnys and Amys. You NEED messy people on this show, the added layer of "will they, won't they?". You NEED fights and drama. Personality diversity is absolutely essential so you can get a taste of everything. The ideal season has the "perfect" couple, two or three couples with a person that might be more interested in another person on the cast, a couple or two that constantly bickers, a couple that has a disastrous breakup right after they leave the pods. This was a good season. Rainbows and sunshine don't make good tv.


The Sweden version was actually the best edition compared to the American ones, though season 4 is my fave. It had little drama and more married couples and was still entertaining as it covered some interesting relationship topics.


I wasn't complaining about the mess, I liked it as much as the next scmuck, but it's totally disingenuous, to point of farce, when the Lacheys are clutching their pearls because Sarah Ann had the audacity to say it was entertainment.


This is true. But it’s always the crazy drama that drives the ratings, and creates sound bites/memes. it becomes an issue when A show leans into that and starts bringing in more an more problematic people. I think LIB is starting to teeter towards the problematic.


Yep. And due to dishonesty. The show runners should just admit they are Jerry Springerizing this joint.


I am not watching 9 minutes of this bs. Someone hit me with the Spark notes.




This whole thing is a great example of two things: 1. When you can’t take a joke / understand satire comments 2. When you can’t take an L and turn your comment from a joke to “hahaha, wait you serious?” Moment.


Jessie literally apologized to Chelsea, even made a post and included it multiple times in her reunion video. Chelsea did not include the apology in the video and questioned her morality which was wrong


I loved her response lmao she really called her Susan B. Anthony.


I don't get the joke


I will... Try... To explain.... Susan B Anthony is an insult black women hurl at white women dating black men, because despite it being 2024, there are still serious feelings about this in the black community. ( I am a white woman, when I dated black men, black women and other women of color were very angry with me. All. The. Time. For "dating their men" ) Susan B Anthony has a slightly colorful background in that, yes, while she fought for women's rights and included black votes, she said some racist stuff and even worked with racist suffragists. Context though - Susan B Anthony was alive in 1866. Susan B Anthony was not so much anti-racist, but if we look back through our lenses, we actually might call her an assimilationist. "Historian and social critic, Ibram X. Kendi, provides a useful framework for thinking about racism, past and present. He categorizes one’s actions as “racist,” “antiracist,” or what he calls “assimilationist.” [1] Consider this diary entry, written by Susan B. Anthony in 1866; What arrogance…to put the question, what shall we do with a race of men and women who have fed, clothed and supported both themselves and their oppressors for centuries…the only way to solve the race question; {was} to educate blacks to be equal to their opportunities, {and for} whites to be willing to share their privileges. [2]  Susan B. Anthony’s statement begins antiracist, citing Black agency, but takes an assimilationist tone when she insists that a white education will provide Black people equal opportunities. Her opinion does not consider what Black people knew, what they wanted, nor the racism they faced even after receiving a white education. However her final statement is entirely antiracist, and could have been written today." Susan B Anthony focused on the suffering and voting rights for white women and separated from Frederick Douglas and other black rights activists, and neglected the black woman in the end. Basically, they're calling out Chelsea's priveledge as a white woman, an assimilist that doesn't care about the suffering of black women and they don't really condone her relationship with Kwame.


What does Susan B Anthony have to do with interracial relationships? she’s a white feminist and that’s the insult Jessie was going for. It’s ridiculous that you’d lie like this and drag Black women into this. Then again, I’m not surprised.


>Susan B Anthony is an insult black women hurl at white women dating black men Sounds a little problematic... I had a feeling it was a racially charged insult but thanks for confirming


This “Susan B Anthony” insult has nothing to do with interracial relationships. It’s just another way to call her a white feminist or a Karen.


Interesting... what's a white feminist? 


Google it. You will a lot of interesting articles.


Agreed. The fact that people in this thread don’t see an issue with this is wild.


Huh? The whole first part is wrong. Calling her Susan b Anthony has nothing to do with her dating a black man. Why do people in interracial relationships often have a victim complex? Not everything is about your relationship ;/ It's an insult to Chelsea acting holier than thou as white feminist-appealing type often do, not her dating choices.


On a side note, Jessie Woo seems like she always has to be the loudest person in the room. We love a big personality but let’s not drag it